NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.

As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
but why not just admit that this is why taking a knee is really being hailed by everyone on the left? everyone knows it and you are now admitting it, no need to pretend any longer that there is something noble involved in the white liberals anger.
As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
but why not just admit that this is why taking a knee is really being hailed by everyone on the left? everyone knows it and you are now admitting it, no need to pretend any longer that there is something noble involved in the white liberals anger.

Why not just admit who the fucking Fascisti are?

What, are they "very fine people" or some shit? I don't think so. They're anti-American, anti-Constitution, pro-Big Daddy State, pro-authoritarian control freakos. That's what makes them Fascisti.

I'll just say it again until it eventually sinks in --- far as I'm concerned, they can stand for as many anthems of any nation they want. I couldn't possibly give less of a microshit. And they owe me the same dearth of microshit. But they won't pay up.

Ergo, Fascisti. QED.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Oh fuck the fuck you and the jingoistic horse you rode in on.

The players weren't trotted out to be marionettes for a fucking fake patriotism display that has ZERO to do with the game they're actually there to play until less than a decade ago. They're fucking CITIZENS of this country, not "allowed" to live here. In closing, bite me.

You have the right to your opinion, and so do, and so does the NFL. They can make the rules, and I support them screwing over some bad players, that are ungrateful millionaires who can't respect the country that allows them to make millions playing a game.

They deserve to be completely banned form the game, to be honest. They have hurt themselves, and hurt the NFL, and deserve what they get.

As for you, couldn't care less what you think.
As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
but why not just admit that this is why taking a knee is really being hailed by everyone on the left? everyone knows it and you are now admitting it, no need to pretend any longer that there is something noble involved in the white liberals anger.

Why not just admit who the fucking Fascisti are?

What, are they "very fine people" or some shit? I don't think so. They're anti-American, anti-Constitution, pro-Big Daddy State, pro-authoritarian control freakos. That's what makes them Fascisti.

I'll just say it again until it eventually sinks in --- far as I'm concerned, they can stand for as many anthems of any nation they want. I couldn't possibly give less of a microshit. And they owe me the same dearth of microshit. But they won't pay up.

Ergo, Fascisti. QED.

We're not trying to stop them from going anywhere else, and say whatever they want.

But people that watch Football, don't want your pathetic partisan political nonsense. The point of watching Football, is to enjoy time away form the nonsense, not be forced to watch your pathetic ingratitude. Go somewhere else, and do or say whatever you want. Open your own Youtube, or Twitter, or put signs in your front yard of your million dollar mansion, and talk about how oppressed you are until the end of time.

You get on national TV, when people are there to enjoy the game, and you ruin it for everyone, and everyone hates you for ruining their time. You don't like it? .... tough snot. We don't care what you don't like.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Too bad. We don't care what you think.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Oh fuck the fuck you and the jingoistic horse you rode in on.

The players weren't trotted out to be marionettes for a fucking fake patriotism display that has ZERO to do with the game they're actually there to play until less than a decade ago. They're fucking CITIZENS of this country, not "allowed" to live here. In closing, bite me.

You have the right to your opinion, and so do, and so does the NFL. They can make the rules, and I support them screwing over some bad players, that are ungrateful millionaires who can't respect the country that allows them to make millions playing a game.

They deserve to be completely banned form the game, to be honest. They have hurt themselves, and hurt the NFL, and deserve what they get.

As for you, couldn't care less what you think.

Obviously you do, or else you wouldn't be jumping in with another emotional hissyfit to white-knight for a point that you weren't even fucking involved in, so you're only fooling yourself. Which apparently you're quite good at.
As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
but why not just admit that this is why taking a knee is really being hailed by everyone on the left? everyone knows it and you are now admitting it, no need to pretend any longer that there is something noble involved in the white liberals anger.

Why not just admit who the fucking Fascisti are?

What, are they "very fine people" or some shit? I don't think so. They're anti-American, anti-Constitution, pro-Big Daddy State, pro-authoritarian control freakos. That's what makes them Fascisti.

I'll just say it again until it eventually sinks in --- far as I'm concerned, they can stand for as many anthems of any nation they want. I couldn't possibly give less of a microshit. And they owe me the same dearth of microshit. But they won't pay up.

Ergo, Fascisti. QED.

We're not trying to stop them from going anywhere else, and say whatever they want.

Given "fire the sumbitches", "should't be in the country, "FUCK THEM ALL" etc ad nauseum, that's exactly what's going down. The fact that you won't admit it makes it no less real.

But people that watch Football, don't want your pathetic partisan political nonsense. The point of watching Football, is to enjoy time away form the nonsense

Exactly. We tune in or attend a football game for sporting entertainment. And the players go there to play their game --- not to be forced into a cattle call for some jingoist marionette show.

--- So what the fuck is it doing there? What's its function in a sports event?

Exactly. You can't answer that. Nobody can.

Go ahead -- try to find me anybody anywhere who tunes in a sports event not for the game but to watch a fucking jingo commercial.

, not be forced to watch your pathetic ingratitude. Go somewhere else, and do or say whatever you want. Open your own Youtube, or Twitter, or put signs in your front yard of your million dollar mansion, and talk about how oppressed you are until the end of time.

Ah yes "go somewhere else". I left that one off the list above, thanks for the reminder.

The point here isn't about "here" or "there" or even "football". It's about this fascist attitude where the knuckledraggers in this thread think they can just dick-tate behaviour and then wet their panties when they find out not everybody will just roll over on cue for that bullshit.

You get on national TV, when people are there to enjoy the game, and you ruin it for everyone, and everyone hates you for ruining their time. You don't like it? .... tough snot. We don't care what you don't like.

This part isn't even ON TV, Dipshit.

See what I mean? This obsession with controlling the behaviour of people you can't even SEE. Fascism. You can't help yourselves because you won't see it. Or if you prefer, call it rank hypocrisy. Both apply here.

We might add, even if it were televised, if your time is "ruined" by the fact that some uppity athlete assumes a position you didn't pre-approve of in an irrelevant exercise that has jack squat to do with the game you all came there for, then by scanning around to see if everybody's following your self-absorbed "orders" not only are you violating your own dick-tum that you're supposed to be gazing adoringly at the Cloth God, but you too need to figure out how to freaking grow a pair and get the fuck over it.
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NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Oh fuck the fuck you and the jingoistic horse you rode in on.

The players weren't trotted out to be marionettes for a fucking fake patriotism display that has ZERO to do with the game they're actually there to play until less than a decade ago. They're fucking CITIZENS of this country, not "allowed" to live here. In closing, bite me.

You have the right to your opinion, and so do, and so does the NFL. They can make the rules, and I support them screwing over some bad players, that are ungrateful millionaires who can't respect the country that allows them to make millions playing a game.

They deserve to be completely banned form the game, to be honest. They have hurt themselves, and hurt the NFL, and deserve what they get.

As for you, couldn't care less what you think.

Obviously you do, or else you wouldn't be jumping in with another emotional hissyfit to white-knight for a point that you weren't even fucking involved in, so you're only fooling yourself. Which apparently you're quite good at.

Huh? Ok, whatever you say.
As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
but why not just admit that this is why taking a knee is really being hailed by everyone on the left? everyone knows it and you are now admitting it, no need to pretend any longer that there is something noble involved in the white liberals anger.

Why not just admit who the fucking Fascisti are?

What, are they "very fine people" or some shit? I don't think so. They're anti-American, anti-Constitution, pro-Big Daddy State, pro-authoritarian control freakos. That's what makes them Fascisti.

I'll just say it again until it eventually sinks in --- far as I'm concerned, they can stand for as many anthems of any nation they want. I couldn't possibly give less of a microshit. And they owe me the same dearth of microshit. But they won't pay up.

Ergo, Fascisti. QED.

We're not trying to stop them from going anywhere else, and say whatever they want.

Given "fire the sumbitches", "should't be in the country, "FUCK THEM ALL" etc ad nauseum, that's exactly what's going down. The fact that you won't admit it makes it no less real.

But people that watch Football, don't want your pathetic partisan political nonsense. The point of watching Football, is to enjoy time away form the nonsense

Exactly. We tune in or attend a football game for sporting entertainment. And the players go there to play their game --- not to be forced into a cattle call for some jingoist marionette show.

--- So what the fuck is it doing there? What's its function in a sports event?

Exactly. You can't answer that. Nobody can.

Go ahead -- try to find me anybody anywhere who tunes in a sports event not for the game but to watch a fucking jingo commercial.

, not be forced to watch your pathetic ingratitude. Go somewhere else, and do or say whatever you want. Open your own Youtube, or Twitter, or put signs in your front yard of your million dollar mansion, and talk about how oppressed you are until the end of time.

Ah yes "go somewhere else". I left that one off the list above, thanks for the reminder.

The point here isn't about "here" or "there" or even "football". It's about this fascist attitude where the knuckledraggers in this thread think they can just dick-tate behaviour and then wet their panties when they find out not everybody will just roll over on cue for that bullshit.

You get on national TV, when people are there to enjoy the game, and you ruin it for everyone, and everyone hates you for ruining their time. You don't like it? .... tough snot. We don't care what you don't like.

This part isn't even ON TV, Dipshit.

See what I mean? This obsession with controlling the behaviour of people you can't even SEE. Fascism. You can't help yourselves because you won't see it. Or if you prefer, call it rank hypocrisy. Both apply here.

We might add, even if it were televised, if your time is "ruined" by the fact that some uppity athlete assumes a position you didn't pre-approve of in an irrelevant exercise that has jack squat to do with the game you all came there for, then by scanning around to see if everybody's following your self-absorbed "orders" not only are you violating your own dick-tum that you're supposed to be gazing adoringly at the Cloth God, but you too need to figure out how to freaking grow a pair and get the fuck over it.

"Go ahead -- try to find me anybody anywhere who tunes in a sports event not for the game but to watch a fucking jingo commercial."

The vast majority. By far. There is a reason we play the anthem at national sporting events, because most people going to and watching, national sporting events, have pride in their nation.

You really, don't know that?

I know this must be crazy to you, but a lot of people in this country... love this country. We like singing the national anthem. We like saluting our flag. We like our country.

You keep asking that, as if the evidence isn't there.

If people really didn't care about patriotic pride.......... NFL ratings would not have slid 10% because of a protest against patriotic pride.

It's really that simple.

Apparently you are wrong, and I am right, because the evidence points that way.
They will show respect for the dead soldiers who fought and died for their freedom to play football for millions of dollars. Or they will find themselves back in the ghetto where they came from.
Tell me, when you watch the game on screen, do you stand for the anthem?
If people really didn't care about patriotic pride.......... NFL ratings would not have slid 10% because of a protest against patriotic pride.
So only 10% give a fuck, 90% couldn't care less.

I doubt that even. You are suggesting that only the 10% of audience cared at all... when 10% were so fed up, so tired of the crap, so irritated that they stopped watching?

You don't think that even 1 person, doesn't like politicizing the NFL, but still watches? I would wager a large portion of them go, but tolerate it, even if they would like these spoiled brat millionaire idiots to stop being jerks, stand and deal with it.

Plus, I also think you are missing something else: Year over year, we would expect the number of views to go up.... because.... there are more people.

Even if the number of views remained exactly the same, that would actually be bad.... because that means the population has increased, and yet viewership hasn't gone up.

The fact that viewership actually declined, suggest that a ton more than just the 10% who used to watch, and now don't, are irritated with these idiots.

It means even new viewers are turning away from the NFL. New people who like football, and would have watched, are choosing not to. Or worse, are being turned off from football completely because of this stupidity.

And by the way, the decline was 10% less over just last year. Last year, had a decline from the year before. Viewership of the NFL started dropping the very year of the protest. 2016 is when they started, and there was a decline in viewership that year.


It's the same with Sports Illustrated, which has seen drops in circulation since they started covering Bruce Jenner and trans-crap.

Sports Illustrated is now reduced to a biweekly publication
The people who kneel during the anthem are not anti-American. They are protesting the incidents when our great country does not live up to our own standards.
The people who kneel during the anthem are not anti-American. They are protesting the incidents when our great country does not live up to our own standards.
And, bingo. There's nothing more American than that.
We cannot protest the failings in our great country when we see weakness and point out where we can be better and stronger?
There are people in this country who are afraid of opposing views and speech and don't want it given the light of day.

These people exist on both ends of our political spectrum.

Whether it's a football stadium or a college campus, there's nothing more American than freedom of expression.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

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