NFL kneelers

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Exactly the point. The NFL players can all kneel and show disrespect if they want.

But the people don't need to see it.

Mr. Goodall, their leader, just needs to get before the cameras and tell the people "tough shit this is the way its going to be, and if you don't want to see America disrespected turn something else on. TV sets can be tuned into movies, other sporting events, preachers sermonizing, etc. In fact, the NFL prefers you don't watch, if you are a racist or a conservative".
And yet how many hypocrites think it was OK for Tim Tebow to kneel on the field during the game?

You don't understand the difference in kneeling to pray to God and kneeling to disrespect the country?

Tell ya what I never did understand. That's trying to make the same thing mean its own opposite.

Never could get the hang of Doublethink.

Supplicant kneels before "God" in prayer, that's humility.
Subject kneels before king, that's deference to authority.
Suitor bends knee to beg for his intended's hand in marriage, that's respect.
Quarterback takes a knee to run out the clock, that's submission to take a one-yard loss.
Black guy takes a knee during the anthem -- oh noes, that's 'uppity'.

Another racist, race baiter. It's not about the black guys, dick. It's about anyone who kneels during the anthem. No white guy who's done that has gotten a pass. You're just pathetic. You don't have the gonads to argue your position, so you cower and run away throwing fur in the air saying, but you're a racist ...

And you thought they were kneeling to honor the country??? Seriously? How stupid are you???

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
and your newest boss fave replacing the last:
"Kneeling is aggression".


Another lie by the racist hillbilly who thinks blacks are your subjects to be used for political fodder. Blacks aren't real people to hillbillies.

You prove with yet another lie though that you really were fake news. That and yet again your failure to know how to quote the English language.

Fake News is so completely and fundamentally dishonest that you lie so much you make Trump look like he's taken truth serum. The guys a braggart and exaggerates, and compared to you idiots he's a fountain of truth you lie so much
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The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Correct. The skin color of the people involved is utterly irrelevant.

Anti-American assholes are anti-American assholes, based on their actions, not their skin color.

I am aware that some white players have knelt also, and I have repeatedly condemned the vile owners and NFL organization for their support of the players.

If you want to discuss racism, go ask the media why that downplay THAT shit.
i watch these things to get away from the hate and politics. they want to drag it in there, i'll go watch something else. whether they have a RIGHT to protest here or not i simply don't care. they have no right to make me put up with it.

Exactly the point. The NFL players can all kneel and show disrespect if they want.

But the people don't need to see it.

Mr. Goodall, their leader, just needs to get before the cameras and tell the people "tough shit this is the way its going to be, and if you don't want to see America disrespected turn something else on. TV sets can be tuned into movies, other sporting events, preachers sermonizing, etc. In fact, the NFL prefers you don't watch, if you are a racist or a conservative".
And yet how many hypocrites think it was OK for Tim Tebow to kneel on the field during the game?
and who was tebow protesting when he did this?
He was exercising first amendment rights. But I expected hypocritical responses nonetheless.

The First Amendment is restricting government from stopping free speech, not the NFL. I can't go into work tomorrow and tell my boss he's a lowlife MF and should kill himself and his family without getting fired. I have no first amendment rights at work nor do these football players.

That is correct. The players are not exercising First Amendment rights, because the NFL is within its rights to prohibit any non game related displays it wants. Hence, it demonstrates the NFL's position on things that it prohibited displays of faith but allows protests against the anthem and flag. And that is a big reason why the NFL is facing declining viewership. Any time an entertainment outlet takes a political stance, it automatically runs the risk of alienating large portions of the audience.
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?
Okay, so what you're saying is that an impartial group of citizens who reviewed the evidence found that the other officers didn't break any laws. Now we're getting somewhere.
Not just the other officers, all the officers. And they weren't impartial. It is interesting you don't see anything wrong with the officers actions, but you do think something is wrong with protesting those actions by NFL players?

Correct, I do see something wrong wth it. The flag is the symbol of this country and people. The Anthem is the song that celebrates this great place. So when you disrespect the flag and Anthem, you disrespect the country and it's people.

The jury is impartial because they are selected equally by the prosecutor and defense attorney. You can't get much fairer than that.
The flag is a symbol and is not superior to what it represents. And the flag has been disrespected many times, by using it in commercial advertising, or wearing it as clothing, etc. The disrespect of the country and its people is when someone elevates the flag to a higher position than both.

Huzzah :bowdown: Beautifully and succinctly put.

These fetishists can't grok their own fetishism. Many of them will then turn to the next thread where they'll pretend to be Christians, yet ignorant of the proscription on graven images.

That would be a prohibition for Jews obeying Mosaic law, but we all know knew that.
Just one, McCain. Y'all never defended McCain until Trump thumped him. You guys weren't on his band wagon when he ran against Obungo. Phony hypocrites.

I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
I supported McCain after he won the Primaries and ran against Obama. I defended him against the vile lies that left started spreading about him.

I voted for the old man. ANd he insulted me, because 8 years later, I supported a candidate he did not like.

That was a fucking dick move, and I am glad that Trump called him on it.

Oh REALLY. John McCain, the Senator from AridZona ..... "insulted you" did he?


Wow, full of yourself much or WHAT....

THAT'S not a serious request.

Yes, he insulted Trump supporters. Most of whom voted for his old ass, in 2008.

He deserved to be insulted back.
This is what I love about you dumbass Trumpettes.

You are too fucking stupid to get that Trump could have struck back at John McCain by talking about his voting record as a Senator or something he has said.

But no,

That fast ass draft dodging POS attacked the service McCain gave to this country. A service your orange PIOS avoided at all costs.

Of course Trump could have insulted McCain on better grounds.

I get that. YOU are the stupid one, if you think that I do not.

But wtf? Do you think McCain is crying in his beer because Trump insulted his service, THREE years ago?

And you act like Trump HAS a thin skin and you libs are still whining about this minor, really, REALLY, minor gaffe, THREE YEARS AFTER THE FACT?
Trump trashed a vet's serrvice & you don't care. Tells me everything I need to know about you & how much you care about our vets.

McCain is pissed. Only a cowardly fuck like you would not be. And it was no gaffe. He knew exactly what he was saying
it would say how much he cared about THAT vet. it's a vast over-reach to apply that situation and that person to ALL vets. but hey, it's what liberals do -take 1 example and pretend it's the poster child for that problem.

do that to them they scream like stuck pigs.
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using
Okay, so what you're saying is that an impartial group of citizens who reviewed the evidence found that the other officers didn't break any laws. Now we're getting somewhere.
Not just the other officers, all the officers. And they weren't impartial. It is interesting you don't see anything wrong with the officers actions, but you do think something is wrong with protesting those actions by NFL players?

Correct, I do see something wrong wth it. The flag is the symbol of this country and people. The Anthem is the song that celebrates this great place. So when you disrespect the flag and Anthem, you disrespect the country and it's people.

The jury is impartial because they are selected equally by the prosecutor and defense attorney. You can't get much fairer than that.
The flag is a symbol and is not superior to what it represents. And the flag has been disrespected many times, by using it in commercial advertising, or wearing it as clothing, etc. The disrespect of the country and its people is when someone elevates the flag to a higher position than both.

When using the flag on clothing or in advertising is respecting the flat--not disrespecting it. It's paying honor to our country. Sorry you don't understand the difference.

See section (i) of

4 U.S. Code Section 8 - Respect for the flag.

4 U.S. Code § 8 - Respect for flag

"(i) The flag should never be used for advertising purposes in any manner whatsoever. It should not be embroidered on such articles as cushions or handkerchiefs and the like, printed or otherwise impressed on paper napkins or boxes or anything that is designed for temporary use and discard. Advertising signs should not be fastened to a staff or halyard from which the flag is flown."


You sure like to make assumptions about the understanding by others.

So WTF does this have to do with the price of rice in China?

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The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

What police brutality? If an officer is found to be abusing his authority, he is reprimanded for it. If he is not, then he didn’t break any laws and acted accordingly. Good grief.

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Exactly the point. The NFL players can all kneel and show disrespect if they want.

But the people don't need to see it.

Mr. Goodall, their leader, just needs to get before the cameras and tell the people "tough shit this is the way its going to be, and if you don't want to see America disrespected turn something else on. TV sets can be tuned into movies, other sporting events, preachers sermonizing, etc. In fact, the NFL prefers you don't watch, if you are a racist or a conservative".
And yet how many hypocrites think it was OK for Tim Tebow to kneel on the field during the game?
and who was tebow protesting when he did this?
He was exercising first amendment rights. But I expected hypocritical responses nonetheless.

The First Amendment is restricting government from stopping free speech, not the NFL. I can't go into work tomorrow and tell my boss he's a lowlife MF and should kill himself and his family without getting fired. I have no first amendment rights at work nor do these football players.

That is correct. The players are not exercising First Amendment rights, because the NFL is within its rights to prohibit any non game related displays it wants. Hence, it demonstrates the NFL's position on things that it prohibited displays of faith but allows protests against the anthem and flag.

I'm not aware that the NFL "prohibited" either one. Got a linkie?

It does prohibit messages printed on uniforms but that's about it. I think any sport, or profession, that puts its personnel in uniforms has codes about their presentation.

And that is a big reason why the NFL is facing declining viewership.

Absolute. Steaming. Bullshit.

ALL sports, and in fact ALL TV, is facing declining viewership as a result of ---- maybe you've seen this around --- the internets. Ever hear the term "cutting the cable"? Many years ago I figured out I could get anything I wanted that was on TV from the internets except elective live sports, which I'd have to pay extra for either way, so I fired my TV and scores of others have done the same thing for the same reason. I probably haven't watched a sports event any way other than streaming for at least ten years.

So you have no causation established here whatsoever --- you have a wishful thinking butthurt that we've already debunked a year ago. Football TV is down but so is baseball, basketball, hockey, college football and even NASCAR, as is non-sports TV. All for the same reason, not one you cherrypickers cherrypick and stick on like a some rhetorical feelgood filigree.

There's no such thing as a "media boycott" anyway. You couldn't do it even if you wanted to. You can turn your own TV off but you can't control anybody else. This mythology belies a basic cluelessness of what broadcast calls "ratings" and how they actually work. Audiences don't watch or listen to programs because they "agree" with them; they watch or listen because that program has grabbed their ATTENTION. And that's an entirely different thing.

---- Which now brings up the third fatal flaw in this feelgood filigree theory: The national anthem playing ISN'T EVEN PART OF THE BROADCAST IN THE FIRST PLACE. That means there's no way for a viewer to even know what happened or didn't happen before the telecast began, because at that point he was watching talking heads in suits in some studio in New York analyzing that week's games. So this cockamamie idea that "NFL is losing viewers" based on occasions that aren't even broadcast on television, is exposed for the bullshitious swampland it is. Before this fake story came up nobody who hadn't personally been to a football stadium even knew the national anthem WAS played at NFL games, because why would it be?

Mind you, going back to point two about ratings, *IF* the general NFL fan base (and not just some wacko fringe on a message board) were genuinely upset about anthem nonconformity --- and *IF* those anthems were incorporated into the telecast --- the ratings would be driven *UP*. Because that's how the term "ATTENTION" works.

NFL wouldn't do that of course because it would throw off the timing between the 1pm and 4pm games but IF they did AND there was fan base discontent, THEN it would be a ratings boost with discontented fans tuning in to see whether they had a cue to be 'outraged' or not. Viewers will tune in for something they DISagree with --- that's how ratings are created. Fox Noise built an entire News Theater out of the concept. Controversy $ells, and always has.

Any time an entertainment outlet takes a political stance, it automatically runs the risk of alienating large portions of the audience.

That's exactly why the national anthem never should have been trotted into a football game in the first place, a setting where it has no function at all.

And it's also why the NFL, alone among pro sports, sent back three-quarters of a million bucks of Pentagon taxpayer money that it had been paid to stage fake patriotism charades, once that scandal was exposed. Had they not started that shit in the first place and just got on with what they're supposed to be there for ---- a fucking FOOTBALL GAME, not a Jingo commercial ---- none of these threads would exist, Colin Kaepernick would be an obscure name in a trivia quiz, and Donald Rump would have had to find some other fake Rump Steak red meat to feed his robots.
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And yet how many hypocrites think it was OK for Tim Tebow to kneel on the field during the game?

You don't understand the difference in kneeling to pray to God and kneeling to disrespect the country?

Tell ya what I never did understand. That's trying to make the same thing mean its own opposite.

Never could get the hang of Doublethink.

Supplicant kneels before "God" in prayer, that's humility.
Subject kneels before king, that's deference to authority.
Suitor bends knee to beg for his intended's hand in marriage, that's respect.
Quarterback takes a knee to run out the clock, that's submission to take a one-yard loss.
Black guy takes a knee during the anthem -- oh noes, that's 'uppity'.

Another racist, race baiter. It's not about the black guys, dick. It's about anyone who kneels during the anthem. No white guy who's done that has gotten a pass. You're just pathetic. You don't have the gonads to argue your position, so you cower and run away throwing fur in the air saying, but you're a racist ...

And you thought they were kneeling to honor the country??? Seriously? How stupid are you???

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
and your newest boss fave replacing the last:
"Kneeling is aggression".


Another lie by the racist hillbilly who thinks blacks are your subjects to be used for political fodder. Blacks aren't real people to hillbillies.

You prove with yet another lie though that you really were fake news. That and yet again your failure to know how to quote the English language.

Fake News is so completely and fundamentally dishonest that you lie so much you make Trump look like he's taken truth serum. The guys a braggart and exaggerates, and compared to you idiots he's a fountain of truth you lie so much

I see the Grammarnazi has still not even discovered "periods", yet wants to preach.

Amusing. :bigbed:
No other nation in the world has its pampered millionaire athletes disrespect their own nation anthem. It doesn't matter if the nation is conservative or liberal, authoritarian or lax, wealthy or a real shithole. Only in America, not in Asia, Europe , Latin America or Africa do you have this phenomenon.


Is America that despicable in the eyes of Mr. Kaepernick et al?
the owners voted on AND PASSED a rule that allows players to stay in the locker room during the anthem .... they have a choice now.

so STFU about taking a F'n knee on the field - they can sit on their ass.

look it up morons
You don't understand the difference in kneeling to pray to God and kneeling to disrespect the country?

Tell ya what I never did understand. That's trying to make the same thing mean its own opposite.

Never could get the hang of Doublethink.

Supplicant kneels before "God" in prayer, that's humility.
Subject kneels before king, that's deference to authority.
Suitor bends knee to beg for his intended's hand in marriage, that's respect.
Quarterback takes a knee to run out the clock, that's submission to take a one-yard loss.
Black guy takes a knee during the anthem -- oh noes, that's 'uppity'.

Another racist, race baiter. It's not about the black guys, dick. It's about anyone who kneels during the anthem. No white guy who's done that has gotten a pass. You're just pathetic. You don't have the gonads to argue your position, so you cower and run away throwing fur in the air saying, but you're a racist ...

And you thought they were kneeling to honor the country??? Seriously? How stupid are you???

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
and your newest boss fave replacing the last:
"Kneeling is aggression".


Another lie by the racist hillbilly who thinks blacks are your subjects to be used for political fodder. Blacks aren't real people to hillbillies.

You prove with yet another lie though that you really were fake news. That and yet again your failure to know how to quote the English language.

Fake News is so completely and fundamentally dishonest that you lie so much you make Trump look like he's taken truth serum. The guys a braggart and exaggerates, and compared to you idiots he's a fountain of truth you lie so much

I see the Grammarnazi has still not even discovered "periods", yet wants to preach.

Amusing. :bigbed:

You're a racist, hillbilly liar. You use quotes wrong for fake news. You lie people said things they didnt
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?

This is where your premise i.e. "protesting police abuse", falls to the ground in a roaring "SPLAT".

Like RayRay above you've taken a statement from one guy --- named Colin Kaepernick --- from a couple of years ago and blanketed onto everybody everywhere who doesn't do the robot dance at the mandatory national anthem jingo exercise. That's a blatant broad generalization fallacy.

What, do football players all look alike to you klowns or what?
Tell ya what I never did understand. That's trying to make the same thing mean its own opposite.

Never could get the hang of Doublethink.

Supplicant kneels before "God" in prayer, that's humility.
Subject kneels before king, that's deference to authority.
Suitor bends knee to beg for his intended's hand in marriage, that's respect.
Quarterback takes a knee to run out the clock, that's submission to take a one-yard loss.
Black guy takes a knee during the anthem -- oh noes, that's 'uppity'.

Another racist, race baiter. It's not about the black guys, dick. It's about anyone who kneels during the anthem. No white guy who's done that has gotten a pass. You're just pathetic. You don't have the gonads to argue your position, so you cower and run away throwing fur in the air saying, but you're a racist ...

And you thought they were kneeling to honor the country??? Seriously? How stupid are you???

"War is Peace"
"Freedom is Slavery"
"Ignorance is Strength"
and your newest boss fave replacing the last:
"Kneeling is aggression".


Another lie by the racist hillbilly who thinks blacks are your subjects to be used for political fodder. Blacks aren't real people to hillbillies.

You prove with yet another lie though that you really were fake news. That and yet again your failure to know how to quote the English language.

Fake News is so completely and fundamentally dishonest that you lie so much you make Trump look like he's taken truth serum. The guys a braggart and exaggerates, and compared to you idiots he's a fountain of truth you lie so much

I see the Grammarnazi has still not even discovered "periods", yet wants to preach.

Amusing. :bigbed:

You're a racist, hillbilly liar. You use quotes wrong for fake news. You lie people said things they didnt

Not-sure-what-gender-to-claim poster must be pregnant. Keeps skipping periods.
Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.
What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?

This is where your premise i.e. "protesting police abuse", falls to the ground in a roaring "SPLAT".

Like RayRay above you've taken a statement from one guy --- named Colin Kaepernick --- from a couple of years ago and blanketed onto everybody everywhere who doesn't do the robot dance at the mandatory national anthem jingo exercise. That's a blatant broad generalization fallacy.

What, do football players all look alike to you klowns or what?

I was just wondering what racist hillbillies made of this. Thanks!
The kneeling is clearly being done for one reason, and one reason only, to attempt to disrespect the lawfully elected President of the United States.

The fact that they had the chutzpah to do it in front of their Vice President driving him from the stadium.

The NFL players are hoping to purify the ranks of the fans, and they are telling conservatives that they just aren't welcome in the stadiums or even watching the spectacles on TV

Actually it has little do do with Trump and more a disrespect for our men and women in uniform. Unfortunately, they chose to disrespect the flag and Anthem to process their messages.

Actually it has to do with you dictating what other people's motivations are, even when they themselves say otherwise. You even took Colin Kaepernick's personal motivation and extended it to an entire culture of a national sport. On the basis of nothing but your own fantasies.

That's a direct result of going :lalala: when information is being imparted to you.

The avatar embodies exactly that.

Please, this kneeling wasn’t even a thought until KaperClown did it. Or are you trying to tell me disrespecting our flag is the new way for jocks to protest their own launders list of personal matters? And if so, what does that tell you?

Sent from my iPad using

Tells me you're an intellectual sloth who can't be bothered to understand and as a result just plugs in whatever he wishes to deal with so he doesn't have to deal with realities because it's "too hard".

What disrespect for our men and women in uniform? The flag and National Anthem are not limited to service people.

Their protest is against our police officers in this country. Haven't you been keeping up with this story?
No, it is not a protest against our police officers in this country. It is a protest against police ABUSE. Good grief.

Now, of course, the fact that most of the kneeling players are black probably has no bearing on opposition to their doing so, would it?

Yet they choose to "protest" during the anthem, thus irrevocably bringing the anthem into it. If they really wanted to protest police abuse, why wouldn't they do something, I don't know, related to the police? You know, do something disrespectful to the officers at the game? Wouldn't that make their point more effectively?

This is where your premise i.e. "protesting police abuse", falls to the ground in a roaring "SPLAT".

Like RayRay above you've taken a statement from one guy --- named Colin Kaepernick --- from a couple of years ago and blanketed onto everybody everywhere who doesn't do the robot dance at the mandatory national anthem jingo exercise. That's a blatant broad generalization fallacy.

What, do football players all look alike to you klowns or what?

I was just wondering what racist hillbillies made of this. Thanks!

You're a hillbilly racist fake news. You dont know the difference between presentation and prose modes.

You just lie with quote marks. You totally were in fake news. You lie all the time
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