NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
So do you stand for the anthem when it's on a screen?

I don't kneel to actively show disrespect to the Flag and the Nation and citizens it symbolizes.

That is the question you should have asked me, if you were not just here to defend anti-American pieces of shit.
There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
So do you stand for the anthem when it's on a screen?

I don't kneel to actively show disrespect to the Flag and the Nation and citizens it symbolizes.

That is the question you should have asked me, if you were not just here to defend anti-American pieces of shit.

Emotional basketcase poster re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that he can only make specious arguments from butthurt emotion and coprophilic taunts.

And he never did address the question either.
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I predict the players union will double down on stupid again this year.

This should be entertaining.

I predict kickstarter campaigns to pay their fines.

I predict the players will simply exercise the option to stay in the locker room, as they always did before a few years ago when they were trotted out to be marionettes --- demonstrating how the NFL had its head up its ass trotting them out there in the first place.

And that will be precious, since it means Kaepernick wins and the Orangu-tan loses.
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I predict the players union will double down on stupid again this year.

This should be entertaining.

I predict kickstarter campaigns to pay their fines.

I predict the players will simply exercise the option to stay in the locker room, as they always did before a few years ago when they were trotted out to be marionettes --- demonstrating how the NFL had its head up its ass trotting them out there in the first place.

Pfft....players strike.....they are that stupid.
I predict the players union will double down on stupid again this year.

This should be entertaining.

I predict kickstarter campaigns to pay their fines.

I predict the players will simply exercise the option to stay in the locker room, as they always did before a few years ago when they were trotted out to be marionettes --- demonstrating how the NFL had its head up its ass trotting them out there in the first place.

Pfft....players strike.....they are that stupid.

I mentioned nothing about a "strike".

Part of what the NFL decided is that being marionette-trotted out to play tin soldier for the giant jingo commercial is optional. As it used to be and should have stayed. No "strike" required.

But it does invite the question of the next step, when that happens. Are the Fascisti here going to start head-counting to see who didn't trot out, and send goons into the locker room to drag them out? I'm guessing they will, if they want to be consistent with their fascism.

I figure they'll strap the players onto a stretcher which is then stood on end, so they can't move. Because that's what Freedom and Liberty are all about --- forced lockstep behavior.
I predict the players union will double down on stupid again this year.

This should be entertaining.

I predict kickstarter campaigns to pay their fines.

I predict the players will simply exercise the option to stay in the locker room, as they always did before a few years ago when they were trotted out to be marionettes --- demonstrating how the NFL had its head up its ass trotting them out there in the first place.

Pfft....players strike.....they are that stupid.

I mentioned nothing about a "strike".

Part of what the NFL decided is that being marionette-trotted out to play tin soldier for the giant jingo commercial is optional. As it used to be and should have stayed. No "strike" required.

But it does invite the question of the next step, when that happens. Are the Fascisti here going to start head-counting to see who didn't trot out, and send goons into the locker room to drag them out? I'm guessing they will, if they want to be consistent with their fascism.

The fascisti are too lazy to get up and do that. Probably just change the channel and switch from budweiser to craft beers.
I predict the players union will double down on stupid again this year.

This should be entertaining.

I predict kickstarter campaigns to pay their fines.

I predict the players will simply exercise the option to stay in the locker room, as they always did before a few years ago when they were trotted out to be marionettes --- demonstrating how the NFL had its head up its ass trotting them out there in the first place.

Pfft....players strike.....they are that stupid.

I mentioned nothing about a "strike".

Part of what the NFL decided is that being marionette-trotted out to play tin soldier for the giant jingo commercial is optional. As it used to be and should have stayed. No "strike" required.

But it does invite the question of the next step, when that happens. Are the Fascisti here going to start head-counting to see who didn't trot out, and send goons into the locker room to drag them out? I'm guessing they will, if they want to be consistent with their fascism.

The fascisti are too lazy to get up and do that. Probably just change the channel and switch from budweiser to craft beers.

Well at least that's a step up. :thup:
33487592_1719879961425541_2959083160995889152_n.jpg 33663544_2407525669289756_3474223986609487872_n.jpg

That is the question you should have asked me, if you were not just here to defend anti-American pieces of shit.
Ok, so we need to clear something up here. The protesters aren't anti-American. They're anti-shitbag. While I can see why you might be personally offended by an anti-shitbag campaign, don't try dragging the rest of us into it with you. I'm a proud American and I don't feel the slightest bit offended by the anti-shitbag movement.
It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.

Because TV doesn't make money?

My point stands.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.

Because TV doesn't make money?

My point stands.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Do you need to control people's thoughts to pay them? Do they have to adopt your lifestyle? They perform their jobs as players, they don't need the NFL telling them where and how to think because it pays them. Let alone how to spend their money.
There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
So do you stand for the anthem when it's on a screen?

I don't kneel to actively show disrespect to the Flag and the Nation and citizens it symbolizes.

That is the question you should have asked me, if you were not just here to defend anti-American pieces of shit.

Emotional basketcase poster re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that he can only make specious arguments from butthurt emotion and coprophilic taunts.

And he never did address the question either.

My point stands. As you have done nothing to address it.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I do not stand when the anthem is played on the tv.

Nor do I kneel to show active disrespect, which is the more relevant answer, as you well know.

But will now lie about.
That is the question you should have asked me, if you were not just here to defend anti-American pieces of shit.
Ok, so we need to clear something up here. The protesters aren't anti-American. They're anti-shitbag. While I can see why you might be personally offended by an anti-shitbag campaign, don't try dragging the rest of us into it with you. I'm a proud American and I don't feel the slightest bit offended by the anti-shitbag movement.

THe National Anthem and the Flag are not symbols of "shit bags", they are symbols of the nation as a whole.

Kneeling to show disrespect to the symbols of America as a whole and thus all Americans, makes you an anti-American pieces of shit.

It is an absurd, and very, very stupid lie, to deny that.
You emphasize the players are getting paid. They perform a service for the pay. You want players you can completely control in their public private political lives. I don't think that is covered in their contract.
There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.

Because TV doesn't make money?

My point stands.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Do you need to control people's thoughts to pay them? Do they have to adopt your lifestyle? They perform their jobs as players, they don't need the NFL telling them where and how to think because it pays them. Let alone how to spend their money.

Asking to not be insulted by someone before I "pay them" is not the same as "needing to control their thoughts".

You emphasize the players are getting paid. They perform a service for the pay. You want players you can completely control in their public private political lives. I don't think that is covered in their contract.

NOt being insulted, does not equal "completely control their public private political lives".
Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.

Because TV doesn't make money?

My point stands.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Do you need to control people's thoughts to pay them? Do they have to adopt your lifestyle? They perform their jobs as players, they don't need the NFL telling them where and how to think because it pays them. Let alone how to spend their money.

Asking to not be insulted by someone before I "pay them" is not the same as "needing to control their thoughts".


You pay them to play football. I'd sure be asking for a few more million to quell my freedom of speach.
Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.

Because TV doesn't make money?

My point stands.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Do you need to control people's thoughts to pay them? Do they have to adopt your lifestyle? They perform their jobs as players, they don't need the NFL telling them where and how to think because it pays them. Let alone how to spend their money.

Asking to not be insulted by someone before I "pay them" is not the same as "needing to control their thoughts".


You pay them to play football. I'd sure be asking for a few more million to quell my freedom of speach.

I don't know why you keep letting the League out of this.

But regardless.

You said that. I addressed it. I made a counter point.

ALL you are doing now, is ignoring my counterpoint, and repeating your initial point.

That is the Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion used as political propaganda.

It is also a tacit admission that you cannot refute my counterpoint.

THus it stands as the last word, until you are ready to honestly address it.

Asking to not be insulted by someone before I "pay them" is not the same as "needing to control their thoughts".
I keep missing something for sure. You pay someone for a service. Is there some unwritten law that says you can't insult your boss? I'm not aware...The way you have it is I pay you and whatever I pull out my ass you will have to deal with...

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