NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

There was no "military" there to "disrespect"

The military is in the star spangled banner which is about a naval battle that occurred during the War of 1812. And both the song and the flag are representative of America, whish is precisely why the traitor kneelers pick that time/place to do the opposite of what shows respect.
And in almost all national anthem performances, there are military color guard there unfurling and holding the flag.

As for "their own words", those words have stated that they are purposely disrespecting the country, that they ignorantly think oppresses them.
You lead a liberal to knowledge, but you can't make him think.

You do NOT have full freedom in this country. We are a country of laws and rules to keep society in line. If you don't like them, there are about 160 other countries you can move to. But in the mean time, STFU.
The military is in the star spangled banner which is about a naval battle that occurred during the War of 1812. And both the song and the flag are representative of America, whish is precisely why the traitor kneelers pick that time/place to do the opposite of what shows respect.

So now you're admitting the SSB *IS* a song about War.

What a great ideal to represent your country --- the ultimate human Failure. What could possibly go wrong with that plan, gee Wally.

You're still denying the fact that Kaepernick specifically ruled out any disrespect of the military. What you fascisti don't get is that you can't just decide what other people mean, especially when it directly contradicts what they say they mean.

You can't just waltz in and take ownership of somebody else's expression. Who the fuck do you think you are?

And in almost all national anthem performances, there are military color guard there unfurling and holding the flag.

What exactly are they "guarding"?

See if you can answer that in any way that doesn't involve fetishism. I'm betting you can't .

I doubt your fantasy holds any water anyway --- when I go to a baseball game there's no military, there's no "color guard", there's just a flag out there on a pole that was already there when we got there. And nobody's particularly looking at it except to check wind direction, since it's a national anthem and not a pledge of allegiance --- which would be where the flag comes in.


As for "their own words", those words have stated that they are purposely disrespecting the country, that they ignorantly think oppresses them.

Interesting you had to change my "his own words" to a plural. Is that a way of saying "they all look alike to me"? And yet you want to ascribe "ignorantly" to someone not standing in your mirror. Amusing.
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.
Loss of patriotism is why the left and right are at each others throats, it's a lot of why there is so much hatred in this nation, so much crime and violence. If one cannot understand the underlying emotional reason that millions have sacrificed, (be them military, businessmen, or average American's) for the betterment of the nation (ie taxes, goods and services, etc.) then one has no reason to respect those people's individual sacrifices which leads to an eruption of selfish stupidity.

Its why you assholes on the left have no problem writing off rural America, writing off anyone who votes for republicans (or Trump) - you have /zero/ respect for the people in general, just your own "super special" opinions. It's why you selifish idiots are willing to destroy capitalism in favor of socialism - not one fuck given for future generations; not even your own fucking kids and grand kids. It's why you continue to vote for shit that no one can afford - destroying cities and the nation from within with your abject greed. It's why you continuously strive to lower the standards of the nation; instead of asking everyone to give their best. It's why you can break the entire fucking nation into what you don't have - selfish, ungrateful, mostly useless brats.

Ironically you little shit's get all bent when I "disrespect" your abhorrent behavior and dumb as fuck ideas for the future of America, yet I'm just reflecting how you little shits act - not giving a fuck about you or yours. Why should I? None of you little fucks has the guts and drive to do anything useful with your lives, you're all going to be failures and demand we pay for your existences, as though we owe you people jack shit simply because you happened to be born in a nation you hate.

Seriously, just get out, go to Canada like ya'll fucking threatened, go to Mexico where the people are so "wonderful" and "not animals," go to Europe where they "do immigration the right way." Start a go fund me and go.
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.
The question is whether being forced to be patriotic should be a part of anyone's contract (unless they work for the government).
It's not being forced to be patriotic. It is being forced to not be treasonous (which is THE LAW)

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

These hopeless lemmings see the Pledge, Anthem, etc., as "brain-washing" and instilling "false patriotism" when nothing could be further from the truth. Back in the day, no kid or parent worried about such things! To suggest such a thing would have been nothing short of seditious. These actions are merely a SYMBOL, a representation or EXPRESSION of ones faith, loyalty and adherence to one's country. We did these things because they made us feel good, united, centered, they clarified our identity as AMERICANS, and it is VITAL to any nation that its people have national pride and loyalty. Those countries that have it are strong and healthy, those that don't are weakened and falling apart.

But the Left got in there and pried, and the Right let them remove these symbols while teaching that America is highly flawed and to blame and wrong about so much; teaching a decentralized view where America is just another country like all the rest, to question and doubt it, the schools began pushing this and the universities began shouting it, finally, our own "president" spent 20 years in a church SHOUTING it, to where now today we have whole generations of people more suspicious of loving and being faithful to their country than of being doubtful of and against it, the very essence of moral decay, and that is simply an untenable situation that must be excised for the good of and survival of the country.
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.
maybe. but they do it and it's part of the game. you don't like it, don't watch it.

if the NFL now decides they no longer want the politics in their sport, great. i'm more interested. it has nothing to do with letting them express themselves via any means THEY BUILD UP ON THEIR OWN. they can get into community activities, they can donate time to big brother big sister and the like.

kneeling before they play a game they will make a few hundred thousand dollars to do is bullshit and many are simply tired of it.

has nothing to do with keeping them down but hey - act the victim.
Blacks demonstrate their physical superiority on level, highly regulated playing fields. It is difficult to find similar arenas to support your allegation of White intellectual superiority.

Really, George? Really, really, really, George? Just how hard did you even look? I bet not hard at all. Why don't you go through these lists of inventions and inventors, and tell me how many are white and how many are blacks?

Timeline of historic inventions - Wikipedia
List of inventors - Wikipedia

People started out around northern Africa and spread around the world. Where they went north and became whites, they created nations like France, Spain, Germany and England. Where they went south and became blacks, the created nations like Sudan, Ethiopia, Angola and Nigeria.
Well let me ask you this, if kneeling for the anthem has nothing to do with the military, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH POLICE BRUTALITY? Which was the original reason given by Kaperfuck as to why he refused to stand.

You'd have to ask him. It's not a connection I would have made but hey that's his personal thing so I don't pretend to speak for him.

But it does lead us back to the root question -- WHAT THE FUCK DOES A NATIONAL ANTHEM HAVE TO DO WITH A FUCKING NFL GAME?

The answer, of course, is "bupkis". It's just a manipulation tool to herd sheep, taking advantage of the fact that umpteen thousand people are in one place. They came of course for an entirely different purpose but if you can commandeer the stage and whip enough intimidation on them, they'll go "baa" and you "win".

If you go to, say, a movie, that doesn't happen. Not enough sheep. Opportunism writ large.

It's been the normal routine for decades. If you don't like it don't watch. We've been playing the national anthem before sporting events for a very long time.

What does it have to do with Nascar? What does it have to do with hockey? It's not that it has anything TO DO with it, it's what we do as a nation. It's a way to celebrate the fact that we have the freedom to do what we want.
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Once AGAIN the "cameras" are not even rolling during the national anthem. IT'S NOT PART OF A FOOTBALL BROADCAST. That's why this hypocritical fake outrage is so fake --- you didn't even know there was a national anthem going on, now you suddenly want to pretend to get all huffy because you're told to. What sheep.
The news media makes sure their protest us televised. Don't tell me you haven't seen it on the news and in magazines. The protesters count on it. Stop the coverage and you stop the protesting.
All Kaepernick had to do is stand quietly with his hands in front of him scratching his balls if he wants and the problem will be solved. The fans expect everyone to respect our flag, our national anthem and our military. We will not uphold disrespect. It's just that simple.

Millionairess don't have the free ride to tell us they're being victimized. No matter what the color of their ass is.
The question is whether being forced to be patriotic should be a part of anyone's contract (unless they work for the government).
It's not being forced to be patriotic. It is being forced to not be treasonous (which is THE LAW)

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

These hopeless lemmings see the Pledge, Anthem, etc., as "brain-washing" and instilling "false patriotism" when nothing could be further from the truth. Back in the day, no kid or parent worried about such things! To suggest such a thing would have been nothing short of seditious.

BINGO. And that should be a giant SCREAMING clue. "Sedition" means you dared -- oh the horror --- to not-conform to the State's Orders. "Sedition" is what got Earnest Starr ten to twenty hard labor for refusing a MOB's "order" that he kiss a flag. If you assume the position for 'sedition' --- you just ain't got no balls.

These actions are merely a SYMBOL, a representation or EXPRESSION of ones faith, loyalty and adherence to one's country. We did these things because they made us feel good, united, centered, they clarified our identity as AMERICANS, and it is VITAL to any nation that its people have national pride and loyalty.

Actually we did these things because we were ORDERED to under pain of ...expulsion.... physical/psychological abuse... failing grades... fines... ten to twenty hard labor.... loss of income... loss of employability... jail.... deportation... all those marks of a totalitarian über-state, the kind you authoritarian-passive "Good Germans" get a wet spot for.

Actual REAL GENUINE patriotism isn't forced. It isn't mandated, it isn't coerced, it isn't scripted, it isn't orchestrated, it isn't pressured, it isn't pimped out like a beer commercial, and it isn't some bullshit lockstep puppet show that looks like a North Korean street parade. REAL GENUINE patriotism is spontaneous, it's inspired, it's heartfelt, it's individual, it's REAL, and it cannot possibly be scheduled to happen at 12:54.

AND it's got nothing to do with fucking fetishes. It's got to do with ideals and concepts and principles --- not fucking puppet shows. And foremost among those ideals is what we call "Liberty".

Now go ahead and essplain to the class how ten to twenty hard labor for refusing a mob's demand to kiss the flag represents any kind of "Liberty".

Yeah exactly. I can't either.
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"Sedition" means you dared --

Please tell us you fried your brain on drugs as to why you are such an ass. What is sedition to you now, the high standard by which all good Americans should aspire to?

Was four words all your severely limited literacy could handle then?

Too bad. Had you got past the first verb you might have had the perspective to see what I did with your bullshit emotionally-triggered apology for a point. 'Tweren't pretty.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Good news. The NFL is paying them to play ball, not to be professional protesters. They are free to protest on their own time. Fans want to watch a game for fun, not SJW politics. The NFL lost much revenue because of these antics that were allowed to go on.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Good news. The NFL is paying them to play ball, not to be professional protesters. They are free to protest on their own time. Fans want to watch a game for fun, not SJW politics. The NFL lost much revenue because of these antics that were allowed to go on.

More good news. The NFL is paying them to play football, not to be uniformed marionettes for a jingo commercil puppet show. And now they can stay in the locker room, where they always were before, until it's time to take the field for the actual GAME, i.e. the event that literally everybody there, came for.

Still more good news -- there is still no evidence that "the NFL lost revenue because of these antics that were allowed to go on". Unless you mean when they were shamed into sending back $700k of taxpayer dollars that they were sent to stage such puppet shows, but then that money was illegitimate anyway so it can't count as "lost revenue".
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.

Oh yeah baby. The 'pledge of allegiance', that authoritarian's wet-dream ode to cloth fetishism that no country in the world does except us and our ex-colony the Philippines. That exercise in indoctrination foisted on innocent little kids so that they can be controlled to sit down and shut up und you vill obey authority because ve haf vays if you don't, Schweinhundt.


Oh baby bring it on. I'm gonna cream my jeans. (<< channeling my inner TD)
Perspective | The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters

"The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters..."

"The origins of the pledge trace to the late 19th century, the product of an expansionist American project.

"In 1891, the family magazine Youth’s Companion asked 35-year-old Francis Bellamy, a former pastor of Boston’s Bethany Baptist Church, to fashion a patriotic program for schools around the country to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s 'arrival in America' by 'raising the U.S. Flag over every public school from the Atlantic to the Pacific.'"

What is ugly about that?
Mandatory patriotism is ugly in a free society.
If someone doesn't want to endorse the actions of their government, why should they be required to lie about their true beliefs?
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics

You're playing the race card where a race issue doesn't exist. Fans will root for anybody that is a good player and helps the team win. Your point is hypothetical.
How do you explain the fact Colin Kaepernick is a good player who demonstrated the ability to help his team win yet thousands of fans no longer root for him?

Because he regularly insults the nation as a whole? Which includes his fans, of course.
Kaepernick's protest against police brutality doesn't insult the nation as a whole unless you believe a majority of Americans are racists. His proven ability to win in one of the most competitive arenas in the world should be his fans' only consideration.

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