Nike shares hit as Kapernick ad spurs boycott


Is nobody capable of looking beyond 20 minutes into the future?

You really think the folks at Nike are going "well, we did not see that coming"...of course they did, they knew it was going to happen, hell they were counting on it happening. What is the old saying, "any press is good press".

Are you sports fan? When you watch a football game, do you say after the first incomplete pass, "well that passing stuff is not working out!"

This is not about today or this week, this is about 10 years from now, 20 years from now.

I wonder, if their stock gains back the 3 points that it lost today by Friday will you be like "well, that worked great"?

They have a nice new shiny 8 year contract with the NFL to tide them over until the middle aged white guys quit being mad at them!

Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.

My disdain for your opinion has every bit as much relevance to this thread as your opinion does.

Back in reality, "most analysts" means what it always means when you spew it: the people my narrow slice of leftist media quotes to gloss over stories they don't like.

But you just keep right on telling yourself that the left has a stranglehold on the information flow, and AAAALLLL the young people slavishly adhere to your worldview, and the only people who think you're pieces of shit are "old white people who will die and leave us FINALLY in charge where we belong". God, PLEASE keep telling yourself that, because I'm really enjoying watching you two-brain-cell lefties delude yourselves into oblivion.

LOL...and yet, you seem to keep reading his opinions.

Perhaps your disdain for them is not as large as you claim.

Is nobody capable of looking beyond 20 minutes into the future?

You really think the folks at Nike are going "well, we did not see that coming"...of course they did, they knew it was going to happen, hell they were counting on it happening. What is the old saying, "any press is good press".

Are you sports fan? When you watch a football game, do you say after the first incomplete pass, "well that passing stuff is not working out!"

This is not about today or this week, this is about 10 years from now, 20 years from now.

I wonder, if their stock gains back the 3 points that it lost today by Friday will you be like "well, that worked great"?

They have a nice new shiny 8 year contract with the NFL to tide them over until the middle aged white guys quit being mad at them!

Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.

Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


If your 'disdain' and other feelings had any relevance to Nike's stock price, perhaps.

Alas, your feelings don't really play into this. With Nike having received massive publicity and endorsements for their newest campaign. And the 'fury' of angry old white people of a mere 3 dollar drop....dissolving by the day.

At the current rate of ascent, Nike's stock will be back to pre-Kapernick level by the middle of next week.
Because the other side demands that black people’s lives should not matter

Kneeling during the National Anthem has nothing to do with our feelings about BLM or any of your other plethora of imagined slights.
This whole thing is about a slight you inbreds have imagined up, you trash little redneck.
So I am only imagining these assholes are kneeling during the anthem?

LOL gawd you’re an idiot.
You are imagining that it’s against the military and other nonsense.

Being a veteran and working with the military for nearly 20 years, I can easily say yes it is insulting to the military.
Thank you for your service.
Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


LOL...that is the best you have? Some grade school insult with zero data to back it up? So noted.

So you don't like politically, open-minded people who give positions and then generally post links to data to backup said positions?
Oh..that's right. You are (apparently) a Trumpbot. You hate all those whom do not conform to your messiah's words AND/OR all those who do not sleep rolled up in the American flag every night.

If that is the best you have, I fear your intellectual/emotional resources are rather limited.

I will be more specific with clearly want Nike to lose money because of this ad. Specificallly, you are trying to punish CK for exercising his First Amendment right to free expression. Which is pretty pathetic.

Second. You are imparting an emotional attachment to an inanimate object (the national anthem). My experience has been that people like that tend to be lacking intellect and/or emotional stability.

Third. You are trying to force others to share an emotional attachment to said inanimate object. And that is just down right silly.
It's one thing to love Chevy Camaro's (another inanimate object). It's another thing to start freaking out (like you apparently are) when others do not love them as much as you do.

To sum are making a jackass of yourself...and clearly you do not even realize it (which makes it even more sad).

Hey...don't say I did not warn you.

I assume your reply to this post will be silly and I will not waste my time reading it.

So, I guess we are done here.

Ahh, the heck with it. Your posts seem full of little more then closed-minded opinions with ample doses of bile and are off to my ignore list.

Have a wonderful day.
Last edited:
Because the other side demands that black people’s lives should not matter

Kneeling during the National Anthem has nothing to do with our feelings about BLM or any of your other plethora of imagined slights.
This whole thing is about a slight you inbreds have imagined up, you trash little redneck.
So I am only imagining these assholes are kneeling during the anthem?

LOL gawd you’re an idiot.
You are imagining that it’s against the military and other nonsense.

Being a veteran and working with the military for nearly 20 years, I can easily say yes it is insulting to the military.
Not as insulting to them as the cheering of dead black people is to black people.
OMG. You can’t get any dumber.

Never bet on that. They can ALWAYS get dumber.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


If your 'disdain' and other feelings had any relevance to Nike's stock price, perhaps.

Alas, your feelings don't really play into this. With Nike having received massive publicity and endorsements for their newest campaign. And the 'fury' of angry old white people of a mere 3 dollar drop....dissolving by the day.

At the current rate of ascent, Nike's stock will be back to pre-Kapernick level by the middle of next week.

"Alas, your opinion is irrelevant because feelings don't play into this. MY opinion, however, is brilliant gospel because rich people know everything, OBVIOUSLY!"

. . . . Aaaaand the repeat of the "angry old white people!!!" meme pushes you into the ignorant parrot category.

You can go. I wouldn't want Nike's BoD to have to wait too long to be serviced.
More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


If your 'disdain' and other feelings had any relevance to Nike's stock price, perhaps.

Alas, your feelings don't really play into this. With Nike having received massive publicity and endorsements for their newest campaign. And the 'fury' of angry old white people of a mere 3 dollar drop....dissolving by the day.

At the current rate of ascent, Nike's stock will be back to pre-Kapernick level by the middle of next week.

Nike out preformed the market again today.
Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.

My disdain for your opinion has every bit as much relevance to this thread as your opinion does.

Back in reality, "most analysts" means what it always means when you spew it: the people my narrow slice of leftist media quotes to gloss over stories they don't like.

But you just keep right on telling yourself that the left has a stranglehold on the information flow, and AAAALLLL the young people slavishly adhere to your worldview, and the only people who think you're pieces of shit are "old white people who will die and leave us FINALLY in charge where we belong". God, PLEASE keep telling yourself that, because I'm really enjoying watching you two-brain-cell lefties delude yourselves into oblivion.

LOL...and yet, you seem to keep reading his opinions.

Perhaps your disdain for them is not as large as you claim.

Ahhh, yes. The new leftist talking point: "If you don't ignore us and let us speak without response, we must be winning!!!"

Don't ever wonder why you are a blessing to your opponents, Twinkles.
Stocks can certainly bounce back from bad decisions like this, but they would have been in an even better position had they simply hired any other athlete.

Once again, you cannot see past the next 20 minutes.

Forgive me, but I will just go with the idea that Nike knows more about this than you do.

Forgive me, but I don't assume that rich people are infallible.
Clearly they are. They fucked up bad, now they have to pay for it, literally.

Laughing....their stock is down by about a 1.75....less than half of its post Kapernick announcement lows. The stock has been trending upward for 3 days.

They took a slight hit at the announcement and are recovering quickly. At this pace they'll hit their pre-announcement highs by the middle of next week.
A 4 billion dollar "slight hit". :laugh:

Out of 135 billion, yeah it is. Context is everything.
More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


LOL...that is the best you have? Some grade school insult with zero data to back it up? So noted.

So you don't like politically, open-minded people who give positions and then generally post links to data to backup said positions?
Oh..that's right. You are (apparently) a Trumpbot. You hate all those whom do not conform to your messiah's words AND/OR all those who do not sleep rolled up in the American flag every night.

If that is the best you have, I fear your intellectual/emotional resources are rather limited.

I will be more specific with clearly want Nike to lose money because of this ad. Specificallly, you are trying to punish CK for exercising his First Amendment right to free expression. Which is pretty pathetic.

Second. You are imparting an emotional attachment to an inanimate object (the national anthem). My experience has been that people like that tend to be lacking intellect and/or emotional stability.

Third. You are trying to force others to share an emotional attachment to said inanimate object. And that is just down right silly.
It's one thing to love Chevy Camaro's (another inanimate object). It's another thing to start freaking out (like you apparently are) when others do not love them as much as you do.

To sum are making a jackass of yourself...and clearly you do not even realize it (which makes it even more sad).

Hey...don't say I did not warn you.

I assume your reply to this post will be silly and I will not waste my time reading it.

So, I guess we are done here.

Ahh, the heck with it. Your posts seem full of little more then closed-minded opinions with ample doses of bile and are off to my ignore list.

Have a wonderful day.

Honey, you showed up. How much more wonderful could a day be for the people you disagree with?
Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.

Dude, you supporting Skylar's position is the best argument I could ever get for MY position.


If your 'disdain' and other feelings had any relevance to Nike's stock price, perhaps.

Alas, your feelings don't really play into this. With Nike having received massive publicity and endorsements for their newest campaign. And the 'fury' of angry old white people of a mere 3 dollar drop....dissolving by the day.

At the current rate of ascent, Nike's stock will be back to pre-Kapernick level by the middle of next week.

"Alas, your opinion is irrelevant because feelings don't play into this. MY opinion, however, is brilliant gospel because rich people know everything, OBVIOUSLY!"

. . . . Aaaaand the repeat of the "angry old white people!!!" meme pushes you into the ignorant parrot category.

You can go. I wouldn't want Nike's BoD to have to wait too long to be serviced.

You're taking this all far too personally. Nike is just a company that made a business decision to pick the same side on a social issue as its primary demographics.

And most analysts agree its a solid call on Nike's part in the longer term. And the negative effects in the shorter term appearing to be slightly lower stock prices for about a week.

Which isn't that big a deal. Especially on a stock up over 50% on the year.
Once again, you cannot see past the next 20 minutes.

Forgive me, but I will just go with the idea that Nike knows more about this than you do.

Forgive me, but I don't assume that rich people are infallible.
Clearly they are. They fucked up bad, now they have to pay for it, literally.

Laughing....their stock is down by about a 1.75....less than half of its post Kapernick announcement lows. The stock has been trending upward for 3 days.

They took a slight hit at the announcement and are recovering quickly. At this pace they'll hit their pre-announcement highs by the middle of next week.
A 4 billion dollar "slight hit". :laugh:

Out of 135 billion, yeah it is. Context is everything.

The context I'm seeing here is that it's easy to dismiss 4 billion as "a slight hit" when not a single penny of it is YOURS.
Forgive me, but I don't assume that rich people are infallible.
Clearly they are. They fucked up bad, now they have to pay for it, literally.

Laughing....their stock is down by about a 1.75....less than half of its post Kapernick announcement lows. The stock has been trending upward for 3 days.

They took a slight hit at the announcement and are recovering quickly. At this pace they'll hit their pre-announcement highs by the middle of next week.
A 4 billion dollar "slight hit". :laugh:

Out of 135 billion, yeah it is. Context is everything.

The context I'm seeing here is that it's easy to dismiss 4 billion as "a slight hit" when not a single penny of it is YOURS.

Do you own Nike stocks? If not then a penny of it is not your either.

Nike is up more than 53% in the last year, do you think investors are really pissed about this blip on the radar? Hell, they have gotten 2.5 of that 4 billion back already.
Forgive me, but I don't assume that rich people are infallible.
Clearly they are. They fucked up bad, now they have to pay for it, literally.

Laughing....their stock is down by about a 1.75....less than half of its post Kapernick announcement lows. The stock has been trending upward for 3 days.

They took a slight hit at the announcement and are recovering quickly. At this pace they'll hit their pre-announcement highs by the middle of next week.
A 4 billion dollar "slight hit". :laugh:

Out of 135 billion, yeah it is. Context is everything.

The context I'm seeing here is that it's easy to dismiss 4 billion as "a slight hit" when not a single penny of it is YOURS.

Market cap is a figure that constantly shifts and in short term blips generally doesn't amount to much. Nike has already recovered nearly half of that in only a few days.

For example, Nike's market cap has shifted by an order of magnitude more over the last year. The slight dip in stock prices from the Kapernick announcement is on course to play itself out in about a week.

With Nike having received an immense amount of publicity and taken a side on a social issue that generally aligns with their primary demo. The costs don't amount to much. The benefits are potentially enormous. Which is why most analysts consider Nike's plan a solid choice.'re talking about, aren't you?
Show me on the doll where Nike hurt you

View attachment 214603

Seems Nike hurt themselves. 4 billion isn't chump change.

Under Armor is a better product anyway

All the experience I have had with UA is that their capital goes into marketing and their shit is cheap junk. After two shoe purchases, three ball purchases and multiply "wardrobe failures," his mom can buy into that crap, I'm not throwing good money after bad.
Under Armour is rated "Bad" with 2.0 / 10 on Trustpilot

I can think of so many brands that my boy has worn out, or broken and torn up. Wilson always seems to take the most punishment. Clothing, shoes, equipment; that shit lasts and takes a beating.



Sorry but as a mother of four teen girls I can attest kids don't find Wilson a fashion statement. Matter of fact I don't think Ive ever seen Wilson where they usually shop

Teens, certainly teen girls, are after one thing. Style and fashion

I know that, that's why I said, his mother can encourage idiocy, I won't.
Clearly they are. They fucked up bad, now they have to pay for it, literally.

Laughing....their stock is down by about a 1.75....less than half of its post Kapernick announcement lows. The stock has been trending upward for 3 days.

They took a slight hit at the announcement and are recovering quickly. At this pace they'll hit their pre-announcement highs by the middle of next week.
A 4 billion dollar "slight hit". :laugh:

Out of 135 billion, yeah it is. Context is everything.

The context I'm seeing here is that it's easy to dismiss 4 billion as "a slight hit" when not a single penny of it is YOURS.

Do you own Nike stocks? If not then a penny of it is not your either.

Nike is up more than 53% in the last year, do you think investors are really pissed about this blip on the radar? Hell, they have gotten 2.5 of that 4 billion back already.

Exactly. Investors are concerned with quarterly and yearly trends. Not a small blip that is on course to evaporate in about a week. Especially when its in exchange for massive publicity.

Is nobody capable of looking beyond 20 minutes into the future?

You really think the folks at Nike are going "well, we did not see that coming"...of course they did, they knew it was going to happen, hell they were counting on it happening. What is the old saying, "any press is good press".

Are you sports fan? When you watch a football game, do you say after the first incomplete pass, "well that passing stuff is not working out!"

This is not about today or this week, this is about 10 years from now, 20 years from now.

I wonder, if their stock gains back the 3 points that it lost today by Friday will you be like "well, that worked great"?

They have a nice new shiny 8 year contract with the NFL to tide them over until the middle aged white guys quit being mad at them!

Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.
Those kids parents buy their expensive Nike shoes. I imagine a lot of kids wont be wearing them from now on. They will become fans of different brands as a result. Reebok is loving this Kap nonsense.
Nike counted on cashing in on the controversy, but they're betting that the left wins the culture war, and that the right forgets them in a week and goes on about its business, the way it used to do.

If they're wrong, then Colin Whoosywhatsit is going to be remembered as an asshole, and they're going to be remembered as anti-American. And they are by no means guaranteed to win their bet, no matter what you think.

More accurately, they are betting that picking a side on a sports related social issue will appeal to their primary demographic: younger folks.

And what is remembered depends largely on who is remembering. With the folks most offended by Nike's call....old, angry white people, having a limited shelf life for remembering anything. While the younger demo having much, much more time.

Nice try, Sparky, but I've never given a tin shit about your warped perspective on the world before, so what makes you think I'm going to accept it as gospel now?

I wish you lots of luck somehow turning Colin Whatshisnose into a hero without reminding people to be pissed off at the little shit every time they see him.

If what you 'gave tin shits about' had a thing to do with Nike's sales or stock performance, your post might have some relevance to this thread.

Back in reality, most analysts have concluded that Nike will win the one, as the demos they are targetting are younger. Not angry old white people.


Celebrities show their support of Colin Kaepernick's Nike ad
Nike's Colin Kaepernick Deal Adds Up When You See Customer Data ... And We Did

Young people generally support him...and they are the demographic Nike is shooting for...not old conservatives.

If Chevy Trucks had done this...I would say, 'they will regret it BIG time'.
But Nike? I am not sure...but my guess is it will not hurt them REMOTELY as much as Trumpbots hope it does. It could even help them BIG time.
Those kids parents buy their expensive Nike shoes. I imagine a lot of kids wont be wearing them from now on. They will become fans of different brands as a result. Reebok is loving this Kap nonsense.

How many kids parents are going to give in when little Jimmy comes home all upset because he is the only one without the new LeBrons?

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