NFL Ratings down big time - INCLUDING a classic Superbowl

Fuck Kapernick. A couple liberals or progressive douchebags are not going to alter my enjoyment of the game. I simply won't buy their shit.

The constant rule changes & almost equal time between commercials vs game time is what's killing it for me.
Ravens owner hit nail on the head saying NFL had too many commercials.

Commercials pay the bills. Nope I believe it has been disrespecting the fans.

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I see the commercials as one of the biggest disrespect of fans. I haven't been to a game in a decade because the TV timeouts are just as bad to sit through at the stadium as they are at home, probably even worse. They could do spilt screen and run some of the ads while continuing the game. Sure ads pay the bills, but if ratings keep declining those ads will lose their value and networks won't be bidding as much for the right to televise games. Years ago they changed rules to keep clock running to squeeze more commercials in and still get the game complete within 3 hours. For me it has reached a point of not watching unless the local team is playing or it's deep in the playoffs. .
I watched fewer games this year

There are probably multiple reasons:

Oversaturation of games: I do not want to watch games Thursday night, Sunday at 9AM, 1, 4 and 8 and then Monday night. Especially if there is not a compelling game to watch

The games are too long and there is no longer a balance between Offense and Defense and a balance between the running and passing game. Watching uncontested pass completions gets boring unless you are a fantasy player

There are not as many great teams and great rivalries that are must watch

Not as many stars as in the past

I don't care about Kaepernick...a bigger issue is the 49ers suck
I quit watching THE NFL entirely when they started protesting. Many other people I know did too.
Screw them. They are trained marionettes paid to entertain me, not lecture me on politics.

And I love football. Plenty of other things to do with my time.
If Kaeperdick was even close to being a decent QB he would not have done what he did. He sat during the anthem because he was pissed to be on the bench and butt hurt that no one was talking about him anymore. And that was the only reason he did not stand up. Then when the media and the fans jumped on him he came up with the BLM BS excuse but in reality he is just a cry baby low skilled back up that is pissed he is not the great QB he thought he was.
If Kaeperdick was even close to being a decent QB he would not have done what he did. He sat during the anthem because he was pissed to be on the bench and butt hurt that no one was talking about him anymore. And that was the only reason he did not stand up. Then when the media and the fans jumped on him he came up with the BLM BS excuse but in reality he is just a cry baby low skilled back up that is pissed he is not the great QB he thought he was.

I don't understand what these entertainers don't get. If you take a political or controversial social stance, you offend half of your supporters.

I used to listen to Howard Stern years ago. I followed him to satellite radio. Then he went on some rant about Palin and said anybody that voted Republican is a complete idiot, and that's when I turned him off. I enjoyed other programming on the satellite radio, but eventually got rid of it.

Hey, if you think I'm an idiot, then let your non-idiot listeners support you. I refuse to. I'm not offended by people that have a different political view, but if you're going to insult me for mine, then shove it.
I watched less NFL this year than I have for many, many years, but it certainly didn't have anything to do with the kid engaging in a peaceful protest.

I stopped watching because ...

a) the quality of play was poor

b) the officiating was awful


c) the play calling has become so predictable and formulaic that it's just boring to watch. I understand that they've hit upon a winning formula, but I miss the days of the gun-slinging gamblers.

Where have you gone Kenny Stabler, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Woo, woo, woo ...
Maybe it's because the Superbowl has become so commercialized?

I'm not a big sports fan, but one of the reasons I used to watch was because of the entertaining commercials. They are far from entertaining these last couple of Super Bowls, and the entertainment hardly entertains me. At my age, there is only so much stripper music I can take.
I watched less NFL this year than I have for many, many years, but it certainly didn't have anything to do with the kid engaging in a peaceful protest.

I stopped watching because ...

a) the quality of play was poor

b) the officiating was awful


c) the play calling has become so predictable and formulaic that it's just boring to watch. I understand that they've hit upon a winning formula, but I miss the days of the gun-slinging gamblers.

Where have you gone Kenny Stabler, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you.

Woo, woo, woo ...
The kid hasn't helped....
The NFL season is over — but its ratings problem might be just starting

Rating slumped 12% this season and the forecast doesn't look any better. First, they blamed it on multimedia alternatives. Simple answer and that may sway some, but not to this effect. Is it the product on the field. The guys are bigger, stronger and faster than ever. Then they tried to blame it on Trump and the interest in the election! Lol no F'ing way.

I think it comes down to the an elitist disconnect between the owner, players and fans. The cost of going to a game is outrageous. Take a Bears game. Face value tickets cost $125 to $200 for nose bleed seats, not to mention seating outside in the winter in the snow and cold. Then close parking cost $100 (further parking you could get for $40). Then they gauge you for food and drinks.

For a family of 4, the cost at the low end is $640 and the high end is $1000. Insane and not worth it, but fans still do it.

However I think the killer has been Colin Cuntpatrick and the NFL response to him. Like all sports the fan base is largely made of the white upper middle class. White Americans took huge offense to Cuntpatrick's kneeling during the anthem and the NFL not only condoning it but encouraging it, because he they didn't want to upset the social justice warriors who scream loud but aren't their customers. No their stance isolated their base.

I am one person but I didn't watch a single NFL game this year (except the Super Bowl) and I have done that since, well I can't remember. I also didn't attend at least one game in 20+ yrs.

Liberals will mock with red herrings, but I am one of countless that have turned my back to the NFL because of Cuntpatrick and I don't think that will change any time soon.

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Fock the Bah-stahn Chahtahs, and their chatten coach and whiney bitch quatahback
I no longer watch the unpatriotic NFL.....
You wouldn't know what a football was if it hit you in the head anyway, you one-line-loser.

Lol you complain about one liners by delivering a one liner. Lol [emoji23] you're not the sharpest tool in the shed.

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Some people just don't merit more than a one line response, such as yourself.
Ravens owner hit nail on the head saying NFL had too many commercials.

The Red Zone is the only way to watch.

A growing percentage of fans are more interested in their fantasy football team than the Cowboys, Packers or Steelers
They don't care who wins....only who scored TDs

Why watch a whole game when you can watch Red Zone or get internet reports on your fantasy players?

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