NIH wasteful spending, not budget cuts, hurt Ebola research


Gold Member
Dec 31, 2010
Sen. Paul Rand said, wasteful spending, not budget cuts, hurt a push by the NIH wasteful spending, not budget cuts, hurt Ebola researchNational Institutes of Health to develop a vaccine for Ebola.

On WednesdayMr. Paultweeted an article posted by The Daily Mail, listing various studies conducted byNIH, including

$2.4 million spent on “origami condoms” and $257,000 spent on a companion website for first lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden.

And at a rally to boost Virginia GOP congressional candidates, Mr. Paul said it was wrong for NIH officials to claim they’ve been shortchanged.

“We have people who go blithely on TV and say ‘we don’t have enough money to study Ebola.’ Have you seen what theNIHspends money on?”Mr. Paulsaid, The Washington Post reported.

“Nine hundred and thirty-nine thousand dollars spent to discover whether or not male fruit flies would like to consort with younger female fruit flies,

$117,000 spent to determine that most monkeys are right-handed and like to throw poop with their right hand apparently.”

In an interview with The Huffington Post,NIHdirector Dr. Francis Collins said that funding cuts had “slowed down” research for vaccinations for infectious diseases such as Ebola.

Read more:Rand Paul NIH wasteful spending not budget cuts hurt Ebola research - Washington Times
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Read more:Obama administration ignored the CDC s Ebola outbreak prevention advice given in 2008 - Washington Times
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I do believe, that if they looked very closely at their budgets, they could find they could see who received the grants, and that the scientific results were miniscule in importance when it came to finding cures for diseases.

Perhaps if the Congress could see that the NIH took their responsibility more seriously there wouldn't be a need for cuts in their budgets.

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