Niger Another Foreign Affairs Screw-up By The Biden Administration!


Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2007
The Biden Administration really screwed-up on the country of Niger problem with our good, outstanding ally, democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum being ousted by the top general of the Presidential guard who when recently fired took up weapons to depose President Bazoum truthfully soley to preserve him and his men continuing to get money from the public trough. In the African continent where there is a lot of failed countries that let evil organizations like Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram groups and their affiliates operate unimpeded America had a great ally in President Bazoum who host 1500 U.S. troops to combat these radical Islamic groups in his country and try to be a role model for other African countries. What does the American government do when these military thugs trap President Bazoum and his family in the Presidential palace and take control of Niger it sits on its butt and does nothing and lets this toppling of our great ally go on without lifting a finger. When the coup was in its early stage America could have easily conducted a Special Forces mission to free President Bazoum and his family and took them to safety where President Bazoum could have organized an effort to get rid of these criminal Generals and restore the Democratic constitutional order back to Niger.

This is an alarming matter these radical Islamic groups; Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram are really evil organizations that pose an actual existential threat to America and western and modern culture, the Biden administration should not have let this moderate sized country in North Central Africa become an incubator for this evil jihadi ideology these groups proliferate. Only foolish people think that the radical Islamic evil at issue here will stay in Africa, people formed in this evil will move to entities that will bring this evil to America, good sense warrants this analysis! To be fair Congress also bears culpability here by not confirming appointees to U.S. government jobs whose duty is to facilitate America responding to these crises in an effective manner and where are members of Congress on this issue they should be tripping over themselves to get in the media to use their tongues to call for America to stop this expansion of evil in the world.

The American government should get on the job here. They should be looking for an opportunity to use our Special Forces to rescue President Bazoum and his family. They should be using our intelligence services to try to buy off some of the Niger military leaders supporting this coup not only offering money but a safe haven for them and their families in the United States if need be. Coup leaders that don't agree to turn away from the coup, America should use their Special Forces to try to kidnap them and hold them in the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba as aiders and abettors of al qaeda and Islamic State until they can be turned over to a constitutional Democratically elected Niger government and also use as leverage to get the coup leaders to reverse. America when it conducts these Special Forces military operations should come in heavy handed with combat jets and Apache helicopters and just kill as many of these coup's forces as can be reasonably justified as a needed part of the operation; use these operations to send a great deterrent message to militaries generally from any country planning or tempted to plan a coup that good people and good countries will make a great effort to kill you to stop the injustice and deter like injustice! What is going on in Niger is not a civil war, is not legitimate political division in a country that spills over into armed conflict; this is plain and simple criminal behavior a General with military power was going to lose his position and the wealth and nice life associated with it so he overthrew the President and other Generals in the Niger army didn't want to go through the hardship to fight this criminal General and do their duty to return the constitutionally elected President to power and so they supported the coup. Leaders and members of these jihadi groups in Niger are celebrating their good fortune in the removal of President Bazoum and the resulting taking pressure off of them; the question for the American government is do we come to the aid of an allied President who stuck his neck out for us or do we spout off lame excuses like it is too hard to reverse this and just move on!
The stuttering fuck probably got "Niger" mixed up with.....well, you can probably figure it out.

The Biden Administration really screwed-up on the country of Niger problem with our good, outstanding ally, democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum being ousted by the top general of the Presidential guard who when recently fired took up weapons to depose President Bazoum truthfully soley to preserve him and his men continuing to get money from the public trough. In the African continent where there is a lot of failed countries that let evil organizations like Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram groups and their affiliates operate unimpeded America had a great ally in President Bazoum who host 1500 U.S. troops to combat these radical Islamic groups in his country and try to be a role model for other African countries. What does the American government do when these military thugs trap President Bazoum and his family in the Presidential palace and take control of Niger it sits on its butt and does nothing and lets this toppling of our great ally go on without lifting a finger. When the coup was in its early stage America could have easily conducted a Special Forces mission to free President Bazoum and his family and took them to safety where President Bazoum could have organized an effort to get rid of these criminal Generals and restore the Democratic constitutional order back to Niger.

This is an alarming matter these radical Islamic groups; Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram are really evil organizations that pose an actual existential threat to America and western and modern culture, the Biden administration should not have let this moderate sized country in North Central Africa become an incubator for this evil jihadi ideology these groups proliferate. Only foolish people think that the radical Islamic evil at issue here will stay in Africa, people formed in this evil will move to entities that will bring this evil to America, good sense warrants this analysis! To be fair Congress also bears culpability here by not confirming appointees to U.S. government jobs whose duty is to facilitate America responding to these crises in an effective manner and where are members of Congress on this issue they should be tripping over themselves to get in the media to use their tongues to call for America to stop this expansion of evil in the world.

The American government should get on the job here. They should be looking for an opportunity to use our Special Forces to rescue President Bazoum and his family. They should be using our intelligence services to try to buy off some of the Niger military leaders supporting this coup not only offering money but a safe haven for them and their families in the United States if need be. Coup leaders that don't agree to turn away from the coup, America should use their Special Forces to try to kidnap them and hold them in the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba as aiders and abettors of al qaeda and Islamic State until they can be turned over to a constitutional Democratically elected Niger government and also use as leverage to get the coup leaders to reverse. America when it conducts these Special Forces military operations should come in heavy handed with combat jets and Apache helicopters and just kill as many of these coup's forces as can be reasonably justified as a needed part of the operation; use these operations to send a great deterrent message to militaries generally from any country planning or tempted to plan a coup that good people and good countries will make a great effort to kill you to stop the injustice and deter like injustice! What is going on in Niger is not a civil war, is not legitimate political division in a country that spills over into armed conflict; this is plain and simple criminal behavior a General with military power was going to lose his position and the wealth and nice life associated with it so he overthrew the President and other Generals in the Niger army didn't want to go through the hardship to fight this criminal General and do their duty to return the constitutionally elected President to power and so they supported the coup. Leaders and members of these jihadi groups in Niger are celebrating their good fortune in the removal of President Bazoum and the resulting taking pressure off of them; the question for the American government is do we come to the aid of an allied President who stuck his neck out for us or do we spout off lame excuses like it is too hard to reverse this and just move on!
The Biden Administration really screwed-up on the country of Niger problem with our good, outstanding ally, democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum being ousted by the top general of the Presidential guard who when recently fired took up weapons to depose President Bazoum truthfully soley to preserve him and his men continuing to get money from the public trough. In the African continent where there is a lot of failed countries that let evil organizations like Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram groups and their affiliates operate unimpeded America had a great ally in President Bazoum who host 1500 U.S. troops to combat these radical Islamic groups in his country and try to be a role model for other African countries. What does the American government do when these military thugs trap President Bazoum and his family in the Presidential palace and take control of Niger it sits on its butt and does nothing and lets this toppling of our great ally go on without lifting a finger. When the coup was in its early stage America could have easily conducted a Special Forces mission to free President Bazoum and his family and took them to safety where President Bazoum could have organized an effort to get rid of these criminal Generals and restore the Democratic constitutional order back to Niger.

This is an alarming matter these radical Islamic groups; Islamic State, al qaeda and Boko Haram are really evil organizations that pose an actual existential threat to America and western and modern culture, the Biden administration should not have let this moderate sized country in North Central Africa become an incubator for this evil jihadi ideology these groups proliferate. Only foolish people think that the radical Islamic evil at issue here will stay in Africa, people formed in this evil will move to entities that will bring this evil to America, good sense warrants this analysis! To be fair Congress also bears culpability here by not confirming appointees to U.S. government jobs whose duty is to facilitate America responding to these crises in an effective manner and where are members of Congress on this issue they should be tripping over themselves to get in the media to use their tongues to call for America to stop this expansion of evil in the world.

The American government should get on the job here. They should be looking for an opportunity to use our Special Forces to rescue President Bazoum and his family. They should be using our intelligence services to try to buy off some of the Niger military leaders supporting this coup not only offering money but a safe haven for them and their families in the United States if need be. Coup leaders that don't agree to turn away from the coup, America should use their Special Forces to try to kidnap them and hold them in the prison at Guantanamo Bay Cuba as aiders and abettors of al qaeda and Islamic State until they can be turned over to a constitutional Democratically elected Niger government and also use as leverage to get the coup leaders to reverse. America when it conducts these Special Forces military operations should come in heavy handed with combat jets and Apache helicopters and just kill as many of these coup's forces as can be reasonably justified as a needed part of the operation; use these operations to send a great deterrent message to militaries generally from any country planning or tempted to plan a coup that good people and good countries will make a great effort to kill you to stop the injustice and deter like injustice! What is going on in Niger is not a civil war, is not legitimate political division in a country that spills over into armed conflict; this is plain and simple criminal behavior a General with military power was going to lose his position and the wealth and nice life associated with it so he overthrew the President and other Generals in the Niger army didn't want to go through the hardship to fight this criminal General and do their duty to return the constitutionally elected President to power and so they supported the coup. Leaders and members of these jihadi groups in Niger are celebrating their good fortune in the removal of President Bazoum and the resulting taking pressure off of them; the question for the American government is do we come to the aid of an allied President who stuck his neck out for us or do we spout off lame excuses like it is too hard to reverse this and just move on!


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