NGO: Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfeld found guilty of war crimes

This thread is awesome..............

Except nobody cares except the 79 k00ks on this forum!!:D:D:D

Ive always been fascinated by the conspiracy they can persist with one idea no matter the library full of volumes of information to the contrary. Hard to come up with a good analogy, but I guess its like those who decades ago listened to "War of the Worlds" on the radio and are still convinced the martians landed.:clap2:
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your full of crap as always,they are both crybabys and sure as hell do whine.

they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it.:lol::lol::lol: so they sure as hell are pussys,again thats being a complete idiot to feed the trolls which is what I would do if i took their bait and gave them the attention they seek. Lying to avoid defeat like those trolls do is being a pussy just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

full of crap as always
as always?.....the first time i have seen your whinny ass was this week...
they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it
kinda like what your doing here.....whining....
you just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that
are you going to go and cry now?....hey Chris !! .....give this fucker a Hug.....he is upset and he is about to lose it....i dont want to see any more Whining....

Nope Im not whining,Im just explaining WHY I have them on ignore idiot.:lol: Moron In the Hat goes and whines to the mods over a small innocent joke I made that had something to do with the words cheese and nosiop spelled backwarks..I cant say anymore about it or he'll again go and whine to the mods about it like the crybaby he is.:lol: I spelled that one word backwards even to make sure he doesnt have any ammunition to give to the mods when he tries to whine about it to the mods again as a matter of fact.

Liar Ability I have seen at LEAST twice whine to the mods about something some other poster said to him before.Thats how immature those crybabys are but thats not why I have them on ignore.

AGAIN its because they seek attention and are only here to troll.When they get backed into a corner and are losing an argument ,they have to lie to try and save face in their posts to avoid admitting defeat like the chickenshit cowards they are.The more I play their game and give them the attention the trolls seek I am feeding the trolls.I dont feed trolls.

See I am not going to put Too Tall or this other poster I just replied to on ignore because they dont tell lies to try and avoid defeat and their not seeking attention.They amuse me the way they keep grasping at straws trying to avoid defeat and wont answer any questions I ask them or address ONE SINGLE ITEM of facts brought up to them ina link I posted by making one laughable post more laughable and more ignorant than the previous one.

THEY amuse me and they dont lie when they are defeated so Im not about to put them on ignore.:lol: Im having way too much fun watching them get egg on their face especially with Too Stupid.:lol: anyways this is a stupid conversation and isnt even on the topic so come back when you want to actually discuss the topic otherwise Im done with you.

That one poster nailed it about Too Tall.He lies to jump to conclusions on what he WANTS to believe.its so obvious.:lol:

9/11 Rimjob sucks ass and lies simultaneously!
two farts in a row from the two disinfo agent lover trolls always seeking attention from me.:clap2::clap2::poop::poop:

will thats enough for the day trolls.I have given you too much of the attention you seek for the day already.sorry to hurt your feeling and not give you anymore.
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This thread is awesome..............

Except nobody cares except the 79 k00ks on this forum!!:D:D:D

Pretty cool how I can make 9/11 Rimjob jump through hoops, isn't it??

Now watch, as he jumps through another one for me. :D

Make another fart post, Rimjob.

Indeed...........and Im hoping some day, they can open these peoples brains up and find up what was up with the fuckedupedness.

Hey Rat.........does this guy believe in vampires?
two farts in a row from the two disinfo agent lover trolls always seeking attention from me.:clap2::clap2::poop::poop:

will thats enough for the day trolls.I have given you too much of the attention you seek for the day already.sorry to hurt your feeling and not give you anymore.

Where's the Intellegence? ^^
Hey 9/ chance, did you hear about the skeleton of a giant they found in the south of France?

Check this out dude................

This thread is awesome..............

Except nobody cares except the 79 k00ks on this forum!!:D:D:D

Pretty cool how I can make 9/11 Rimjob jump through hoops, isn't it??

Now watch, as he jumps through another one for me. :D

Make another fart post, Rimjob.

Indeed...........and Im hoping some day, they can open these peoples brains up and find up what was up with the fuckedupedness.

Hey Rat.........does this guy believe in vampires?

No but disinfo agent troll Moron in the Hat believes in santa clause and the easter bunny same as you.:lol::lol:
Hey 9/ chance, did you hear about the skeleton of a giant they found in the south of France?

Check this out dude................


ha ha,typical troll move you learned from whiney agent Moron In The Hat I see.change the topic and evade the facts.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nice.:lol:

well I see this thread has run its course and nobody has anything intelligent to say anytmore.
two farts in a row from the two disinfo agent lover trolls always seeking attention from me.:clap2::clap2::poop::poop:

will thats enough for the day trolls.I have given you too much of the attention you seek for the day already.sorry to hurt your feeling and not give you anymore.

Where's the Intellegence? ^^

I wont deny that feeding the two trolls like I was giving them the attention they seek wasnt very intelligent.Thats why i am done for the day on
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two farts in a row from the two disinfo agent lover trolls always seeking attention from me.:clap2::clap2::poop::poop:

will thats enough for the day trolls.I have given you too much of the attention you seek for the day already.sorry to hurt your feeling and not give you anymore.

Well done, Rimjob.

As a reward, i shall play your favorite video for you. You can stop begging now.

Hey 9/ chance, did you hear about the skeleton of a giant they found in the south of France?

Check this out dude................


ha ha,typical troll move you learned from whiney agent Moron In The Hat I see.change the topic and evade the facts.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nice.:lol:

well I see this thread has run its course and nobody has anything intelligent to say anytmore.

Hey.......I learn my trade from nobody s0n...........Ive been publically humiliating k00ks on the board for years now = high entertainment value for me. When the real asshat k00ks come out, its like I have radar to find their sick-ass shit. I amaze myself sometimes............

By the way 9/11.............wondered if you heard about the snowball rally out in Minnesota this past winter during the Gore visit. Google it........lots of snowguys came out. Some were a bit sceptical about all the global warming shit, but thats a different matter...............

Hey 9/ chance, did you hear about the skeleton of a giant they found in the south of France?

Check this out dude................


ha ha,typical troll move you learned from whiney agent Moron In The Hat I see.change the topic and evade the facts.:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: nice.:lol:

well I see this thread has run its course and nobody has anything intelligent to say anytmore.

Hey.......I learn my trade from nobody s0n...........Ive been publically humiliating k00ks on the board for years now = high entertainment value for me. When the real asshat k00ks come out, its like I have radar to find their sick-ass shit. I amaze myself sometimes............

By the way 9/11.............wondered if you heard about the snowball rally out in Minnesota this past winter during the Gore visit. Google it........lots of snowguys came out. Some were a bit sceptical about all the global warming shit, but thats a different matter...............



Good form!
two farts in a row from the two disinfo agent lover trolls always seeking attention from me.:clap2::clap2::poop::poop:

will thats enough for the day trolls.I have given you too much of the attention you seek for the day already.sorry to hurt your feeling and not give you anymore.

Where's the Intellegence? ^^

I wont deny that feeding the two trolls like I was giving them the attention they seek wasnt very intelligent.Thats why i am done for the day on

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your full of crap as always,they are both crybabys and sure as hell do whine.

they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it.:lol::lol::lol: so they sure as hell are pussys,again thats being a complete idiot to feed the trolls which is what I would do if i took their bait and gave them the attention they seek. Lying to avoid defeat like those trolls do is being a pussy just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

full of crap as always
as always?.....the first time i have seen your whinny ass was this week...
they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it
kinda like what your doing here.....whining....
you just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that
are you going to go and cry now?....hey Chris !! .....give this fucker a Hug.....he is upset and he is about to lose it....i dont want to see any more Whining....

Nope Im not whining,Im just explaining WHY I have them on ignore idiot.:lol: Moron In the Hat goes and whines to the mods over a small innocent joke I made that had something to do with the words cheese and nosiop spelled backwarks..I cant say anymore about it or he'll again go and whine to the mods about it like the crybaby he is.:lol: I spelled that one word backwards even to make sure he doesnt have any ammunition to give to the mods when he tries to whine about it to the mods again as a matter of fact.

Liar Ability I have seen at LEAST twice whine to the mods about something some other poster said to him before.Thats how immature those crybabys are but thats not why I have them on ignore.

AGAIN its because they seek attention and are only here to troll.When they get backed into a corner and are losing an argument ,they have to lie to try and save face in their posts to avoid admitting defeat like the chickenshit cowards they are.The more I play their game and give them the attention the trolls seek I am feeding the trolls.I dont feed trolls.

See I am not going to put Too Tall or this other poster I just replied to on ignore because they dont tell lies to try and avoid defeat and their not seeking attention.They amuse me the way they keep grasping at straws trying to avoid defeat and wont answer any questions I ask them or address ONE SINGLE ITEM of facts brought up to them ina link I posted by making one laughable post more laughable and more ignorant than the previous one.

THEY amuse me and they dont lie when they are defeated so Im not about to put them on ignore.:lol: Im having way too much fun watching them get egg on their face especially with Too Stupid.:lol: anyways this is a stupid conversation and isnt even on the topic so come back when you want to actually discuss the topic otherwise Im done with you.

That one poster nailed it about Too Tall.He lies to jump to conclusions on what he WANTS to believe.its so obvious.:lol:

your fucking whining about two posters who made you cry.....otherwise you would not be doing 3-4 paragraphs on them....instead of 9/11 Inside should be 9/11 the Inside Whiner....
Count one: Apparently you have not heard of the War Powers Act.
Oh, I've heard of it. It contains specific set of conditions the President must follow in order to introduce US troops in hostile areas. Bush didn't comply with those conditions. He's the "decider", you know.

Count two: Did you hear about UN Security Council Resolution 1441?
I'm very familiar with that document. Bush had no authority to unilaterally decide for the UNSC if Iraq was in violation of it and what coarse of action should be taken. Any possible violations were to be referred back to the Security Counsel for review. And any violations would be presented to the UNSC in the form of Hans Blix reports. No report of his stated they were in violation of 1441. The worst thing they said was that Iraq could cooperate more.

You are not very well informed.
You jump to conclusions, based on what you would like to believe.

Count one: Apparently 'the decider' got the Congress to agree with him.

The Iraq Resolution or the Iraq War Resolution (formally the Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Iraq Resolution of 2002 Pub.L. 107-243, 116 Stat. 1498, enacted October 16, 2002, H.J.Res. 114) is a joint resolution passed by the United States Congress in October 2002 as Public Law No: 107-243, authorizing military action against Iraq.In a major victory for the White House, the Senate early Friday voted 77-23 to authorize President Bush to attack Iraq if Saddam Hussein refuses to give up weapons of mass destruction as required by U.N. resolutions.
Hours earlier, the House approved an identical resolution, 296-133.
The president praised the congressional action, declaring "America speaks with one voice."

Count two:

Resolution 1441 stated that Iraq was in material breach of the ceasefire terms presented under the terms of Resolution 687. Iraq's breaches related not only to weapons of mass destruction (WMD), but also the known construction of prohibited types of missiles, the purchase and import of prohibited armaments, and the continuing refusal of Iraq to compensate Kuwait for the widespread looting conducted by Iraqi troops during the 1990–1991 invasion and occupation It also stated that "...false statements or omissions in the declarations submitted by Iraq pursuant to this resolution and failure by Iraq at any time to comply with, and cooperate fully in the implementation of, this resolution shall constitute a further material breach of Iraq's obligations."

Since the UN resolution 1441 clearly stated that Iraq was in material breach, the ceasefire agreed to in Resolution 687 was no longer in effect.

I paraphrase, Hans Blix report that he still had not verified the destruction of WMD's as declared by the Iraqis but he was hopeful that he would do so. Someday, maybe!

I also found this on the War Powers Act:
The War Powers Resolution was disregarded by President Regan in 1981 by sending military to El Salvador, by President Clinton in 1999, during the bombing campaign in Kosovo, and by President Obama in 2011, when he did not seek congressional approval for the attack on Libyan forces, arguing that the Resolution did not apply to that action, and again when troops entered Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden.

I stand corrected on my mention of the War powers act. Bush got congressional approval for Iraq, whereas your hero has ignored it TWICE in 3 years. Now we know who "the decider" really is don't we.
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your full of crap as always,they are both crybabys and sure as hell do whine.

they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it.:lol::lol::lol: so they sure as hell are pussys,again thats being a complete idiot to feed the trolls which is what I would do if i took their bait and gave them the attention they seek. Lying to avoid defeat like those trolls do is being a pussy just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that.:lol::lol::lol::lol:

full of crap as always
as always?.....the first time i have seen your whinny ass was this week...
they cant take a joke and they go whining to the mods about it
kinda like what your doing here.....whining....
you just cant see what idiots they are.oh you are one as well so of course you cant see that
are you going to go and cry now?....hey Chris !! .....give this fucker a Hug.....he is upset and he is about to lose it....i dont want to see any more Whining....

Nope Im not whining,Im just explaining WHY I have them on ignore idiot.:lol: Moron In the Hat goes and whines to the mods over a small innocent joke I made that had something to do with the words cheese and nosiop spelled backwarks..I cant say anymore about it or he'll again go and whine to the mods about it like the crybaby he is.:lol: I spelled that one word backwards even to make sure he doesnt have any ammunition to give to the mods when he tries to whine about it to the mods again as a matter of fact.

Liar Ability I have seen at LEAST twice whine to the mods about something some other poster said to him before.Thats how immature those crybabys are but thats not why I have them on ignore.

AGAIN its because they seek attention and are only here to troll.When they get backed into a corner and are losing an argument ,they have to lie to try and save face in their posts to avoid admitting defeat like the chickenshit cowards they are.The more I play their game and give them the attention the trolls seek I am feeding the trolls.I dont feed trolls.

See I am not going to put Too Tall or this other poster I just replied to on ignore because they dont tell lies to try and avoid defeat and their not seeking attention.They amuse me the way they keep grasping at straws trying to avoid defeat and wont answer any questions I ask them or address ONE SINGLE ITEM of facts brought up to them ina link I posted by making one laughable post more laughable and more ignorant than the previous one.

THEY amuse me and they dont lie when they are defeated so Im not about to put them on ignore.:lol: Im having way too much fun watching them get egg on their face especially with Too Stupid.:lol: anyways this is a stupid conversation and isnt even on the topic so come back when you want to actually discuss the topic otherwise Im done with you.

That one poster nailed it about Too Tall.He lies to jump to conclusions on what he WANTS to believe.its so obvious.:lol:
When 9/11 Rimjob can't handle the truth, no problem.

First, he lies.

Then, he cries.

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