NFL TV Partners Set To Lose Up To $500 Million On Ratings Decline

Why is the NFL seeing declining ratings?

1. Oversaturation. NFL football on Thursday and Sunday night is becoming a regular thing now. There's too much NFL football.

2. Slow. Games are 3 hours+ (though it actually improved a bit in 2017.)

3. It's getting boring. All teams use the same formulas, the good teams remain the good teams. There's nothing exciting happening.

4. Demographics. Young people aren't into it as much. I remember living and breathing football as a kid. It's not that way any more.

Kneeling? That has jack to do with anything.
The people who are actually in the NFL business think otherwise, which basically means that your claims are total horse shit. Quit talking about things you know little about.

Many NFL teams reportedly tell players protests during anthem 'will hurt business'

It's just like Target and their ill fated descion to let men into women's restrooms. The stock tanks but nooooooo THAT wasn't the reason
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.

You never had a boycott. Why do you always try to take credit for the work of white people?

There has been a boycott since the season started. Go on and google it if you dont believe it and you'll see the dates being months ago when this started.

And now the NFL is paying for it.
Those that want to make this a white vs black issue, you are for the birds.

There are many whites within the nfl that get away with murder, and many blacks that don’t try to.
What does any of that have to do with the fans who watch the NFL?
It’s a better explanation for the many, many years worth of declining ratings than Kapaernick kneeling last year.[/QUOTE]
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.
Exactly right.

It the pissed off fans weren't having an effect on ratings the NFL bigwigs wouldn't be talking about it all the time.

Hell, even our brain-dead PINO knows something is wrong with the NFL, and he's clueless about almost everything.
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.

Or, it's our boycott against the stupidity and anti-American attitude of many of the black boys suiting up, huh? It's America and free speech and all that, but no laws against people, in effect, telling them to shove it up their asses by ignoring them on game days.
Has nothing to do with fake white monkey outrage. I still hear you whites talking about the games and being outraged but you still attend and still watch.

Yep, some non American whites still gotta watch those idiots run around. Traitors I say

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Those that want to make this a white vs black issue, you are for the birds.

There are many whites within the nfl that get away with murder, and many blacks that don’t try to.

That doesnt address anything anyone is talking about...Like, at all
Looks like our boycott against the NFL is working.

Or, it's our boycott against the stupidity and anti-American attitude of many of the black boys suiting up, huh? It's America and free speech and all that, but no laws against people, in effect, telling them to shove it up their asses by ignoring them on game days.
Has nothing to do with fake white monkey outrage. I still hear you whites talking about the games and being outraged but you still attend and still watch.

Yep, some non American whites still gotta watch those idiots run around. Traitors I say

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Go to Best Buy and buy a new remote
The NFL was such a waste of my time and energy.

I am glad I have doubled my weekend effectively this year.

This is good living.
As long as the dindus lose the game what difference does it make who did it. If blacks want to say they broke the NFL let them. Black savages sitting on their fat asses is the goal.
Why is the NFL seeing declining ratings?

1. Oversaturation. NFL football on Thursday and Sunday night is becoming a regular thing now. There's too much NFL football.

2. Slow. Games are 3 hours+. Though it actually improved a bit in 2017.

3. It's getting boring. All teams use the same formulas, the good teams remain the good teams. There's nothing exciting happening.

4. Demographics. Young people aren't into it as much. I remember living and breathing football as a kid. It's not that way any more.

Kneeling? That has jack to do with anything.

Yeah it does, the kneeling started and the ratings bottomed out. It's not rocket science, even for you
Kap is leading and oblivion is where he's leading.
Quit lying. We all know their ratings began to plummet when players started kneeling. The fans know it, the team owners know it and the NFL knows it, because they've all said as much. As far as I can tell, you're one of the only people who thinks otherwise, but that's because you were born with a low IQ.

The media refuses to accept kneeling as the issue, because it does not fit the narrative they created. Their pride will allow a lot more than $500M in losses.
The 4 major networks are down 8% in viewership.

The NFL is down 5%.

That is, the NFL is doing better than TV in general.

The problem is that fewer people are watching TV, period.
I definitely have found NFL football less enjoyable ever since the league promoted the passing game which then resulted in rule changes to protect QB's and receivers. For several years now my viewing has been mostly limited to the local Arizona Cardinals.
Hopefully, the obese yokel Trump sheep boycotting the NFL are getting out on Sundays, going outside and walking around on their stubby legs. It might keep them healthy enough that it won’t matter when Trump takes away their healthcare.

Meanwhile the NFL’s ratings have been in decline for years and years now for multiple reasons, mainly the CTE issue. I’d care more if my Redskins weren’t such a joke of a franchise.

Yes, please keep drizzling that snobby, sneering, elitist diarrhea - that's sure to win you back the 1000 seats you lost.

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