NFL kneelers

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One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

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THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Germany and Japan were Americans? Who knew???
So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

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THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Germany and Japan were Americans? Who knew???

Nope, they were enemies of the United States, no different than the CSA.
1. The Nazis behind the Charlottesville Rally last year, were dishonest in their publicizing of the Rally. A lot of people showed up, who were not aligned with Nazis. You can see that in the difference in attendance in this year's rally, now that people know who they really are.

2. YOu ignored my point about all that has happened SINCE then.And it was NOT a symbol of the Confederate Nation. It was a symbol of the Northern Virginia Battle Flag, under Gen Lee.

Why do you think the flag that proud Southerns use, is a battle flag and not one of the NATIONAL confederate flags?

3. Yes, it does. The ritual calls for standing to show respect to the Flag and the Nation for which it stands.

ANd they kneel. The message of disrespect is obvious. And if you are willfully blind, Keapernick verbally clarified that long ago.

This is not, supposedly what they are "protesting", but HOW they are "protesting".

But they are still anti-American assholes. FUCK THEM ALL.

They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


Nazis? Actually nazis? What of them? They don't get much attention because they are irrelevant.

The Kneelers are injecting their anti-Americanism into a national pastime. That gets attention, because they are being assholes.

What part of that is confusing to you?
Nazis are far from irrelevant; they're starting to win GOP primaries.
Kneeling during the anthem is one of the highest forms of USA values, because rote compliance with authority is a bigger threat to our way of life than North Korea.
Patriotism is about standing in defense of the principles upon which this country was founded.

1. Nazis are utterly irrelevant. UTTERLY.

2. Disrespecting America is not an American value. No one is threatening their right to speech, we are judging them on HOW they are saying it. Stop lying.

3. Kneeling during the Anthem is not a Principle. It is simply the act of showing disrespect and disloyalty.

One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

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THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.
So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

You cannot change history, the CSA was an enemy of the United States the entire time it existed, that is a cold hard fact.
THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

You cannot change history, the CSA was an enemy of the United States the entire time it existed, that is a cold hard fact.

That is nice. It has nothing to do with anything I said, of course.

My point stands.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.
So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

You cannot change history, the CSA was an enemy of the United States the entire time it existed, that is a cold hard fact.

That is nice. It has nothing to do with anything I said, of course.

My point stands.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

Your point is meaningless, the fact of the matter is that the flag of the CSA is a flag of the enemy of the United States, no different than the flags of Japan and Germany.

When I was a young PFC in the Corps we lived in squad bays with partitions making little "cubes" and one of the other Marines used a CSA flag as his curtain across the opening. That lasted about 6 hours till he was told that he was not allowed to fly a flag of an enemy nation. That was just about 30 years ago, so your bullshit about this being new is just that, BULLSHIT
Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

You cannot change history, the CSA was an enemy of the United States the entire time it existed, that is a cold hard fact.

That is nice. It has nothing to do with anything I said, of course.

My point stands.

Your dismissal of the policy of reconciliation, part of which was accepting that the SOuth, AND the north would celebrate and remember the veterans of the Confederacy,

is denying a history and a process that was anything but simple, and was a good idea then, and is a good idea now.

HIstory shows that your opinion on this was NOT that of America until quite recently as liberals become increasingly desperate to find "evidence" to support their hysterical lies about American racism.

Your point is meaningless, the fact of the matter is that the flag of the CSA is a flag of the enemy of the United States, no different than the flags of Japan and Germany.

When I was a young PFC in the Corps we lived in squad bays with partitions making little "cubes" and one of the other Marines used a CSA flag as his curtain across the opening. That lasted about 6 hours till he was told that he was not allowed to fly a flag of an enemy nation. That was just about 30 years ago, so your bullshit about this being new is just that, BULLSHIT

30 years? So about 1990? Relative to the 5 or 6 generations since the war, pretty recent.

Was that Marine a disloyal traitor who wanted to bring back slavery or rise up in rebellion against the federal government, or was he a loyal Marine willing to fight for this nation?
30 years? So about 1990? Relative to the 5 or 6 generations since the war, pretty recent.

Was that Marine a disloyal traitor who wanted to bring back slavery or rise up in rebellion against the federal government, or was he a loyal Marine willing to fight for this nation?

He was a racist moron that got court martialed and kicked out after getting drunk and getting into a fight with the JPs in Kinville outside of Camp Hansen on Oki
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Actually, many NFL players put action behind their protest during the off season -- now you may not have heard about it because they didn't do it in a way to draw attention --also, because the liberal media didn't want to report on it, because of how liberal the media is and all..

But here is one example of why your post is a bunch of BS:

"After the anthem, and off the field, Jenkins’ push for social justice and racial equality continued. Along with four other NFL players, he traveled to Washington, D.C., for a meeting with lawmakers to discuss criminal justice reform."

When Malcolm Jenkins went on a ride along with Philly police he said: "There was a lot I wanted to accomplish by doing it. First, I wanted to kind of learn for myself before I went on advocating and making a lot of noise. I wanted to learn for myself, kind of both ends of the spectrum. What is it that officers are going through? What are their challenges? Their perspective on the issue. Or even if they believed that there was an issue. And then also being able to hear the voices of members of the community that have to deal with police interactions all the time. The third thing I wanted to do is document the conversations that came out of it, between myself and law enforcement."

Eagles safety Malcolm Jenkins talks about his ride-along with Philly Police Department

So no, NFL players are not just protesting during the anthem and nothing else off the field, you wouldn't know or care because you don't see a problem to begin with --- but you same people are willing to declare the entire FBI and DOJ as being corrupt and I don't recall one single Trump official being shot unarmed.

Ok, one example, but Jenkins destroyed all the good he did by kneeling at the first preseason game. Yes, the DOJ and FBI are corrupt, much of the corruption happened under Obama, you tell me, did he condone it or try to stop it?

Yes, no Trump has been shot unarmed------------yet.
This is why there is no reason in talking to a Trump supporter

I just showed you an example of a NFL player doing something beyond anthem protests, and you still find a way to say "yea, but..."

Then in the very same comment, despite a Trump official never being shot while unarmed, never being beaten into a confession while in custody -- you still claim that its the DOJ that is corrupt and how black NFL players should be quiet

I think they should protest if they feel motivated to do so. But not during a football game and to disgrace the national anthem, the flag, the military, and everyone who died protecting their right to protest.

The highest form of patriotism is to engage in peaceful protest, to oppose injustice, and to express one’s opinions and concerns.

What’s disgraceful is the ridiculous notion that one should refrain from peaceful protest to appease those hostile to the issues being protested against.

And let’s make no mistake about it: the right’s hostility to NFL players engaging in peaceful protest has little to do with ‘disrespecting the anthem’ – it has to do with conservatives’ contempt for the black community bringing attention to the unwarranted killing of young black men by the police, something most on the right reject as being a legitimate, important issue to protest.

what a bunch of bullshit. There is no organized police discrimination against blacks. there are as many black cops in the big cities as there are white cops. Sure, there have been cases of police brutality--------------------against all races, and in every case the cops have been punished, sometimes jailed. f the protests are against a disproportionate number of blacks in jail, the problem that needs to be addressed is why are a disproportionate number of blacks committing crimes?

These players are being paid big money to play a game for our entertainment. Standing for the anthem is part of their contract. If the owners don't have the balls to demand contract compliance, then the public with boycott the NFL.

This is not about peaceful protest, its about doing what you are being paid to do.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Kneeling is just Virtue - Signaling in mass.
30 years? So about 1990? Relative to the 5 or 6 generations since the war, pretty recent.

Was that Marine a disloyal traitor who wanted to bring back slavery or rise up in rebellion against the federal government, or was he a loyal Marine willing to fight for this nation?

He was a racist moron that got court martialed and kicked out after getting drunk and getting into a fight with the JPs in Kinville outside of Camp Hansen on Oki

What did he ever do, that you call him a racist?

One is showing active disrespect to the American flag, and the Nation for which it stands.

The other is showing Regional Pride, which in no way contradicts National Pride.

So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

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THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

bullshit, the CSA was part of the United States. It was a civil war, not a foreign conflict. We are having a civil war in the USA today between the leftists socialists that want to destroy the country and the patriotic americans who want to save it. Sadly, you are part of the first group.
So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

bullshit, the CSA was part of the United States. It was a civil war, not a foreign conflict. We are having a civil war in the USA today between the leftists socialists that want to destroy the country and the patriotic americans who want to save it. Sadly, you are part of the first group.

It cracks me up how lefties don't realize that by calling the Confederacy another nation, they are supporting one of the primary arguments of the Confederates and the Lost Causers,

ie that secession was legal.

They are so dim.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Kneeling is just Virtue - Signaling in mass.

Tebow was not allowed to do it, but black racists are allowed to do it. Do you see anything wrong with that?
THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

bullshit, the CSA was part of the United States. It was a civil war, not a foreign conflict. We are having a civil war in the USA today between the leftists socialists that want to destroy the country and the patriotic americans who want to save it. Sadly, you are part of the first group.

It cracks me up how lefties don't realize that by calling the Confederacy another nation, they are supporting one of the primary arguments of the Confederates and the Lost Causers,

ie that secession was legal.

They are so dim.

Yes, they are. I am quite sure that if crooked Hillary had won, we would be seeing a secession movement today. Most of the country does not agree with the ideas of the left coast and the Northeast metroplex.
Kinda crazy how we spent an entire season off when not one NFL player had a protest or an event. Now that the season is starting they get involved. If you can’t actually spend your own off time protesting it’s not even serious to them. It’s a worthless protest. You can’t be so emotionally investing in something you won’t do on your own time.
Kneeling is just Virtue - Signaling in mass.

Tebow was not allowed to do it, but black racists are allowed to do it. Do you see anything wrong with that?
Tebow wasn't participating in an organized protest. He praise was purely organic.

Colin Kaepernick sat on the bench the first time. He was clear that his motivation was racial and anti-american in nature. Critics simply repeated what he said. He didn't respect a country that he felt was racist. Personally I think he should move to a country where racism doesn't exist, but unfortunately I think finding one would be next to impossible.
They make more money than you...

On YOUR gauge of success that means their BETTER than you.

Your disrespect to that is noted.

So get the fuck back in your line.

They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


Nazis? Actually nazis? What of them? They don't get much attention because they are irrelevant.

The Kneelers are injecting their anti-Americanism into a national pastime. That gets attention, because they are being assholes.

What part of that is confusing to you?
Nazis are far from irrelevant; they're starting to win GOP primaries.
Kneeling during the anthem is one of the highest forms of USA values, because rote compliance with authority is a bigger threat to our way of life than North Korea.
Patriotism is about standing in defense of the principles upon which this country was founded.

1. Nazis are utterly irrelevant. UTTERLY.

2. Disrespecting America is not an American value. No one is threatening their right to speech, we are judging them on HOW they are saying it. Stop lying.

3. Kneeling during the Anthem is not a Principle. It is simply the act of showing disrespect and disloyalty.
1) Arthur Jones wins primary. "Hitler was right" republican wins primary.

2) our values of "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" and equality under the law are the American values that need to be represented. This is a time where kneeling shows greater support for those values.

3) Salute cannot be ordered, our nation was born of dissent.

“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable”
They are disrespectful and disloyal to a nation and their fellow citizens who have done very well by them.

THat makes them fucking assholes.

That is makes them worse than me, in my opinion, regardless of how much money they make.

YOu presume to know how I think, are wrong, and then are rude to me based on that.

That makes you a fucking asshole.

If by "line" you mean go back to paying these assholes' salaries, that would be a fuck no.

I would rather burn my money than give it to them or the League.
haha, disloyal to the nation:


Nazis? Actually nazis? What of them? They don't get much attention because they are irrelevant.

The Kneelers are injecting their anti-Americanism into a national pastime. That gets attention, because they are being assholes.

What part of that is confusing to you?
Nazis are far from irrelevant; they're starting to win GOP primaries.
Kneeling during the anthem is one of the highest forms of USA values, because rote compliance with authority is a bigger threat to our way of life than North Korea.
Patriotism is about standing in defense of the principles upon which this country was founded.

1. Nazis are utterly irrelevant. UTTERLY.

2. Disrespecting America is not an American value. No one is threatening their right to speech, we are judging them on HOW they are saying it. Stop lying.

3. Kneeling during the Anthem is not a Principle. It is simply the act of showing disrespect and disloyalty.
1) Arthur Jones wins primary. "Hitler was right" republican wins primary.

2) our values of "life, liberty, pursuit of happiness" and equality under the law are the American values that need to be represented. This is a time where kneeling shows greater support for those values.

3) Salute cannot be ordered, our nation was born of dissent.

“If there is a bedrock principle underlying the First Amendment, it is that the government may not prohibit the expression of an idea simply because society finds the idea itself offensive or disagreeable”

1. He ran unopposed in a district where the republican has no chance of winning. It is a stunt, designed to hurt the republican party, by giving ammo to race baiting liars.

2. Their chose method of communication for their message, is to show disrespect to the symbol of the nation. Regardless of their stated reason for their actions, it is reasonable for people to judge them by those actions.

3. I don't want them to salute or stand, not at this point. They, and the league that supported them, have revealed themselves to be anti-American pieces of shit.
So waving the flag of an enemy of the United Stares is not contradictory to national pride?

Sent from my iPhone using

THey are not the enemy of the United States, anymore, and haven't been for over a century and a half.

It is not credible that you have not noticed.

So, then it would be cool to wave the Nazi Germany flag around since they are not our enemy anymore either.

Also, you may not know this, but they do not exist anymore, which is why they are no longer our enemy.

Yeah, don't put words into my mouth, especially when you are obviously failing to understand my pov on this issue.

The South has been a loyal region of the United States for over a century and a half.

Waving around a symbol of regional pride, when that region has been a loyal part of American for over 5 generations, does not contradict national pride.

That is my point. It is a simple and easy to understand point.

Address it, or not.

What you call a "symbol of regional pride" is nothing more than the flag of a nation that was an enemy of the United States no different than Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan. There is no national pride in the waving of a flag of an enemy nation of the United States.

bullshit, the CSA was part of the United States. It was a civil war, not a foreign conflict. We are having a civil war in the USA today between the leftists socialists that want to destroy the country and the patriotic americans who want to save it. Sadly, you are part of the first group.

They left the USA and formed their own nation. Fuck you people are stupid, you do not even know your own country's history.
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