NFL Update: “The owners are now dealing with a surge in ticket holder requests for refunds.”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Yep. Straw that broke the NFL. Turns out that telling over half of your customer base to kiss your ass isn't a smart financial maneuver. Who knew?

“The owners are now dealing with a surge in ticket holder requests for refunds.”

Related: CNN Anchor: NFL Owners Have Data That Support Trump’s Claim on NFL Protests Hurting TV Ratings.

One of the top TV shows was Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. It was top ranked because it matched what people think. Conservative and anti-PC. But because it was conservative it was killed. NFL has no idea the spark they generated in a gasoline fume filled room by going full Social Justice Warrior on America.
the economic pressure is going to destroy the kneelers-----
you nay-sayers out there--------do not have a chance
Yep. Straw that broke the NFL. Turns out that telling over half of your customer base to kiss your ass isn't a smart financial maneuver. Who knew?

“The owners are now dealing with a surge in ticket holder requests for refunds.”

Related: CNN Anchor: NFL Owners Have Data That Support Trump’s Claim on NFL Protests Hurting TV Ratings.

One of the top TV shows was Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. It was top ranked because it matched what people think. Conservative and anti-PC. But because it was conservative it was killed. NFL has no idea the spark they generated in a gasoline fume filled room by going full Social Justice Warrior on America.
Good opportunities for football fans who are not snowflakes.
Yep. Straw that broke the NFL. Turns out that telling over half of your customer base to kiss your ass isn't a smart financial maneuver. Who knew?

“The owners are now dealing with a surge in ticket holder requests for refunds.”

Related: CNN Anchor: NFL Owners Have Data That Support Trump’s Claim on NFL Protests Hurting TV Ratings.

One of the top TV shows was Last Man Standing with Tim Allen. It was top ranked because it matched what people think. Conservative and anti-PC. But because it was conservative it was killed. NFL has no idea the spark they generated in a gasoline fume filled room by going full Social Justice Warrior on America.

This is the greatest contribution that Trump has made, he has awoken the political courage of the average American.

The average Joe, making an average salary, working hard and getting sand kicked in his face, watching jobs being shipped to China, Mexico, Canada. Watching politics and PC culture tell him how to raise his family, what to eat, what his kids should learn at school, how they should act, how they should address peoples gender. Telling him he is wrong, he doesn't matter, he is obsolete.

Then, as you suggest, the straw that broke the camels back. This same guy who takes all of this b.s, wants his one little day to drink beer and celebrate his team in a simple form of ritual and patriotism, turns on the tv to see one final act from elites; who are only elite because of Average Joes like him, kneel in disrespect and defiance of the anthem and his one day to enjoy his ritual. Bringing politics into his home where it is unwanted.

Well, this Average Joe thinks of Trump overcoming much greater odds than this to win an election. He remembers Trump telling people that he is going to stand up for America again and do whats right, not what lobbyists want. So now Average Joe picks up the phone and cancels his football tv package, in HIS form of defiance. Average Joe who goes to the game, doesn't go anymore, cancels his tickets. Hell, the Average Joe who doesn't like to even email his friends takes the half hour and emails advertisers and the league!

Average Joe is back. He may not be as strong economically as he once was, but he sure is committed and mentally tough. He's fighting back!

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!
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glad to hear that whites are helping Blacks take down the NFL.

Why are you happy that whites are going to put so many blacks out of work?
They wont be putting Blacks out of work. They have contracts. They will be making the owners rethink their racism.

They'll be thinking about those Code of Conduct clauses in those contracts when the bucks continue heading south. When Bud is upset, owners listen.
glad to hear that whites are helping Blacks take down the NFL.

Lol the NBA is going down also. You do realize both NBA and NFL makes mostly black men instant millionaires.

I personally wrote off both already. I will stick to hockey

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Neither are really going down. You whites would commit suicide if you couldnt marvel at superior beings such as Black guys.
glad to hear that whites are helping Blacks take down the NFL.

Why are you happy that whites are going to put so many blacks out of work?
They wont be putting Blacks out of work. They have contracts. They will be making the owners rethink their racism.

Since about 67% of the players in the NFL are black, calling the owners racist is just silly.
Explain your logic? Thats like claiming that the slave owners werent racists because they put poor white trash out of work.
glad to hear that whites are helping Blacks take down the NFL.
Blacks arent trying to do that. We are doing that all on our own without any help from them. We dont like their politics so we are shutting this shit down.
the economic pressure is going to destroy the kneelers-----
you nay-sayers out there--------do not have a chance
So you are a ticket holder.?
Please post in a couple of months
If you think Phil eagles are not going to show you're crazy

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