Nigerian restaurant shut down for CANNIBALISM!!


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
And obozo wants millions of these illiterate savage african cannibals to come to america and go on our welfare rolls and attend out schools.

Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN flesh Daily Mail Online

may 15 2015


Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN FLESH - and had bags in kitchen containing heads that were still bleeding
  • Police raided the restaurant after locals reported it was selling human meat
  • They discovered human heads which were still dripping blood into plastic bags
  • Weapons including grenades also found during the raid in Anambra region
  • Ten people have so far been arrested in connection to the various crimes
And obozo wants millions of these illiterate savage african cannibals to come to america and go on our welfare rolls and attend out schools.

Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN flesh Daily Mail Online

may 15 2015


Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN FLESH - and had bags in kitchen containing heads that were still bleeding
  • Police raided the restaurant after locals reported it was selling human meat
  • They discovered human heads which were still dripping blood into plastic bags
  • Weapons including grenades also found during the raid in Anambra region
  • Ten people have so far been arrested in connection to the various crimes
And open restaurants.
And obozo wants millions of these illiterate savage african cannibals to come to america and go on our welfare rolls and attend out schools.

Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN flesh Daily Mail Online

may 15 2015


Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN FLESH - and had bags in kitchen containing heads that were still bleeding
  • Police raided the restaurant after locals reported it was selling human meat
  • They discovered human heads which were still dripping blood into plastic bags
  • Weapons including grenades also found during the raid in Anambra region
  • Ten people have so far been arrested in connection to the various crimes

Dunno if there's any objective reason not to eat human flesh. Eat every other kind afterall. :)
Ask Anything Would Cannibalism Make You Fat Popular Science

"Taken as a whole, a cooked cadaver would yield about 81,500 calories’ worth of food, says James Cole, a lecturer on human origins at the University of Brighton in England. But that’s only if you wolfed down every part that could be consumed. To create his “nutritional template” for cannibalism, Cole used body-composition data published in the 1940s and ’50s, drawn from four dead males between the ages of 35 and 65. From these he built something like a beef chart for human beings, with caloric content listed for every cut of person-meat.

A human arm would supply about 1,800 calories, for example, while each leg would yield 7,150 calories.

Cole determined that a human arm would supply about 1,800 calories, for example, while each leg would yield 7,150 calories. The lungs, liver, and alimentary canal each provide roughly 1,500 calories, while the brain, spinal cord, and nerve trunks together account for 2,700. And what lurks in the hearts of men? Seven hundred twenty-two calories, Cole says."

Admit it, you always wondered. :)
As with most exotic food consumption, a person's major obstacle is entirely psychological. If you didn't know what you were eating, very few have any particular objection. Plus, if you're okay with oral sex, you're already practicing a limited form of cannibalism likely ingesting your partner's fluids. :)
As with most exotic food consumption, a person's major obstacle is entirely psychological. If you didn't know what you were eating, very few have any particular objection. Plus, if you're okay with oral sex, you're already practicing a limited form of cannibalism likely ingesting your partner's fluids. :)

HAHAHA. Listen to the silly liberals try to spin this awful story. Face it - africans are animals and decent americans don't want them here..
As with most exotic food consumption, a person's major obstacle is entirely psychological. If you didn't know what you were eating, very few have any particular objection. Plus, if you're okay with oral sex, you're already practicing a limited form of cannibalism likely ingesting your partner's fluids. :)

HAHAHA. Listen to the silly liberals try to spin this awful story. Face it - africans are animals and decent americans don't want them here..

How would the likes of you know what decent Americans want?
I'm wondering how these animals acquired the human meat. Did they actually go out and slaughter people, or maybe use a group like Boko Haram to supply them on a daily basis?
I'm wondering how these animals acquired the human meat. Did they actually go out and slaughter people, or maybe use a group like Boko Haram to supply them on a daily basis?

I'm wondering how these animals acquired the human meat. Did they actually go out and slaughter people, or maybe use a group like Boko Haram to supply them on a daily basis?

The "Alfred Packer Grill" in the Univ of Colorado student union is named after this guy: :lol:

Alferd Packer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On April 16, 1874, Packer arrived at Los Pinos Indian Agency near Gunnison. He spent some time in a saloon in Saguache, Colorado, where he met several of his original party. Packer claimed he had acted in self-defense, but his story was not believed. According to a local newspaper, the presiding judge, M.B. Gerry, said:

“ Stand up yah voracious man-eatin' sonofabitch and receive yir sintince. When yah came to Hinsdale County, there was siven Dimmycrats. But you, yah et five of 'em, goddam yah. I sintince yah t' be hanged by th' neck ontil yer dead, dead, dead, as a warnin' ag'in reducin' th' Dimmycratic populayshun of this county. Packer, you Republican cannibal, I would sintince ya ta hell but the statutes forbid it.[7]
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I'll have my filet of human butt medium / well, with a side of peppercorn sauce.
I'm wondering how these animals acquired the human meat. Did they actually go out and slaughter people, or maybe use a group like Boko Haram to supply them on a daily basis?

I'm wondering how these animals acquired the human meat. Did they actually go out and slaughter people, or maybe use a group like Boko Haram to supply them on a daily basis?

The "Alfred Packer Grill" in the Univ of Colorado student union is named after this guy: :lol:

Alferd Packer - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

On April 16, 1874, Packer arrived at Los Pinos Indian Agency near Gunnison. He spent some time in a saloon in Saguache, Colorado, where he met several of his original party. Packer claimed he had acted in self-defense, but his story was not believed. According to a local newspaper, the presiding judge, M.B. Gerry, said:

“ Stand up yah voracious man-eatin' sonofabitch and receive yir sintince. When yah came to Hinsdale County, there was siven Dimmycrats. But you, yah et five of 'em, goddam yah. I sintince yah t' be hanged by th' neck ontil yer dead, dead, dead, as a warnin' ag'in reducin' th' Dimmycratic populayshun of this county. Packer, you Republican cannibal, I would sintince ya ta hell but the statutes forbid it.[7]

It has been referred to as "long pig".

I'd rather eat a coon or squirrel first, but, in a jam, a man gotta eat.
And obozo wants millions of these illiterate savage african cannibals to come to america and go on our welfare rolls and attend out schools.

Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN flesh Daily Mail Online

may 15 2015


Nigerian restaurant shut down for serving HUMAN FLESH - and had bags in kitchen containing heads that were still bleeding
  • Police raided the restaurant after locals reported it was selling human meat
  • They discovered human heads which were still dripping blood into plastic bags
  • Weapons including grenades also found during the raid in Anambra region
  • Ten people have so far been arrested in connection to the various crimes
And open restaurants.
Good thinking. Be very specific about where those restaurants are opened and lots of problems will begin to solve themselves.
It has been referred to as "long pig".

I'd rather eat a coon or squirrel first, but, in a jam, a man gotta eat.

Yeah, I'd imagine we're salty dawgs.....I don't eat organ meat.....figure liver and kidneys are like an oil filter....full of sludge collected over the years. Human liver with residue pesticides, heavy metals, hepatitus, sclerosis, pharmaceuticals, etc. has to be one of the most despicable tasting substances on the face of earth. :puke:
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Are you implying that there's something wrong with eating a pussy? Millions of Americans do that too!
Everyone brings his own culture to this country. Why are you surprising? You welcome all the immigrants to the USA and at the same time dislike when they are eating their traditional food made of human meat. Believe me there are still many rituals and traditions around the world which do not fit our mentality and Constitution. Do you still want try? Are you still tolerant?

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