NFL TV Partners Set To Lose Up To $500 Million On Ratings Decline

Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.


So how does it feel to be manipulated by a rich white man in Brussels? He is a master at it.
Now he is your master:

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
When he says take a knee, take a knee, boy...
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Not one fan gives a shit about CTE. You can't win debates with lies.
Yeah that’s why the NFL has been freaking out about it for years and why participation in youth football is so dramatically down :rolleyes:
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
BLM doesn't have enough supporters to shut down a waffle house, let alone the NFL. Quit making a fool of yourself.
Hopefully, the obese yokel Trump sheep boycotting the NFL are getting out on Sundays, going outside and walking around on their stubby legs. It might keep them healthy enough that it won’t matter when Trump takes away their healthcare.

Meanwhile the NFL’s ratings have been in decline for years and years now for multiple reasons, mainly the CTE issue. I’d care more if my Redskins weren’t such a joke of a franchise.
Not one fan gives a shit about CTE. You can't win debates with lies.
Yeah that’s why the NFL has been freaking out about it for years and why participation in youth football is so dramatically down :rolleyes:
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Aw, reduced to insults :itsok::meow:
Not one fan gives a shit about CTE. You can't win debates with lies.
Yeah that’s why the NFL has been freaking out about it for years and why participation in youth football is so dramatically down :rolleyes:
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Aw, reduced to insults :itsok::meow:
Aww, reduced to just saying shit that isn't based in facts. :itsok:
Yeah that’s why the NFL has been freaking out about it for years and why participation in youth football is so dramatically down :rolleyes:
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
BLM doesn't have enough supporters to shut down a waffle house, let alone the NFL. Quit making a fool of yourself.
You claimed they werent the ones that started the boycott. Trying to deflect now that you have been made a fool of I see. :laugh:
Yeah that’s why the NFL has been freaking out about it for years and why participation in youth football is so dramatically down :rolleyes:
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Aw, reduced to insults :itsok::meow:
Aww, reduced to just saying shit that isn't based in facts. :itsok:
So what are you doing on Sundays these days? Here, I can help:

List of hobbies - Wikipedia
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.


So how does it feel to be manipulated by a rich white man in Brussels? He is a master at it.
Now he is your master:

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
When he says take a knee, take a knee, boy...
Your attempt at reverse psychology was amusing. If someone is going to pay me to do what I am doing anyway I wont turn it down. Where can I get some of those funds?
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Aw, reduced to insults :itsok::meow:
Aww, reduced to just saying shit that isn't based in facts. :itsok:
So what are you doing on Sundays these days? Here, I can help:

List of hobbies - Wikipedia
The NFL is banned in my house now, much like millions of other households, but I've still got MMA so I'm doing just fine. Thanks.
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Aw, reduced to insults :itsok::meow:
Aww, reduced to just saying shit that isn't based in facts. :itsok:
So what are you doing on Sundays these days? Here, I can help:

List of hobbies - Wikipedia
The NFL is banned in my house now, much like millions of other households, but I've still got MMA so I'm doing just fine. Thanks.
Okay. That sucks. :cuckoo:
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.


So how does it feel to be manipulated by a rich white man in Brussels? He is a master at it.
Now he is your master:

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
When he says take a knee, take a knee, boy...
Your attempt at reverse psychology was amusing. If someone is going to pay me to do what I am doing anyway I wont turn it down. Where can I get some of those funds?

No psyc necessary. He says kneel, you kneel. Just that simple. Where were all your knees, BEFORE Soros ponied up? Are you less "equal" now than you were 5 years ago? Why did you have to wait to show your umbrage until someone waved some bills in front of your face? How embarrassing for your race.
So, is there anything you won't prostitute yourself for if money is at stake?
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Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.


So how does it feel to be manipulated by a rich white man in Brussels? He is a master at it.
Now he is your master:

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
When he says take a knee, take a knee, boy...
Your attempt at reverse psychology was amusing. If someone is going to pay me to do what I am doing anyway I wont turn it down. Where can I get some of those funds?

No psyc necessary. He says kneel, you kneel. Just that simple. Where were all your knees, BEFORE Soros ponied up? Are you less unequal now than you were 5 years ago? Why did you have to wait to show your umbrage until someone waved some bills in front of your face? How embarrassing for your race.
So, is there anything you won't prostitute yourself for if money is at stake?
Yep. Kap said to kneel and everyone started kneeling. Kaps a great leader.
Not a very good kneeler or football player..
Soros is your leader. Kap didn't kneel until he was told. #cutthecheck
It really is an embarrassment. You probably think Ferguson was about black lives mattering too.... :eusa_doh:
I hate to see you being used by anyone, but a rich white guy? Oh, the irony...
Why is the NFL seeing declining ratings?

1. Oversaturation. NFL football on Thursday and Sunday night is becoming a regular thing now. There's too much NFL football.

2. Slow. Games are 3 hours+ (though it actually improved a bit in 2017.)

3. It's getting boring. All teams use the same formulas, the good teams remain the good teams. There's nothing exciting happening.

4. Demographics. Young people aren't into it as much. I remember living and breathing football as a kid. It's not that way any more.

Kneeling? That has jack to do with anything.
Why is the NFL seeing declining ratings?

1. Oversaturation. NFL football on Thursday and Sunday night is becoming a regular thing now. There's too much NFL football.

2. Slow. Games are 3 hours+. Though it actually improved a bit in 2017.

3. It's getting boring. All teams use the same formulas, the good teams remain the good teams. There's nothing exciting happening.

4. Demographics. Young people aren't into it as much. I remember living and breathing football as a kid. It's not that way any more.

Kneeling? That has jack to do with anything.

Yeah it does, the kneeling started and the ratings bottomed out. It's not rocket science, even for you
I think the kneeling was the catalyst that drove those suffering from saturation to grab the remote and move on.
Half a billion here, half a billion there. Pretty soon we will be talking about real money.

NFL TV Partners Set To Lose Up To $500 Million On Ratings Decline.

well, if "outkickthecoverage" says so

Exactly. I decided to Google this and other than two other third party sites making this claim, none of which provided a source for these numbers, like the OP's "source," I can't find anything on this. I'm skeptical it's accurate.
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.


So how does it feel to be manipulated by a rich white man in Brussels? He is a master at it.
Now he is your master:

That funding comes in addition to more than $33 million in grants to the Black Lives Matter movement from top Democratic Party donor George Soros through his Open Society Foundations, as well as grant-making from the Center for American Progress.
When he says take a knee, take a knee, boy...
Your attempt at reverse psychology was amusing. If someone is going to pay me to do what I am doing anyway I wont turn it down. Where can I get some of those funds?

No psyc necessary. He says kneel, you kneel. Just that simple. Where were all your knees, BEFORE Soros ponied up? Are you less unequal now than you were 5 years ago? Why did you have to wait to show your umbrage until someone waved some bills in front of your face? How embarrassing for your race.
So, is there anything you won't prostitute yourself for if money is at stake?
Yep. Kap said to kneel and everyone started kneeling. Kaps a great leader.
Quit telling your cave monkey lies. He never told anyone to kneel.
Why is the NFL seeing declining ratings?

1. Oversaturation. NFL football on Thursday and Sunday night is becoming a regular thing now. There's too much NFL football.

2. Slow. Games are 3 hours+ (though it actually improved a bit in 2017.)

3. It's getting boring. All teams use the same formulas, the good teams remain the good teams. There's nothing exciting happening.

4. Demographics. Young people aren't into it as much. I remember living and breathing football as a kid. It's not that way any more.

Kneeling? That has jack to do with anything.
The people who are actually in the NFL business think otherwise, which basically means that your claims are total horse shit. Quit talking about things you know little about.

Many NFL teams reportedly tell players protests during anthem 'will hurt business'

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