Nikki Haley alleged she was set up by Democratic 'plant' after being asked what caused the Civil War

That answer's gonna go over like a lead balloon. Seeing as people are just finally starting to warm up to her as a possible Trump alternative, she sounds like she's descending into conspiracy theories to explain her screw up.
Oh well, Trump it is. :)
Again, if this hasn't registered with you, let me reinforce it. Iowa and New Hampshire are IRRELEVANT in choosing a Presidential nominee in our current electoral system. Whatever voting patterns happen in these two states...means nothing. Reach beyond to Nevada and South Carolina and you'll find the comments don't play as well in a more diverse population. :)
Contrary to the diplomas MAGAts have earned from Google High School, the Civil War was fought over slavery. More specifically, it was fought over whether slavery would be allowed to expand. Lincoln was not even demanding the end of slavery, merely restrictions on its spread. Not many southerners owned slaves, and fewer still owned more than a few slaves Whether slavery expanded or not made little difference in their lives. They fought and died to preserve the wealth of their feudal oligarchs and for a system that modern economic analysis shows was hurting the average White southerner: if labor was free and slaves could fulfill needs for craftwork, there was little need to pay for White workers and little need for a middle class of entrepreneurs. Other than some farm owners, there was not much of a middle class in the South.
The average White southerner fought and died for a struggle that was contrary to their true self-interest. The question is why? There were a few reasons. They had been trained to obedience by generations of quasi-feudalism. Also, there is the regional chauvinism one always finds among the poorly educated especially - a kind of tribal instinct. I think the main reason, though, was that as long as there were oppressed Black people around, southern losers could tell themselves that as sad as they were, at least they weren't black. This seems to be the force that continues to drive cowardly southern bigots today. Of course, as the freed slave moved North, we saw the same effects and results on Northern losers, and see it still today.
Revisionist bigots like to point to other disputes that did indeed exist. For example, the South threatened several times to secede over tariffs that protected northern industries but made everything more expensive for southerners. When Calhoun threatened to secede over tariffs, Jackson said he would hang the first "nullifier" he could find from the first tree he could find. (Nullifiers believed states had the right to "nullify" federal laws). Southern threats of secession fizzled. Of course, everybody has heard poorly educated apologists for Southern treason squawk, "It was about STATES' RIGHTS!" It works on those who lack the critical thinking skills to ask, "What rights?" There was only one. America's Third World had bitched since our creation about one thing or another. There was only ONE reason they were willing to fight for, though: the demand that slavery be allowed everywhere.

Can you do a boring, long winded rant on the southern strategy next?
The very next day, the opinion had changed to we can’t allow them to leave the Union. You see the folks on the Editorial Board had realized that the funding of the Government was by Tariffs. And the biggest export was Cotton, from the Southern States. So economy was a reason. Not the only reason, but a reason.
Cotton was an export. You put tariffs on imports.
her explanation is pure bullshit - she answered the same question years ago & refused to acknowledge the #1 reason then or now.

watch the whole thing, or jump to 3:55 for her weasley answer from back then.
Stop dry humping the RINO
The treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about keeping human beings enslaved.

‘A geographical line has been drawn across the Union, and all the States north of that line have united in the election of a man to the high office of President of the United States, whose opinions and purposes are hostile to slavery. He is to be entrusted with the administration of the common Government, because he has declared that that “Government cannot endure permanently half slave, half free,” and that the public mind must rest in the belief that slavery is in the course of ultimate extinction. . . .

On the 4th day of March next, this party will take possession of the Government. It has announced that the South shall be excluded from the common territory, that the judicial tribunals shall be made sectional, and that a war must be waged against slavery until it shall cease throughout the United States. The guaranties of the Constitution will then no longer exist; the equal rights of the States will be lost. The slaveholding States will no longer have the power of self-government, or self-protection, and the Federal Government will have become their enemy. . .’

South Carolina Declaration of Secession (1860)
‘Republican presidential candidate Nikki Haley, who is facing backlash over her response to a question about the Civil War at a New Hampshire campaign event, alleged without evidence Thursday that that the questioner was potentially a Democratic "plant."’

It was a perfectly legitimate question to ask Haley, regardless of the politics of the person asking the question.

It’s also telling that Haley would perceive acknowledging the fact that the South started the war to preserve slavery as a political ‘gotcha.’
It didn't tell me anything----I did not see the usefulness of the question EXCEPT as a "GOTCHA"
It didn't tell me anything----I did not see the usefulness of the question EXCEPT as a "GOTCHA"
It tells us a great deal, demonstrated by conservatives responding to this thread.

It tells us that Republicans continue to push the lie that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 wasn’t about slavery – when in fact it very much was about preserving slavery; knowing this, Haley dodged telling the truth to not alienate Republican primary voters.

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