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Nice of ya to catch up with the rest of us!

YEP... The GOP is suffering the lowest poll ratings in their history, as are the democrats AND THE LEGISLATURE on the whole...

This a result of the absence of American leadership and having allowed themselves to depart from common sense and succumb to the irrational feminization of the culture, through the advocacy of left-think.

Of course CONSERVATIVES have always had a solution to the problem... which is CONSERVATISM ON THE WHOLE...

Reduce the size and scope of government
Roll back the massive manipulative government hinderances to the economy
Set high cultural standards and enforce them

Presto... all fixed.

In other words, start from scratch. But what do you do with all the dead bodies?

No sis... Start by simply returning to the RULES on which our culture rests...

And what bodies are these to which you speak?

Is this some attempt to project the notion that the US will STOP DEATH, through Universal Healthcare...

ROFLMNAO... Believe it or not friends... these people actually believe this...

They all believe that Universal Healthcare is going to provide them with zero deductible SOLID GOLD Health care; which will somehow STOP DEATH.

Which in truth will be something on the order of the worst HMO you can imagine; as there will be no alternative; thus no competition and where competition is lacking, you can rest assured that performance will be on a steady decline... and where the issue is healthcare absent competition... that can ONLY result in the GREATER levels of premature death.

Ironic ONLY due to the stated goal being precisely the opposite... which is TYPICAL of the left and their incessant policy failures.

Okay, a compromise: I'm all for rolling back some RULES, but you can't simply roll back government social programs that help the lesser affluent (and I presume those are what you mean) without leaving dead bodies in the wake. You seem to think it can be accomplished magically, just because it's ideally what you WANT to happen.
Under normal circumstances (in the absence of a major economic downturn nationwide), a government sponsored health care bill would not be considered irresponsible. Accept that fact because eventually it WILL happen.

Yet again, you appear to be deeply confused about this issue. The amounts referred to have nothing to do with creating a public plan. These huge amounts of money would go to provide subsidies to middle class people who already have health insurance and to a lesser extent to provide insurance to some of the uninsured poor. It appears clear now that a public plan will not pass the Senate, but there appears to be bipartisan support for developing co-ops, a better option than a government run plan in every way.

What is reckless and irresponsible about Obama is that he is proposing spending trillions of dollars we don't have at a time when how long the recession will last is a matter of speculation and when most economists expect the recovery from this recession to be very slow. Every trillion of dollars of new debt Obama creates will obligate US taxpayers to pay between $30 billion and $50 billion in interest every year forever. Since much of this debt will be owned by foreign investors and countries like China, Japan, Arab oil countries, this is $30 billion to $50 billion that will leave the US economy every year forever never to return.

It is reckless and irresponsible of Obama to demand that this be done quickly instead of carefully, especially at a time when we have no idea if we will be able to afford these enormous costs any time in the near future. Obama says that if this isn't done now, it will never be done, just more Obama fear mongering, but he is correct that the longer voters think about the cost of enormous amount of debt he wants to create, the less likely it is they will approve of it.

I'm not "confused" about anything. First off, we STILL don't know what any health care reform program would even look like yet, so all the assumptions being batted around are basically moot at this point.

Second, I've said a few times I think right in this thread that I think health care reform WILL NOT pass this year BECAUSE OF it's enormous startup cost in the face of an already deteriorating economy. That does NOT, however, preclude me from believing that one is absolutely, positively necessary or we will soon see millionnaires pissing and moaning over the skyrocketing cost of their OWN premiums. It is that out of control.

Perhaps it is you who needs to actually read up on some statistics rather than picking your argument based solely on opinion pages.

No matter what kind of face you try to put on it, you are essentially agreeing with me that more level heads than Obama's will rein in his reckless and irresponsible drive to create trillions of dollars of new debt at this perilous time.
Yo, Maggie! You up to speed yet?

I'm still drinking coffee at 5:45 AM. I do have a real life: Working part-time four hours a day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon), dinner, a little TV, a little reading plucked from my 3-foot stack, and 7-8 hours sleep. Sorry.

Geez.... We all have a life. Generally gotta do my posting when I'm drinkin' my coffee, but I sometimes get a few in before the 4-5 hrs. sleep!
Yo, Maggie! You up to speed yet?

I'm still drinking coffee at 5:45 AM. I do have a real life: Working part-time four hours a day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon), dinner, a little TV, a little reading plucked from my 3-foot stack, and 7-8 hours sleep. Sorry.

Geez.... We all have a life. Generally gotta do my posting when I'm drinkin' my coffee, but I sometimes get a few in before the 4-5 hrs. sleep!

You seemed to be inferring that I was still lurking around USMB all night long, checking facts and stuff and should have gotten back to you sooner. Just sayin'...
At least part of the reason Bush continues to be blamed for the economic mess, as shown in this graphic, is because under his watch the public lost $5 trillion in retirement savings, credit card companies were allowed to loaded up traps for the consumer, and no one was paying any attention to the PEOPLE it affected until it was too late.


As the chart shows, most Americans don't blame Bush for the current deficit, and clearly they are correct. Obama created most of the current deficit by voting for TARP without understanding what it was and by jamming the stimulus through Congress. Without these two blunders, the deficit would be much, much lower.

But even if we try to excuse these two blunders by saying that although he managed to project a calm and assured demeanor, being as inexperienced as he was, he panicked when he created nearly $1.5 trillion in new debt without understanding what he was doing, but the reckless abandon with which he is now proposing to create additional trillions of dollars of new debt for purely political reasons should not be excused by any Americans regardless of party affiliation. Take, for example, the Kennedy-Dodd health insurance bill that for a $1 trillion dollars does not provide universal health care but that does offer subsidies to families of four earning $110,000 while kicking the uninsured poor to the curb. The purpose of this bill is obviously to win middle class votes for the Dems in 2010 and 2012 and not to help the uninsured.

Are we reading the same chart? When it asks "who is most responsible for the budget deficit" it looks to me like people blame Bush by a 2-1 margin over the next closest group on the list and they blame him nearly 8-1 over Obama. And lol @ trying to put TARP on Obama's shoulders? Really?

Dude ... everything went to hell and this shit storm started under George W. Bush. Remind me again who was in charge (and had been for 7+ years) when the market crashed and nearly collapsed? Obama may not be doing an A+ job trying to fix the mess but make no mistake that we are where we are because of the Bush Administration.

the subprime fiasco got started under Clinton and the growth of too big to fail financial institutions are a direct result of deregulation which removed the distinctions between banks, insurance companies and investment firms signed by Clinton not bush.

there is more than enough blame to spread around here and Obama's deficits are just the next government fiasco we have to look forward to.

About time for a change no?
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The media is still in lockstep though and we've seen and much influence those catchy soundbites have.
I'm still drinking coffee at 5:45 AM. I do have a real life: Working part-time four hours a day (2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon), dinner, a little TV, a little reading plucked from my 3-foot stack, and 7-8 hours sleep. Sorry.

Geez.... We all have a life. Generally gotta do my posting when I'm drinkin' my coffee, but I sometimes get a few in before the 4-5 hrs. sleep!

You seemed to be inferring that I was still lurking around USMB all night long, checking facts and stuff and should have gotten back to you sooner. Just sayin'...

Well now that you've spent all this time "just sayin'", I'm guessin' you're also up to speed by now! Might be a good idea to check facts (and stuff) before you post.... Just sayin'....
Geez.... We all have a life. Generally gotta do my posting when I'm drinkin' my coffee, but I sometimes get a few in before the 4-5 hrs. sleep!

You seemed to be inferring that I was still lurking around USMB all night long, checking facts and stuff and should have gotten back to you sooner. Just sayin'...

Well now that you've spent all this time "just sayin'", I'm guessin' you're also up to speed by now! Might be a good idea to check facts (and stuff) before you post.... Just sayin'....

What was the question? Or rather, what were YOU questioning? I'd be happy to respond directly to that. My "facts" on the Bush home ownership program were posted, if that's what you're talking about. Some people must think his enhancement of minority ownership never happened.

What else didn't I get right? I usually don't post anything unless I have solid backup for it.
You seemed to be inferring that I was still lurking around USMB all night long, checking facts and stuff and should have gotten back to you sooner. Just sayin'...

Well now that you've spent all this time "just sayin'", I'm guessin' you're also up to speed by now! Might be a good idea to check facts (and stuff) before you post.... Just sayin'....

What was the question? Or rather, what were YOU questioning? I'd be happy to respond directly to that. My "facts" on the Bush home ownership program were posted, if that's what you're talking about. Some people must think his enhancement of minority ownership never happened.

What else didn't I get right? I usually don't post anything unless I have solid backup for it.

Here ya go.


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