NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.

Oh yeah baby. The 'pledge of allegiance', that authoritarian's wet-dream ode to cloth fetishism that no country in the world does except us and our ex-colony the Philippines. That exercise in indoctrination foisted on innocent little kids so that they can be controlled to sit down and shut up und you vill obey authority because ve haf vays if you don't, Schweinhundt.


Oh baby bring it on. I'm gonna cream my jeans. (<< channeling my inner TD)
Perspective | The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters

"The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters..."

"The origins of the pledge trace to the late 19th century, the product of an expansionist American project.

"In 1891, the family magazine Youth’s Companion asked 35-year-old Francis Bellamy, a former pastor of Boston’s Bethany Baptist Church, to fashion a patriotic program for schools around the country to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s 'arrival in America' by 'raising the U.S. Flag over every public school from the Atlantic to the Pacific.'"

What is ugly about that?
Mandatory patriotism is ugly in a free society.
If someone doesn't want to endorse the actions of their government, why should they be required to lie about their true beliefs?

The national anthem isn’t an endorsement of the federal government you dolt.
So, if the national anthem isn't an endorsement of the federal government, why is the Pentagon spending millions of tax dollars promoting "patriotism" during NFL games?
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
This is my final decision. They are employees. If you embarrass your employer you can be fired.

They need to put that in their contracts so they can’t say they didn’t know.

Do you want to be in the nfl? Simple yes or no question
Teaching children to be patriotic is healthy in just about any society.
Patriotism seems like the key concept here?

Patriotism - Wikipedia

"Patriotism is the ideology of attachment to a homeland. This attachment can be a combination of many different features relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism.[1][2][3]

"Some manifestations of patriotism emphasise the 'land' element in love for one's native land and play up the symbolism of agriculture and the soil[4][5] - compare Blut und Boden."

An "attachment to a homeland" isn't always a bad thing; however, when the homeland's leaders engage in or tolerate policies a citizen finds objectionable, human rights "trump" the "Blut und Boden" every time.
Teaching children to be patriotic is healthy in just about any society.
Patriotism seems like the key concept here?

Patriotism - Wikipedia

"Patriotism is the ideology of attachment to a homeland. This attachment can be a combination of many different features relating to one's own homeland, including ethnic, cultural, political or historical aspects. It encompasses a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism.[1][2][3]

"Some manifestations of patriotism emphasise the 'land' element in love for one's native land and play up the symbolism of agriculture and the soil[4][5] - compare Blut und Boden."

An "attachment to a homeland" isn't always a bad thing; however, when the homeland's leaders engage in or tolerate policies a citizen finds objectionable, human rights "trump" the "Blut und Boden" every time.

1. Thank you for admitting that Patriotism "isn't always a bad thing", so we can just dispense with that level of bs.

2. Kneeling during the National Anthem is not a protest against a policy, but an statement against the nation as a whole. As Kaepernick has stated personally.
A true patriot fights for its country when called upon.....and don't defer.
Then the flag kneelers aren't true patriots. Actually, they're traitors who are lucky to not be getting the electric chair.
We gotta get white mf's like you a fuckin hobby....dude, yaw stupid mf's gotta sitting president who's about as patriotic as a can of shit paint and you neo nuts are stressin a nigga of kneeling??? Its already been confirmed anybody supporting Trump is automatically rendered a fuckin retard, bye
When white people can be truly honest with themselves, especially white men....and hardened white women and admit the only reason they got issues TODAY with black people is because of integration, the dialog, that's desperately needed can resume. As more and more blacks become prominent in this country and take their place right along side the white man...the more fearful and racist they become...we saw it first hand with Obama and have seen it play out with money strapped athletes and entertainers....and white people don't like that shit.

So, in your world, dialog cannot resume until white people all just accept your point of view?

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.

The power structure of blacks in this country hasn't change one damned bit, save for a few who's climbed that ladder to the top. Our social status is still the same, still the bottom of the totem pole, nothing aggressive to cause white people so much anxst that cops are killing niggas just for target pratice and getting away with...only one thing has changed so drastically today, that even blacks are effected by it, AND THAT INTERRACIAL COUPLING....THAT'S GOTTA BE IT.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

The parallels to Nazi Germany are becoming quite alarming. But you fucking idiots don't care to research and learn.


The Time the German Football Club Didn’t Give Nazi Salute
A true patriot fights for its country when called upon.....and don't defer.
Then the flag kneelers aren't true patriots. Actually, they're traitors who are lucky to not be getting the electric chair.
We gotta get white mf's like you a fuckin hobby....dude, yaw stupid mf's gotta sitting president who's about as patriotic as a can of shit paint and you neo nuts are stressin a nigga of kneeling??? Its already been confirmed anybody supporting Trump is automatically rendered a fuckin retard, bye

I don't think that Protectionist has ever even met your mother, much less what you are implying.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

The parallels to Nazi Germany are becoming quite alarming. But you fucking idiots don't care to research and learn.


The Time the German Football Club Didn’t Give Nazi Salute

It bothers me too. But I do think there are significant differences that might steer us away from full-blown fascism. For one thing, Trump doesn't have an agenda, other than stroking his own ego. That's not a good thing, per se, but it does mean he doesn't have any overriding goal he is obsessed with. He's not consumed by anger at any particular group, he doesn't have any particular vision for how things ought to be. He'll do plenty of damage in the mean time, just because he's so stupid and easily manipulated, but as long as we can preserve our system to the extent that we can remove him in the next election, we'll survive.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

The parallels to Nazi Germany are becoming quite alarming. But you fucking idiots don't care to research and learn.


The Time the German Football Club Didn’t Give Nazi Salute
In 1934. Really. 1934.

Punishing the German club was the correct thing to do. It was a German club. The British Club no doubt stood for God Save the Queen.

Of course in 1934 probably the only person in the world that imagined Germany would someday, in the future be a problem was Winston Churchill who was said, in 1934, to be a war monger.

Your effort at Presentiment failed.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

The parallels to Nazi Germany are becoming quite alarming. But you fucking idiots don't care to research and learn.


The Time the German Football Club Didn’t Give Nazi Salute

It bothers me too. But I do think there are significant differences that might steer us away from full-blown fascism. For one thing, Trump doesn't have an agenda, other than stroking his own ego. That's not a good thing, per se, but it does mean he doesn't have any overriding goal he is obsessed with. He's not consumed by anger at any particular group, he doesn't have any particular vision for how things ought to be. He'll do plenty of damage in the mean time, just because he's so stupid and easily manipulated, but as long as we can preserve our system to the extent that we can remove him in the next election, we'll survive.
If Trump can destroy the democrats whatever damage is done to the nation is survivable.
When white people can be truly honest with themselves, especially white men....and hardened white women and admit the only reason they got issues TODAY with black people is because of integration, the dialog, that's desperately needed can resume. As more and more blacks become prominent in this country and take their place right along side the white man...the more fearful and racist they become...we saw it first hand with Obama and have seen it play out with money strapped athletes and entertainers....and white people don't like that shit.

Blacks are still the leaders per capita in crime, prison population, drug use, homosexuality, HIV, illiteracy, unemployment, welfare, and poverty. Y’all ain’t going anywhere.
"Some manifestations of patriotism emphasise the 'land' element in love for one's native land and play up the symbolism of agriculture and the soil[4][5] - compare Blut und Boden."

An "attachment to a homeland" isn't always a bad thing; however, when the homeland's leaders engage in or tolerate policies a citizen finds objectionable, human rights "trump" the "Blut und Boden" every time.
But Kapernick and his fellow traitors do not have a right to disparage America, and the things that symbolize it. Doing so constitutes TREASON. An offense serious enough to warrant the death penalty.
When white people can be truly honest with themselves, especially white men....and hardened white women and admit the only reason they got issues TODAY with black people is because of integration, the dialog, that's desperately needed can resume. As more and more blacks become prominent in this country and take their place right along side the white man...the more fearful and racist they become...we saw it first hand with Obama and have seen it play out with money strapped athletes and entertainers....and white people don't like that shit.

So, in your world, dialog cannot resume until white people all just accept your point of view?

Liberals. All the self awareness of a potted plant. A dead potted plant.

The power structure of blacks in this country hasn't change one damned bit, save for a few who's climbed that ladder to the top. Our social status is still the same, still the bottom of the totem pole, nothing aggressive to cause white people so much anxst that cops are killing niggas just for target pratice and getting away with...only one thing has changed so drastically today, that even blacks are effected by it, AND THAT INTERRACIAL COUPLING....THAT'S GOTTA BE IT.

Thanks for dismissing the sacrifices of generations of white Americans who put themselves on the line to fight for equality for blacks.

IMO, we have sacrificed enough for you, and need to stop immediately.

You and blacks like you and IM2, are my strongest allies.

Thank you.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

The parallels to Nazi Germany are becoming quite alarming. But you fucking idiots don't care to research and learn.


The Time the German Football Club Didn’t Give Nazi Salute

It bothers me too. But I do think there are significant differences that might steer us away from full-blown fascism. For one thing, Trump doesn't have an agenda, other than stroking his own ego. That's not a good thing, per se, but it does mean he doesn't have any overriding goal he is obsessed with. He's not consumed by anger at any particular group, he doesn't have any particular vision for how things ought to be. He'll do plenty of damage in the mean time, just because he's so stupid and easily manipulated, but as long as we can preserve our system to the extent that we can remove him in the next election, we'll survive.
If Trump can destroy the democrats whatever damage is done to the nation is survivable.

Maybe. He's decimated the Republicans. If the dems continue with the same old same old, they're next. We could start over fresh.
So, if the national anthem isn't an endorsement of the federal government, why is the Pentagon spending millions of tax dollars promoting "patriotism" during NFL games?

Look, you and Kapernick go right on disrespecting your nation's flag if you want, it won't get you anything but disrespect right back. When you disrespect the flag, you are giving the finger to our very people whom America is made up of. You disrespect our fallen soldiers. You disrespect everything our people stand for. Think of it as if you were disrespecting your parents---- there might not be any law against it and they might even be wrong, but it's just such incredibly bad taste, just not the way you go about it.

You don't see any of this horsecrap in the NBA, in fact, just last night it was pointed out that in the NBA rule-book, players are not only to respect the flag during the anthem, but to do so in a dignified way. When you disrespect the flag, the only person you are really hurting is yourself.

Whatever people's differences are, the Flag is the one thing we all rally around and unite over as our common heritage as AMERICANS. When you choose to use it to disrespect as a cheap political statement during a public sporting event, it just shows yourself as the low-life piece of chicken shit you really are. You go right on ahead giving your own flag the finger.
The sick irony of this issue, is that the kneeling is exactly the kind of constructive protest we hope blacks will choose, rather than violent riots. Or, maybe some of us prefer the violent riots. Confirmation bias and all that.

The kneelers are emulating Ghandi, and the rednecks are still pissed off. Weenies.
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Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.

It's been the normal routine for decades. If you don't like it don't watch. We've been playing the national anthem before sporting events for a very long time.

What does it have to do with Nascar? What does it have to do with hockey? It's not that it has anything TO DO with it, it's what we do as a nation. It's a way to celebrate the fact that we have the freedom to do what we want.
Despite which team you want to win, or who you want to cross the finish line first, all joining in respect for the flag and anthem reminds us that we are one country and one people.

Now play ball.

Except that we aren't one people and only one nation as a geographic cypher.

Carry on
The sick irony of this issue, is that the kneeling is exactly the kind of constructive protest we hope blacks will choose, rather than violent riots. Or, maybe some of us prefer the violent riots. Confirmation bias and all that.

There's good reasoning for you! Let the Blacks have their kneeling protest! At least it keeps them off the street, rioting, looting and burning! :laugh::lmao::laughing0301:
The sick irony of this issue, is that the kneeling is exactly the kind of constructive protest we hope blacks will choose, rather than violent riots. Or, maybe some of us prefer the violent riots. Confirmation bias and all that.

There's good reasoning for you! Let the Blacks have their kneeling protest! At least it keeps them off the street, rioting, looting and burning! :laugh::lmao::laughing0301:

My posts seems to have confused you. I'm pointing out that kneeling is a respectful, peaceful form of protest. And you pussies are complaining about it. Weak.

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