Nikki Haley Digs A Deeper Hole w/her "I Have A Black Friend" Excuse

Republican politicians continue to stumble on race, twisting themselves into knots trying to avoid offending the racist right.

If Hailey had simply told the truth that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about preserving slavery, she wouldn’t be in this hole.
Well, she's not beating Trump unless lightening strikes and Fatso Gets the F out, but I don't see what "hole" she's in with gopers over slavery. I mean, seriously, there's no way in hell I'd vote for Biden unless Trump is the nominee, and even then it won't matter in the electoral vote. But the gop's been denying slavery as a cause since Reagan, and Nixon didn't care much either.

YEs, slavery was the cause because economically the south had nowhere to put slave babies unless new states "went slave," so to them, even Lincoln's promise to not do anything about slavery in existing slave states, was a deathknell to their economies.
Uninformed? It wasn't like she was asked a question about quantum physics. She was asked what the civil war was about.

Not simply saying slavery doesn't make her "uninformed", it makes her a panderer to the bigots in the GOP.

The perceived need of which suggests it being an important voting block for either her personally or the GOP generally. Something that in itself is telling.
She was speaking to non-bigots who aren’t democrats.
Democrats thrive on bigotry across the board.
Biden's inflation is driving away African American voters, and I don't see any postive achievments on illegal immigration, but if this issue interests dems .... we're focked.
She was speaking to non-bigots who aren’t democrats.
Democrats thrive on bigotry across the board.
Funny, I don't see Democrats trying to prevent from recognizing slavery as a problem.

I don't see Democrats trying to blame the civil war on Abe Lincoln. Or trying to say that North and South could have "negotiated" the civil war. You know who I do see doing this?

Republican politicians continue to stumble on race, twisting themselves into knots trying to avoid offending the racist right.

If Hailey had simply told the truth that the treasonous insurrection of 1861 was about preserving slavery, she wouldn’t be in this hole.
The reality is that Progs control the messaging and those not Progs have to make inroads where they can. So, it is the Progs who pass gas, nasty gas with a deep penetrating odor and then point to the other person and blame him or her for it. Progs are always on the stage. And they fooled a lot of people over the years and decades.
Democrats are only for those Blacks that do what they are told to by Democrats which is why Biden felt the need to remind them. Latinos have yet to have a politician demand that they vote for them or else they will no longer be Latino. So whereas my ass may be deported, it is you who is taking it in the ass having some white racist align your Black race with you voting for him.
Ok so you pretty much stepped by the facts and are back to babbling about insignificant shit.

Why is it that all the first come from the Democrat Party is. First Black POTUS, first black VPOTUS, first black Supreme Court Justice, first black females SCJ and the list goes on.
Why is it that all the first come from the Democrat Party is. First Black POTUS, first black VPOTUS, first black Supreme Court Justice, first black females SCJ and the list goes on.
Pandering by the Democrats, to buy votes.
And you people are too stupid to see it.
Funny, I don't see Democrats trying to prevent from recognizing slavery as a problem.

I don't see Democrats trying to blame the civil war on Abe Lincoln. Or trying to say that North and South could have "negotiated" the civil war. You know who I do see doing this?

Democrats didn’t shoot Lincoln?
Republicans saw slavery as a problem and democrats wanted it to sustain.
The overarching issue was the squeeze-down on the southern economy and the threat of abolition exacerbated this. That’s why the south seceded. The war came about because the US didn’t want to lose the commerce of the south so they instigated the fighting.
Pretty simple.
But it sounds better when it’s framed as ‘freeing the slaves’.
what does it matter? It's not going to change the life of a kid who doesn't have the means to escape to the suburbs and a multi-ethnic school, nor will it somehow help a kid to at least qualify to enlist and gain the GI Bill.

I was waiting on an oil change yesterday, and was sort of forced to watch a bit of some pol talking head show - which I try not to do - but I think it was Peggy Noonan who identified that the dems are talking about "process," while the gop was talking about policy.

That seems pretty true, and it's not good news for the dems. People are pissed that their paychecks don't buy what they did before 2020
Pandering by the Democrats, to buy votes.
And you people are too stupid to see it.

Not pandering, on the other hand all P01135809 does is pander to Antisemites, Bigots, Homophobs, Islamophobs, Misogynists and Racists. They don't their being lied, but sure like brand all out hated.
Not pandering...
Yes. Pandering.

Pandering is the act of expressing one's views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal. The term is most notably associated with politics. In pandering, the views one is expressing are merely for the purpose of drawing support up to and including votes and do not necessarily reflect one's personal value

Democrats didn’t shoot Lincoln?
Republicans saw slavery as a problem and democrats wanted it to sustain.
The overarching issue was the squeeze-down on the southern economy and the threat of abolition exacerbated this. That’s why the south seceded. The war came about because the US didn’t want to lose the commerce of the south so they instigated the fighting.
Pretty simple.
But it sounds better when it’s framed as ‘freeing the slaves’.
What was the commerce of the South?
Yes. Pandering.

Pandering is the act of expressing one's views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal. The term is most notably associated with politics. In pandering, the views one is expressing are merely for the purpose of drawing support up to and including votes and do not necessarily reflect one's personal value


Yes. Pandering.

Pandering is the act of expressing one's views in accordance with the likes of a group to which one is attempting to appeal. The term is most notably associated with politics. In pandering, the views one is expressing are merely for the purpose of drawing support up to and including votes and do not necessarily reflect one's personal value

Just like P01135809 panders. Hate to break it to your racists self, but the United States is a multi-ethic country. No matter how much you want to think your skin color makes you more superior it does not. Pandering to hated is a sad sick and pathetic thing to do.

Mr. Biden knows we are country of different people and different cultures. His appointments demonstrate reflect that.
Just like P01135809 panders......

Mr. Biden knows we are country of different people and different cultures. His appointments demonstrate reflect that.
I accept your concession of the point.
I accept your concession of the point.

I don't accept it. Mr. Biden acknowledges the the diversity of our country and works to insure his administration reflects that diversity. America is a multi-ethnic/mulit-cultural country. That is what his appointments reflect. No how much you and other MAGA refuse to accept our national diversity, that reality will not change.

Believing in superority through skin color is a myth. No one race or religion is superior. I know some people who suffer low self-esteem use the myth of white superiority to themselves feel better. Me, I do NOT buy into that myth. I was born Little Rock in the 1950's. The time of White Only/Colored Only. My parents engrained in me to respect the person and that skin color did not matter. I do that to this day.

All P01135809 cater to the hatred of his base. He embraces the hate
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About 95% of Trump Humpers are and I don't know any negroes.
Negroes are idiots thinking the Democrats are their saviors.

The Democrats are simply their slave plantation masters and the Negroes are too stupid to know it.

There are a few intelligent Blacks in the US but none of them vote for Democrats.

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