Nikki Haley Digs A Deeper Hole w/her "I Have A Black Friend" Excuse

CNN had a town hall featuring Nikki Haley where she said "I was looking past racism" and if that wasn't stupid enough, she then said "I have Black friends."

In the video above, Roland Martin tears her a new one.

Instead of simply fessing up and saying, "Look I was very wrong and I apologize", she's doing backflips and twisting herself into contortions trying to get around the truth.

When will she put down the damn shovel?!??

Why is she going on CNN?

She deserves what she gets there.

Haley isn’t a racist. She’s just a muppet who was asked a question she didn’t have a preprogrammed answer for. She’s not a bigot she’s uninformed.
What's the difference of a racist politician and one who coddles and/or buckle's to racists?
What's the difference of a racist politician and one who coddles and/or buckle's to racists?
She doesnt know the answer. It wasnt given to her. She's Ron Burgundy. Most of them are. Did you actually listen to what she said? It's rather obvious.
Its doubtful but haley might not be a racist shit.

But she is touting for votes in a fundamentally racist political group.

To further complicate things she then needs to appeal to non racist folk in order to get over the line.

Its an impossible task and she would probably prefer to stay silent rather than get down in the sewer with the maga trash.

She is lucky that she has no values and a strong stomach.
Tell Trump to use it and let's see if 90% of black folks vote for him.
The fact that you are trying to divert yet another explicitly racist comment aimed at Blacks from the current President is very telling. Does the Democrat Party have that much control over you?
Nikki Haley is a colored woman.
Not sure why it matters of she has black friends or not.
The fact that you are trying to divert yet another explicitly racist comment aimed at Blacks from the current President is very telling. Does the Democrat Party have that much control over you?
Nice try chump, but black folks know who the real racist are. Start by looking at the diversity in each man's cabinet. Why is it that all the first come from the Democrat Party is. First Black POTUS, first black VPOTUS, first black Supreme Court Justice, first black females SCJ and the list goes on and btw neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. What are you Hispanic? Republicans would definitely love to deport your ass.
Nice try chump, but black folks know who the real racist are. Start by looking at the diversity in each man's cabinet. Why is it that all the first come from the Democrat Party is. First Black POTUS, first black VPOTUS, first black Supreme Court Justice, first black females SCJ and the list goes on and btw neither party is mine, not the Jackass or the Elephant. What are you Hispanic? Republicans would definitely love to deport your ass.
Democrats are only for those Blacks that do what they are told to by Democrats which is why Biden felt the need to remind them. Latinos have yet to have a politician demand that they vote for them or else they will no longer be Latino. So whereas my ass may be deported, it is you who is taking it in the ass having some white racist align your Black race with you voting for him.
Lol...sad that leftists' determination whether person is racist or not depends on the person's answer about their life experience with black people. Leftists don't like your answer, you gotta be racist when their decision is already made regardless of the answer. Case close. This is why I err on the side of "hands off" policy, zero to extremely few interactions.
Why is it so important to black people in 2024 what happened before most of us were botn)

Rowland Martin is a largely ignored race baiter who needs clicks for his walking around money

And if that means stoking the flames of hate between blacks and whites so be it

Lib la la land has become 1955 again with blacks instead of whites chanting Ni@@er! N@@ger! Ni@@er!
Neocon Nimrata has a black son-in-law. And she's toxic.

Nobody has black friends.... so, that's a fucking lie.

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You just pretty much lied you ass off. "Nobody has black friends"....

You probably do NOT have black friends and you probablly avoid African-Amercians as often as possible.

But to say "Nobody" is a reach. If that statement were true, then why on earth would I attend a 4th. of July neighborhood cook-out held by a inclusive and diverse homeowners association?

I'm not afraid of, nor am I intimidated by minorities in my community. If I were afraid or intimidated by my minority neighbors I would not have attended a Three Kings (the arrival of the three wise men) dinner held by my Hispanic-American neighbor.

I have no reason to avoid my neighbors. We celebrate our diversity, you may not have African-Americans friends or neighbors but I do.

Racism is ugly. Try to remember that. Haley is a first class asshat. She caters to the rascist MAGA MAGGOTS and it will not work. Whomever is nominated the racist ReNaziKlans, it will not be dark-skinned Woman whose thinly veiled racism is a dog whistle to the bigots of her party.
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You just pretty much lied you ass off. "Nobody has black friends"....

You probably do NOT have black friends and you probablly avoid African-Amercians as often as possible.

But to say "Nobody" is a reach. If that statement were true, then why on earth would I attend a 4th. of July neighborhood cook-out held by a inclusive and diverse homeowners association?

I'm not afraid of, nor am I intimidated by minorities in my community. If I were afraid or intimidated by my minority neighbors I would not have attended a Three Kings (the arrival of the three wise men) dinner held by my Hispanic-American neighbor.

I have no reason to avoid my neighbors. We celebrate our diversity, you may not have African-Americans friends or neighbors but I do.

Racism is ugly. Try to remember that. Haley is a first class asshat. She caters to the rascist MAGA MAGGOTS and it will not work. Whomever is nominated the racist ReNaziKlans, it will not be dark-skinned Woman whose thinly veiled racism is a dog whistle to the bigots of her party.
Is you colored?

Sorry if you is...

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