NFL Setting Stage To Cancel 2020 Season

The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

I refuse to beleive I will not be watching college and NFL football this fall. That will suck. If it does happen i will just hop on a freighter for 6 months. One big pay check at the end and not a dime spent all that time. That check could likely get me this.
That would take the sting out of a year of no football!
The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or the left.

Of course it does. The Libs are the ones who are the engine behind the Corona Panic. They want to cripple the country as much as possible as long as Donald J. Trump is President.

We still parroting this talking point? Because it's a flat out lie. Cause last I saw, both Republican and Democrat governors, mayors, and business leaders had to act because Trump was too busy pep rallying and golfing to do his job. Something that continues to this day. He took his job seriously for a month and ultimately knew he wasn't up to the task so he went back to ignoring it. And those Republican governors and mayors that sucked up to Trump by not shutting down or providing guidance on contact, are now paying the price for increased virus cases in their states. One more reason why devotion to Trump should be cataloged as a sickness.

As for the NFL, last I looked, both the left and the right enjoyed watching football. That being said, they are recognizing is baseball and basketball. Several teams have closed practice facilities because of virus outbreaks. Contrary to popular right wing dogma...this isn't the flu or the common cold. It's contagious and spreads...quickly. And I honestly don't give a shit about the newest right wing talking point of declining deaths. You may see that number head in the opposite direction with these spikes. How do you think sports teams are going to play if most of their players get infected? I will be surprised if any sports season makes it through even to the end of their limited play.
This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Yes Grasshopper. You learn well who's your daddy.

Now on a serious note, one thing I hope that comes out of all this is the re-thinking of publicly funded sports stadiums.
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Pandemics have been the reason for many an economy to fail throughout human history..The OP thinks it is a political matter. It's a liability issue you fool.
If the games are played in empty stadiums or on secluded fields, will they remain as popular?

WE KNOW THE ANSWER IS: NO. Sports, especially football is a PARTICIPATION sport, and half the reason for most sports enthusiasts is their ability to PARTICIPATE, cheer, root, yell for their team, as much as to see them win. The most ardent enthiusisats who shell the out the biggest buckds are the very peopl;e who stand to lose-- -- -- everything. No dressing up, no face paint, no outrageous costumes, no waving signs and towels, and no cookout tailgate parties outside before going in sloshed to watch the game.
The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

If they opt out they don’t get paid. Not as simple as it sounds.

With the contracts they sign? I'm sure they'll get by...
Those contracts are not guaranteed
I think many pro sports thinking of starting their season will end up cancelling

NBA has many players infected. MLB will find the same.
College Football is finding it difficult to bring in players
All according to plan.

Funny how a disease that amounts to the flu can be used to destroy all forms of recreation in America.
The left is busy destroying anything that takes our minds off of our troubles.
I wonder why they think they can take over the government by doing this?
Actually the right is, holding rallies, not social distancing and not wearing a mask.
The only way Democrats can draw a crowd these days is by paying BLM to conduct peaceful protests.
Where does it say it’s a “white” aside from your vivid imagination

Pretty funny, huh, Azog? The very people who insist they are not equals and respected are the very same group who insist on be separate and unequal to the point of even having their own anthem and rejecting that of the nation they demand to be a part of (which they already are) all the while WITHOLDING respect from others!

These racist BLM schmucks aren't rioting for equality, they are rioting for a SUPERIOR position with special privileges.

And the more you give them the greater their demands will be.
I think many pro sports thinking of starting their season will end up cancelling

NBA has many players infected. MLB will find the same.
College Football is finding it difficult to bring in players

So what should be done with the stadiums that states and cities have built at tremendous expense? Can't social distance when 100,000 are jammed inside for a game.
They will sit idle like everything else

The bond holders expect paid, revenue needs generated. How about converting Ohio Stadium, First Energy Stadium and Heinz Stadium into field hospitals to take care of pandemic patients?
Great idea.
There's not enough patients to fill all of the beds now, and you want to do this?
The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or the left.

Of course it does. The Libs are the ones who are the engine behind the Corona Panic. They want to cripple the country as much as possible as long as Donald J. Trump is President.
you are a dumb fuck! no one wnats to tank the economy, no democrat,independent, or republican wants to sit around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing. Only smack heads want that take your horse shit nonsense else where. Every swinging dick in the nation is having a rough time right now. Every one wants shit back to normal. Your a dumb fuck.
Fuck off Dick
Tell that to AOC she tweeted this than deleted it:
It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed
Thanks for the admission.
The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or the left.

Of course it does. The Libs are the ones who are the engine behind the Corona Panic. They want to cripple the country as much as possible as long as Donald J. Trump is President.
you are a dumb fuck! no one wnats to tank the economy, no democrat,independent, or republican wants to sit around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing. Only smack heads want that take your horse shit nonsense else where. Every swinging dick in the nation is having a rough time right now. Every one wants shit back to normal. Your a dumb fuck.
Fuck off Dick
Tell that to AOC she tweeted this than deleted it:
It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed
Where would you guys be, without all of the right wing lies, you believe? :dunno:

The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or the left.

Of course it does. The Libs are the ones who are the engine behind the Corona Panic. They want to cripple the country as much as possible as long as Donald J. Trump is President.
you are a dumb fuck! no one wnats to tank the economy, no democrat,independent, or republican wants to sit around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing. Only smack heads want that take your horse shit nonsense else where. Every swinging dick in the nation is having a rough time right now. Every one wants shit back to normal. Your a dumb fuck.
Fuck off Dick
Tell that to AOC she tweeted this than deleted it:
It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed
Where would you guys be, without all of the right wing lies, you believe? :dunno:

Of course she did not write that says the main stream media who would hide anything not in their agenda
Meh, whatever.

If they do, at least we won't have to listen to that "black national anthem" bullshit in week one...
And we won't have to listen to the white national anthem played before games all year.
What the hell is the "white national anthem?" I had no idea white people had their very own national anthem. What song is that?
He is a bitter negro, that sees nothing but race. A sorry way to live.
This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Yes Grasshopper. You learn well who's your daddy.

Now on a serious note, one thing I hope that comes out of all this is the re-thinking of publicly funded sports stadiums.
That's retarded.

What do you think a socialist government does? You'll still end up paying for sports facilities through massive taxes.

Basically your paycheck goes into a government bank and the government takes out what they need to operate and leave you with a few bucks to spend on clothes and groceries.
The NFL is thinking of offering players the option to opt out of the 2020 season without penalty.
Some college schools are canceling the 2020 season already. This is just a couple of examples of how the left controls much of our country.

Has nothing to do with Democrats or the left.

Of course it does. The Libs are the ones who are the engine behind the Corona Panic. They want to cripple the country as much as possible as long as Donald J. Trump is President.
you are a dumb fuck! no one wnats to tank the economy, no democrat,independent, or republican wants to sit around with their thumb up their ass doing nothing. Only smack heads want that take your horse shit nonsense else where. Every swinging dick in the nation is having a rough time right now. Every one wants shit back to normal. Your a dumb fuck.
Fuck off Dick
Tell that to AOC she tweeted this than deleted it:
It’s vital that Governors maintain restrictions on businesses until after the November Elections because economic recovery will help Trump be re-elected. A few business closures or job losses is a small price to pay to be free from his presidency. #KeepUsClosed
Where would you guys be, without all of the right wing lies, you believe? :dunno:

The rub on this is fellow squad member Ilhan Omar's recent statement on destroying the economy and replacing it with socialism. That's much worse than just throttling the economy till November, Meathead.
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