NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

I did far more for this country than most. I gave it my entire adult life in service and was in 4 different war zones during my career. Fuck your opinion of my service because I don't really care what your phosphor dots on my screen think of me.

You asshole dipstick. I didn't say a word about your service. I thank you for your service, as I thank all who served. I called you an IDIOT, (and I'm calling you that again) because of your position regarding the kneelers, and what is or isn't free speech.

This isn't about YOU, or what you did. It's about the flag, the national anthem, the country, and the people in Post # 132, who did far more for this country than you ever did, and whom you are disgracefully disrespecting this very moment, you stinking sack of manure.

----- which has fucking *WHAT* to do with a football game?
I did far more for this country than most. I gave it my entire adult life in service and was in 4 different war zones during my career. Fuck your opinion of my service because I don't really care what your phosphor dots on my screen think of me.

You asshole dipstick. I didn't say a word about your service. I thank you for your service, as I thank all who served. I called you an IDIOT, (and I'm calling you that again) because of your position regarding the kneelers, and what is or isn't free speech.

This isn't about YOU, or what you did. It's about the flag, the national anthem, the country, and the people in Post # 132, who did far more for this country than you ever did, and whom you are disgracefully disrespecting this very moment, you stinking sack of manure.

----- which has fucking *WHAT* to do with a football game?

It's our heritage, we love America, you piss on it.
What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.
I'll answer that question. YES, he's an IDIOT. As are all defenders of these sorry, kneeling, insignificant, relative NOBODYS, who do very little for us, as compared to the heroes shown in Post # 132, who have done for us, the maximum anyone could do.

Conservative asshole

The official NFL policy did NOT require anyone to stand for the national anthem. So it does NOT violate any policy of the NFL.

Of course as a "law and policy" kind of conservative you knew that.

Or not.
----- which has fucking *WHAT* to do with a football game?
It's NOT a football game, It's an EVENT, of which a football game is a part. And other parts are the national anthem, US flag, dancing cheerleaders, costumed mascots, half-time performers (ex. rock bands), kick, pass, catch contests, etc.
Conservative asshole. The official NFL policy did NOT require anyone to stand for the national anthem. So it does NOT violate any policy of the NFL.

Of course as a "law and policy" kind of conservative you knew that. Or not.
I don't give a rat's ass what the policy WAS. I support the policy as it is now, except that it doesn't go far enough. See Post # 132.
----- which has fucking *WHAT* to do with a football game?
It's NOT a football game, It's an EVENT, of which a football game is a part. And other parts are the national anthem, US flag, dancing cheerleaders, costumed mascots, half-time performers (ex. rock bands), kick, pass, catch contests, etc.

The game is football.

The TV plays the game.

Your old white piece of shit ass needs and new drum.
Conservative asshole. The official NFL policy did NOT require anyone to stand for the national anthem. So it does NOT violate any policy of the NFL.

Of course as a "law and policy" kind of conservative you knew that. Or not.
I don't give a rat's ass what the policy WAS. I support the policy as it is now, except that it doesn't go far enough. See Post # 132.

You didn't know what the policy was because you either too lazy or stupid to know the difference.
Wasn't Ike the first country club republic who only interacted with African-Americans by saying be careful with his golf clubs?
First of all, it's Republican (not republic), and no, that not his only interaction with BLACKS (the correct term). He interacted with them by being their commander in World War II, when he and they served together to defeat Hitler.

And he interacted with an entire continent of blacks, by stopping Hitler, who would have enacted a bloodbath massacre of the entire continent of Africa.
The game is football. The TV plays the game. Your old white piece of shit ass needs and new drum.

So not only do you not know how to post. You don't know how to speak the English language either. Well here's a few new words you maybe haven't heard before. Racist......Ageist......Bigot. They're meaningful for you, because they describe what you are.
The game is football. The TV plays the game. Your old white piece of shit ass needs and new drum.

So not only do you not know how to post. You don't know how to speak the English language either. Well here's a few new words you maybe haven't heard before. Racist......Ageist......Bigot. They're meaningful for you, because they describe what you are.

Jose freaking christ, why do your children allow you to have internet access.
The NFL will make each player that kneels have to go to church and the pastor won't like it because they'll be prohibited from kneeling for 'god's' prayer.

Then the NFL will have to choose between angering a bunch of redneck jersey burners or the guy that causes 40 day floods that cover the Earth. By the way 'god' is a Cleveland Browns fan. He always goes for the underdog.

I doubt any god would want to be a perennial loser.
The NFL will make each player that kneels have to go to church and the pastor won't like it because they'll be prohibited from kneeling for 'god's' prayer.

Then the NFL will have to choose between angering a bunch of redneck jersey burners or the guy that causes 40 day floods that cover the Earth. By the way 'god' is a Cleveland Browns fan. He always goes for the underdog.

Wow. That is insanely stupid.

That god would be a Browns fan ? Yep.
The NFL will make each player that kneels have to go to church and the pastor won't like it because they'll be prohibited from kneeling for 'god's' prayer.

Remarkably similar to the terroristic antics of the Ku Klux Klan, who would pull people out of their own house and whip them for "not going to church" and who also wrapped themselves in the flag and crowed about "100% Americanism".

But of course they too were fucking fascists. And "very fine people" I'm told.

The old quote, despots always clothe themselves in the flag.

"When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the Flag and carrying a Cross".

Either one will work on the useful idiots who can't be bothered to think.


In no other country can a person work 16 days a year for 3 and a half hours each of those days and get paid 100 million dollars.

And yes, they are ALLOWED to play in the NFL. Many people bust their ass much more than any NFL player to get hired on at a great company for a great job, and it's still at-will employment. The company can fire them at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Same with the NFL. They do have contracts, but there are many reasons they can be let go. They are voluntarily accepted to play in the NFL. They have no RIGHT to be in it. So yes, it is at-will employment.

Just ask Michael Vick.

They don’t work 16 days of the year.

If you believe that, you have no idea what happens in the NFL.

They insult the nation by their kneeling. THey deserve to be outcast from our society.

Has zero to do with what he said, but thanks.
fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.

That's exactly right --- FAKE patriotism. "Fake" because it's bought and paid for with (your) tax dollars. "Fake" because it's scripted. "Fake" because it's mandatory. Actual real patriotism needs no script, doesn't have to be fucking PIMPED there like a fucking beer commercial and isn't mandatory. It's from the heart, it's spontaneous and it's meaningful. This exercise in robot mob mentality is just fucking bullshit and it INSULTS real patriotism. So leave us just be clear on WHO is insulting WHO here. K?

BALONEY. The issue here is the GAME and the RULES. Everything in life has rules. Quit trying to change what we are talking about here. These players work for the NFL and the rules are the rules. They are no more suppressed their rights by saluting the flag than they are being told how to tackle an opponent. In those TWO SIMPLE MOMENTS of the anthem they can simply put their petty partisanship aside and come together as one nation and do the simple, obvious, DECENT wholesome thing and give respect to the symbol of their nation that people fight and die for, the greatest nation on the planet, the nation that sets them free and allows them to make a million dollars to play a stinking football game. And allows them to protest against their country the other 21 hours of every day of their lives. And if that is too damn much to ask of these turds, then too bad for them. Get off the damned field and go sell baseball gloves at Dick's Sporting Goods for $10.00 an hour, you putrid wretch.

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