NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.
Is it okay to diss a vet if he was a POW? 50 million or so are cool with it apparently.

NO ONE disses McCain because he was a POW your jerk! They diss him because he is an ass, a RINO and a flaming PRICK.
Sure.....that's why nobody on the Right keeps denigrating his time in the service and as a POW......nobody.....
fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.
Is it okay to diss a vet if he was a POW? 50 million or so are cool with it apparently.

NO ONE disses McCain because he was a POW your jerk! They diss him because he is an ass, a RINO and a flaming PRICK.
Sure.....that's why nobody on the Right keeps denigrating his time in the service and as a POW......nobody.....
You might find a couple examples out of MILLIONS of right wingers, but that's about it.
Instead of a 15-yard penalty which wouldn't mean much, make the offending team play with one less person for the first quarter or entire game like in hockey. Now that would be interesting.
In no other country can a person work 16 days a year for 3 and a half hours each of those days and get paid 100 million dollars.

And yes, they are ALLOWED to play in the NFL. Many people bust their ass much more than any NFL player to get hired on at a great company for a great job, and it's still at-will employment. The company can fire them at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Same with the NFL. They do have contracts, but there are many reasons they can be let go. They are voluntarily accepted to play in the NFL. They have no RIGHT to be in it. So yes, it is at-will employment.

Just ask Michael Vick.

If you think playing in the NFL is just 3.5 hrs on 16 days, you know absolutely nothing about what a professional athlete did to get there and does to stay there.

And how many jobs out there virtually guarantee you will be injured? If employees were injured on the job at the rate NFL players are, OSHA would have shut it down years ago.

And as for what it takes to get hired by the NFL, there are probably 10 years of busting your ass and training virtually nonstop before you even get an interview. Yes, the NFL can get rid of them just like any employer. But the value of the athlete is different than an employee at a normal job. The normal job employee produces the product. In the NFL, the players ARE the product. And they are paid accordingly.
Bottom line is this, if you do not support the players and their willingness to take a stand against police brutality, than save your disabilty check's money for more OPIODs:abgg2q.jpg:
My biggest issue is that forcing a show of patriotism is about as unAmerican as it gets.
a sitting president to praise and side with Putin,
Trump refuse to serve his country,
Trump has all but shitted all over our constitutional morays and democratic values,
his family continues to profit off their brand at the expense of this nation
Trump gave top secret intel to Russians

Man you are way in DEEP. You are past the straitjacket stage right in with the fruit loops that need put in a rubber room! I think the FBI ought to maybe keep an eye out for demented idiots like you, you are a candidate for dangerous insanity! I bet you think the whole Moon landing program was really faked and shot on a movie set in California too.
What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.
I'll answer that question. YES, he's an IDIOT. As are all defenders of these sorry, kneeling, insignificant, relative NOBODYS, who do very little for us, as compared to the heroes shown in Post # 132, who have done for us, the maximum anyone could do.

I did far more for this country than most. I gave it my entire adult life in service and was in 4 different war zones during my career. Fuck your opinion of my service because I don't really care what your phosphor dots on my screen think of me.

You did shit for this country. Yeah, you served in the military, probably drafted, and Bowe Bergdahl served in the military too. He's probably a hero and role model for you with his picture up on your bedroom wall, yes? Those people in #132 paid the ultimate price for their country, and they are worth 10,000 times to the cube power more to me than any POS whining spoiled rotten pustule like Colin Kaepernick ever will be. He spits in the eye of every fallen soldier and I hope he never works as ball boy again.

Left up to me, any player not giving respect to the flag ought to not get 15 yards, but 15 yards cumulatively for every player on a first offense, then ejected from the game on a second offense, then ejected and a one million dollar fine after that. When O when are people going to stop kowtowing to you jackass liberals and man up to the symbolic seriously of a person publicly disrespecting their own nation's flag? I'm sick and tired of hearing you jackasses about your rights to do every damn cowardly, destructive thing you can to the extent that the law tolerates instead of everyone else's right to live in a civil, healthy and orderly society where people aspire to make it a BETTER place.

You have a problem with the flag or some aspect of your country? Fine. When you are off the field on your OWN TIME, there are a million ways you can approach the problem and try to do something about it in as CONSTRUCTIVE, civil, respectful way, that does not offend millions of people. really don't know much about the military do you? The military became an all volunteer force in 1974, which means that although I did have to register for the draft, I was never drafted because we had shifted to an all volunteer force. I enlisted in 1982. But, keep up with your ignorant attacks if that is what suits you.
What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.
I'll answer that question. YES, he's an IDIOT. As are all defenders of these sorry, kneeling, insignificant, relative NOBODYS, who do very little for us, as compared to the heroes shown in Post # 132, who have done for us, the maximum anyone could do.

I did far more for this country than most. I gave it my entire adult life in service and was in 4 different war zones during my career. Fuck your opinion of my service because I don't really care what your phosphor dots on my screen think of me.

You did shit for this country. Yeah, you served in the military, probably drafted, and Bowe Bergdahl served in the military too. He's probably a hero and role model for you with his picture up on your bedroom wall, yes? Those people in #132 paid the ultimate price for their country, and they are worth 10,000 times to the cube power more to me than any POS whining spoiled rotten pustule like Colin Kaepernick ever will be. He spits in the eye of every fallen soldier and I hope he never works as ball boy again.

Left up to me, any player not giving respect to the flag ought to not get 15 yards, but 15 yards cumulatively for every player on a first offense, then ejected from the game on a second offense, then ejected and a one million dollar fine after that. When O when are people going to stop kowtowing to you jackass liberals and man up to the symbolic seriously of a person publicly disrespecting their own nation's flag? I'm sick and tired of hearing you jackasses about your rights to do every damn cowardly, destructive thing you can to the extent that the law tolerates instead of everyone else's right to live in a civil, healthy and orderly society where people aspire to make it a BETTER place.

You have a problem with the flag or some aspect of your country? Fine. When you are off the field on your OWN TIME, there are a million ways you can approach the problem and try to do something about it in as CONSTRUCTIVE, civil, respectful way, that does not offend millions of people. really don't know much about the military do you? The military became an all volunteer force in 1974, which means that although I did have to register for the draft, I was never drafted because we had shifted to an all volunteer force. I enlisted in 1982. But, keep up with your ignorant attacks if that is what suits you.

Well, that just makes you a lot younger than me (no big surprises there) and once again, just another effort by you to change the subject because none of it has diddly squat to do with the NFL and respecting your nation's flag. You see, the reason why the Left is hated so much is because you guys are NEVER on the right side of any issue! What are you arguing for, the right to disrespect your own nation? And on what grounds, because you don't think it offends any vets? And you have a "right" to do so.

Oh yeah, it all started with Kapernick wanting to protest "police brutality," except that too is just another myth created in the Media. We explored the issue in detail here some months ago and the best data showed that blacks are actually much less harassed per crime than whites! On the order of 2.5 to 5X less likely. Everyone is so afraid of being labeled a racist. They let Blacks riot and burn and destroy part of Baltimore BECAUSE THEY WERE BLACK. Had those been white people, they would have been stepped on like a bug. The Media creates this false narrative that Blacks are hated by cops and brutalized by over-reporting incidents while under-reporting all else, and idiots like you and Kapernick suck it up and then chose to try to use the middle of a pro football game as his personal springboard for his politics instead of just taking it outside on the street in his off time like he should of, and now

The NFL will have nothing more of it,
Vets will have nothing more of it,
and the fans who came there to get away from leftist politics and just want to see a clean, simple football game and pay dearly for the privilege, will have nothing more to do with it!
Actually Toobfreak, it appears that YOU are the one that doesn't know what the Constitution says. Same with all your other ilk that are bitching about the players kneeling. I didn't swear an oath to the flag or the anthem of this country, I, like every other military person swore an oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION of this nation.
Actually Toobfreak, it appears that YOU are the one that doesn't know what the Constitution says. Same with all your other ilk that are bitching about the players kneeling. I didn't swear an oath to the flag or the anthem of this country, I, like every other military person swore an oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION of this nation.

INFORM US THEN. I have the Constitution, Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence sitting right on the shelf in front of me. I have the Federalist papers behind me. PRINT US a copy of the part of the Constitution you refer to that covers Kapernick, then still tell me why he has to use the football game AGAINST NFL team rules to use as his own personal political springboard. Then I'll remind you how his doing so has only been SELF-DEFEATING and has only now BLOWN UP in his and all who support him's face.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 19991686, member: 11763"I, like every other military person swore an oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION of this nation.[/QUOTE]

Don't tell me what I swore an oath to. There is a big difference between defending the Constitution and standing up for a little commie dissident who breaks the rules, pisses off millions, all to promote a fake agenda of hate against the police.

Why don't you try standing up for a cop just once and shock us all instead of hiding behind your false patriotism?
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
What does a mandatory display of "patriotism" have in common with individual freedom?

Nothing since the NFL is privately owned business and can make its own rules in regards to pleasing it's customer base.
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!

and salute a flag that sings the propaganda bullshit song THE LAND OF THE FREE? I thought you had better sense than this. I always go to the restroom during games when they play that BS song since the TRUTH is it is the land of the OPPRESSED. thats why I support the kneelers.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
What does a mandatory display of "patriotism" have in common with individual freedom?

They just don't get the poignant irony of "You VILL schtand for ze anthem to show ve are FREE. Und if you cannot do zat ve vill EXPEL you! ZAT is how FREE you are!"

There you go, using that word fascist again, not knowing what the hell it even means.

See directly above for your illustration of "what it means", K?

SMGDH. They could make the "freedom" point they claim to want to make but instead dig themselves into a hole.

"Freedom" means Tolerance. It cannot mean anything else. Just like the word "Liberal" they want to have their definitions both ways where a term means the opposite of itself.

"Freedom is Slavery" indeed. Doublethink has not only arrived --- it's entrenched.
Speaking of irony, we should also factor in the "dolt" in the Oval Office:

The Real Reason NFL Owners Want to Punish Players for Protesting During the Anthem

Owners are wringing their hands because in sportswriter Mike Freeman’s words, they are “terrified” of Donald Trump, even though, as surreptitiously recorded meetings tell us, they think he is a dolt.

"If NFL owners actually knew what they were doing, they wouldn’t be having these Hamlet-esque meetings about how to clamp down on protest and would instead merely assert the basic truth: Players hold the right to protest, and fans should respect that right.

"They would continue to meet with players to make sure that their concerns are heard and aren’t treated like expendable pieces of equipment.

"They would stop colluding against free agents Colin Kaepernick and Eric Reid and promise to cease this practice against any player who protests in the future."
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Sheesh, those are really terrible arguments.

The camera guy isn't standing because he's doing his job, the fans you're referring to are hungry, but the players aren't standing because they know it pisses people off. It's an intentional douchebag move.

The kneelers are simply trolling and now people hate them for it.
[QUOTE="ABikerSailor, post: 19991686, member: 11763"I, like every other military person swore an oath to support and defend the CONSTITUTION of this nation.

Don't tell me what I swore an oath to. There is a big difference between defending the Constitution and standing up for a little commie dissident who breaks the rules, pisses off millions, all to promote a fake agenda of hate against the police.

Why don't you try standing up for a cop just once and shock us all instead of hiding behind your false patriotism?[/QUOTE]

If you served, then you should remember what your oath of enlistment was. Me? I swore that oath 5 times over the course of my career. You're just pissed that someone went against your world view. speech allows someone to disagree with someone else, as well as peaceful protest is guaranteed by the Constitution.

If your oath was to the flag and the anthem, then you served in a hell of a lot different military than the rest of us.
Why is no one clamoring for the concessions to be closed during the anthem? The athletes kneeling shows that they see the anthem as important. They aren't kneeling when the announcers are talking or whatever. But the fans that ignore the anthem so they can stand in line to buy a $10 beer are showing that the anthem means absolutely nothing to them.

And what about the cameramen? While the anthem plays they ignore it and try to zoom in on players, or find celebrities in the stands.

Protesting during the anthem shows you see value in the anthem. Ignoring it shows you don't give a shit about it. Why not go after the other people who really disrespect the anthem?
Sheesh, those are really terrible arguments.

The camera guy isn't standing because he's doing his job, the fans you're referring to are hungry, but the players aren't standing because they know it pisses people off. It's an intentional douchebag move.

The kneelers are simply trolling and now people hate them for it.

You obviously missed the point. The protesters show more respect for the anthem than the people in line at the concessions? They are hungry? Yeah, I'm sure they are starving. No, they just want a snack and a beer. It isn't about sustenance, its about fun food. And they can't take a few minutes to pay homage to fallen soldiers, all the veterans, and every person living in the USA? They aren't THAT hungry.

So the camera man gets a pass because he is making money? How does that work? Nobody gives a damn about what he is filming before the game.

I am simply showing how ridiculous all the hoopla over a handful of athletes kneeling really is. Both sides are trying to be the victim and whine.
Sure.....that's why nobody on the Right keeps denigrating his time in the service and as a POW......nobody.....
FALSE! I have denigrated McCain's time in the service and as a POW....many times in this forum. And I'll do it again right now.

Hillary's TV ad condemning Trump was (like her other ads) FALSE. McCain was not a hero. He was a collaborator with the North Vietnamese. While his fellow POWs got torture, McCain got wine, women, and song. He even had a nickname >> "Songbird" , which his fellow POWs called him, and so did the NV.

And there was nothing heroic about him flying planes, dropping bombs on people who never attacked us, or even threatened us.
My biggest issue is that forcing a show of patriotism is about as unAmerican as it gets.
My biggest issue is the blatant attack on America, by the kneelers, and their dishonesty about it. Of course they are attacking the country. They hate it. That's why they do what they do, WHERE and WHEN and HOW they do it.

If all they wanted to do was protest against what they see as racial injustice, they could do that outside the stadium, anywhere, anytime. They choose to do it during the playing/singing of the national anthem, and display of the flag, and in a way that is contrary to respecting the 2 most clear representations of the nation, as you could get.

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