NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

The sick irony of this issue, is that the kneeling is exactly the kind of constructive protest we hope blacks will choose, rather than violent riots. Or, maybe some of us prefer the violent riots. Confirmation bias and all that.

There's good reasoning for you! Let the Blacks have their kneeling protest! At least it keeps them off the street, rioting, looting and burning! :laugh::lmao::laughing0301:

My posts seems to have confused you. I'm pointing out that kneeling is a respectful, peaceful form of protest. And you pussies are complaining about it. Weak.

Bull. I'm not confused. Lesser of two evils? There is nothing "respectful" about disrespecting the flag and our nation.
What are you "protesting" if you kneel during the anthem? The country? The freedom it stands for? The flag?
What are you "protesting" if you kneel during the anthem? The country? The freedom it stands for? The flag?

Me? The players who have been kneeling have been quite clear: they're protesting racial bias in our justice system. But if I were doing it, it would be more about the hypocrisy of douchebags who like their patriotism faked.
Ok, then I'll be like Pogo, how does kneeling for the anthem during an NFL game have anything to do with racial bias in our justice system?
Ok, then I'll be like Pogo, how does kneeling for the anthem during an NFL game have anything to do with racial bias in our justice system?

I don't track your run-ins with other users, so I have no idea what you're referring to. Are you asking the question seriously, or is this some kind of jab at Pogo?
Dead serious.

He asked WHAT THE FUCK DOES KNEELING FOR THE ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH THE MILITARY? So I ask, what the fuck does kneeling for the anthem have to do with racial bias?
No, Pogo is just that dumb that referring to anything he says tends to sound like stupidity.

Kneeling has nothing to do with "the military". Don't try to sell that shit.

So I say kneeling has nothing to do with racism. Now, put that in ya pipe and smoke it.
"Some manifestations of patriotism emphasise the 'land' element in love for one's native land and play up the symbolism of agriculture and the soil[4][5] - compare Blut und Boden."

An "attachment to a homeland" isn't always a bad thing; however, when the homeland's leaders engage in or tolerate policies a citizen finds objectionable, human rights "trump" the "Blut und Boden" every time.
But Kapernick and his fellow traitors do not have a right to disparage America, and the things that symbolize it. Doing so constitutes TREASON. An offense serious enough to warrant the death penalty.
So you're worried about TREASON?
"Navy graduates deride 'physical coward' Trump ahead of Academy commencement address"
Navy graduates deride 'physical coward' Trump ahead of Academy commencement address

Why aren't you worried about the seditious, draft-dodging PUSSY in the White House?
Look, you and Kapernick go right on disrespecting your nation's flag if you want, it won't get you anything but disrespect right back. When you disrespect the flag, you are giving the finger to our very people whom America is made up of. You disrespect our fallen soldiers. You disrespect everything our people stand for. Think of it as if you were disrespecting your parents---- there might not be any law against it and they might even be wrong, but it's just such incredibly bad taste, just not the way you go about it.
The NFL protests are aimed at racist agents of the state who regularly deny black Americans their human rights. If state sanctioned bigotry is what your flag means to you, it deserves protest and more. There is much in the history of this country that deserves condemnation, and today's consistent display of cops killing unarmed blacks is one more example.
Look, you and Kapernick go right on disrespecting your nation's flag if you want, it won't get you anything but disrespect right back. When you disrespect the flag, you are giving the finger to our very people whom America is made up of. You disrespect our fallen soldiers. You disrespect everything our people stand for. Think of it as if you were disrespecting your parents---- there might not be any law against it and they might even be wrong, but it's just such incredibly bad taste, just not the way you go about it.
The NFL protests are aimed at racist agents of the state who regularly deny black Americans their human rights. If state sanctioned bigotry is what your flag means to you, it deserves protest and more. There is much in the history of this country that deserves condemnation, and today's consistent display of cops killing unarmed blacks is one more example.

Don't try to fly your skewed nonsense past me. Crooked cops are individuals, not "agents of the State." It has already been proven that there is no "anti-black cop agenda." Blacks actually get away with far more than whites and get a much longer rope proportional to the amount of crimes they actually commit. Had that been a bunch of whites in Baltimore burning down several city blocks, it never would have been tolerated and the mayor never would have gotten away with giving an order to the police to back away and let them have their space to rampage and destroy.

So take your claims of "state sanctioned" and "my flag" and wave them up your ass. I'm highly critical of the police where I feel they deserve criticism, and am all for an independent board to review cases of abuse and would still like to know how you get gunned down in your own back yard with nothing but a cellphone in your hands, but a lot of this has actually been brought on blacks by themselves and bottom line, the matter has nothing to do with football, it has nothing to do with the flag, and Kapernick was just plain WRONG to bring it into his workplace against his employer's rules and try to leverage it before a national TV audience to exploit his position as a player offending millions. All he's accomplished is to destroy his own career and turn millions against the issue now with a deaf ear.

The first and best step towards ending abuse situations is for Blacks to start acting like other people and cooperating with the police. And don't tell me there isn't a constant environment of tension and antagonism. I've watched the world since the days of JFK and I can tell you that racial tension is at its worst now than ever except for the civil rights movement and other radicalism of the 60s and most of it all begins with Blacks themselves, their active desire NOT to integrate with society at large promoting cultural separatism at every level and most recently, the match to the fuel was no less than Obama himself and his AG Eric Holder who actively promoted racial division and undeserved suspicion and accusation towards the police.
The first and best step towards ending abuse situations is for Blacks to start acting like other people and cooperating with the police. And don't tell me there isn't a constant environment of tension and antagonism. I've watched the world since the days of JFK and I can tell you that racial tension is at its worst now than ever except for the civil rights movement and other radicalism of the 60s and most of it all begins with Blacks themselves, their active desire NOT to integrate with society at large promoting cultural separatism at every level and most recently, the match to the fuel was no less than Obama himself and his AG Eric Holder who actively promoted racial division and undeserved suspicion and accusation towards the police.
I suggest you are blaming the victims for the effects of hundreds of years of chattel slavery followed by a century of Jim Crow terrorism. Black families have been systematically denied the wealth building opportunities, like FHA mortgages, that government was happily extending to whites with similar credit histories. Trump comes from a long line of racist, nationalistic authoritarians who make Holder and Obama (as bad as they are) look almost progressive.
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.

It's been the normal routine for decades. If you don't like it don't watch. We've been playing the national anthem before sporting events for a very long time.

What does it have to do with Nascar? What does it have to do with hockey? It's not that it has anything TO DO with it, it's what we do as a nation. It's a way to celebrate the fact that we have the freedom to do what we want.
Despite which team you want to win, or who you want to cross the finish line first, all joining in respect for the flag and anthem reminds us that we are one country and one people.

Why the fuck would we need that reminder?
Are we fucking stupid or what?

Are you actually going to go to the trouble of getting into a football stadium in Denver without knowing what country you're in?

This may come as a shock but you can actually go to a library, a grocery store, a movie, a play, a cattle auction, a birthday party, an Indigo Girls concert or a public swimming pool without having to sit through a jingo commercial to "remind us that we are one country". Why doesn't all hell break loose at any of those?
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.

It's been the normal routine for decades. If you don't like it don't watch. We've been playing the national anthem before sporting events for a very long time.

What does it have to do with Nascar? What does it have to do with hockey? It's not that it has anything TO DO with it, it's what we do as a nation. It's a way to celebrate the fact that we have the freedom to do what we want.
Despite which team you want to win, or who you want to cross the finish line first, all joining in respect for the flag and anthem reminds us that we are one country and one people.

Why the fuck would we need that reminder?

Because people like you are always trying to tear US apart.

Are we fucking stupid or what?

Yes, you are, if you are so offended by a simple unity ritual.

Are you actually going to go to the trouble of getting into a football stadium in Denver without knowing what country you're in?[/QUOTE]

Weak strawman.

This may come as a shock but you can actually go to a library, a grocery store, a movie, a play, a cattle auction, a birthday party, an Indigo Girls concert or a public swimming pool without having to sit through a jingo commercial to "remind us that we are one country". Why doesn't all hell break loose at any of those?

YOur slur of the National Anthem as a "jingo commercial" shows that you are an anti-American.
I'm asking why kneel during the anthem to protest racism in the justice system? It doesn't make sense.

That would be in the mind of the entity that makes the association, wouldn't it.

Why stand during the anthem? Why sit? Why look around for any Uppities failing to obey the dick-tum so you can snap their picture to milk a fake 'story' out of the gullible?

For matter, why go to get a beer during the anthem? Answer -- because you want one. Duh.
Why go to the head during the anthem? Because you already had a beer.

For some things there's a perfectly logical answer. For others, not so much. As an example of the latter ---- why are we playing national anthems at sports events at all?

Why indeed.

I happened to tune in a ball game today. Unlike most baseball broadcasts this one included the national anthem. Two of them, one for Canada and one for the US.

The game was not in Canada. In fact there was one Canadian player on the field at all, and he was on the US- based team. The only reason the Canadian anthem was played was that one of the teams has its office in Canada. The actual players other than one Canadian -- who never gets his country's anthem played unless the opponent happens to be the Toronto Blue Jays --- were from the US and Venezuela and Colombia and the Dominican Republic and Korea and Mexico. Yet no anthems of Venezuela or Colombia or the DR or Korea or Mexico were played, even though they play every day for both teams.

So diga me Tonto -- why were those two anthems played, and if there's any logical reason they were, then why weren't the other five anthems played as well?

Go ahead and twist yourself into the usual pretzel handling that. It's fun to watch rhetorical contortionism.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Yet one more example ^^ --- as if we weren't already swimming in them --- that jingoists can only argue from emotion. And even then it's all foam-at-duh-mouth anger.

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