NFL weighs penalty for Anti American Kneelers

The question is whether being forced to be patriotic should be a part of anyone's contract (unless they work for the government).
It's not being forced to be patriotic. It is being forced to not be treasonous (which is THE LAW)

18 U.S. Code § 2381 - Treason

Actually it's about pathetic authoritarian-passives (masochists) who crave some Big Daddy State to dick-tate what to do, what to say, how to stand, how to act, so that individualism is stomped out and The State rules Supreme, because you spineless little wimps don't have the BALLS to stand up for your own rights and so have to try to drag everybody else down into the hole y'all live in with your endless charade parades of flags and anthems and whatever icons to Almighty State you're ordered to lick the boots of. And happily do so with nary a whimper.
Actually it's about pathetic authoritarian-passives (masochists) who crave some Big Daddy State to dick-tate what to do, what to say, how to stand, how to act, so that individualism is stomped out and The State rules Supreme, because you spineless little wimps don't have the BALLS to stand up for your own rights and so have to try to drag everybody else down into the hole y'all live in with your endless charade parades of flags and anthems and whatever icons to Almighty State you're ordered to lick the boots of. And happily do so with nary a whimper.
Nah! It's treason. Arrest them.
Let us not forget what the kneeling was about, in the player's own words: "“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color.”

So don't try to sit there and say it's not about disrespecting the flag and the nation.

Apparently Trump's "don't like it, get the fuck out" comment echo'ed my husbands thoughts (which tend to be pretty in-line with the righties) He figures if you hate the nation then ya should go live in another one and "stop trying to fuck ours up." (He thinks the left is trying to make America like every other nation on the planet, which ultimately means not free.)
Let us not forget what the kneeling was about, in the player's own words: "“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses Black people and people of color.”

So don't try to sit there and say it's not about disrespecting the flag and the nation.

Apparently Trump's "don't like it, get the fuck out" comment echo'ed my husbands thoughts (which tend to be pretty in-line with the righties) He figures if you hate the nation then ya should go live in another one and "stop trying to fuck ours up." (He thinks the left is trying to make America like every other nation on the planet, which ultimately means not free.)

So, it's unpatriotic to feel about about being oppressed?

They should know their place and be fucking happy about it, that's patriotism?

That's bullshit.
Nobody in the world "fought and died for their freedom to play football", klown. That shit don't sell
Our soldiers fought and some died for all our freedoms and that does include playing football, Mrs Turdball.
Oh I ain't talking about anybody's "right to work". That's your gig. I'm talking about the mob mentality that tries to force a man to kiss a flag and if he doesn't he gets hard labor. THAT kind of fascism. The same mob mentality you're selling here
Nobody is asking anybody to kiss the flag or kiss someone's ass. Since forever, citizens have been asked to stand for the Anthmn out of respect. The employees are expected to set an example. This is neither the time nor place to stage a protest. Do it on their own time.
The national anthem is not a silly song. It's our national song and it represents America and the freedom we fight and die for everyday.

Actually it represents WAR. In contrast with other countries' anthems that celebrate the land itself or the emotional attachment to their heritage. How sad to have to settle for an anthem representing the ultimate human Failure as an ideal. So yeah in that sense it's 'silly/ in the sense of 'pathetic'. Is War anybody's goal for anybody's country? That''s kind of fucked up in itself.

And it's gotta be the height (read: nadir) of navel-gazing jingoistic chauvinism to stand and chant a US anthem and then sit down to watch a baseball game played by Venezuelans and Dominicans and Japanese and Cubans and Canadians and Colombians and Panamanians and Koreans and Brazilians and Australians and South Africans and Mexicans who can actually play nine innings without raping anybody.

If this country's major flaws could be summed up in a single word, the word would be "arrogance".
^^^ Pathetic. Leftism is a mental disorder and you prove it with every post. You know nothing of the story behind our nation's Anthmn.
The NFL will make each player that kneels have to go to church and the pastor won't like it because they'll be prohibited from kneeling for 'god's' prayer.

Then the NFL will have to choose between angering a bunch of redneck jersey burners or the guy that causes 40 day floods that cover the Earth. By the way 'god' is a Cleveland Browns fan. He always goes for the underdog.

Count on the "I hate Jesus" crowd to show up.
In no other country can a person work 16 days a year for 3 and a half hours each of those days and get paid 100 million dollars.

And yes, they are ALLOWED to play in the NFL. Many people bust their ass much more than any NFL player to get hired on at a great company for a great job, and it's still at-will employment. The company can fire them at any time for any reason or no reason at all. Same with the NFL. They do have contracts, but there are many reasons they can be let go. They are voluntarily accepted to play in the NFL. They have no RIGHT to be in it. So yes, it is at-will employment.

Just ask Michael Vick.

They don’t work 16 days of the year.

If you believe that, you have no idea what happens in the NFL.

They insult the nation by their kneeling. THey deserve to be outcast from our society.

Has zero to do with what he said, but thanks.

Kaepernick has clarified his "statement" with words, that he was indeed, refusing to show respect to such a bad and racist nations.

It is an insult. That you can be insulted to your face, have the insult verified, and still be unaware of it,

does not reflect well on you.

You go ahead and keep supporting and defending people who have contempt for you.
in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

JUST CURIOUS: If it is such an obvious given the physical superiority of Black athletes, then why is it so crazy and racist to suggest the obvious intellectual superiority of Whites?
Blacks demonstrate their physical superiority on level, highly regulated playing fields. It is difficult to find similar arenas to support your allegation of White intellectual superiority.

The Data Are Damning: How Race Influences School Funding
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.
"So much for discrimination against blacks" in the NFL.
There's ample evidence to suggest no such highly regulated, level playing field exists in US society as a whole.
Get the fuck outta here......first off, the millions these sell outs that love your white women earn, is given to them to entertain red ass ho's such as yourself, just imagine football without niggas in it...secondly, you have a fuckin president in the fuckin white house, who claims to honors the flag, and his country, BUT WHEN ASKED TO SERVE TO PROTECT THIS COUNTRY; HIS WHITE FUCKIN ASS, TURNED COWARD AND PLAYED GOLF INSTEAD SAFE AT HOME. If anybody should have fist shoved in his mouth, its TRUMP!!
Trump Says NFL Players Unwilling To Stand For Anthem Maybe ‘Shouldn’t Be In The Country’
“I don’t think people should be staying in locker rooms,” Trump told Fox News. “You have to stand proudly for the national anthem or you shouldn’t be playing.”
The time period when Trump didn't serve in the military was the 1960's when the US was wrongly attacking people who never attacked us. Although I did serve in the military back then, I will say that not serving THEN, was the correct thing.

And I could easily imagine football without all these Affirmative Action hired blacks. No problem.
Blacks demonstrate their physical superiority on level, highly regulated playing fields.

State how you justify the statement >> "Blacks demonstrate their physical superiority on level, highly regulated playing fields." You got anything substantial to base that on ?
"So much for discrimination against blacks" in the NFL.
There's ample evidence to suggest no such highly regulated, level playing field exists in US society as a whole.
1. Would you care to repeat that in American English ?

2. Black privilege IS a problem personally to whites, in America.
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.

Oh yeah baby. The 'pledge of allegiance', that authoritarian's wet-dream ode to cloth fetishism that no country in the world does except us and our ex-colony the Philippines. That exercise in indoctrination foisted on innocent little kids so that they can be controlled to sit down and shut up und you vill obey authority because ve haf vays if you don't, Schweinhundt.


Oh baby bring it on. I'm gonna cream my jeans. (<< channeling my inner TD)
Perspective | The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters

"The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters..."

"The origins of the pledge trace to the late 19th century, the product of an expansionist American project.

"In 1891, the family magazine Youth’s Companion asked 35-year-old Francis Bellamy, a former pastor of Boston’s Bethany Baptist Church, to fashion a patriotic program for schools around the country to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s 'arrival in America' by 'raising the U.S. Flag over every public school from the Atlantic to the Pacific.'"
When I posted: "How does that work if the NFL's customer base became displeased by a player's skin color", I was responding to the claim: "...since the NFL is a privately owned business (it) can make its own rules in regards to pleasing its customer base."

People my age remember well a time when many football fans in this country would have been highly displeased by players with black skins, in spite of the obvious physical superiority of black athletes.

Census of an NFL Roster: Race, Religion, Politics
So much for discrimination against blacks.

When this country gets to where you have to have a national debate on whether or not folks should stand at attention and salute their flag, and listen to arguments about a person's "right" to disrespect it, you might as well just flush the entire country down the commode. It all started with the Leftist-run schools: first they did away with saying the Pledge each morning in class, now they are arguing that making people salute the flag is either racially-motivated or a violation of the Constitutional rights! Pretty soon, it will be classified as a form of torture outlawed by the Geneva Convention. Either way, the Left is like a tumor on the brain of our culture.

Oh yeah baby. The 'pledge of allegiance', that authoritarian's wet-dream ode to cloth fetishism that no country in the world does except us and our ex-colony the Philippines. That exercise in indoctrination foisted on innocent little kids so that they can be controlled to sit down and shut up und you vill obey authority because ve haf vays if you don't, Schweinhundt.


Oh baby bring it on. I'm gonna cream my jeans. (<< channeling my inner TD)
Perspective | The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters

"The ugly history of the Pledge of Allegiance — and why it matters..."

"The origins of the pledge trace to the late 19th century, the product of an expansionist American project.

"In 1891, the family magazine Youth’s Companion asked 35-year-old Francis Bellamy, a former pastor of Boston’s Bethany Baptist Church, to fashion a patriotic program for schools around the country to commemorate the 400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus’s 'arrival in America' by 'raising the U.S. Flag over every public school from the Atlantic to the Pacific.'"

What is ugly about that?
"So much for discrimination against blacks" in the NFL.
There's ample evidence to suggest no such highly regulated, level playing field exists in US society as a whole.
1. Would you care to repeat that in American English ?

2. Black privilege IS a problem personally to whites, in America.
What evidence can you advance for your claim "(b)lack privilege IS a problem personally to whites in America"?

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