NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

I'm asking why kneel during the anthem to protest racism in the justice system? It doesn't make sense.

That would be in the mind of the entity that makes the association, wouldn't it.

Why stand during the anthem? Why sit? Why look around for any Uppities failing to obey the dick-tum so you can snap their picture to milk a fake 'story' out of the gullible?

For matter, why go to get a beer during the anthem? Answer -- because you want one. Duh.
Why go to the head during the anthem? Because you already had a beer.

For some things there's a perfectly logical answer. For others, not so much. As an example of the latter ---- why are we playing national anthems at sports events at all?

Why indeed.

I happened to tune in a ball game today. Unlike most baseball broadcasts this one included the national anthem. Two of them, one for Canada and one for the US.

The game was not in Canada. In fact there was one Canadian player on the field at all, and he was on the US- based team. The only reason the Canadian anthem was played was that one of the teams has its office in Canada. The actual players other than one Canadian -- who never gets his country's anthem played unless the opponent happens to be the Toronto Blue Jays --- were from the US and Venezuela and Colombia and the Dominican Republic and Korea and Mexico. Yet no anthems of Venezuela or Colombia or the DR or Korea or Mexico were played, even though they play every day for both teams.

So diga me Tonto -- why were those two anthems played, and if there's any logical reason they were, then why weren't the other five anthems played as well?

Go ahead and twist yourself into the usual pretzel handling that. It's fun to watch rhetorical contortionism.
man, once the left gets started on an anti American rant nothing is sacred...ya need to calm down brother, just keep eating at it from the inside and hope for the best/worst
And the left is insulted when we say they are anti-American and hate America. Pogo's last 5 posts are all the proof we need of that.
I'm asking why kneel during the anthem to protest racism in the justice system? It doesn't make sense.

That would be in the mind of the entity that makes the association, wouldn't it.

Why stand during the anthem? Why sit? Why look around for any Uppities failing to obey the dick-tum so you can snap their picture to milk a fake 'story' out of the gullible?

For matter, why go to get a beer during the anthem? Answer -- because you want one. Duh.
Why go to the head during the anthem? Because you already had a beer.

For some things there's a perfectly logical answer. For others, not so much. As an example of the latter ---- why are we playing national anthems at sports events at all?

Why indeed.

I happened to tune in a ball game today. Unlike most baseball broadcasts this one included the national anthem. Two of them, one for Canada and one for the US.

The game was not in Canada. In fact there was one Canadian player on the field at all, and he was on the US- based team. The only reason the Canadian anthem was played was that one of the teams has its office in Canada. The actual players other than one Canadian -- who never gets his country's anthem played unless the opponent happens to be the Toronto Blue Jays --- were from the US and Venezuela and Colombia and the Dominican Republic and Korea and Mexico. Yet no anthems of Venezuela or Colombia or the DR or Korea or Mexico were played, even though they play every day for both teams.

So diga me Tonto -- why were those two anthems played, and if there's any logical reason they were, then why weren't the other five anthems played as well?

Go ahead and twist yourself into the usual pretzel handling that. It's fun to watch rhetorical contortionism.
man, once the left gets started on an anti American rant nothing is sacred...ya need to calm down brother, just keep eating at it from the inside and hope for the best/worst

Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
And the left is insulted when we say they are anti-American and hate America. Pogo's last 5 posts are all the proof we need of that.

Did you catch how he has been referring to the National Anthem of the United States of America,

as a "jingo commerical"?

He is an complete anti-American asshole.
Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
way before? like years ago? look, patriotic Americans are never going to tolerate un/non patriotic Americans, trying to prove they should is just going to rile them up and bashing their countries traditions is only going to cause more problems, leave em alone they love their country, that's all.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?
Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
way before? like years ago? look, patriotic Americans are never going to tolerate un/non patriotic Americans, trying to prove they should is just going to rile them up and bashing their countries traditions is only going to cause more problems, leave em alone they love their country, that's all.

Oh we're not talking "patriotism" here. We're talking fake-patriotism charades. The kind the unwashed are told to sit down, shut up and swallow without question. We're raising exactly those questions the Jackboots don't want raised.

Like the ones I put in that post. The ones that can't be answered. Them.

As far as "leave them alone" --- you just hit the nail straight on the head. See if you can get that into the dense crania of the fascisti in this thread. As I keep pointing out to them --- you want to stand for an anthem at a completely unrelated event, go right ahead; if I choose to sit, I'll go right ahead too. I can't make them sit and they can't make me stand.

But then again I have no desire to make them sit. That's a fascist thing I wouldn't understand.
I'm asking why kneel during the anthem to protest racism in the justice system? It doesn't make sense.

That would be in the mind of the entity that makes the association, wouldn't it.

Why stand during the anthem? Why sit? Why look around for any Uppities failing to obey the dick-tum so you can snap their picture to milk a fake 'story' out of the gullible?

For matter, why go to get a beer during the anthem? Answer -- because you want one. Duh.
Why go to the head during the anthem? Because you already had a beer.

For some things there's a perfectly logical answer. For others, not so much. As an example of the latter ---- why are we playing national anthems at sports events at all?

Why indeed.

I happened to tune in a ball game today. Unlike most baseball broadcasts this one included the national anthem. Two of them, one for Canada and one for the US.

The game was not in Canada. In fact there was one Canadian player on the field at all, and he was on the US- based team. The only reason the Canadian anthem was played was that one of the teams has its office in Canada. The actual players other than one Canadian -- who never gets his country's anthem played unless the opponent happens to be the Toronto Blue Jays --- were from the US and Venezuela and Colombia and the Dominican Republic and Korea and Mexico. Yet no anthems of Venezuela or Colombia or the DR or Korea or Mexico were played, even though they play every day for both teams.

So diga me Tonto -- why were those two anthems played, and if there's any logical reason they were, then why weren't the other five anthems played as well?

Go ahead and twist yourself into the usual pretzel handling that. It's fun to watch rhetorical contortionism.
man, once the left gets started on an anti American rant nothing is sacred...ya need to calm down brother, just keep eating at it from the inside and hope for the best/worst

Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.

It's an insanely simple answer. YOu seriously think it's not?
Oh we're not talking "patriotism" here. We're talking fake-patriotism charades. The kind the unwashed are told to sit down, shut up and swallow without question. We're raising exactly those questions the Jackboots don't want raised.

Like the ones I put in that post. The ones that can't be answered. Them.
They're Americans, they love their country, you know that, why so angry over them loving their country anyway?
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?

No one is saying the Kneelers dont' have the right to knee.

Soooo, stop saying that is what this is about.

You are being a liar.
Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
way before? like years ago? look, patriotic Americans are never going to tolerate un/non patriotic Americans, trying to prove they should is just going to rile them up and bashing their countries traditions is only going to cause more problems, leave em alone they love their country, that's all.

Oh we're not talking "patriotism" here. We're talking fake-patriotism charades. The kind the unwashed are told to sit down, shut up and swallow without question. We're raising exactly those questions the Jackboots don't want raised.

Like the ones I put in that post. The ones that can't be answered. Them.

As far as "leave them alone" --- you just hit the nail straight on the head. See if you can get that into the dense crania of the fascisti in this thread. As I keep pointing out to them --- you want to stand for an anthem at a completely unrelated event, go right ahead; if I choose to sit, I'll go right ahead too. I can't make them sit and they can't make me stand.

But then again I have no desire to make them sit. That's a fascist thing I wouldn't understand.

People don't want to pay to be insulted, and to you, that's "fascist"?

Wow. That is utterly moronic and dishonest.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?
You don't understand the constitution. No peaceful protester has been arrested. No one exercising their free speech has been hauled off to court or fined. Their rights have been respected under the constitution which states that Congress shall make no law.

Individuals who are not representatives of the state are free to spit on them if they choose. I do believe that also would be free speech.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?
You don't understand the constitution. No peaceful protester has been arrested. No one exercising their free speech has been hauled off to court or fined. Their rights have been respected under the constitution which states that Congress shall make no law.

Individuals who are not representatives of the state are free to spit on them if they choose. I do believe that also would be free speech.

He's had that explained to him repeatedly.

He just chooses to lie about it for some reason.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?
You don't understand the constitution. No peaceful protester has been arrested. No one exercising their free speech has been hauled off to court or fined. Their rights have been respected under the constitution which states that Congress shall make no law.

Individuals who are not representatives of the state are free to spit on them if they choose. I do believe that also would be free speech.
Agreed. This is not a freedom of speech issue. Apart from Trump's twitting on the subject, it had nothing to do with government.

This is a cultural matter and an expression of "political correctness".
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.

Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
way before? like years ago? look, patriotic Americans are never going to tolerate un/non patriotic Americans, trying to prove they should is just going to rile them up and bashing their countries traditions is only going to cause more problems, leave em alone they love their country, that's all.

Oh we're not talking "patriotism" here. We're talking fake-patriotism charades. The kind the unwashed are told to sit down, shut up and swallow without question. We're raising exactly those questions the Jackboots don't want raised.

Like the ones I put in that post. The ones that can't be answered. Them.

As far as "leave them alone" --- you just hit the nail straight on the head. See if you can get that into the dense crania of the fascisti in this thread. As I keep pointing out to them --- you want to stand for an anthem at a completely unrelated event, go right ahead; if I choose to sit, I'll go right ahead too. I can't make them sit and they can't make me stand.

But then again I have no desire to make them sit. That's a fascist thing I wouldn't understand.

People don't want to pay to be insulted, and to you, that's "fascist"?

Wow. That is utterly moronic and dishonest.

As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.
If you hate the country so bad and what it stands for, why the fuck are you here? The door doesn't lock from the inside. Get the fuck out.

Actually, people who love this country and understand that it was formed by the Constitution, which also gives the right to free speech and peaceful protest are the ones that don't appear to love this country. If you love this country, why do you hate the Constitution?
You don't understand the constitution. No peaceful protester has been arrested. No one exercising their free speech has been hauled off to court or fined. Their rights have been respected under the constitution which states that Congress shall make no law.

Individuals who are not representatives of the state are free to spit on them if they choose. I do believe that also would be free speech.
Agreed. This is not a freedom of speech issue. Apart from Trump's twitting on the subject, it had nothing to do with government.

This is a cultural matter and an expression of "political correctness".

It certainly is not that.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.
Yep. I knew way before I posted that that it couldn't be answered. That's uh, why I put it out there.
way before? like years ago? look, patriotic Americans are never going to tolerate un/non patriotic Americans, trying to prove they should is just going to rile them up and bashing their countries traditions is only going to cause more problems, leave em alone they love their country, that's all.

Oh we're not talking "patriotism" here. We're talking fake-patriotism charades. The kind the unwashed are told to sit down, shut up and swallow without question. We're raising exactly those questions the Jackboots don't want raised.

Like the ones I put in that post. The ones that can't be answered. Them.

As far as "leave them alone" --- you just hit the nail straight on the head. See if you can get that into the dense crania of the fascisti in this thread. As I keep pointing out to them --- you want to stand for an anthem at a completely unrelated event, go right ahead; if I choose to sit, I'll go right ahead too. I can't make them sit and they can't make me stand.

But then again I have no desire to make them sit. That's a fascist thing I wouldn't understand.

People don't want to pay to be insulted, and to you, that's "fascist"?

Wow. That is utterly moronic and dishonest.

As I'm using the term, damn right. It's philosophical fascism. The idea that "I want to do X, therefore everybody else has to do X too". FUCK that shit. In the ass with a hot iron so that it hurts. A LOT.

What did "I" want to do, that "I" am expecting everyone else to do?

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