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NFL Players are Cowards as Compared to General Population Who Serve in Military...but They Want to Agitate

They did block them and chanted slurs and saying things I hope you die. And the Feds are investigating them does not mean they are guilty and is an excuse for vigilante justice. I mean you fucking people talk about racism and you are committing the very crimes the real racist Democrats committed back in the day. You are condemning an entire race based on the actions of a few. You are lynching cops before justice has had a chance to work. Next you going to be burning crosses and having meetings around a bondfire in your white hoods again.

Blah most of my replies up in the quote.

I will stop judging the police by the most violent, criminal of them when you stop judging protesters by the rioter and looters.

The state leges are changing laws to make the blue more accountable for how they behave and taking away the "let's shoot" mentality.

I would have the state press Chauvin to death with heavy weights over several hours when he was convicted of Murder One, and when he wheezed, "I can't breathe," a recording of a thousand people saying "We don't care" would be played in his ear.
No the system is designed to fuck over the cop no matter what because the mob demands it. Even innocent cops are getting punished. Look at the Michael Brown case that cops life was ruined and it was because the Democrats and the media buried the video that clearly showed him going for the cops gun. You brought up the wrong case for damn sure because that cops was totally justified. And the only prosecutors I have seen doing shadey shit like that are the ones that are letting violent protesters off without charging them or letting Jessie Smollet off I mean how the fuck can you criticize.

Really, when does this happen? Most cops are acquitted or charges are never brought. When a cop is charged, he often gets a pretty minimal sentence. (Like the jackass who shot the kid in Chicago 16 times when he was lying on the ground, who will be out in four years.) Don't get me wrong, it sucks to be a cop in prison... because the other prisoners just love the police. But the system is very generous to cops accused of wrongdoing, or even convicted of it.

As for Smollett. The only person who was hurt by Smollet's actions was Smollett. Or as I like to say, "Don't beat yourself up, Jussie!!!" His career is over, he's become a national joke... I'm not sure what else you want to do to him, really.

And you do not think more would of died if he would of sent everyone into a panic about it? He acted before a single Dem even admitted it was a problem. And when Trump did act the Dems condemned it as racist and xenophobic and a feeble attempt to distract from the impeachment trial. We were going to lose these people no matter what. If Trump would of acted even sooner and saved lives you people would still say that shit and claim he saved no lives because the virus was not serious. No your catch 22 too dumb to work anyone that stupid already in the democratic party.

Yes, I think a LOT less people would have died if Trump had taken action and hadn't consistantly tried to undermine the governors who were taking action. The fact remains, we have 4% of the worlds population for 22% of it's Covid Deaths. Trump lied, people died.

Better then committing it under the protection of their democratic politicians. Come out of your democratic shitholes and try that shit.

See, more wank fantasies... You're proving my point.

“A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” That does not say the militia has the right to bear arms it says the PEOPLE you fucking moron. Only a left wing nut could interpret that to mean only the militia has the right.

Actually, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpreted it for 200+ years, until the SCOTUS bought the crazy NRA argument in Heller.

They did block them and chanted slurs and saying things I hope you die. And the Feds are investigating them does not mean they are guilty and is an excuse for vigilante justice. I mean you fucking people talk about racism and you are committing the very crimes the real racist Democrats committed back in the day. You are condemning an entire race based on the actions of a few. You are lynching cops before justice has had a chance to work. Next you going to be burning crosses and having meetings around a bondfire in your white hoods again.

Blah most of my replies up in the quote.

I wasn't aware cops constituted a "Race". Last time I checked, it was a "Profession". And yes, what these protesters did was out of line. So is what the Sheriff's department did that inflamed the community to start with, with the rampant corruption and disregard for people's civil rights.

The thing is, we've seen how the "justice" system works for thug cops. It works the same way it worked for Klansman back in the day... a rigged system that exonerates people.

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"Really, when does this happen? Most cops are acquitted or charges are never brought. When a cop is charged, he often gets a pretty minimal sentence. (Like the jackass who shot the kid in Chicago 16 times when he was lying on the ground, who will be out in four years.) Don't get me wrong, it sucks to be a cop in prison... because the other prisoners just love the police. But the system is very generous to cops accused of wrongdoing, or even convicted of it."

Look at the damn Michael Brown case you brought up. See how the cop was fired moved to avoid the death threats just to have the Dems out his new address. And these cops are immediately suspended pending an investigation and sometimes even fired before they even go to court. And what Smollet did was multiple felonies. You can not accuse anyone of a crime falsely. Even though his goal was to smear Trump voters it does not matter. And you mean the teen that was hopped up on PCP and was carrying a knife? Sure the cop probably should not of shot him 16 times but he damn sure deserved to get shot.

"Yes, I think a LOT less people would have died if Trump had taken action and hadn't consistantly tried to undermine the governors who were taking action. The fact remains, we have 4% of the worlds population for 22% of it's Covid Deaths. Trump lied, people died. "

Show me any kind of Data even from Democrat scientists that show this fact is it is just as likely less would of died if we would of never locked down at all. Trump undermined governors? Is that why both Cuomo and Newsome praised him for his help at the height of the virus? We are like 10th country in the world in deaths per capita. We also have the same kind of numbers if you look at the normal flu and we have more vaccinations. And speaking of that we sure do have a lot less normal flu related deaths this year then in the past wonder why that is. You think you Dems are fudging the numbers a bit?

"See, more wank fantasies... You're proving my point."

Proving what point? Dems the ones committing violence. And they are too scared to do it outside of dem controlled cities is not a fantasy just facts.

"Actually, that's EXACTLY how the courts interpreted it for 200+ years, until the SCOTUS bought the crazy NRA argument in Heller."

That is a fucking democrat made up fantasy bullshit lie. At that time period the only protection you had was your right to bear arms. The 2nd amendment was made to protect both state rights and individual rights. At that time period there was no one that was going to protect you or your property that responsibility was yours. Right to bear arms was essential at the time and was never questioned. It is you modern dems that seem to think the people are all as dumb and incapable as you are and do not deserve rights.

"I wasn't aware cops constituted a "Race". Last time I checked, it was a "Profession". And yes, what these protesters did was out of line. So is what the Sheriff's department did that inflamed the community to start with, with the rampant corruption and disregard for people's civil rights."

You see what is being said by BLM and the Democrats? They are not just blaming cops they are blaming all white people. If you disagree with them you are racist and better recognize your white privilege. And still is the same thing you are blaming an entire group of people for what a very few have done. And it is a very small problem you are just made more aware of it because of the media. Cops shooting a white suspect is not news so your view of the entire picture is being warped. Not really all politics either. Just like watching the Weather Channel you would think that tornados happen in trailer parks a whole lot. But that is because tornados more news worthy in a trailer park the pictures are much more impactful and there is usually a death or two to make it exciting.
Is you peoples problem you parrot what you see on CNN and MSDNC and do not think about or look at the entire picture. You blindly follow like a cult member and have an excuse to pass the blame on everything and take no responsibility yourself. And funny more of this shit happened during Obama's reign and not a single one of you fuckers blamed him for it. Fucking LA riots and crap happened during Clinton where was your criticism of leadership then? Hypocrites and liars every single one of you.
The laws are set up overwhelmingly to protect cops from charges of excessive abuse of force.

Some leges have changed those laws this spring, and the police unions are screaming.

Many more leges over the next year will enacting reform.

Here's a thought: most beauticians have to have twice the hours of training of police cadets.
Look at the damn Michael Brown case you brought up. See how the cop was fired moved to avoid the death threats just to have the Dems out his new address. And these cops are immediately suspended pending an investigation and sometimes even fired before they even go to court. And what Smollet did was multiple felonies. You can not accuse anyone of a crime falsely. Even though his goal was to smear Trump voters it does not matter. And you mean the teen that was hopped up on PCP and was carrying a knife? Sure the cop probably should not of shot him 16 times but he damn sure deserved to get shot.

Okay. In that case, you had a dozen witnesses who said he shot that kid when his hands were up. The prosecutor didn't charge him and worked damned hard to make sure he didn't face any charges.

Not sure why someone "deserved" to be shot for having a boy scout knife that wasn't even open. But fine, even if you say the first shot was justified, the other 15 when he was LYING ON THE GROUND weren't.

Smollet did a stupid publicity stunt. no one got hurt but him... Just can't get worked up about it.

That is a fucking democrat made up fantasy bullshit lie. At that time period the only protection you had was your right to bear arms. The 2nd amendment was made to protect both state rights and individual rights. At that time period there was no one that was going to protect you or your property that responsibility was yours. Right to bear arms was essential at the time and was never questioned. It is you modern dems that seem to think the people are all as dumb and incapable as you are and do not deserve rights.

Actually, here's how it really worked.

For most of our history, m ost people didn't own guns. They were too expensive for the average person to afford. Then in the 1930's, we had a rash of gun violence... and we passed common sense gun laws that were upheld by US. v. Miller. Those laws held until Heller in 2010... and the notion that crazy people have a "right" to own guns became law...

Show me any kind of Data even from Democrat scientists that show this fact is it is just as likely less would of died if we would of never locked down at all. Trump undermined governors? Is that why both Cuomo and Newsome praised him for his help at the height of the virus?

Wow, you need to turn off the Fox News and the Hate Radio, buddy. It's rotting your brain.

You see what is being said by BLM and the Democrats? They are not just blaming cops they are blaming all white people. If you disagree with them you are racist and better recognize your white privilege.

They aren't even blaming most cops... just the bad ones.

Cops shooting a white suspect is not news so your view of the entire picture is being warped. Not really all politics either. Just like watching the Weather Channel you would think that tornados happen in trailer parks a whole lot. But that is because tornados more news worthy in a trailer park the pictures are much more impactful and there is usually a death or two to make it exciting.

Well, no, the reason why these BLM incidents are so horrifying is that they are caught on tape and the misconduct is kind of obvious. That's why they are so shocking.

So Jacob Blake gets shot int he back 7 times for merely REACHING into his car, but Rittenhouse can gun down three people, walk past seven police cars carrying an AR-15... and have his mommy pick him up and take him home.
Oh, so NOW you demand legal standards of proof.

What's got you so upset about the kid? The fact he killed a pedo, a serial abuser, or winged a Commie?

No, he killed three people who were on the street.... exercising their rights to protest.
Trying to kill someone is not protected by the First Amendment.

I ain't even surprised you don't know that.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Then you read my post.

But you got all butthurt and demanded an answer you say you already read.

Fucking moron.

You cited 20 year old list, dumbass. I want to know what criminals are currently playing in the NFL. You failed liked you always see to do by making a bizarre statement and then fail to back it up. Why should I care about someone getting busted for drugs long after their playing career is over?
Go be butthurt somewhere else. And both those databases are up to date.

You fucked up. Man up and take responsibility.
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They did block them and chanted slurs and saying things I hope you die. And the Feds are investigating them does not mean they are guilty and is an excuse for vigilante justice. I mean you fucking people talk about racism and you are committing the very crimes the real racist Democrats committed back in the day. You are condemning an entire race based on the actions of a few. You are lynching cops before justice has had a chance to work. Next you going to be burning crosses and having meetings around a bondfire in your white hoods again.

Blah most of my replies up in the quote.

I will stop judging the police by the most violent, criminal of them when you stop judging protesters by the rioter and looters.

The state leges are changing laws to make the blue more accountable for how they behave and taking away the "let's shoot" mentality.

I would have the state press Chauvin to death with heavy weights over several hours when he was convicted of Murder One, and when he wheezed, "I can't breathe," a recording of a thousand people saying "We don't care" would be played in his ear.
To make the punishment fair, wouldn't you have to give Chauvin a dose of fentanyl and meth?
Look at the damn Michael Brown case you brought up. See how the cop was fired moved to avoid the death threats just to have the Dems out his new address. And these cops are immediately suspended pending an investigation and sometimes even fired before they even go to court. And what Smollet did was multiple felonies. You can not accuse anyone of a crime falsely. Even though his goal was to smear Trump voters it does not matter. And you mean the teen that was hopped up on PCP and was carrying a knife? Sure the cop probably should not of shot him 16 times but he damn sure deserved to get shot.

Okay. In that case, you had a dozen witnesses who said he shot that kid when his hands were up. The prosecutor didn't charge him and worked damned hard to make sure he didn't face any charges.

Not sure why someone "deserved" to be shot for having a boy scout knife that wasn't even open. But fine, even if you say the first shot was justified, the other 15 when he was LYING ON THE GROUND weren't.

Smollet did a stupid publicity stunt. no one got hurt but him... Just can't get worked up about it.

That is a fucking democrat made up fantasy bullshit lie. At that time period the only protection you had was your right to bear arms. The 2nd amendment was made to protect both state rights and individual rights. At that time period there was no one that was going to protect you or your property that responsibility was yours. Right to bear arms was essential at the time and was never questioned. It is you modern dems that seem to think the people are all as dumb and incapable as you are and do not deserve rights.

Actually, here's how it really worked.

For most of our history, m ost people didn't own guns. They were too expensive for the average person to afford. Then in the 1930's, we had a rash of gun violence... and we passed common sense gun laws that were upheld by US. v. Miller. Those laws held until Heller in 2010... and the notion that crazy people have a "right" to own guns became law...

Show me any kind of Data even from Democrat scientists that show this fact is it is just as likely less would of died if we would of never locked down at all. Trump undermined governors? Is that why both Cuomo and Newsome praised him for his help at the height of the virus?

Wow, you need to turn off the Fox News and the Hate Radio, buddy. It's rotting your brain.

You see what is being said by BLM and the Democrats? They are not just blaming cops they are blaming all white people. If you disagree with them you are racist and better recognize your white privilege.

They aren't even blaming most cops... just the bad ones.

Cops shooting a white suspect is not news so your view of the entire picture is being warped. Not really all politics either. Just like watching the Weather Channel you would think that tornados happen in trailer parks a whole lot. But that is because tornados more news worthy in a trailer park the pictures are much more impactful and there is usually a death or two to make it exciting.

Well, no, the reason why these BLM incidents are so horrifying is that they are caught on tape and the misconduct is kind of obvious. That's why they are so shocking.

So Jacob Blake gets shot int he back 7 times for merely REACHING into his car, but Rittenhouse can gun down three people, walk past seven police cars carrying an AR-15... and have his mommy pick him up and take him home.
Wtf you just saying things and not even trying to defend your comments. "They aren't even blaming most cops... just the bad ones." Those 2 cops in LA were bad ones? Every call for defunding the police was just for the bad cops? People in the street forcing people to acknowledge their white privilege and praise BLM is just the cops?
You even see the video that clearly shows Michael Brown going for the cops gun? You talk about all these cop shootings and the videos how long did it take for us to see the entire george floyd video? How long was it before we seen the part in Michael browns where he went for the cops gun? You think some of the white suspects shot not on video just because they did not air on Cnn?

"Actually, here's how it really worked.

For most of our history, m ost people didn't own guns. They were too expensive for the average person to afford. Then in the 1930's, we had a rash of gun violence... and we passed common sense gun laws that were upheld by US. v. Miller. Those laws held until Heller in 2010... and the notion that crazy people have a "right" to own guns became law..."
Lol everyone had a gun. After the revolutionary war everyone had one they were laying all over the fucking place. Expensive? Lol where you read that shit? Price might of went up for a bit then the civil war happened and again guns everywhere cheap. I suppose no one was armed in the wild west days after the civil war either. WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS till now because of the Democrats bullshit unconstitutional laws. They tried to push it to far back in the 90s with the assault weapons ban and did not learn a fucking thing.
Only 1 reason the Dems want to get rid of the 2nd amendment. Because what they have planned for our country will not work if the citizens are armed.

And btw disarming the people is the first step to communism and socialism.
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Oh, so NOW you demand legal standards of proof.

What's got you so upset about the kid? The fact he killed a pedo, a serial abuser, or winged a Commie?

No, he killed three people who were on the street.... exercising their rights to protest.
Trying to kill someone is not protected by the First Amendment.

I ain't even surprised you don't know that.
Right to defend yourself is a basic human right though. Which the Democrats try to deny you all the time,
You even see the video that clearly shows Michael Brown going for the cops gun? You talk about all these cop shootings and the videos how long did it take for us to see the entire george floyd video? How long was it before we seen the part in Michael browns where he went for the cops gun? You think some of the white suspects shot not on video just because they did not air on Cnn?

Actually, there was no video of the incident.

What we DO know was that even though there was a struggle for the gun, at the point Brown was fatally shot, he was 150 feet away from Wilson, where he was shot six times. 16 Witnesses said he had his hands up.

Lol everyone had a gun. After the revolutionary war everyone had one they were laying all over the fucking place. Expensive? Lol where you read that shit? Price might of went up for a bit then the civil war happened and again guns everywhere cheap. I suppose no one was armed in the wild west days after the civil war either. WE HAVE ALWAYS HAD THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS till now because of the Democrats bullshit unconstitutional laws. They tried to push it to far back in the 90s with the assault weapons ban and did not learn a fucking thing.

Actually, no. Prior to 1950, we only had 40 million guns for a population of 180 million, compared to today, where we have more guns than people. In the 19th century, guns were ever rarer, because we didn't not have the industrial infrastructure to pump thousands of them out. In fact, the major reason why the South Lost was their inability to produce enough guns or purchase them from Europe. (And they were a bunch of inbred morons, not enough of whom were removed from the Gene Pool in the war, but oh, well.)

Here's what really happened. In the 1960's, hunting fell out of favor when people realized murdering small animals wasn't really a "Sport". So the Gun Industry had a problem. No demand for their product... HOw do we fix that? Get people all scared that they need guns for their personal safety. How do you do that. Make sure criminals can get guns so they want them, too.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Then you read my post.

But you got all butthurt and demanded an answer you say you already read.

Fucking moron.

You cited 20 year old list, dumbass. I want to know what criminals are currently playing in the NFL. You failed liked you always see to do by making a bizarre statement and then fail to back it up. Why should I care about someone getting busted for drugs long after their playing career is over?
Go be butthurt somewhere else. And both those databases are up to date.

You fucked up. Man up and take responsibility.

20 fucking years is up to date? How stupid are you, dickless?
Trying to kill someone is not protected by the First Amendment.

I ain't even surprised you don't know that.

No one was trying to kill Shittenhouse. (Future Aryan Nation Prison Bitch)
Is that what you were told to parrot? Because there is actually no evidence to support your ridiculous claim.

This is the part where you should feel stupid, but lack the necessary self-awareness.
Many of them have convictions for spouse abuse, rape, and murder. They couldn't join the military if they wanted to.

Like who?
Keep reading.
I already did. You clutched and didn't answer up.
Really? Post #11 says you're full of shit.
I asked, and you said to wait. That list is very old, and of the top 10 players arrested, none are recognizable. That's about 60 players per team, 32 teams, and 20 years. That's about 38,000 players.
You weren't even on this thread prior to Post #11.

How the fuck do you know, you stupid motherfucker?
Because posts 1-10 aren't yours, dumbfuck.

So, because they are not my posts you think I didn't read them? How fucking stupid are you?
Then you read my post.

But you got all butthurt and demanded an answer you say you already read.

Fucking moron.

You cited 20 year old list, dumbass. I want to know what criminals are currently playing in the NFL. You failed liked you always see to do by making a bizarre statement and then fail to back it up. Why should I care about someone getting busted for drugs long after their playing career is over?
Go be butthurt somewhere else. And both those databases are up to date.

You fucked up. Man up and take responsibility.

20 fucking years is up to date? How stupid are you, dickless?
Hey, you stupid bastard, I posted three links. One was about a 20-year-old book, and the other two were databases that are current and up to date.

I repeat: You fucked up. Man up and take responsibility. But you won't, so I'll settle for you shutting the fuck up.
Is that what you were told to parrot? Because there is actually no evidence to support your ridiculous claim.

YOu mean other than when the little thug was shooting people in the crowd.

Can't wait for him to go to prison for the rest of his life.
The lies other lying leftists have told you, and that you immediately swallowed without question, are not proof of anything but leftists lie and you're a gullible buffoon.

Self-defense is every human being's right. Even if it makes you butthurt.
The lies other lying leftists have told you, and that you immediately swallowed without question, are not proof of anything but leftists lie and you're a gullible buffoon.

Self-defense is every human being's right. Even if it makes you butthurt.

Self defense is you defending yourself in your home.

It is not having your Mommy drive you 22 miles across state lines, joining up with a bunch of other assholes, then getting separated and panicking when you find yourself surrounded by people who scare you.
The lies other lying leftists have told you, and that you immediately swallowed without question, are not proof of anything but leftists lie and you're a gullible buffoon.

Self-defense is every human being's right. Even if it makes you butthurt.

Self defense is you defending yourself in your home.

It is not having your Mommy drive you 22 miles across state lines, joining up with a bunch of other assholes, then getting separated and panicking when you find yourself surrounded by people who scare you.
It's not trying to kill someone because they disagree with you.

You know -- like your domestic terrorists like to do.
It's not trying to kill someone because they disagree with you.

You know -- like your domestic terrorists like to do.

Okay. Let's look at that. DHS just published a report that the most dangerous group are right wing militias like the one Rittenhouse belong to.

Trump largely ignored it. Those are his peeps.

But oh, noes, some protesters broke some windows.

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