NFL - think twice on Limbaugh

I think you should protest their wanton hypocrisy by not watching anymore. That'll teach'em. :thup:

I don't watch that weak ass excuse for entertainment, if my dog has taken a shit in the backyard, it's more interesting to clean it up. Team sports is valium for the masses........... pathetic.
What's wrong with valium? :eusa_eh:

Out of all of the drugs I have tried in my life, valium is easily the most useless shit out there, just slam your head into a wall hard enough to knock you out, about the same effect. Pot is much better and naturally grown. Grind up some and bake some brownies, about the same feeling with out the addictive qualities.
ListenUp! YO!

5. I think we've all heard just about enough on Rush Limbaugh's failed part-ownership bid, and I don't have much to add. Except this: Yes, I feel sure he would have gotten rejected had he advanced further down the ownership line, because he would be the kind of distraction the league doesn't want. It might not be fair, but if Limbaugh got the team and kept broadcasting (I'm sure he would), what would stop beat guys for the Rams from monitoring his show, then going into the locker room and asking players, "Hey, your owner just said he hopes the president fails. What do you think of that?'' Maybe it wouldn't happen that way. And it certainly isn't fair that a man's public politics may well have kept him from owning a team. But Limbaugh would have been a living, breathing, daily distraction, and that's something the NFL wasn't going to have.

Drew Brees' New Orleans Saints are best team in NFL - Peter King -
5. I think we've all heard just about enough on Rush Limbaugh's failed part-ownership bid, and I don't have much to add. Except this: Yes, I feel sure he would have gotten rejected had he advanced further down the ownership line, because he would be the kind of distraction the league doesn't want. It might not be fair, but if Limbaugh got the team and kept broadcasting (I'm sure he would), what would stop beat guys for the Rams from monitoring his show, then going into the locker room and asking players, "Hey, your owner just said he hopes the president fails. What do you think of that?'' Maybe it wouldn't happen that way. And it certainly isn't fair that a man's public politics may well have kept him from owning a team. But Limbaugh would have been a living, breathing, daily distraction, and that's something the NFL wasn't going to have.

Drew Brees' New Orleans Saints are best team in NFL - Peter King -

That is the only reasonable excuse for not allowing him in, that I have seen, the rest are bullshit.

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