NFL national anthem protesters

The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

The fro is a fucking tool... with that being said, he's afforded the right to be a tool. But, don't be surprised if teams want no part of it. Not to mention, he isn't that good anyway.
There are always consequences to your actions. We know white people have no problem with racism in their anthems and will attempt to punish those that do.
But flying the confederate flag is ok?
Somehow flying a traitors flag is different. Dont ask me how just know its different.

So, what else do you want to ban?

I don't want to ban anything . I find it comical that people in the NFL parking lots will fly the confederate flag and then boo Kap and claim he's disrespecting the military and those who died for the American flag .

the confederate flag flyers are just as disgusting as is Kap-------I fail to see the difference-----
are you sure that you know just who is BOOING whom?
The NFL should know, and I bet they do, that the games are entertainment. They control the content. They control the action. So if they were serious they would tell the teams it ain't good for business and really the protests serve nothing other then to further alienate the two sides. The NFL should tell them to knock it off or get suspended. There is nothing racist about a flag when these guys are getting the American dream by being paid millions. Spoiled brats is what they are.
You know, I view this as a free speech issue. The players aren't paid for their political beliefs or standing, they are paid for their ability to play the game. If they wish to protest during the opening fanfare and ceremonies, I see no problem with it. Why? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, defending this country and all it stands for. If you want to express your displeasure with this country and can do it in a non violent way, go for it.

Kapernick's kneeling during the national anthem simply expresses how he feels about the way things currently are in this country. It has nothing to do with his ability to play.

You conservative idiots continually are supporting the right of free speech when it comes to people denigrating mixed race couples (Laura Ingrahm), tweeting the most inane bullcrap that stirs up the country without being actual policy (Donald Trump), or anything that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. You support free speech for those people, so why not allow athletes to express theirs?

And yeah, if the sports networks don't like the athletes protesting, they have control of the television cameras and what is shown. If they don't like the protests, don't show them, and that way the only people who will see it are those in the stadium.

Besides..................neither the stadium, nor are any of the teams publicly owned, so if you support Confederate monuments on private property as "free speech" and "freedom of expression", why can't you allow athletes to protest peacefully inside the stadium?

Of course he can protest "peacefully"------and ball clubs can refuse to renew
The NFL should know, and I bet they do, that the games are entertainment. They control the content. They control the action. So if they were serious they would tell the teams it ain't good for business and really the protests serve nothing other then to further alienate the two sides. The NFL should tell them to knock it off or get suspended. There is nothing racist about a flag when these guys are getting the American dream by being paid millions. Spoiled brats is what they are.
Hey retard. He isnt protesting the flag. He isnt protesting the military. He is protesting the racist anthem.
You know, I view this as a free speech issue. The players aren't paid for their political beliefs or standing, they are paid for their ability to play the game. If they wish to protest during the opening fanfare and ceremonies, I see no problem with it. Why? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, defending this country and all it stands for. If you want to express your displeasure with this country and can do it in a non violent way, go for it.

Kapernick's kneeling during the national anthem simply expresses how he feels about the way things currently are in this country. It has nothing to do with his ability to play.

You conservative idiots continually are supporting the right of free speech when it comes to people denigrating mixed race couples (Laura Ingrahm), tweeting the most inane bullcrap that stirs up the country without being actual policy (Donald Trump), or anything that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. You support free speech for those people, so why not allow athletes to express theirs?

And yeah, if the sports networks don't like the athletes protesting, they have control of the television cameras and what is shown. If they don't like the protests, don't show them, and that way the only people who will see it are those in the stadium.

Besides..................neither the stadium, nor are any of the teams publicly owned, so if you support Confederate monuments on private property as "free speech" and "freedom of expression", why can't you allow athletes to protest peacefully inside the stadium?

Of course he can protest "peacefully"------and ball clubs can refuse to renew

Yes, they can. But, the NFL should realize that they are selling a product just like other businesses, and if the consumers (fans) don't like the product they are selling, or the way they are selling it, they also have the right to protest by boycott.

The NFL is going to let Kapernick back in, because there is too much pressure from the fans to stop him from playing.
The NFL should know, and I bet they do, that the games are entertainment. They control the content. They control the action. So if they were serious they would tell the teams it ain't good for business and really the protests serve nothing other then to further alienate the two sides. The NFL should tell them to knock it off or get suspended. There is nothing racist about a flag when these guys are getting the American dream by being paid millions. Spoiled brats is what they are.
Hey retard. He isnt protesting the flag. He isnt protesting the military. He is protesting the racist anthem.

it is quite a stretch to call the anthem "racist"-----of course it can be done by expert sophists
You know, I view this as a free speech issue. The players aren't paid for their political beliefs or standing, they are paid for their ability to play the game. If they wish to protest during the opening fanfare and ceremonies, I see no problem with it. Why? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, defending this country and all it stands for. If you want to express your displeasure with this country and can do it in a non violent way, go for it.

Kapernick's kneeling during the national anthem simply expresses how he feels about the way things currently are in this country. It has nothing to do with his ability to play.

You conservative idiots continually are supporting the right of free speech when it comes to people denigrating mixed race couples (Laura Ingrahm), tweeting the most inane bullcrap that stirs up the country without being actual policy (Donald Trump), or anything that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. You support free speech for those people, so why not allow athletes to express theirs?

And yeah, if the sports networks don't like the athletes protesting, they have control of the television cameras and what is shown. If they don't like the protests, don't show them, and that way the only people who will see it are those in the stadium.

Besides..................neither the stadium, nor are any of the teams publicly owned, so if you support Confederate monuments on private property as "free speech" and "freedom of expression", why can't you allow athletes to protest peacefully inside the stadium?

Of course he can protest "peacefully"------and ball clubs can refuse to renew

Yes, they can. But, the NFL should realize that they are selling a product just like other businesses, and if the consumers (fans) don't like the product they are selling, or the way they are selling it, they also have the right to protest by boycott.

The NFL is going to let Kapernick back in, because there is too much pressure from the fans to stop him from playing.

maybe------maybe not. His actions might hurt his career. -----or they may not------btw---
what game does he play?
The NFL should know, and I bet they do, that the games are entertainment. They control the content. They control the action. So if they were serious they would tell the teams it ain't good for business and really the protests serve nothing other then to further alienate the two sides. The NFL should tell them to knock it off or get suspended. There is nothing racist about a flag when these guys are getting the American dream by being paid millions. Spoiled brats is what they are.
Hey retard. He isnt protesting the flag. He isnt protesting the military. He is protesting the racist anthem.

it is quite a stretch to call the anthem "racist"-----of course it can be done by expert sophists
Its not a stretch at all if you know what you are talking about which you already proved you dont.
The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

if he did not want it to be a DISPLAY----he would have left the area. Your silly suggestion that he thought
NO ONE WOULD NOTICE ------is a product of your addled brain. Is someone FORCING him to play
the game?
He has a game to play. I dont know if you have ever played sports but you dont "leave the area". If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference.

My notion wasnt silly. No one noticed until 3 weeks later. Youre the silly illiterate one.

Everyone Missed Colin Kaepernick’s First Protest Because No One Really Cares About Socks

"Colin Kaepernick has never once brought attention to himself doing this. No one knew about these socks until today. And no one noticed Kaepernick's national anthem sit down until three weeks in and Steve Wyche asked him about it. Kaepernick didn't make a show of the socks, or the anthem, he didn't hold a press conference to say what he felt. A reporter noticed something weird, and he answered honestly. After three-plus weeks of quietly going about his business."

And when it was noticed, folks got pissed, and they protested him.

And now he's gone.
The NFL should know, and I bet they do, that the games are entertainment. They control the content. They control the action. So if they were serious they would tell the teams it ain't good for business and really the protests serve nothing other then to further alienate the two sides. The NFL should tell them to knock it off or get suspended. There is nothing racist about a flag when these guys are getting the American dream by being paid millions. Spoiled brats is what they are.
Hey retard. He isnt protesting the flag. He isnt protesting the military. He is protesting the racist anthem.
Could you elaborate what is racist about the anthem? I don't know if you are black or not but I know you have at least one thing in common, you are both full of yourself.
You know, I view this as a free speech issue. The players aren't paid for their political beliefs or standing, they are paid for their ability to play the game. If they wish to protest during the opening fanfare and ceremonies, I see no problem with it. Why? I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, defending this country and all it stands for. If you want to express your displeasure with this country and can do it in a non violent way, go for it.

Kapernick's kneeling during the national anthem simply expresses how he feels about the way things currently are in this country. It has nothing to do with his ability to play.

You conservative idiots continually are supporting the right of free speech when it comes to people denigrating mixed race couples (Laura Ingrahm), tweeting the most inane bullcrap that stirs up the country without being actual policy (Donald Trump), or anything that comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth. You support free speech for those people, so why not allow athletes to express theirs?

And yeah, if the sports networks don't like the athletes protesting, they have control of the television cameras and what is shown. If they don't like the protests, don't show them, and that way the only people who will see it are those in the stadium.

Besides..................neither the stadium, nor are any of the teams publicly owned, so if you support Confederate monuments on private property as "free speech" and "freedom of expression", why can't you allow athletes to protest peacefully inside the stadium?

Of course he can protest "peacefully"------and ball clubs can refuse to renew

Yes, they can. But, the NFL should realize that they are selling a product just like other businesses, and if the consumers (fans) don't like the product they are selling, or the way they are selling it, they also have the right to protest by boycott.

The NFL is going to let Kapernick back in, because there is too much pressure from the fans to stop him from playing.

maybe------maybe not. His actions might hurt his career. -----or they may not------btw---
what game does he play?

Yeah, I know you are purposefully trying to be obtuse. But, on the off chance that you are actually even more ignorant than I originally though, Kapernick plays football.

And no.............if you are a decent enough player, the NFL really doesn't care what your political views are.
Can any of you imagine earning Hundreds of thousands of dollars playing football and then doing your damnedest to chase the customers away? Shows you how stupid jocks are. Go ahead dummies, the NFL is not the only game in town....check your ratings men.
Perhaps Afroman's Because I Got High could be the new anthem........
Something more relatable........
The NFL has control of what is shown on TV.

If the NFL would just stopped showing these attention whore national anthem protesters on TV they would stop doing it.

BTW it is America that made these ungrateful NFL players rich and famous, so it’s an offensive protest.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

The fro is a fucking tool... with that being said, he's afforded the right to be a tool. But, don't be surprised if teams want no part of it. Not to mention, he isn't that good anyway.
There are always consequences to your actions. We know white people have no problem with racism in their anthems and will attempt to punish those that do.

Yeah, it's racism... that's the ticket. The guys turned down a very nice contract, but is is racism. His problem is his actions. He needs to stop playing the victim and act like a man.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

if he did not want it to be a DISPLAY----he would have left the area. Your silly suggestion that he thought
NO ONE WOULD NOTICE ------is a product of your addled brain. Is someone FORCING him to play
the game?
He has a game to play. I dont know if you have ever played sports but you dont "leave the area". If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference.

My notion wasnt silly. No one noticed until 3 weeks later. Youre the silly illiterate one.

Everyone Missed Colin Kaepernick’s First Protest Because No One Really Cares About Socks

"Colin Kaepernick has never once brought attention to himself doing this. No one knew about these socks until today. And no one noticed Kaepernick's national anthem sit down until three weeks in and Steve Wyche asked him about it. Kaepernick didn't make a show of the socks, or the anthem, he didn't hold a press conference to say what he felt. A reporter noticed something weird, and he answered honestly. After three-plus weeks of quietly going about his business."

And when it was noticed, folks got pissed, and they protested him.

And now he's gone.
That doesnt help irosies claim he made a big display but thanks for chiming in.
false argument. No one did it for attention. When Kap did it he made no fanfare of it. People spying on him freaked out and made it a media sensation. it was kind of weird to me because I never stand while that racist song is being played.

your behavior is rude and meaningless------as is that of kap et al. "spying on him"?---he thought
he was in the toilet? It was and is meant as a very public DISPLAY
Youre dumb. If he wanted it to be a display he would have held a press conference and said what he was doing. As it was it took them a couple of games to see what he was doing.

The fro is a fucking tool... with that being said, he's afforded the right to be a tool. But, don't be surprised if teams want no part of it. Not to mention, he isn't that good anyway.
There are always consequences to your actions. We know white people have no problem with racism in their anthems and will attempt to punish those that do.

Yeah, it's racism... that's the ticket. The guys turned down a very nice contract, but is is racism. His problem is his actions. He needs to stop playing the victim and act like a man.
The anthem didnt write him a contract. Are you confused or just dumb?

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