NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes

The sovereignty of our United States resides in the States and the Federal Government. The international community has no sovereignty nor any jurisdiction over us.

The highest law of our land is the Constitution. It's the Constitution that dicatates what makes a war legal or not. Nothing else.
And on that note, Congress never made an official declaration of war and the President does not have the authority to start one, that's one crime...

...and we attacked in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter, a treaty that was ratified by Congress, making it carry the same weight as the aforementioned Constitution.

Bush and Cheney guilty on two counts.

I didn't even have to pull the torture card...

Count one: Apparently you have not heard of the War Powers Act.

Count two: Did you hear about UN Security Council Resolution 1441?

You are not very well informed.

Late 1961

President John F. Kennedy orders more help for the South Vietnamese government in its war against the Vietcong guerrillas. U.S. backing includes new equipment and more than 3,000 military advisors and support personnel.

January 12, 1962
In Operation Chopper, helicopters flown by U.S. Army pilots ferry 1,000 South Vietnamese soldiers to sweep a NLF stronghold near Saigon. It marks America's first combat missions against the Vietcong.

To support the South’s government, the United States (say Kennedy) sent in 2,000 military advisors, a number that grew to 16,300 in 1963. The military condition deteriorated, and by 1963 South Vietnam had lost the fertile Mekong Delta to the Vietcong.

congratulations.all you did was prove my case for me that LBJ was the one that got us into vietnam not JFK by posting the true statement that he only sent in ADVISORS.:lol:

What part of first combat mission don't you understand?

And, Kennedy changed the MAAG (Military Assistant Advisory Group) that had 746 advisors in country to the MACV (Military Assistance Command Vietnam) that had over 16,000 'advisors' before Kennedy was killed.

Kennedy got us into Vietnam and any rewrite of history is BS.

No your full of shit,you dodged everyone of those facts I posted that I did not ignored EVERYONE of them.again you prove that you have been brainwashed by the corrupt school system and you are too ignorant to admit defeat.what a sore loser.what part of the 82 casualtys in sept 1963 vietnam part did you not understand ? and what part in there did you not understand about documents recovered from the kennedy administration,johnson and Eisenhower administrations from the freedom of information act? and where he told his aides he was going to completely withdraw from vietnam by 1965? .:lol::lol:
Oh thats right,you didnt read any of that from that link.

you obviously did not read a word of anything in that link.nice dodge. that paragraph I posted there is not what the entire link says fool,there is PLENTY, PLENTY more in there with many pargraphs,not just that

IKE got us into vietnam and you cant change that no matter how much you want to fool yourself by trying to rewrite history.:lol::lol::lol::lol: keep bringing that egg to your face.:lol:

Man your really dumb,you can try and brainwash people and dodge these facts with someone else and they might be conned by how you dodge facts,but it work on me.:lol::lol: I cant believe your that stupid to think you can possibly fool me and especially how your so funny the way you keep dodging all the facts in those links.:lol: you seriously want to continue and keep getting egg on your face?:lol:

No seriously,you need to give it up while you can.I mean you havent addressed ONE SINGLE ITEM I have brought up in that link that I posted doesnt counter.come back after you have read that book that link is based on called AMERICAN TRAGEDY,KENNEDY,JOHNSON,EISENHOWER AND THE ORIGINS OF THE VIETNAM WAR, by David Kaiser.

Kaiser unlike you,has done research and that book is based on thousands of declassified documents from the Johnson,Kennedy and Eisenhower administrations released and gathered in the 1990's. till then your just making yourself look more and more ignorant in every post.

Seriously,you might try and pm Old Rocks and see if you can fool him with your nonsense,but its not going to work on me.Really you need to give it up.This book is based on thousands and thousands of documents released over the years while you have posted nothing to counter that need to stop denying you have been checkmated and lost the chess game and accept defeat.seriously.
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The sovereignty of our United States resides in the States and the Federal Government. The international community has no sovereignty nor any jurisdiction over us.

The highest law of our land is the Constitution. It's the Constitution that dicatates what makes a war legal or not. Nothing else.
And on that note, Congress never made an official declaration of war and the President does not have the authority to start one, that's one crime...

...and we attacked in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter, a treaty that was ratified by Congress, making it carry the same weight as the aforementioned Constitution.

Bush and Cheney guilty on two counts.

I didn't even have to pull the torture card...

Count one: Apparently you have not heard of the War Powers Act.

Count two: Did you hear about UN Security Council Resolution 1441?

You are not very well informed.

Kinda like yourself.:lol::lol::lol:
No your full of shit,you dodged everyone of those facts I posted that I did not ignored EVERYONE of them.again you prove that you have been brainwashed by the corrupt school system and you are too ignorant to admit defeat.what a sore loser.what part of the 82 casualtys in sept 1963 vietnam part did you not understand ? and what part in there did you not understand about documents recovered from the kennedy administration,johnson and Eisenhower administrations from the freedom of information act? and where he told his aides he was going to completely withdraw from vietnam by 1965? .:lol::lol:
Oh thats right,you didnt read any of that from that link.

you obviously did not read a word of anything in that link.nice dodge. that paragraph I posted there is not what the entire link says fool,there is PLENTY, PLENTY more in there with many pargraphs,not just that

IKE got us into vietnam and you cant change that no matter how much you want to fool yourself by trying to rewrite history.:lol::lol::lol::lol: keep bringing that egg to your face.:lol:

Man your really dumb,you can try and brainwash people and dodge these facts with someone else and they might be conned by how you dodge facts,but it work on me.:lol::lol: I cant believe your that stupid to think you can possibly fool me and especially how your so funny the way you keep dodging all the facts in those links.:lol: you seriously want to continue and keep getting egg on your face?:lol:

No seriously,you need to give it up while you can.I mean you havent addressed ONE SINGLE ITEM I have brought up in that link that I posted doesnt counter.come back after you have read that book that link is based on called AMERICAN TRAGEDY,KENNEDY,JOHNSON,EISENHOWER AND THE ORIGINS OF THE VIETNAM WAR, by David Kaiser.

Kaiser unlike you,has done research and that book is based on thousands of declassified documents from the Johnson,Kennedy and Eisenhower administrations released and gathered in the 1990's. till then your just making yourself look more and more ignorant in every post.

Seriously,you might try and pm Old Rocks and see if you can fool him with your nonsense,but its not going to work on me.Really you need to give it up.This book is based on thousands and thousands of documents released over the years while you have posted nothing to counter that need to stop denying you have been checkmated and lost the chess game and accept defeat.seriously.

There were 746 advisors in country when Kennedy took office and there were 16,300 'advisors' when Kennedy was killed. And you blame this on Ike?

End of conversation.
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And on that note, Congress never made an official declaration of war and the President does not have the authority to start one, that's one crime...

...and we attacked in violation of Article 51 of the UN Charter, a treaty that was ratified by Congress, making it carry the same weight as the aforementioned Constitution.

Bush and Cheney guilty on two counts.

I didn't even have to pull the torture card...

Count one: Apparently you have not heard of the War Powers Act.

Count two: Did you hear about UN Security Council Resolution 1441?

You are not very well informed.

Kinda like yourself.:lol::lol::lol:

The war powers act allows the President to go to war and Congress did vote to allow Bush to enforce the UN resolution.

That makes you an ill informed POS.

BTW, When do you prosecute Obama for pursuing the war in Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Somalia etc., etc.? And, can we dig Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon up and prosecute them since they didn't have a declaration of war for Vietnam? How about Clinton bombing Bosnia without congressional approval?

Just asking.
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No nation needs "approval" of the UN. Certainly the USA doesn't.

That YOU disagree with the decisions made by various officials to go to war does not make it an illegal war.

It was authorized -- by Congress -- and that absolutely did make it legal.

The UN is not some all encompassing world government... they have no rule over the sovereign nation that we are... unlike with Jokey would like to believe. He cannot take that this was not an 'illegal war', that it was not some grand conspiracy, and that worldwide intel supported the decisions made (that it was not "Bush LIES")

I never said or implied bush lies, dave. I said all the reasons we gave did not pan out or were not grounded on international law.

You better think twice about why Bush and other senior bushies have not been traveling to Europe lately.

Jake i seen Bush say he has "been there done that" regards to Europe.....:dunno:
Congress cannot authorize an illegal war in wrongfully waging war against another country, particularly when we try to hide behind UN resolutions, which we were not authorized to enforce by invasion.


In case you haven't noticed the UN basically rubber stamps almost everything the US does. When it doesn't..the US goes and does what ever it wants to do anyway.

So other then being a means to express "outrage", the only power the UN has over the US is like..


the UN is basically useless anyway......all talk and chatter....
Congress cannot authorize an illegal war in wrongfully waging war against another country, particularly when we try to hide behind UN resolutions, which we were not authorized to enforce by invasion.

Congress can authorize a war. The alleged "illegality" of that war is not yours to define and your willingness to add that dishonest modifier doesn't make it any less bullshit.

Further, the UN Resolutions meant more to us than they did to the UN.

Other than that, though, terrific post.


apparently.....especially China and Russia.....they can care less about people being killed....
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes while Colin Powell speaks up - Auburn Journal

From an article by Victoria N. Alexander in the Digital Journal, she says "An international tribunal has found former US President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld guilty of the crime of conspiracy to allow torture in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram and Abu Ghraib.

Also convicted were former White House legal advisors, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo. The the tribunal was organized by the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW), a non-governmental organization established under the laws of Malaysia. The court heard testimony from a number of victims, including Abbas Abid, who had his fingernails removed by pliers, Ali Shalal, who was electrocuted and hanged on a wall, and Jameelah Abbas Hameedi, who was stripped and beaten."

Is this like The Onion? If this were reality, wouldn't it be the biggest news story of the year? WTF are they smoking over there?

I'd love to know what evidence they claim support their 'finding'. The ARMY itself broke the story with their official investigation into the incident long before any of the media caught wind of it. The media didn't even care until photos were leaked.

Not much of a conspiracy if the Army was already investigating what happened there. :cuckoo:
NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes while Colin Powell speaks up - Auburn Journal

From an article by Victoria N. Alexander in the Digital Journal, she says "An international tribunal has found former US President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld guilty of the crime of conspiracy to allow torture in Guantanamo Bay, Bagram and Abu Ghraib.

Also convicted were former White House legal advisors, Alberto Gonzales, David Addington, William Haynes, Jay Bybee and John Yoo. The the tribunal was organized by the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War (KLFCW), a non-governmental organization established under the laws of Malaysia. The court heard testimony from a number of victims, including Abbas Abid, who had his fingernails removed by pliers, Ali Shalal, who was electrocuted and hanged on a wall, and Jameelah Abbas Hameedi, who was stripped and beaten."

Is this like The Onion? If this were reality, wouldn't it be the biggest news story of the year? WTF are they smoking over there?

Oh sure, you would think a group composed of people from some of the most oppressive regimes on the planet where torture is a way of life and their victims unlikely to survive - actually have the credentials to pass judgment on ANY other nation? And sure we all know for a fact captured terrorists the US released never, never lie trying to harm the US. Why these fine, upstanding individuals have NO motive to lie! It is good to know the Koran says lying to damage non-Muslim enemy is a worthwhile activity. Certainly gives the mass murdering and would-be mass murdering barbaric thugs even more credibility. To say nothing of the fact this was SUCH an upfront endeavor the thugs endured absolutely no cross examination and were not required to substantiate in any way a single word out of their mouths.ROFL

Only a hardcore anti-American asshole would not only pretend this was anything credible-but rejoice in it and gleefully repeat it. What is life as a maggot like for you?
i do believe BD was Criticizing the article....:eusa_eh:
Good for them. It's nothing that the rest of the world doesn't know and, to a huge extent agree with, but it really doesn't mean much for the criminals.

They are the great shame of our country.
Obamaturd is the bigger shame, he is a gutless commie. But, I have said it before, commies in this country love him. Idiots.
Am I the only one who noticed when you clicked on the link the Op gave it spent more time promoting Powell's new book than it did anything else. It's funny how BDS gets stronger the closer to the election we get.
I see disinfo agent troll Moron In the Hat has made it over here.

This message is hidden because Rat in the Hat is on your ignore list.

if you have anyone on ignore....that means your a pussy and cant handle that person......that person then wins....pussy....

Oh please give me a fucking break.disinfo agents Moron In The Hat and Liar Ability are such sad little trolls they are just here seeking attention.Their debating skills are so pathetic they have to make up lies to try and save face in their posts when they are defeated and just repeat the same old garbage over and over again.:lol:

I used try to tell fellow truthers dont feed those agent trolls and give them the attention they seek but they are too stupid to listen and they give it them all the time so I no longer try and tell them anymore. hense his user name LIAR ability MANY people call him.and Moron In That Hat was caught making up once making up things saying witnesses said things in a video they never said in that video when challeneged to watch it.Thats what those trolls ALWAYS do is make up lies when they cant deal with facts that prove them give me a freaking break.:cuckoo:

I have better things to do that waste it on childish trolls seeking attention who whine to mods like the crybabys they are over an innocent joke. Rat did it with me and I have seen Liar ability do it with a couple others before.those crybabys go whining to them all the time. I dont debate children like that.

one thing those guys dont do is whine like you are doing.....and like i said....put someone on ignore because they make you cry....means they are you still a pussy?....or are you facing them here in the forum?....
A privately convened committee 'somewhere else' means nothing: all bright but no heat.

However, you notice how the senior bushies are very careful about where they travel, and I am not sure any of them have made it to western Europe in the last two years. Previous administrations folks traveled everywhere in the years following.

My personal opinion: should be charged with planning and carrying out unlawful war in Iraq and with crimes against humanity.
Yes, that's the mainstream Republican view.

Oh, wait -- no, it's not.
A privately convened committee 'somewhere else' means nothing: all bright but no heat.

However, you notice how the senior bushies are very careful about where they travel, and I am not sure any of them have made it to western Europe in the last two years. Previous administrations folks traveled everywhere in the years following.

My personal opinion: should be charged with planning and carrying out unlawful war in Iraq and with crimes against humanity.

Do you intend to have Obama charged and prosecuted for all of the drone strikes he has authorized in half a dozen ME countries?
No. Jake only criticizes Obama for not being far left enough.
Congress cannot authorize an illegal war in wrongfully waging war against another country, particularly when we try to hide behind UN resolutions, which we were not authorized to enforce by invasion.
We were authorized because fuck the UN.
No nation needs "approval" of the UN. Certainly the USA doesn't.

That YOU disagree with the decisions made by various officials to go to war does not make it an illegal war.

It was authorized -- by Congress -- and that absolutely did make it legal.

The UN is not some all encompassing world government... they have no rule over the sovereign nation that we are... unlike with Jokey would like to believe. He cannot take that this was not an 'illegal war', that it was not some grand conspiracy, and that worldwide intel supported the decisions made (that it was not "Bush LIES")

I never said or implied bush lies, dave. I said all the reasons we gave did not pan out or were not grounded on international law.

You better think twice about why Bush and other senior bushies have not been traveling to Europe lately.
Because Europe's a shithole.
Congress cannot authorize an illegal war in wrongfully waging war against another country, particularly when we try to hide behind UN resolutions, which we were not authorized to enforce by invasion.

Congress can authorize a war. The alleged "illegality" of that war is not yours to define and your willingness to add that dishonest modifier doesn't make it any less bullshit. Further, the UN Resolutions meant more to us than they did to the UN. Other than that, though, terrific post.

Your ranting and chanting does not change the fact that the war was internationally illegal.
Saddam thanks you for your unwavering support, but regrets to inform you he's dead.

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