Nice Going Barack Obama: 47 Major Retailers Announce Closing of 6,000 Stores Across the Country

The devastation this constitutionally ineligible non-natural born citizen president is causing to businesses and families is unimaginable. This is terrible news.

Wow. 47 Major Retailers Announce Closing of 6 000 Stores Across the Country
LOL! What?

I'm the middle of the most massive economic recovery in the history of the world?

Say it ain't so!
I drive around Charlotte and Ft.Worth and can't believe the storefronts that are empty. As well as businesses, office buildings and factorys. Driving into many towns you can see many of these workplaces closed. Maybe all the economic boom is at Starbucks and Panera Bread where all the geniuses hang out to discuss the economy.
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

It's amazing how many 'nuts agreed with your post when the numbers are bullshit.

Sheep. lol.
Pray tell Gilligan, what are the correct numbers?

(Enjoy the silence kids...)

Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and open the archives for January 2009, and then tell us all what the number is that it shows for unemployed Americans.
Oh! OK Gilligan... So you were lying AGAIN!

Fair enough...

Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?
When Libs hit on a subject they find facts from some blog, establish talking points and never get swayed from their viewpoint. Rusty little robots.
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?

God you people are stupid.

Employment Situation News Release
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?
When Libs hit on a subject they find facts from some blog, establish talking points and never get swayed from their viewpoint. Rusty little robots.

Employment Situation News Release
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?

God you people are stupid.

Employment Situation News Release

Your Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. Nice doubling down on the bullshit.
Danke Schoen. I am fascinated with labor statistics from February 2009, now what about April 2015?
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?

God you people are stupid.

Employment Situation News Release

Your Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. Nice doubling down on the bullshit.

In your next life learn to read. 11.6 million were unemployed in January 2009, not 3.5 million as the idiot claimed.
This is just blame everything on Obama derangement.

Take one example, the Wet Seal bankruptcy. The reason, as cited by Bloomberg...

“The continuing fundamental shift in consumer behavior away from traditional mall shopping toward online-only stores and increased competition throughout the specialty retail fashion industry have created a difficult operating environment,” Thomas Hillebrandt, Wet Seal’s chief financial officer, said in the company’s Chapter 11 filing in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Delaware.

Yes, blame that on Obama, lol.

Wet Seal Joins March of Mall Retailers Into Bankruptcy - Bloomberg Business
Hmm... Yes. Gilligan may be onto something here. With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence, they're much more likely to not spend money with their neighbors comprising local business and more likely to order their gods from the interwebz.

Now Gilligan I see you're having trouble finding the correct data of which you were speaking when you declared the OPs data inaccurate.

What's up with that?

Now Gilligan, were you lying AGAIN?

God you people are stupid.

Employment Situation News Release

Your Re-concession is duly noted and summarily accepted. Nice doubling down on the bullshit.

In your next life learn to read. 11.6 million were unemployed in January 2009, not 3.5 million as the idiot claimed.

Oh... RE-Re-Concession?

Noted and accepted Gilligan.
Obama could fix the economy if he would work towards it with congress but he won't. Some of you that do not work or have secure positions don't give a fuck. Well I do, I like Radio Shack and I hate to see one empty store front after another. I went to LA last week and I had to ask a person on the street if they had riots in LA recently. He looked at me like I was nuts and said no. So I asked him why were all of these store fronts vacant...his answer was because of Obama. He was a blue collar black man that hasn't worked for 5 years. I thought he was going to break down and cry. Well I asked him to join me for lunch. Over a great taco plate and after several beers he laid it out on the table. He is no fan of Obama that is for sure. He told me his entire family has had it with Mr O. They watch as thousands of illegals move in and take what few jobs are to be had. Then he goes to the welfare office and watches as hundreds of illegals with fake ID in hand walk out with EBT cards and a cash supplement. He said it makes him sick.

1. To start I am a disgusted republican. Tell me any agenda that republican cooperated with Obama. Tell me what the republican has done or anything to help the economy?
2. Illegals cannot or impossible to get a jobs like AT&T, homedepo, lowes, radio shack or any established businesses. Illegal jobs are the lowest of the lowest that Americans don't want.
3. Black man with blue collar has not been working for 5 years. So him and his family cannot compete with illegals and blame it on illegals. Does that make sense to you?
4. Illegals are very poor. Your telling us they can afford to buy a fake ID which is very expensive so they can qualify for EBT? That's in thousands. Does this make sense to you?
These black family probably on welfare and don't want to work to begin with.
I know a former owner of 12 radio shack stores in ca. 4 in La area. One I visited long time ago was the wilshire/mariposa close to ambassador hotel not sure if still there.
He sold all his stores 6 years ago because of sales are going down due to 'internet buying'. This is one of the primary reason why radio s. got in trouble. It's not because of Obama. As an add on read post #135 by Synt. so you have better understanding.
With 95 million citizens who are otherwise fit to Work, now living entirely off federal and state subsistence,
Notice how the Right start with a lie and then continue to exaggerate the lie every time they retell it.

First of all, there are 93 million not in the labor force, so that is a 2 million exaggeration right there. Then not all of the 93 million are able bodied 9 million are disabled. We are down to 84 million.
Then some are students supported by their parents.
And some are stay at home spouses supported by their working spouse.
Many more are retirees living off their lifelong payments into some form of fund.
So very few are "fit to work living entirely off federal and state subsistence."
But why ruin a good lie with facts.
Yeah, it's 5.4%

:laugh: Ha, and i'm the Pope.
Show us the metrics have changed since Bush, pontiff.

U1 through U6 have all declined over the past year, Your Holiness.

Yet more people are not in the work force than under Bush, another far left deflect!

It's a mess. The ugly truth will come out after the Communist Organizer dunce is out, and his comrades in the MSM stop covering for him.
Very true

When he is gone, we can return to a lily white America

Ha, only a loony racist African American Democrat and dumb white Communist Democrat would screech such nonsensical blather. :cuckoo:
I have to laugh at that 5.5% Unemployment number this President and his lackeys boast about. A completely absurd fictitious number.
Yeah, it's 5.4%

:laugh: Ha, and i'm the Pope.
Show us the metrics have changed since Bush, pontiff.

U1 through U6 have all declined over the past year, Your Holiness.

Yet more people are not in the work force than under Bush, another far left deflect!

AND I just heard today that BCBS is sending 188 jobs to the Philippines while laying off workers here....hmmmm.

Methinks the leftoids got it wrong again.

I wouldn't boast about it. Those are very likely greedy fat Republicans who sent those American jobs out of the country. Sadly, both Parties have flucked the American Worker for years. Just look at this current President's latest disastrous trade deal proposal.
Yeah, it's 5.4%

:laugh: Ha, and i'm the Pope.
Show us the metrics have changed since Bush, pontiff.

U1 through U6 have all declined over the past year, Your Holiness.

Yet more people are not in the work force than under Bush, another far left deflect!
We can now add "seriously innumerate idiot" to your resume.

Yes that will be added to your résumé for you! And thus proves what a far left drone you really are!

Don't worry, the ugly truth will come out once the Communist Organizer tard is out of office. Right now, the Communist/Progressive-dominated MSM is still in 'Cover the Dear Leader's ass' mode.

But once he's out, their fantasy will quickly be exposed for the ugly reality it is. Future generations will be forced to live with his awful mess. Bet on that.
Yeah, it's 5.4%

:laugh: Ha, and i'm the Pope.
Show us the metrics have changed since Bush, pontiff.

U1 through U6 have all declined over the past year, Your Holiness.

Yet more people are not in the work force than under Bush, another far left deflect!

AND I just heard today that BCBS is sending 188 jobs to the Philippines while laying off workers here....hmmmm.

Methinks the leftoids got it wrong again.

I wouldn't boast about it. Those are very likely greedy fat Republicans who sent those American jobs out of the country. Sadly, both Parties have flucked the American Worker for years. Just look at this current President's latest disastrous trade deal proposal.

Not necessarily. The CEO of one of them is Canadian.

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