Nice Going Barack Obama: 47 Major Retailers Announce Closing of 6,000 Stores Across the Country

Look at it this way, Koshtard.

5.4% x 325,127,634 (US population, present) = 17,556,892

5.4% x 298,165,797 (US population, 2005) = 16,100,953

Yep! see how these far left drones will use far left math not connected to reality..

Think any of them will approve a wage decrease per employee for the good of the economy? LOL
If you can prove that the move is by left wings,,,good luck, this is nothing new and has been going on for 20 years...

Let's see... Obamacare was forced down our throats and two major healthcare companies are now outsourcing and laying off. Hmmm.
Eh, they do it even in good times also..A hospital went broke where my last son was born during Boosh..but is now reopened...

The two companies in question will not be re opening the locations they shut and are shutting down.
Somebody will probably pick them up like the hospital I mentioned..

Probably? You goofs are funny. LOL
It is much harder to pun when using type...
Look at it this way, Koshtard.

5.4% x 325,127,634 (US population, present) = 17,556,892

5.4% x 298,165,797 (US population, 2005) = 16,100,953

Yep! see how these far left drones will use far left math not connected to reality..

Think any of them will approve a wage decrease per employee for the good of the economy? LOL

The problem is not the unemployment number it is the number of people who are employed. When close to 40% of your labor force is out of work, you are going to have problems.

People demand low priced items, yet do not want to pay the wages for said items (expectation is Apple). Who could afford a TV that would 100% manufactured and packaged in the US with union wages?
Look at it this way, Koshtard.

5.4% x 325,127,634 (US population, present) = 17,556,892

5.4% x 298,165,797 (US population, 2005) = 16,100,953

Yep! see how these far left drones will use far left math not connected to reality..

Think any of them will approve a wage decrease per employee for the good of the economy? LOL

The problem is not the unemployment number it is the number of people who are employed. When close to 40% of your labor force is out of work, you are going to have problems.

People demand low priced items, yet do not want to pay the wages for said items (expectation is Apple). Who could afford a TV that would 100% manufactured and packaged in the US with union wages?
I don't work at the slave pit, but I do shop...
The problem is not the unemployment number it is the number of people who are employed. When close to 40% of your labor force is out of work, you are going to have problems.

I think you just gave me a stroke.
Times are changing for retailers. The internet, where you can shop the largest supermarket in the world, and get what you want and what you need for anything...The largest spenders are those not working, ie, Usen boomers, not sooners..
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

Then why do we have more total employment now than we ever have in US history?
Agreed. However we have more people, more jobs and more businesses. Unfortunately, the real unemployment rate is about 11.5%, not the 5.5% the Labor Department reports.It's a farce.

You're citing U-6 umemployment. The Labor department reports U-3 and has for decades. Every official unemployment number is U-3. If you've ever cited an unemployment rate below 8% for GW, then you're not using U-6. As the U-6 under GW hovered between 8 and 14%.

And the U-6 was 14% when Obama took office. Its 11.5% now. Even by your apples and oranges comparisons, Obama's reduced the U-6 by 2 and half points.

Thanks Obama!

"Thanks Obama" for what? What exactly has he personally done that reduced unemployment?
I seeee...

So it is the MEXICANS' fault Radio Shack is going down!
What the hell is wrong with you? If the economy were better Radio Shack would not have to file for bankruptcy. Look a lot of people will lose their jobs that work for Radio Shack. Not just the folks in the store but drivers and office personnel too. You can laugh all you want funny boy but if you think any of those folks will turn around and vote for your love of life Hillary the terrible you're crazy. There is no way that America will keep the Democrats in the White house with the economy in the shape it's in. So laugh away fuckstick...The Conservatives kicked ass in the UK and will will here too. Now :laugh2::laugh2::laugh2:
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

Then why do we have more total employment now than we ever have in US history?
Agreed. However we have more people, more jobs and more businesses. Unfortunately, the real unemployment rate is about 11.5%, not the 5.5% the Labor Department reports.It's a farce.

You're citing U-6 umemployment. The Labor department reports U-3 and has for decades. Every official unemployment number is U-3. If you've ever cited an unemployment rate below 8% for GW, then you're not using U-6. As the U-6 under GW hovered between 8 and 14%.

And the U-6 was 14% when Obama took office. Its 11.5% now. Even by your apples and oranges comparisons, Obama's reduced the U-6 by 2 and half points.

Thanks Obama!

"Thanks Obama" for what? What exactly has he personally done that reduced unemployment?
Unless you live somewhere in the third countries or inside a missile silo that you don't have a clue what Obama has done to the economy.
I'm a business owner and I can tell you that the economy is booming. I added 146 new employees just first this quarter alone. Thanks Obama.
You didn't read the list, or more likely you are attempting to deceive, as done before

I wonder how many jobs lost that will entail?
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?
Those are all obsolete businesses, trying to operate in an obsolete shopping environment.

Sears has been dying the slow death for 2 decades, same with JCPenney and every other department store. Amazon killed bookstores and a lot of the other things on the list. Restaurants eventually fail. Ruby Tuesday, Red Lobster does poorly, Olive Garden is WAY down, while places like Chipotles are up.

Sorry for your THREADFAIL.
1700 Radio Shacks are closing and that's devastating news? When's the last time you bought anything of consequence at a Radio Shack?

It's amazing how many 'nuts agreed with your post when the numbers are bullshit.

Sheep. lol.
Pray tell Gilligan, what are the correct numbers?

(Enjoy the silence kids...)

Go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and open the archives for January 2009, and then tell us all what the number is that it shows for unemployed Americans.

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