NFL plans to play Black national anthem before every week 1 game

i dont mind this

And isn't that the real problem?

You should.

You SHOULD mind one segment of society again getting special treatment.

You SHOULD mind there even IS a "Black" national anthem!

It's as if Blacks somehow suffer worse or have it worse or been done more wrong than anyone else.

They haven't.

Every segment of society has had wrong things done to them, white people included. If you really want to point out a segment who has had a lot MORE wrong done to them, look to the American Indian.

No one lobbies or protests for them. And it still goes on to this day.

Blacks have been coddled and been given special treatment since as far back as I can remember, and I can remember JFK getting assassinated.

If all those decades of special treatment, apologies and "compensation" haven't worked yet and given the black man his "opportunity" and made him happy,

Since the end of the Civil War, decades of Jim Crow laws, lynching, red lining, crappy schools, and you equate that to "all those decades of special treatment?" You either don't remember that much or have a very special definition of special treatment.

Time to wake up.
I'm gonna take my ball and go home reactions on this thread.

Anyone know the real definition of "honky?" Hah!
i dont mind this

And isn't that the real problem?

You should.

You SHOULD mind one segment of society again getting special treatment.

You SHOULD mind there even IS a "Black" national anthem!

It's as if Blacks somehow suffer worse or have it worse or been done more wrong than anyone else.

They haven't.

Every segment of society has had wrong things done to them, white people included. If you really want to point out a segment who has had a lot MORE wrong done to them, look to the American Indian.

No one lobbies or protests for them. And it still goes on to this day.

Blacks have been coddled and been given special treatment since as far back as I can remember, and I can remember JFK getting assassinated.

If all those decades of special treatment, apologies and "compensation" haven't worked yet and given the black man his "opportunity" and made him happy,

Since the end of the Civil War, decades of Jim Crow laws, lynching, red lining, crappy schools, and you equate that to "all those decades of special treatment?" You either don't remember that much or have a very special definition of special treatment.

Time to wake up.
Sorry Derp, I wasn't alive during the Civil War. Neither were you. Neither was any Black today. I don't know one Black who suffered under Jim Crow laws, was ever lynched (whites were never lynched?) the crappy schools reflect the economic base. No money, no good schools because good costs money, so if you want better schools, get a job and earn some money! Or go to a private school.

ITMT, I have seen decades of Affirmative Action and endless ass kissing.

Civil War is long long ago.
Jim Crow is long ago.
Lynching in long dead.
Red Lining is long dead.

Meantime, the ass kissing and Affirmative Action never stops.
No other minority needs all that and they all get ahead.

Except Blacks.

Nothing left to blame it on but themselves.

The excuses have run out.

Ten years from now, we'll STILL be kissing their asses, still giving them Affirmative action, PLUS BLM, extra-super-special ass kissing, defunded police, more programs,

And Blacks will still be EXACTLY where they are at today, still with their hand out, still complaining, and not one iota more happy.

That's not prejudice, just a fact. Mark my words. I dare you to prove me wrong.

Blacks will NEVER be happy or admit they have the same opportunities as anyone else.
i dont mind this

Will the honky players be penalized if they don't stand or acknowledge the "black national anthem"? If Brady and Gronk use the time to check out some smut on their phones, will the libs have a conniption?
what if a white wears the Confederate Flag?
i dont mind this

And isn't that the real problem?

You should.

You SHOULD mind one segment of society again getting special treatment.

You SHOULD mind there even IS a "Black" national anthem!

It's as if Blacks somehow suffer worse or have it worse or been done more wrong than anyone else.

They haven't.

Every segment of society has had wrong things done to them, white people included. If you really want to point out a segment who has had a lot MORE wrong done to them, look to the American Indian.

No one lobbies or protests for them. And it still goes on to this day.

Blacks have been coddled and been given special treatment since as far back as I can remember, and I can remember JFK getting assassinated.

If all those decades of special treatment, apologies and "compensation" haven't worked yet and given the black man his "opportunity" and made him happy,

Since the end of the Civil War, decades of Jim Crow laws, lynching, red lining, crappy schools, and you equate that to "all those decades of special treatment?" You either don't remember that much or have a very special definition of special treatment.

Time to wake up.
Sorry Derp, I wasn't alive during the Civil War. Neither were you. Neither was any Black today. I don't know one Black who suffered under Jim Crow laws, was ever lynched (whites were never lynched?) the crappy schools reflect the economic base. No money, no good schools because good costs money, so if you want better schools, get a job and earn some money! Or go to a private school.

ITMT, I have seen decades of Affirmative Action and endless ass kissing.

Civil War is long long ago.
Jim Crow is long ago.
Lynching in long dead.
Red Lining is long dead.

Meantime, the ass kissing and Affirmative Action never stops.
No other minority needs all that and they all get ahead.

Except Blacks.

Nothing left to blame it on but themselves.

The excuses have run out.

Ten years from now, we'll STILL be kissing their asses, still giving them Affirmative action, PLUS BLM, extra-super-special ass kissing, defunded police, more programs,

And Blacks will still be EXACTLY where they are at today, still with their hand out, still complaining, and not one iota more happy.

That's not prejudice, just a fact. Mark my words. I dare you to prove me wrong.

Blacks will NEVER be happy or admit they have the same opportunities as anyone else.
How do you know that Blacks will NEVER be happy? You post comments with such affinity for knowing what all folks know and live. Especially for black folks.
Look at all you white folks posting such disgraceful comments about Black US citizens. You just can't stand the fact that they actually have momentum now

They don't. The "activist" side of the community is actually digging a big hole.
....sure--that will stop the blacks from murdering each other --and it will stop ALL of the [ fake ] racism
i dont mind this

And isn't that the real problem?

You should.

You SHOULD mind one segment of society again getting special treatment.

You SHOULD mind there even IS a "Black" national anthem!

It's as if Blacks somehow suffer worse or have it worse or been done more wrong than anyone else.

They haven't.

Every segment of society has had wrong things done to them, white people included. If you really want to point out a segment who has had a lot MORE wrong done to them, look to the American Indian.

No one lobbies or protests for them. And it still goes on to this day.

Blacks have been coddled and been given special treatment since as far back as I can remember, and I can remember JFK getting assassinated.

If all those decades of special treatment, apologies and "compensation" haven't worked yet and given the black man his "opportunity" and made him happy,

Since the end of the Civil War, decades of Jim Crow laws, lynching, red lining, crappy schools, and you equate that to "all those decades of special treatment?" You either don't remember that much or have a very special definition of special treatment.

Time to wake up.
Sorry Derp, I wasn't alive during the Civil War. Neither were you. Neither was any Black today. I don't know one Black who suffered under Jim Crow laws, was ever lynched (whites were never lynched?) the crappy schools reflect the economic base. No money, no good schools because good costs money, so if you want better schools, get a job and earn some money! Or go to a private school.

ITMT, I have seen decades of Affirmative Action and endless ass kissing.

Civil War is long long ago.
Jim Crow is long ago.
Lynching in long dead.
Red Lining is long dead.

Meantime, the ass kissing and Affirmative Action never stops.
No other minority needs all that and they all get ahead.

Except Blacks.

Nothing left to blame it on but themselves.

The excuses have run out.

Ten years from now, we'll STILL be kissing their asses, still giving them Affirmative action, PLUS BLM, extra-super-special ass kissing, defunded police, more programs,

And Blacks will still be EXACTLY where they are at today, still with their hand out, still complaining, and not one iota more happy.

That's not prejudice, just a fact. Mark my words. I dare you to prove me wrong.

Blacks will NEVER be happy or admit they have the same opportunities as anyone else.
How do you know that Blacks will NEVER be happy? You post comments with such affinity for knowing what all folks know and live. Especially for black folks.
--black POTUS
--black Chief of Staff Military
--OVER represented in sports/entertainment making MILLIONS$
--OVER represented in good paying/great jobs
accepted into colleges/etc and paying $0 because of their skin color
they will never be happy --it's in their culture --they are taught whitey is evil--here are some examples of RICH/privileged/etc blacks who HATE whites/etc:
" Over Compensated Actors "

* Razing The Foundation Of Public Need For Something To Do *

They should just rename the nfl to negro footbal league and nba to negro basketball league and be done with it .

I do not watch any of it the first place and am even less inclined to do so it being that there are none there with which i identify .
The NFL faces a dilemma, it has a largely white, redneck, conservative base with a high propensity of bigots, and a sport that is made exciting and competitive by largely black athletes. If you give these athletes the space to discuss what matters to them, such as police brutality and systemic racism, you threaten the largely white, redneck viewership, which in turns threatens revenues.

I love it that these white owners, many of them conservative bigots over the history of the NFL, are being forced to recognize the players demands. And now society is lining up with the players, even though the majority of NFL fans still remain white, redneck conservatives.

I'm telling ya, the NFL has never been more interesting. I eat more popcorn than ever watching it!
The NFL faces a dilemma, it has a largely white, redneck, conservative base with a high propensity of bigots, and a sport that is made exciting and competitive by largely black athletes. If you give these athletes the space to discuss what matters to them, such as police brutality and systemic racism, you threaten the largely white, redneck viewership, which in turns threatens revenues.

I love it that these white owners, many of them conservative bigots over the history of the NFL, are being forced to recognize the players demands. And now society is lining up with the players, even though the majority of NFL fans still remain white, redneck conservatives.

I'm telling ya, the NFL has never been more interesting. I eat more popcorn than ever watching it!
I changed the channel 10 years ago. It had become a Miss Nancy game, and now it's just a vehicle for commercial advertisements and political nonsense.
The NFL faces a dilemma, it has a largely white, redneck, conservative base with a high propensity of bigots, and a sport that is made exciting and competitive by largely black athletes. If you give these athletes the space to discuss what matters to them, such as police brutality and systemic racism, you threaten the largely white, redneck viewership, which in turns threatens revenues.

I love it that these white owners, many of them conservative bigots over the history of the NFL, are being forced to recognize the players demands. And now society is lining up with the players, even though the majority of NFL fans still remain white, redneck conservatives.

I'm telling ya, the NFL has never been more interesting. I eat more popcorn than ever watching it!
I changed the channel 10 years ago. It had become a Miss Nancy game, and now it's just a vehicle for commercial advertisements and political nonsense.

It's become a confluence of militarism, nationalism, and sport, but now all of that is threatened by black players who have had enough.

I love it, I'm telling ya, love it! Go Bears! Nick Foles another Super Bowl baby!!
Look at all you white folks posting such disgraceful comments about Black US citizens. You just can't stand the fact that they actually have momentum now, and history on their side, to try and affect change.

Put on your Big Girl Panties, and Big Boy Boxers, and let's get down to business. Time to make a change.
I actually do not miss the sports. And I have no issue if people pay for the things they want. And have the choice. I propose again....Cable TV is forced to offer Basic Cable packages of choice. Also, to offer popular like the networks, TBS and other channels cheaper if they black out what people do not want.. like sports. So if you want ESPN and other Sports networks. You pay for it. And they will be more expensive. But you want to suck on the tit of someone else don't you? Al of that bravado. Until someone else does not pay for it. To pay one third less on the cable bill even with half the channels is a victory.
I suppose I'll watch the opening of the first game just to see how many in the stadium stand for "the black national anthem".

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