NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

at this point it dont matter to me

will never flip the channel to an nfl game

will never buy nfl merchandise not even as a gift

sure as hell will never attend a game

fuck em
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
What does a mandatory display of "patriotism" have in common with individual freedom?

Nothing since the NFL is privately owned business and can make its own rules in regards to pleasing it's customer base.
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics

You're playing the race card where a race issue doesn't exist. Fans will root for anybody that is a good player and helps the team win. Your point is hypothetical.
State how you justify the statement >> "Blacks demonstrate their physical superiority on level, highly regulated playing fields." You got anything substantial to base that on ?
Professional sports like the NFL are strict meritocracies compared to US workplaces in general. Professional players aren't selected on any basis except a demonstrated ability to perform the required tasks, and the level of competition they face for those jobs is far more intense than most other occupations.
What does a mandatory display of "patriotism" have in common with individual freedom?

Nothing since the NFL is privately owned business and can make its own rules in regards to pleasing it's customer base.
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics

You're playing the race card where a race issue doesn't exist. Fans will root for anybody that is a good player and helps the team win. Your point is hypothetical.
How do you explain the fact Colin Kaepernick is a good player who demonstrated the ability to help his team win yet thousands of fans no longer root for him?

Police Killed At Least 378 Black Americans From The Moment Colin Kaepernick Protested | HuffPost

"Police Killed At Least 378 Black Americans From The Moment Colin Kaepernick Protested."
Nobody in the world "fought and died for their freedom to play football", klown. That shit don't sell
Our soldiers fought and some died for all our freedoms and that does include playing football, Mrs Turdball.

Once AGAIN no it the hell does not. Get on a plane right now and fly to Syria. Or Mogadishu. Fucking Antarctica, wherever you like. Anywhere you want in the world where the military isn't protecting anything, and I guarantee you'll find people playing games. It's a human universal. The game will vary from here to there but the impetus to do it will not.

What those soldiers go to defend, fighting or otherwise, is the fucking Constitution that makes us who we are, K? Not a fucking football game and not a fucking piece of cloth. A Constitution full of ideals, first and foremost of which is the natural right of Free Expression. And I hate to be the bearer of startling news but forcing people into a bullshit parade to worship a cloth fetish or a music fetish und ve vill be inshpecting exactly what your body is doing ze whole time und if ve don't like it ve vill fire you or have you deported, is not anywhere within smelling distance of Free Expression. It's the fucking OPPOSITE. It's indoctrination to keep the proletariat docile and bent over for the Almighty State. It all makes one statement and that statement is, "assume the position".

This "War is Peace" bullshit is advertising copy to sell War to the unwashed so we won't raise questions when the warmongers start to wanking. It doesn't "enable" sports, sex, ice cream sandwiches, unicorns or rainbows. Don't be so goddam gullible.

Now then. It's a new day, what new section of the populace will the Fascisti target to run the lives of today? I'm sure there's some occupation, some ethnic group, some region, that needs a good gobsmack of obedience training. You know, somebody y'all can get your jollies whipping the uppityness out of with your fantasy threats of removal of their livelihood, removal of their citizenship, removal of their humanity, to show how much fucking swagger you got.

Let's go, whip it out, time's a-wastin'.
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Nothing since the NFL is privately owned business and can make its own rules in regards to pleasing it's customer base.
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics

You're playing the race card where a race issue doesn't exist. Fans will root for anybody that is a good player and helps the team win. Your point is hypothetical.
How do you explain the fact Colin Kaepernick is a good player who demonstrated the ability to help his team win yet thousands of fans no longer root for him?

Because he regularly insults the nation as a whole? Which includes his fans, of course.
Oh I ain't talking about anybody's "right to work". That's your gig. I'm talking about the mob mentality that tries to force a man to kiss a flag and if he doesn't he gets hard labor. THAT kind of fascism. The same mob mentality you're selling here
Nobody is asking anybody to kiss the flag or kiss someone's ass. Since forever, citizens have been asked to stand for the Anthmn out of respect. The employees are expected to set an example. This is neither the time nor place to stage a protest. Do it on their own time.

For the umpteenth time --- Earnest V. Starr. 1918. Cornered by a mob who "ordered" him to kiss the flag. Starr of course refused, for which refusal he was arrested, convicted and sentenced to ten to twenty hard labor.

Kissing, standing, saluting, bending over, whatever. It's all behavior control to establish POWER by the Upper over the Lower. And the penalty is variously getting fired, getting blackballed, getting deported, getting imprisoned, getting beat up. Check out the "blacklisted" entertainers of the 1950s. Again, same thing here. THIS Is the road you want us to go down while trying to hide behind "soldiers". Guess what Heinz. I'm on their side. The side of the Constitution and its ideals. Y'all who want to try to tear that document up with your idiotic strutting and self-righteous jingoistic lockstep uniformly cookie-cutter posturing are going to have to wrest it from our cold, dead hands.
What evidence can you advance for your claim "(b)lack privilege IS a problem personally to whites in America"?
I don't think you realize what you just stuck your head into. I hereby, in front of the whole forum, CHALLENGE you to read my answer to your question. Take your time >>>

In America, Black privilege manifests itself in numerous forms, with the following deranged mindsets:

1. Blacks have the right to take pride in their race. Whites don't.

2. Blacks can never be racist. Whites are always racist, even if they don't try to be.

3. Blacks get to play the race card. Whites don't.

4. Blacks never have to feel guilty about being black. Whites are trained to feel guilty about being white.

5. Blacks have the right to make blacks only organizations like the Black Student Union and the Congressional Black Caucus. Whites don't.

6. Blacks have the right to never take responsibility for their own actions. Anything bad which happens to a black person can be blamed on racism or white people. Whites have to take responsibility and apologize for their actions.

7. Rich black people have a right to be rich. Rich white people don't.

8. Black people have the right to demonize white people. White people don't have the right to demonize black people.

9. Black people are excused when they are prejudiced against white people. White people are never excused for prejudice against black people.

10. Black people are a "protected class." White people are not.

11. Violent crimes by whites on blacks are "hate crimes." Violent crimes by blacks on whites are just "random" crimes.

12. Blacks have the right to Affirmative Action and minority set-asides. Whites have to earn their positions.

13. Blacks are "cool." Whites are "squares" and "rednecks."

14. Blacks have the right to say words like "******," which whites are never allowed to use. They have the right to incessantly repeat the word "******" in front of white people, to intimidate them and keep them in their place.

15. Blacks can make the most racially insensitive comments and, more often than not, no one blinks twice. They are allowed to insult others without repercussion.[1]

16. Blacks can spend their rent money on designer handbags and then complain about how they don’t have the same economic opportunities as everyone else. And they get away with it.[2]

17. Black men are sexual supermen. White men are sexually inadequate. Black men have huge penises. White men have small, inadequate penises.

18. Blacks have "civil rights". Whites don't.

19. Blacks are in prison because of racism. Whites are in prison because they're criminals.

20. Black jury members have the right to acquit criminals, if they're black.

21. Blacks have the right to put a halt to any policy, statement, symbol, statistic, outcome, word or expression they find offensive. Whites have no such rights.

22. Blacks are morally superior to whites.

23. "[Blacks] enjoy cultural cache around the world as victors over oppression and the hard reality of what that looks like at this point in world history. The music that they enjoy, the clothes that they wear, their very mannerisms carry a certain amount of gravitas."[3]

24. Blacks can assign collective racial guilt to "you white folks." White people cannot do the reverse because that would be racist.

25. White people everywhere, and at all times, bear guilt for the crimes of a minority of white people in the past (e.g., slave owners, Adolf Hitler). Making blacks bear guilt, as a race, for the despicable crimes of their criminal minority is stereotyping, racist, and an insult to reason; after all, no one should ever be blamed for the acts of some unrelated person.

26. Blacks have "black culture." Whites are not allowed to have white culture.

27. African-American studies is a celebration of blackness and black culture.

28. Whiteness studies is a demonization of white people and white culture.

29. White people need to undergo diversity/sensitivity training. Black people don't.
"... any generalization--favorable or unfavorable--about any minority that someone does not like is by definition "racist" and deserves to be suppressed--as long as it is said by a white person. Black diversity consultants, in contrast, can parade, without a shred of empirical evidence, the grossest racial and ethnic stereotypes with virtual impunity."[4]

30. It's racist to point out racism by blacks. It's never racist to point out racism by whites.

31. Whites have to walk on eggshells around blacks. Blacks don't give a shit what whites think.

32. Blacks have the right to riot and commit violent acts in response to perceived grievances. White people have to obey the law at all times.

33. Blacks have the right to never be portrayed as criminals or lowlifes in films or on TV. Bad guys on the screen must always be White.

34. Blacks have the right to never be ridiculed, mocked, belittled or laughed at. Whites have no such right.

35. Black criminals have the right to have their race censored in media reports.
Facts which cause blacks embarrassment or cast them in a bad light must be suppressed. Facts which cause whites embarrassment or cast them in a bad light are reported as is.

36. Blacks can silence and intimidate whites by calling them racist. Whites can't silence and intimidate blacks because that would be racist.

37. Forcing whitey to apologize shows black power and clout. Whites can never force blacks to apologize because that would constitute a lynching.

38. Whites are held to a system of 'sensitivity' requirements that do not apply to blacks.

39. "Whites are monitored, pestered, and punished for preposterous reasons--for a look, for an innocent word, for wearing a T-shirt, for expressing a plausible argument--but blacks can say almost anything with perfect impunity."[5]

40. "In discussions of race between black people and white people the conscious black person is always right; is always the ultimate authority on questions having to do with race and racism; must always be regarded as the ‘injured party,’ or the oppressed. . . . [Whites] cannot possibly be expected to be objective about questions of race."[6]

41. Blacks may work for explicitly racial goals but whites may not.

42. Blacks are permitted to notice race. Whites are not.

43. "It is quite acceptable for either party to explicitly go after the black, Hispanic, or even the Jewish vote. In fact both parties gain an indispensable moral authority by doing so. But it is absolutely verboten for either party, or any white candidate, to appeal to whites as a racial identity group. Racial identity is simply forbidden to whites in America and across the entire Western world. Black children today are hammered with the idea of racial identity and pride, yet racial pride in whites constitutes a grave evil. Say 'I'm white and I'm proud' and you are a National Socialist, White Nationalist, or some other derogatory description."[7]

44. A black who punches a White person is a hero standing up to oppression. A White person who punches a black is a racist.

45. It can be publicly admitted that blacks are superior to Whites in certain pursuits (i.e. basketball). It can never be publicly admitted that Whites are superior to blacks in other pursuits (i.e. winning Nobel prizes in science).

46. When blacks are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to their abilities. When Whites are overrepresented in a desirable field, it is due to racism. When blacks are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is due to racism. When Whites are overrepresented in an undesirable field, it is their own fault.
Most African countries are made up almost entirely of blacks, and have some of the world's highest birth rates. Most European countries consist of White people having to live alongside blacks and other non-whites, and have some of the world's lowest birth rates
For the umpteenth time --- Earnest V. Starr. 1918. Cornered by a mob who "ordered" him to kiss the flag. Starr of course refused, for which refusal he was arrested, convicted and sentenced to ten to twenty hard labor.

Kissing, standing, saluting, bending over, whatever. It's all behavior control to establish POWER by the Upper over the Lower. And the penalty is variously getting fired, getting blackballed, getting deported, getting imprisoned, getting beat up. Check out the "blacklisted" entertainers of the 1950s. Again, same thing here. THIS Is the road you want us to go down while trying to hide behind "soldiers". Guess what Heinz. I'm on their side. The side of the Constitution and its ideals. Y'all who want to try to tear that document up with your idiotic strutting and self-righteous jingoistic lockstep uniformly cookie-cutter posturing are going to have to wrest it from our cold, dead hands.
It's not a Constitutional issue. Nobody is saying they can't protest about America oppressing blacks (as backwards & idiotic as that is). I've repeatedly, said they can do that. But doing it during the national anthem and deliberately slapping at the anthem (and therefore the nation), by kneeling, is a treasonous act, which is related to the US Code 18, not the Constitution. Ho hum. :rolleyes: This is tiring.
They don't have to stand for the anthem. They can stay in the locker room and kneel all the want to. But they're doing it for show, for the cameras, and the NFL has full control over that. If you are on the field, you stand for the anthem or your team gets fined.

If you don't like that, resign from the NFL and go get a real job.
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Nobody in the world "fought and died for their freedom to play football", klown. That shit don't sell
Our soldiers fought and some died for all our freedoms and that does include playing football, Mrs Turdball.

Once AGAIN no it the hell does not. Get on a plane right now and fly to Syria. Or Mogadishu. Fucking Antarctica, wherever you like. Anywhere you want in the world where the military isn't protecting anything, and I guarantee you'll find people playing games. It's a human universal. The game will vary from here to there but the impetus to do it will not.

What those soldiers go to defend, fighting or otherwise, is the fucking Constitution that makes us who we are, K? Not a fucking football game and not a fucking piece of cloth. A Constitution full of ideals, first and foremost of which is the natural right of Free Expression. And I hate to be the bearer of startling news but forcing people into a bullshit parade to worship a cloth fetish or a music fetish und ve vill be inshpecting exactly what your body is doing ze whole time und if ve don't like it ve vill fire you or have you deported, is not anywhere within smelling distance of Free Expression. It's the fucking OPPOSITE. It's indoctrination to keep the proletariat docile and bent over for the Almighty State. It all makes one statement and that statement is, "assume the position".

This "War is Peace" bullshit is advertising copy to sell War to the unwashed so we won't raise questions when the warmongers start to wanking. It doesn't "enable" sports, sex, ice cream sandwiches, unicorns or rainbows. Don't be so goddam gullible.

Now then. It's a new day, what new section of the populace will the Fascisti target to run the lives of today? I'm sure there's some occupation, some ethnic group, some region, that needs a good gobsmack of obedience training. You know, somebody y'all can get your jollies whipping the uppityness out of with your fantasy threats of removal of their livelihood, removal of their citizenship, removal of their humanity, to show how much fucking swagger you got.

Let's go, whip it out, time's a-wastin'.
Kaepernick started this by disreprcting our Flag and the military. If they play games in those other countries, it is because their fascist leaders ALLOW them to play. Here we have the freedom to play football without the consent of government.

All because our boys fought for our freedoms and the freedom to play football.

It's just that simple, commie! Don't lecture us on our Constituition when you hate our country, it's ideals, our Flag that represents our freedoms, and the wars fought to preserve our freedoms.
Pogo uses the word "fascist" when he has no other word to use.

He thinks it's a sign of intelligence when in full disclosure it's a sign of a lack thereof.
They don't have to stand for the anthem. They can stay in the locker room and kneel all the want to. But they're doing it for show, for the cameras, and the NFL has full control over that. If you are on the field, you stand for the anthem or your team gets fined.

Once AGAIN the "cameras" are not even rolling during the national anthem. IT'S NOT PART OF A FOOTBALL BROADCAST. That's why this hypocritical fake outrage is so fake --- you didn't even know there was a national anthem going on, now you suddenly want to pretend to get all huffy because you're told to. What sheep.
They don't have to stand for the anthem. They can stay in the locker room and kneel all the want to. But they're doing it for show, for the cameras, and the NFL has full control over that. If you are on the field, you stand for the anthem or your team gets fined.

Once AGAIN the "cameras" are not even rolling during the national anthem. IT'S NOT PART OF A FOOTBALL BROADCAST. That's why this hypocritical fake outrage is so fake --- you didn't even know there was a national anthem going on, now you suddenly want to pretend to get all huffy because you're told to. What sheep.

The PHOTO cameras you DUMBASS. There are hundreds of PHOTOGRAPHERS on the field for the anthem.
Professional sports like the NFL are strict meritocracies compared to US workplaces in general. Professional players aren't selected on any basis except a demonstrated ability to perform the required tasks, and the level of competition they face for those jobs is far more intense than most other occupations.
How do you (or could you) know that ? Do you have a complete assessment of every NFL team's hiring practices ? My guess is you don't, and really don't know how many teams are using Affirmative Action racial preference for blacks, when recruiting and hiring.
They could be among the worst offenders in America. Same with the NBA.
Nobody in the world "fought and died for their freedom to play football", klown. That shit don't sell
Our soldiers fought and some died for all our freedoms and that does include playing football, Mrs Turdball.

Once AGAIN no it the hell does not. Get on a plane right now and fly to Syria. Or Mogadishu. Fucking Antarctica, wherever you like. Anywhere you want in the world where the military isn't protecting anything, and I guarantee you'll find people playing games. It's a human universal. The game will vary from here to there but the impetus to do it will not.

What those soldiers go to defend, fighting or otherwise, is the fucking Constitution that makes us who we are, K? Not a fucking football game and not a fucking piece of cloth. A Constitution full of ideals, first and foremost of which is the natural right of Free Expression. And I hate to be the bearer of startling news but forcing people into a bullshit parade to worship a cloth fetish or a music fetish und ve vill be inshpecting exactly what your body is doing ze whole time und if ve don't like it ve vill fire you or have you deported, is not anywhere within smelling distance of Free Expression. It's the fucking OPPOSITE. It's indoctrination to keep the proletariat docile and bent over for the Almighty State. It all makes one statement and that statement is, "assume the position".

This "War is Peace" bullshit is advertising copy to sell War to the unwashed so we won't raise questions when the warmongers start to wanking. It doesn't "enable" sports, sex, ice cream sandwiches, unicorns or rainbows. Don't be so goddam gullible.

Now then. It's a new day, what new section of the populace will the Fascisti target to run the lives of today? I'm sure there's some occupation, some ethnic group, some region, that needs a good gobsmack of obedience training. You know, somebody y'all can get your jollies whipping the uppityness out of with your fantasy threats of removal of their livelihood, removal of their citizenship, removal of their humanity, to show how much fucking swagger you got.

Let's go, whip it out, time's a-wastin'.

Kaepernick started this by disreprcting our Flag and the military.

Fucking bullshit. Kaepernick originally did literally nothing. He was sitting on the bench, the anthem began, and he simply continued to sit. That went on for several pre-games before anybody even NOTICED. When some photographer who obviously was himself not standing in silence, snapped his picture sitting, he started the fake story about a non-participant in that robotic charade figuring he could milk a fake "story" out of the easily baited. That would be you, salivating on command about a robotic exercise you didn't even know was going on in the fucking first place, dishonest HACK.

There was no "military" there to "disrespect" and when eventually asked about that he put the idea down in no uncertain terms. Kaepernick, who had simply been not-standing-up privately in silence, was suggested by a teammate that by kneeling (genuflecting) he could continue to not-stand while showing respect for the anthem, so that's what he did and that's where that started.

I know y'all fascisti think you have some 'right' from somewhere to dick-tate what's in other people's heads despite their own words but the exploration of Denialism, self-delusion and "alternate reality" is a matter for your psychiatrist.

If they play games in those other countries, it is because their fascist leaders ALLOW them to play. Here we have the freedom to play football without the consent of government.

Oh FUCKING BULLSHIT. Nobody needs fucking "permission" to play a fucking game. All you need is enough participants for two teams and a piece of land to play it on. Even if it's fucking stickball.

"Permission" my ass.

All because our boys fought for our freedoms and the freedom to play football.

It's just that simple, commie! Don't lecture us on our Constituition when you hate our country, it's ideals, our Flag that represents our freedoms, and the wars fought to preserve our freedoms.

SMFH. What a fucking dolt.
How do you explain the fact Colin Kaepernick is a good player who demonstrated the ability to help his team win yet thousands of fans no longer root for him?

Police Killed At Least 378 Black Americans From The Moment Colin Kaepernick Protested | HuffPost

"Police Killed At Least 378 Black Americans From The Moment Colin Kaepernick Protested."
This moronic link (written by a guy who looks like he's 16 years old) has so many holes in it, I'd be here for an hour, refuting them one by one.

Let's just say that just throwing out a number doesn't mean a thing. 378, 478, or 578, if police needed to shoot that many, so be it. A number doesn't create a value judgement.

In many cases of blacks getting shot and killed by police, well publicized, blacks caused themselves to get shot, and forced the officers to shoot them in self-defense. Despite this, blacks and liberals went ballistic, while evidence in court showed these to be justifiable homicides, and cops were acquitted.

Many cases were on video, and there was no reason to even charge the cop with anything in the first place.

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