NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

If you served, then you should remember what your oath of enlistment was. Me? I swore that oath 5 times over the course of my career. You're just pissed that someone went against your world view. speech allows someone to disagree with someone else, as well as peaceful protest is guaranteed by the Constitution.

If your oath was to the flag and the anthem, then you served in a hell of a lot different military than the rest of us.
1. You don't understand the flag and the anthem.

2. This isn't free speech or peaceful protest. It is blatant attack upon the USA, and everything about it, by airhead America-haters.
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Sheesh, those are really terrible arguments.

The camera guy isn't standing because he's doing his job, the fans you're referring to are hungry, but the players aren't standing because they know it pisses people off. It's an intentional douchebag move.

The kneelers are simply trolling and now people hate them for it.

You obviously missed the point. The protesters show more respect for the anthem than the people in line at the concessions? They are hungry? Yeah, I'm sure they are starving. No, they just want a snack and a beer. It isn't about sustenance, its about fun food. And they can't take a few minutes to pay homage to fallen soldiers, all the veterans, and every person living in the USA? They aren't THAT hungry.

So the camera man gets a pass because he is making money? How does that work? Nobody gives a damn about what he is filming before the game.

I am simply showing how ridiculous all the hoopla over a handful of athletes kneeling really is. Both sides are trying to be the victim and whine.
Some of those fans may not have known the exact time the anthem was going to start. They don't have producers directing them. They also may have been stuck in a long line. They certainly aren't going to get food to specifically piss people off by making some asinine statement about the US.

The camera man has a job to do, so that is a non issue. Someone has to film, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to see on your tv.

Again, your points are really terrible.
If you served, then you should remember what your oath of enlistment was. Me? I swore that oath 5 times over the course of my career. You're just pissed that someone went against your world view. speech allows someone to disagree with someone else, as well as peaceful protest is guaranteed by the Constitution.

If your oath was to the flag and the anthem, then you served in a hell of a lot different military than the rest of us.
1. You don't understand the flag and the anthem.

2. This isn't free speech or peaceful protest. It is blatant attack upon the USA, and everything about it, by airhead America-haters.

Blatant attack on the USA? Really? What's been destroyed................other than your tender, fragile little sensibilities?

As far as the flag and anthem? Why don't you tell us your understanding of them? I mean, you already said I don't understand them, so, 'splain it to me professor.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Fuck the anthem. And fuck the flag.

Says Green Bay fans at Lambeau.


Flags that white people threw on the ground, stepped on and spilled beer on - Lambeau Field.
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Sheesh, those are really terrible arguments.

The camera guy isn't standing because he's doing his job, the fans you're referring to are hungry, but the players aren't standing because they know it pisses people off. It's an intentional douchebag move.

The kneelers are simply trolling and now people hate them for it.

You obviously missed the point. The protesters show more respect for the anthem than the people in line at the concessions? They are hungry? Yeah, I'm sure they are starving. No, they just want a snack and a beer. It isn't about sustenance, its about fun food. And they can't take a few minutes to pay homage to fallen soldiers, all the veterans, and every person living in the USA? They aren't THAT hungry.

So the camera man gets a pass because he is making money? How does that work? Nobody gives a damn about what he is filming before the game.

I am simply showing how ridiculous all the hoopla over a handful of athletes kneeling really is. Both sides are trying to be the victim and whine.
Some of those fans may not have known the exact time the anthem was going to start. They don't have producers directing them. They also may have been stuck in a long line. They certainly aren't going to get food to specifically piss people off by making some asinine statement about the US.

The camera man has a job to do, so that is a non issue. Someone has to film, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to see on your tv.

Again, your points are really terrible.

The cameraman has no job to do during the anthem, because it's not part of the telecast. I suspect the cameramen are at that time making their final tweaks, advising the TD via ClearCom that he's ready or not, etc. The telecast begins with the kickoff, the actual game. We've noted this over and over in the other threads, which mysteriously persist as separate threads despite the site's policy to merge threads on the same thing.

But that does bring up an interesting tangent.

The only reason this ever became a "thing" at all was that at some point during a pre-game national anthem, some photographer happened to see Colin Kaepernick sitting it out, and took his picture, figuring he could milk a fake story about it. Kaepernick had been doing it for weeks, just quietly by himself, making no noise about it. Only when the aforementioned hack reporter went to ask him about it did it become a "story".

---- which means the story is contrived of course rather than genuine, but it also means that during that national anthem when Kaepernick was first noticed.... that photographer must have been trolling around looking for a fake story to milk, instead of either standing, sitting or kneeling. Yet nobody calls him a "sumbitch" or demands he leave the country.

I too have been to many a baseball game and have never stood for the anthem, because what's the point. And yet nobody ever took my picture or tried to make a story out of it, nor has anyone even said anything. And that's the way it should be, because why would they.

Roseanne Barr was picked to actually SING the national anthem at another sports event, and she did this:


-- that is, while she wasn't spitting or sticking her fingers in her ears.

Anybody hear Rump saying "fire the daughter of a bitch" or calling for her to be deported?

Me neither.

Selective fake-outrage is so fun.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

Fuck the anthem. And fuck the flag.

Says Green Bay fans at Lambeau.


Flags that white people threw on the ground, stepped on and spilled beer on - Lambeau Field.

:desk: I got it I got it....

"The Bells of Rhymney"
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Sheesh, those are really terrible arguments.

The camera guy isn't standing because he's doing his job, the fans you're referring to are hungry, but the players aren't standing because they know it pisses people off. It's an intentional douchebag move.

The kneelers are simply trolling and now people hate them for it.

You obviously missed the point. The protesters show more respect for the anthem than the people in line at the concessions? They are hungry? Yeah, I'm sure they are starving. No, they just want a snack and a beer. It isn't about sustenance, its about fun food. And they can't take a few minutes to pay homage to fallen soldiers, all the veterans, and every person living in the USA? They aren't THAT hungry.

So the camera man gets a pass because he is making money? How does that work? Nobody gives a damn about what he is filming before the game.

I am simply showing how ridiculous all the hoopla over a handful of athletes kneeling really is. Both sides are trying to be the victim and whine.
Some of those fans may not have known the exact time the anthem was going to start. They don't have producers directing them. They also may have been stuck in a long line. They certainly aren't going to get food to specifically piss people off by making some asinine statement about the US.

The camera man has a job to do, so that is a non issue. Someone has to film, otherwise there wouldn't be anything to see on your tv.

Again, your points are really terrible.

The cameraman has no job to do during the anthem, because it's not part of the telecast. I suspect the cameramen are at that time making their final tweaks, advising the TD via ClearCom that he's ready or not, etc. The telecast begins with the kickoff, the actual game. We've noted this over and over in the other threads, which mysteriously persist as separate threads despite the site's policy to merge threads on the same thing.

But that does bring up an interesting tangent.

The only reason this ever became a "thing" at all was that at some point during a pre-game national anthem, some photographer happened to see Colin Kaepernick sitting it out, and took his picture, figuring he could milk a fake story about it. Kaepernick had been doing it for weeks, just quietly by himself, making no noise about it. Only when the aforementioned hack reporter went to ask him about it did it become a "story".

---- which means the story is contrived of course rather than genuine, but it also means that during that national anthem when Kaepernick was first noticed.... that photographer must have been trolling around looking for a fake story to milk, instead of either standing, sitting or kneeling. Yet nobody calls him a "sumbitch" or demands he leave the country.

I too have been to many a baseball game and have never stood for the anthem, because what's the point. And yet nobody ever took my picture or tried to make a story out of it, nor has anyone even said anything. And that's the way it should be, because why would they.

Roseanne Barr was picked to actually SING the national anthem at another sports event, and she did this:


-- that is, while she wasn't spitting or sticking her fingers in her ears.

Anybody hear Rump saying "fire the daughter of a bitch" or calling for her to be deported?

Me neither.

Selective fake-outrage is so fun.
The anthem has absolutely been televised, and Trump wasn't president when Rosanne did that. Does he even watch baseball?
Blatant attack on the USA? Really? What's been destroyed................other than your tender, fragile little sensibilities?

As far as the flag and anthem? Why don't you tell us your understanding of them? I mean, you already said I don't understand them, so, 'splain it to me professor.
Yeah. Blatant attack. You heard right. And there doesn't have to be anything materially destroyed for it to be an attack. It is an attack spiritually, attacking the spirit of the USA, and all that this nation stands for. An attack by America haters, who think they have a gripe - and they don't.

And my understanding of the flag and anthem is already posted in this thread. No need to ask. See Post # 200.
Blatant attack on the USA? Really? What's been destroyed................other than your tender, fragile little sensibilities?

As far as the flag and anthem? Why don't you tell us your understanding of them? I mean, you already said I don't understand them, so, 'splain it to me professor.
Yeah. Blatant attack. You heard right. And there doesn't have to be anything materially destroyed for it to be an attack. It is an attack spiritually, attacking the spirit of the USA, and all that this nation stands for. An attack by America haters, who think they have a gripe - and they don't.

And my understanding of the flag and anthem is already posted in this thread. No need to ask. See Post # 200.

"Attacking the spirit of the USA and all this nation stands for" --- like threatening to "fire" and/or deport "sons of bitches" if their behavior is uppity? That part of what this nation stands for?
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.
"Attacking the spirit of the USA and all this nation stands for" --- like threatening to "fire" and/or deport "sons of bitches" if their behavior is uppity? That part of what this nation stands for?
Absolutely. If the sleazebags ONLY got fired or deported they'd be getting off easy. They could be indicted on sedition (20 years prison), or even treason (the death penalty)

Remember when Trump said "In the old days, guys like that would have been carried out on stretcher." In the very, very old days, in England, during the reign of Queen (Bloody) Mary I, guys like these kneelers would have been burned at the stake or beheaded.

In 1555, Parliament passed a set of Heresy laws that made it a crime to be Protestant in England. All Protestants who refused to convert to Catholicism were to be burnt.. In all Mary was responsible for the burnings of 227 men and 56 women, mostly in the South East of England. This was when treason meant something.

As for what this nation stands for, it stands for its laws (including sedition and treason)

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When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.

Oh yeah baby. The 'pledge of allegiance', that authoritarian's wet-dream ode to cloth fetishism that no country in the world does except us and our ex-colony the Philippines. That exercise in indoctrination foisted on innocent little kids so that they can be controlled to sit down and shut up und you vill obey authority because ve haf vays if you don't, Schweinhundt.


Oh baby bring it on. I'm gonna cream my jeans. (<< channeling my inner TD)
Earning your way to the top does not change anything. You are STILL ALLOWED to play there. Earning your way up does not make it a right. Just like being a great lawyer does not absolve you from the ability to be disbarred for poor performance/behavior.

They can require the players to stand for the anthem as a condition of employment. Just as you or I have to abide by conditions of employment we don't like, that's no different. I have to wear PPE when I go to some shippers or receivers and I don't even work there. However, if they require it, in turn, my company requires me to wear it so it's a condition of employment. Refuse to wear it, be terminated for missing a load.

I'm subject to DOT inspection at any time, anywhere. If I don't like it, I can go get a desk job. But I can't just refuse to stop and say "I have right to keep going."

But still, you had to be good enough to earn your way to be considered. That isn't being allowed, that is earning your place. You keep your place on the team by following the rules and what they put in your contract.

But, keep spinning it to whatever suits you.

The question is whether being forced to be patriotic should be a part of anyone's contract (unless they work for the government).
When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.
Every year these leftist lunatics get crazier and crazier, and more and more expect everyone to accept their insanities. I accept nothing from them. I'm 72 years old and I remember when we sang the national anthem in school, along with "America", every day. As far as I'm concerned, nothing's changed since those days of fervent patriotism shortly after World Word II and the Korean War.

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