NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.
Is it okay to diss a vet if he was a POW? 50 million or so are cool with it apparently.

NO ONE disses McCain because he was a POW your jerk! They diss him because he is an ass, a RINO and a flaming PRICK.
fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.

Veterans aren't being dissed. Veterans swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The domestic part means that military people like me need to defend the Constitution because of people like you who are trying to suppress free speech.

What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.

Actually, I'm calling you and every other civilian asshole who says that the players are dissing veterans by kneeling an idiot.

Where did you ever get the idea I was a civilian? Who are you to speak for all people who served in the military? And who are you to call all civilians, assholes? Are you active military right now? Then congratulations, asshole, you know what you are!
The NFL will make each player that kneels have to go to church and the pastor won't like it because they'll be prohibited from kneeling for 'god's' prayer.

Then the NFL will have to choose between angering a bunch of redneck jersey burners or the guy that causes 40 day floods that cover the Earth. By the way 'god' is a Cleveland Browns fan. He always goes for the underdog.

I doubt any god would want to be a perennial loser.

Why. That is a human failing. What would it matter to 'a god'.
What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.
I'll answer that question. YES, he's an IDIOT. As are all defenders of these sorry, kneeling, insignificant, relative NOBODYS, who do very little for us, as compared to the heroes shown in Post # 132, who have done for us, the maximum anyone could do.

I did far more for this country than most. I gave it my entire adult life in service and was in 4 different war zones during my career. Fuck your opinion of my service because I don't really care what your phosphor dots on my screen think of me.

You did shit for this country. Yeah, you served in the military, probably drafted, and Bowe Bergdahl served in the military too. He's probably a hero and role model for you with his picture up on your bedroom wall, yes? Those people in #132 paid the ultimate price for their country, and they are worth 10,000 times to the cube power more to me than any POS whining spoiled rotten pustule like Colin Kaepernick ever will be. He spits in the eye of every fallen soldier and I hope he never works as ball boy again.

Left up to me, any player not giving respect to the flag ought to not get 15 yards, but 15 yards cumulatively for every player on a first offense, then ejected from the game on a second offense, then ejected and a one million dollar fine after that. When O when are people going to stop kowtowing to you jackass liberals and man up to the symbolic seriously of a person publicly disrespecting their own nation's flag? I'm sick and tired of hearing you jackasses about your rights to do every damn cowardly, destructive thing you can to the extent that the law tolerates instead of everyone else's right to live in a civil, healthy and orderly society where people aspire to make it a BETTER place.

You have a problem with the flag or some aspect of your country? Fine. When you are off the field on your OWN TIME, there are a million ways you can approach the problem and try to do something about it in as CONSTRUCTIVE, civil, respectful way, that does not offend millions of people.
What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.
I'll answer that question. YES, he's an IDIOT. As are all defenders of these sorry, kneeling, insignificant, relative NOBODYS, who do very little for us, as compared to the heroes shown in Post # 132, who have done for us, the maximum anyone could do.

Conservative asshole

The official NFL policy did NOT require anyone to stand for the national anthem. So it does NOT violate any policy of the NFL..

BULLSHIT. You are a fucking liar and you don't know shit and just like talking out your ass. Produce a copy of the NFL Team Guidelines and prove it or STFU, jackass. I've SEEN the guidelines. I've read them. Don't believe me, go find them and print them here. I fault the NFL and that idiot Roger Goodell for not enforcing the rule on Day One at the start of all this.
Bottom line is the fans, the people who pay those bills for the NFL, we're pissed off about the kneeling. The league and team owners have made the right call for the franchise/business in redressing the anger of their fans. We'll see if it's a case of "too little, too late."
Bottom line is the fans, the people who pay those bills for the NFL, we're pissed off about the kneeling. The league and team owners have made the right call for the franchise/business in redressing the anger of their fans. We'll see if it's a case of "too little, too late."
I don't know if it's too late, but it sure is too little. 15 yards for disrespecting the USA, and heroes who died in uniform ? Trump was right. These creeps ought to be fired.
In no other country can a person work 16 days a year for 3 and a half hours each of those days and get paid 100 million dollars.

And yes, they are ALLOWED to play in the NFL. Many people bust their ass much more than any NFL player to get hired on at a great company for a great job, and it's still at-will employment. The company can fire them at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Same with the NFL. They do have contracts, but there are many reasons they can be let go. They are voluntarily accepted to play in the NFL. They have no RIGHT to be in it. So yes, it is at-will employment.

Just ask Michael Vick.

If you think playing in the NFL is just 3.5 hrs on 16 days, you know absolutely nothing about what a professional athlete did to get there and does to stay there.

And how many jobs out there virtually guarantee you will be injured? If employees were injured on the job at the rate NFL players are, OSHA would have shut it down years ago.

And as for what it takes to get hired by the NFL, there are probably 10 years of busting your ass and training virtually nonstop before you even get an interview. Yes, the NFL can get rid of them just like any employer. But the value of the athlete is different than an employee at a normal job. The normal job employee produces the product. In the NFL, the players ARE the product. And they are paid accordingly.
Certainly they should not have to kneel. Just immediately after having done so take off the uniform, leave the stadium and go unpaid for the game they haven't played. But certainly get minimum hourly wage for the time they spent suiting up, trotting out, and making asses of themselves.
If you think playing in the NFL is just 3.5 hrs on 16 days, you know absolutely nothing about what a professional athlete did to get there and does to stay there.

And how many jobs out there virtually guarantee you will be injured? If employees were injured on the job at the rate NFL players are, OSHA would have shut it down years ago.

And as for what it takes to get hired by the NFL, there are probably 10 years of busting your ass and training virtually nonstop before you even get an interview. Yes, the NFL can get rid of them just like any employer. But the value of the athlete is different than an employee at a normal job. The normal job employee produces the product. In the NFL, the players ARE the product. And they are paid accordingly.
I was with you all the way on this, up until the final sentence. The players are ridiculously overpaid. Rest of your post is true.
If you think playing in the NFL is just 3.5 hrs on 16 days, you know absolutely nothing about what a professional athlete did to get there and does to stay there.

And how many jobs out there virtually guarantee you will be injured? If employees were injured on the job at the rate NFL players are, OSHA would have shut it down years ago.

And as for what it takes to get hired by the NFL, there are probably 10 years of busting your ass and training virtually nonstop before you even get an interview. Yes, the NFL can get rid of them just like any employer. But the value of the athlete is different than an employee at a normal job. The normal job employee produces the product. In the NFL, the players ARE the product. And they are paid accordingly.
I was with you all the way on this, up until the final sentence. The players are ridiculously overpaid. Rest of your post is true.

The players are the product. The owners are making millions and millions of dollars. When your profit margins are a big as the NFL team's profits are, the product is not too costly.
A privately ran business last time I looked, still has some rights, and as far as I know they have a right to enforce rules of conduct.
Now if it was the government forcing you to stand, then I would be right there with you.

Is it specified in their contracts that they must stand during the playing of the national anthem? If not, then they have the right to kneel if they want. But, it looks like the NFL is gonna cave in to the right wing idiots who want to suppress free speech because now they are changing the rules.

Jeez, fans didn't like being insulted to their faces, by people they were paying.

So they started staying home.

And they are the bad guys?

The kneelers are anti-American assholes. The league are anti-Americans assholes.


You know what I find interesting? The people who have never served a day of military duty are telling everyone else how these players are disrespecting the military.

THe Flag is not a symbol of the American Military. It is a symbol of the entire nation.

Guess what? They aren't. Military people are taught about the Constitution and what it entails as well as benefits of the military and how one is to conduct themselves. It's called Navy Rights and Responsibilities, and we go through training once every year for a couple of days. Because of that, we understand about the right of free speech and what that entails. We all swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That means in addition to defending it against foreign enemies, I also have to defend it talking to idiots who don't understand free speech.

No. I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and was in 4 war zones during my career. I'm kinda glad that they felt free enough to express themselves, even if I don't agree with it. It's free speech in the form of a peaceful protest, which is a RIGHT guaranteed by the Constitution. You conservatives are staunchly defending the 2nd, well..................I'm defending the whole thing, which includes the 1st Amendment.

The players have the right to kneel, while working, if their employers don't mind.

And the league showed that they did not. Indeed, they were openly supportive.

The fans, have the right to not go to the games if they are not happy with being insulted and disrespected.

Which a small percentage did.

Luckily, from my pov. the League are such craven greedy bastards, that that small drop in revenues was enough to get them to crack down on the open anti-Americanism by the fucktard kneelers during work hours.

Selling out your anti-American ideals, for money, does not make you any less of an anti-American fucker.

I know that the flag is the symbol of the entire country. That wasn't the point. I said the military isn't being disrespected by a player kneeling, because the military understands what the Constitution says because we go through training once a year, and military people support the right of free speech.

It's only you civilians who don't understand that are bitching about our military being disrespected.

I did not bitch about him disrespecting the military.

I complained about him disrespecting the whole country.

He has a right to his speech.

He does not have a right to not be judged on the shit he "Says".

He choose to disrespect this Nation iN front of millions of Americans, in a huge FUCK YOU to US all.

IN a healthy society, he would be an outcast, and all those who "stood" with" him would have been fired.

And the League, should be utterly FUCKED, for their asshole behavior.
The issue for the NFL is that the whole reason these players are so highly paid, is because corporate sponsors pay a shit ton of money for the advertising. Advertising pays based on eyes watching. When the NFL lets the players do shit that offends those eyes the whole model falls apart. Why advertise on something that offends? Who here remembers/knows the /real/ reason why YouTube demonetizes videos? Ya'll lefties have no problem with that "infringement" upon the 2nd and "free speech." This NFL thing is the exact same shit, just on a more expensive scale.

So far the opinion I'm seeing from peeps is that the NFL's new rule isn't enough. Doesn't bode well. IF the NFL can't recover from their grievous error in judgement (ie allowing, even backing, the offences) then /all/ of the football players can thank these scant few political justice warriors for cutting their paychecks.
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
Get the fuck outta here......first off, the millions these sell outs that love your white women earn, is given to them to entertain red ass ho's such as yourself, just imagine football without niggas in it...secondly, you have a fuckin president in the fuckin white house, who claims to honors the flag, and his country, BUT WHEN ASKED TO SERVE TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY; HIS WHITE FUCKIN ASS, TURNED COWARD AND PLAYED GOLF INSTEAD SAFE AT HOME. If anybody should have fist shoved in his mouth, its TRUMP!!
Trump Says NFL Players Unwilling To Stand For Anthem Maybe ‘Shouldn’t Be In The Country’
“I don’t think people should be staying in locker rooms,” Trump told Fox News. “You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn’t be playing.”
A privately ran business last time I looked, still has some rights, and as far as I know they have a right to enforce rules of conduct.
Now if it was the government forcing you to stand, then I would be right there with you.

Is it specified in their contracts that they must stand during the playing of the national anthem? If not, then they have the right to kneel if they want. But, it looks like the NFL is gonna cave in to the right wing idiots who want to suppress free speech because now they are changing the rules.

Jeez, fans didn't like being insulted to their faces, by people they were paying.

So they started staying home.

And they are the bad guys?

The kneelers are anti-American assholes. The league are anti-Americans assholes.


You know what I find interesting? The people who have never served a day of military duty are telling everyone else how these players are disrespecting the military.

THe Flag is not a symbol of the American Military. It is a symbol of the entire nation.

Guess what? They aren't. Military people are taught about the Constitution and what it entails as well as benefits of the military and how one is to conduct themselves. It's called Navy Rights and Responsibilities, and we go through training once every year for a couple of days. Because of that, we understand about the right of free speech and what that entails. We all swore an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies both foreign and domestic. That means in addition to defending it against foreign enemies, I also have to defend it talking to idiots who don't understand free speech.

No. I served 20 years in the U.S. Navy, and was in 4 war zones during my career. I'm kinda glad that they felt free enough to express themselves, even if I don't agree with it. It's free speech in the form of a peaceful protest, which is a RIGHT guaranteed by the Constitution. You conservatives are staunchly defending the 2nd, well..................I'm defending the whole thing, which includes the 1st Amendment.

The players have the right to kneel, while working, if their employers don't mind.

And the league showed that they did not. Indeed, they were openly supportive.

The fans, have the right to not go to the games if they are not happy with being insulted and disrespected.

Which a small percentage did.

Luckily, from my pov. the League are such craven greedy bastards, that that small drop in revenues was enough to get them to crack down on the open anti-Americanism by the fucktard kneelers during work hours.

Selling out your anti-American ideals, for money, does not make you any less of an anti-American fucker.

I know that the flag is the symbol of the entire country. That wasn't the point. I said the military isn't being disrespected by a player kneeling, because the military understands what the Constitution says because we go through training once a year, and military people support the right of free speech.

It's only you civilians who don't understand that are bitching about our military being disrespected.

Trump Says NFL Players Unwilling To Stand For Anthem Maybe ‘Shouldn’t Be In The Country’
“I don’t think people should be staying in locker rooms,” Trump told Fox News. “You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn’t be playing.”
fake patriotism

Saluting the flag = fake patriotism? Say it ain't so, Stick.

Pretty weenie.

It's one thing to disagree with your government or its actions, quite another to be disloyal to your country and diss your VETs as well. When I was a kid, such actions would have gotten that shitty grin of yours smacked right off you f----ing face. Then sent to bed without supper.

Promiscuity ----- ----- liberalism's evil dwarf brother to social and moral decay.

Veterans aren't being dissed. Veterans swear an oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The domestic part means that military people like me need to defend the Constitution because of people like you who are trying to suppress free speech.

What are you, an IDIOT? No one is suppressing free speech by requiring them to abide by the rules set forth in the game. If I'm working for a retailer, can I tell the customer to go fuck himself? No! I'd be fired. Violating company policy. It is a team rule set forth in the guidelines of the NFL that teams face the flag, stand and give respect to it during the playing of the national anthem. I know I have the guideline somewhere in my computer saved and I'll have to look for it again later. No, it is not part of the GAME rules, these are guidelines for the TEAMS. Take your "free speech" and shove it up your ass---- if you play NFL football, that is a rule and has been for ages. Period. Every bit as much as how you tackle a player. You want to make a statement against the flag, liberal? Do it on your own f----ing time when I'm not paying your salary. The very fact that I have to argue that with an "American" and a vet tells you right here why this country is going down fast. MIND ROT.

Let me get this straight, its okay for a sitting president to praise and side with Putin, a murdering communitistic leader, its okay that Trump refuse to serve his country, its okay that Trump has all but shitted all over our constitutional morays and democratic values, its okay that he and his family continues to profit off their brand at the expense of this nation and the title we've bestowed him and its okay that Trump gave top secret intel to Russians in the white house....BUT A NIGGA CAN'T KNEEL CAUSE WHITE PEOPLE DON'T LIKE IT???
NFL weighs 15-yard penalties for kneeling during national anthem: report

They shouldn't be allowed to stay in the locker room for the anthem. They are ALLOWED to live in this country that ALLOWS them to play a game and make MILLIONS the VERY LEAST they can do is stand for the damn National Anthem!
What does a mandatory display of "patriotism" have in common with individual freedom?

Nothing since the NFL is privately owned business and can make its own rules in regards to pleasing it's customer base.
How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color?

N.F.L. officially bans kneeling during national anthem

"The N.F.L. now has an official rule prohibiting players from kneeling during national anthem ceremonies, according to a new agreement signed by team owners on Wednesday.

"'This season, all league and team personnel shall stand and show respect for the flag and the anthem,' league commissioner Roger Goodell said in a statement. 'Personnel who choose not to stand for the anthem may stay in the locker room until after the anthem has been performed.'"

Displeased with skin color? Are you serious? The majority of NFL players are black and fans flock to the games wearing their player jerseys. C'mon man, try a little hard than that to support whatever point you're making.

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