NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
So do you stand for the anthem when it's on a screen?
The anthem and the flag remind us that we are one people under one nation. Those that kneel remind us that we are no such thing. We are tribalized. That so many on their knees are black only makes recognition of that division more important.

No longer one nation. No longer indivisible and absolutely no longer under God.
The anthem and the flag remind us that we are one people under one nation. Those that kneel remind us that we are no such thing. We are tribalized. That so many on their knees are black only makes recognition of that division more important.

No longer one nation. No longer indivisible and absolutely no longer under God.
Hilarity. Were you one undivided nation in 1860? How about when the Jim Crow laws were in force, were you one undivided nation then? When have you ever been one undivided nation?
The anthem and the flag remind us that we are one people under one nation. Those that kneel remind us that we are no such thing. We are tribalized. That so many on their knees are black only makes recognition of that division more important.

No longer one nation. No longer indivisible and absolutely no longer under God.

We need to sweep this under the carpet and ignore it!
The anthem and the flag remind us that we are one people under one nation. Those that kneel remind us that we are no such thing. We are tribalized. That so many on their knees are black only makes recognition of that division more important.

No longer one nation. No longer indivisible and absolutely no longer under God.
Hilarity. Were you one undivided nation in 1860? How about when the Jim Crow laws were in force, were you one undivided nation then? When have you ever been one undivided nation?
When we all stood for the same flag and pledged allegiance to the same country.
The people who kneel during the anthem are not anti-American. They are protesting the incidents when our great country does not live up to our own standards.
And, bingo. There's nothing more American than that.
We cannot protest the failings in our great country when we see weakness and point out where we can be better and stronger?
There are people in this country who are afraid of opposing views and speech and don't want it given the light of day.

These people exist on both ends of our political spectrum.

Whether it's a football stadium or a college campus, there's nothing more American than freedom of expression.

Bingo. And there's nothing more anti-American than suppressing it. Freedom of expression is the very cornerstone of our Liberal Founders' "Great Experiment". That's why they gave it top billing in the Bill of
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.
There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.
So do you stand for the anthem when it's on a screen?

I'd bet he does since robots are nothing if not obedient. They live to take orders.

Might be even more fun to have him essplain why he doesn't. And why that doesn't make him a EEEBIL Commie pinko. Or whatever this week's booga-booga term is.

Yanno if we just posted a video of the national anthem being played --- he'd have to stand for it. He's prolly that gullible.
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.

Actually we're not talking about the NFL here. We're talking about the Fascisti in this thread and their fucked-up philosophy of shutting up the Uppities.

Sorry, did I say "their"? I meant "your". Didn't mean to leave you out.
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.

Actually we're not talking about the NFL here. We're talking about the Fascisti in this thread and their fucked-up philosophy of shutting up the Uppities.

Sorry, did I say "their"? I meant "your". Didn't mean to leave you out.

Do people want to shut the uppities up or just not listen to them? I don't want to listen to them. They can scream in a closet. They can crawl on their bellies like snakes. In fact, it would be superb if Trump walked out on the field and said "On your knees" just as the anthem started playing. I'd love to see those great apes on a football field drop like a stone for that one.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 14, 1943, that compelling children in public schools to salute the U.S. flag was an unconstitutional violation of their freedom of speech and religion.

On the heels of Minersville School District (Pennsylvania) v. Gobitis (1940), in which the Supreme Court upheld (8–1) the school district’s expulsion of two students for refusing to salute the flag on the basis of religious grounds (the children were Jehovah’s Witnesses), West Virginia enacted a rule in 1942 that required students to salute the U.S. flag. Walter Barnette, a Jehovah’s Witness in West Virginia, sued in U.S. district court and won an injunction against state enforcement of the rule. The state school board appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the case.

Oral arguments were held on March 11, 1943, and the ruling was issued on June 14. In a 6–3 decision the court overturned the Gobitis ruling. The majority opinion was written by Justice Robert H. Jackson, who had voted with the majority in Gobitis. While the earlier decision had focused primarily on claims of freedom of religion protections in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, the Barnette ruling invoked both freedom of religion and an individual’s freedom of speech—and that freedom of speech included the right not to be forced to speak against one’s will. Jackson’s opinion underscored the rights of minorities against the tyranny of the majority: “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” And, attempting to capture the essence of the Bill of Rights protections, Jackson wrote:

The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.

Actually we're not talking about the NFL here. We're talking about the Fascisti in this thread and their fucked-up philosophy of shutting up the Uppities.

Sorry, did I say "their"? I meant "your". Didn't mean to leave you out.

Do people want to shut the uppities up or just not listen to them? I don't want to listen to them.

Fine. then FUCKING DON'T.

Seems to me for an obedient State Robot that thinks everybody has to ass-ume the State position, you're spending an awful lot of time and energy OUT of that position looking around to snoop on what everybody else is doing. Aren't you supposed to be gazing at your cloth god?

Do you see Colin Kaepernick ---- or anyone at all --- frantically looking around to count how many people are standing? And then insisting they sit/kneel/curl into a ball?

Once AGAIN ---- if you want to stand, stand. If I want to sit, stand on my head, turn somersaults, I'll do that.

I can't force you to turn somersaults and you can't force me to stand. Fucking PERIOD.
Ain't god damn rocket surgery, just mind your own god damned business.
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.

Actually we're not talking about the NFL here. We're talking about the Fascisti in this thread and their fucked-up philosophy of shutting up the Uppities.

Sorry, did I say "their"? I meant "your". Didn't mean to leave you out.

Do people want to shut the uppities up or just not listen to them? I don't want to listen to them.

Fine. then FUCKING DON'T.

Seems to me for an obedient State Robot that thinks everybody has to ass-ume the State position, you're spending an awful lot of time and energy looking around to snoop on what everybody else is doing. Aren't you supposed to be gazing at your cloth god?

Do you see Colin Kaepernick ---- or anyone at all --- frantically looking around to count how many people are standing?

Once AGAIN ---- if you want to stand, stand. If I want to sit, stand on my head, turn somersaults, I'll do so too. I can't force you to turn somersualts and you can't force me to stand. Fucking PERIOD. Ain't god damn rocket surgery.

If I were your employer you would stand or be fired. There, no law, no Congress involved. I would force men to their feet just as a matter of principle.

Otherwise, it presupposes that the natural place for black men to be is on their knees. Preferably with their heads down so no one has to look at them.
Freedom of expression means that the players have a right to express their feelings on how they disapprove of the country and anyone who disapproves of the players have a right to express their feelings too. That's why the Constitution says that CONGRESS shall make no law. The NFL can make as many rules as it wants.

Actually we're not talking about the NFL here. We're talking about the Fascisti in this thread and their fucked-up philosophy of shutting up the Uppities.

Sorry, did I say "their"? I meant "your". Didn't mean to leave you out.

Do people want to shut the uppities up or just not listen to them? I don't want to listen to them. They can scream in a closet. They can crawl on their bellies like snakes. In fact, it would be superb if Trump walked out on the field and said "On your knees" just as the anthem started playing. I'd love to see those great apes on a football field drop like a stone for that one.

I appreciate your candor on this. You're one sick fuck.
Okay, okay you're right, the natural place for black men is on their knees. On your knees peasant! Or was that slave? Kneel before your master! Maybe that's the law that should be! Black males are not allowed to stand like proud men, but get on their knees before their betters.
Does it bother you at all that it will now be a fake display off of patriotism?

That's what bothers me about all off of this. We're converting patriotism from an expression of love for one's country into a required oath of loyalty. Those are different things, serving different purposes.

It will NOT be a series of repeated insults to America and Americans, which is what the Kneeling was.

As far as I'm concerned, I want them to be who they really are, so that they can be judged on who they really are.

THey are anti-American pieces of shit and deserve to be treated as such.


You can continue to run your emotional basket-case childish butthurt all you like Hunior, but at some point it's gonna be time to grow the fuck up and put on the big boy pants.

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

I understand why you have to lie about this.

You certainly can't defend the actions of the Kneelers and the League honestly.


Once again the Fascisti re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-re-confirms that his entire argument consists of pure raw unfiltered hissyfittery, wrapped in a meltdown surrounded by a putrid skin of butthurtitude.

No shit We all dug that the first time.

Poor Tantrum Tot. If everybody won't submit to his whims he gonna hold his breath until he turns purple.

As I said --- gotta find the Big Boy Pants one of these daze.

Your defense has degenerated to telling your enemies to put on their "big boy pants", and calling them names, and you accuse me of not being able to make an argument?


My rebuttal of your "big boy pants" argument stands,

There is nothing "big boy" about celebrating and supporting financially, people who insult you and demonstrate they have nothing but contempt for you.

Really? "Supporting financially"? Quick question there sportcheck, how many games have you attended in person? How many of the games do you watch on your television? Unless you are buying tickets to the game, buying NFL merchandise, or in some way spending money on NFL related things, you are not supporting the players financially. MOST of the people in America aren't supporting the players, because they generally just watch the game on their television.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette, case in which the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on June 14, 1943, that compelling children in public schools to salute the U.S. flag was an unconstitutional violation of their freedom of speech and religion.

On the heels of Minersville School District (Pennsylvania) v. Gobitis (1940), in which the Supreme Court upheld (8–1) the school district’s expulsion of two students for refusing to salute the flag on the basis of religious grounds (the children were Jehovah’s Witnesses), West Virginia enacted a rule in 1942 that required students to salute the U.S. flag. Walter Barnette, a Jehovah’s Witness in West Virginia, sued in U.S. district court and won an injunction against state enforcement of the rule. The state school board appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, which agreed to hear the case.

Oral arguments were held on March 11, 1943, and the ruling was issued on June 14. In a 6–3 decision the court overturned the Gobitis ruling. The majority opinion was written by Justice Robert H. Jackson, who had voted with the majority in Gobitis. While the earlier decision had focused primarily on claims of freedom of religion protections in the U.S. Constitution’s First Amendment, the Barnette ruling invoked both freedom of religion and an individual’s freedom of speech—and that freedom of speech included the right not to be forced to speak against one’s will. Jackson’s opinion underscored the rights of minorities against the tyranny of the majority: “If there is any fixed star in our constitutional constellation, it is that no official, high or petty, can prescribe what shall be orthodox in politics, nationalism, religion, or other matters of opinion, or force citizens to confess by word or act their faith therein.” And, attempting to capture the essence of the Bill of Rights protections, Jackson wrote:

The very purpose of a Bill of Rights was to withdraw certain subjects from the vicissitudes of political controversy, to place them beyond the reach of majorities and officials and to establish them as legal principles to be applied by the courts. One’s right to life, liberty, and property, to free speech, a free press, freedom of worship and assembly, and other fundamental rights may not be submitted to vote; they depend on the outcome of no elections.
You have no idea what any of this says do you? It says you are wrong. It says that the First Amendment is a limitation on government schools and on state officials high or petty.

I could easily require dinner guests to cross themselves and say a rosary before dessert.

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