Nikki Haley alleged she was set up by Democratic 'plant' after being asked what caused the Civil War

Turns out she offended the bigot base on the left by not caving with a woke answer.
Because nothing says thoughtful rebuttal like an awkward I-know-you-are.

And, contrary to what some Googler working on his GED said earlier here, "preserving the union" was the reason the North fought, I say Balderdash! It was probably Lincoln's highest priority, but the Northern population was more motivated by fighting against slavery. This was partly the result of the portrayal of slavery in the very popular Uncle Tom's Cabin. The biggest spark, however, was the Dred Scott decision. In deciding that Scott was property and not a person, (a legally proper decision, according to how our Constitution dealt with our original sin at the time), the Court was also saying there was no place for a slave to run and find freedom. Essentially, the Court had ruled that slavery was legal everywhere. The North was not going to put up with that. Fighting slavery became THE reason for them.
I mean, think about it. Preserve the Union? Bullshit. Who the hell would want Alabama or Mississippi? Wacko Floriduh? C'mon.
True. The northerners didn't care. But it is written that preserving the union was the excuse Lincoln was trying to use to get northerners to fight. Because northerners didn't GAF.

New Census Numbers Show Americans Are Ditching Blue …

The South has been the big winner in the moving game, according to a Census Bureau news release.

"The expansion of the South — the nation’s most populous region — accounted for 87% of the nation’s growth in 2023, as the region added over 1.4 million residents for a total population of 130,125,290," the bureau said.

Indeed, not even COVID-19 stopped the burgeoning region.
Nikki was Gov. of SC. They knew that question would be politically dicey for her because a lot of those Southern voters are still fighting the Civil War.
Remember, this is the same woman who had the stars and bars removed from the South Carolina, when that seemed to be the way the wind was blowing.
Whilst supporting that flag in earlier conversations with voters.
And, contrary to what some Googler working on his GED said earlier here, "preserving the union" was the reason the North fought, I say Balderdash! It was probably Lincoln's highest priority, but the Northern population was more motivated by fighting against slavery. This was partly the result of the portrayal of slavery in the very popular Uncle Tom's Cabin. The biggest spark, however, was the Dred Scott decision. In deciding that Scott was property and not a person, (a legally proper decision, according to how our Constitution dealt with our original sin at the time), the Court was also saying there was no place for a slave to run and find freedom. Essentially, the Court had ruled that slavery was legal everywhere. The North was not going to put up with that. Fighting slavery became THE reason for them.
I mean, think about it. Preserve the Union? Bullshit. Who the hell would want Alabama or Mississippi? Wacko Floriduh? C'mon.

I mentioned in another reply that an 80% correct answer was slavery for the Confederates. The reasons for the Union fighting were, like the Confederates, varied.

On the day South Carolina seceded, or I guess I should say the day the news arrived in New York, the Times ran an editorial that basically said let them go. We don’t want or need those hicks in our nation anyway.

The very next day, the opinion had changed to we can’t allow them to leave the Union. You see the folks on the Editorial Board had realized that the funding of the Government was by Tariffs. And the biggest export was Cotton, from the Southern States. So economy was a reason. Not the only reason, but a reason.

The more I study history, the more I’m convinced that it is never one thing. Oh one thing may be the biggest reason, but it isn’t the only reason.
She should have answered it honestly....It was over a state's right to leave the Union.

It does not matter anyway, she will lose to Trump in her home state.

I can't belive she claims the person who asked the question was a plant.
Wtf was so tricky about the question that it should not just be answered?
it was basically a "have you stopped beating your husband' question.
it was meant to push a button, no matter how she answered.

and we can see whose buttons got pushed.

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