Nicki Minaj now getting death threats from the media

All Lefty Progs carry the same Defective Racist Genes their Sheet Wearing Cross Burning KKK Forefathers had.
Sheet wearing is so ancient history. Just like Repubs that freed the slaves but couldn't deport them so they created separate but equal societies to keep them away from whites.
She is lying because she is black. Nice.
Any lefty who posts negative comments about Nikki that aren't about how they hate Nikki because of how politically inconvenient it is that she came out against forced vaccines is a liar. There is only ONE reason why lefties are all hating on Nikki, so call them out on their lies.
Men and women living in a tribal area. Then they are invaded by others from other tribal areas. They do not want to be bothered as they are content in their lives. They are open to rounding out the edges to remove the corners. But you are insane. You are the Ku Klux Klan packaged in a different way backed by the media/entertainers/elites.
Thank you for your input. As always, I'll give your opinion all the consideration it deserves.
Lefties and their absolute fear of the truth is quite disturbing.

You poor ignorant sacks of shit. Many of you left wing communist cuck faggot assholes used to say:

"Blind faith in your leaders or in anything will get you killed." - Bruce Springsteen (1985)


Fuck each and every one of you hypocritical shitbirds.
Sheet wearing is so ancient history. Just like Repubs that freed the slaves but couldn't deport them so they created separate but equal societies to keep them away f on whites.
That opening post probably looks pretty scary. You won't even touch it with a ten foot pole.
Sheet wearing is so ancient history. Just like Repubs that freed the slaves but couldn't deport them so they created separate but equal societies to keep them away from whites.
We totally realize that you don't wear sheets anymore. You just wear clothing made by the tiny hands of Chinese slave children these days.

And Separate but Equal is a DimTard Policy, same as was Literacy tests, Poll Taxes and Jim Crow. The 666 KKK is strong within you as it was within your forefathers.

"I don't want my kids going to school with a bunch of jungle bunnies!" Joe Biden
Lying commie. She came out against forcing the jab, which means she is your political opponent. Quit with your vile lying.
I don't care here opinion as I don't care for her judgement. Not my enemy. She didn't prevent me from getting the shots and don't really care what happens to her if she gets Covid or not.
With people like you, everybody is a liar if you don't like or agree with what they are saying, but it just don't work that way.
Using bad music as an analogy is tantamount to using bad music as an excuse for entertainment which is what Nicki does well. Be sure to buy your copy of WAP for yer child today to show how you support the elimination of Trump's super vaccines.
We totally realize that you don't wear sheets anymore. You just wear clothing made by the tiny hands of Chinese slave children these days.

And Separate but Equal is a DimTard Policy, same as was Literacy tests, Poll Taxes and Jim Crow. The 666 KKK is strong within you as it was within your forefathers.

"I don't want my kids going to school with a bunch of jungle bunnies!" Joe Biden
I do wear sheets because not only are they kewl you always know where your bedding is at all times I did have them given to me from my Roman parents.
I don't care here opinion as I don't care for her judgement. Not my enemy. She didn't prevent me from getting the shots and don't really care what happens to her if she gets Covid or not.
With people like you, everybody is a liar if you don't like or agree with what they are saying, but it just don't work that way.
Why are you obsessed with some imagined utopia? You right wing nutbags are always going on about it.
If something costs taxpayers much less then what you pushed and now is permanent to still live, then you have in affect caused a potential massive potential carnage, death and destruction scenario if the resources sent out are interrupted for some reason. History tells us this happens. This is the United States now.
Lefties, so scared of a BIPOC woman who doesnt PARROT the lefty talking points.

You guys are really effed in the head.
Using bad music as an analogy is tantamount to using bad music as an excuse for entertainment which is what Nicki does well. Be sure to buy your copy of WAP for yer child today to show how you support the elimination of Trump's super vaccines.
Says the PC Puritan who wants to put all AntiVaxxers in Joe's "Wellness Camps" and who gets giddy at the thought of murdering 60 million babies.
Why are you obsessed with some imagined utopia? You right wing nutbags are always going on about it.

This is the land in which you lefties live. It is a place void of reality where the US can befriend terrorists by being nice and pay people not to work yet we can all drive Bentleys by taxing those mean, greedy, "rich" folks.
Xiden already told the world.

If BIPOC think for themselves and don't just BLINDLY go along with communist talking points....they are NOT BIPOC, according to the propaganda of communists.

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