Nikki Haley: Trump Accusers 'Should Be Heard'

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:

You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.

Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.


I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.

You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard?

What a slimy useless human being you are.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:
#MeToo spotlight increasingly pointed at past Trump conduct
“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said in a CBS interview. “And I think we heard from them before the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

Haley’s comments infuriated the president, according to two people who are familiar with his views but who spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. Trump has grown increasingly angry in recent days that the accusations against him have resurfaced, telling associates that the charges are false and drawing parallels to the accusations facing Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Sixteen women have come forward with a range of accusations against Trump, many after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape last October in which Trump was caught on an open microphone bragging about groping women. One woman, Summer Zevos, a contestant on Trump’s reality show, “The Apprentice,” sued, contending that Trump’s denials of her accusations amount to false and defamatory statements.


Trump thought he was off the hook just because the election is over?
You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.

Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.


I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.

You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard?

What a slimy useless human being you are.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.
Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.


I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.

You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard?

What a slimy useless human being you are.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.
I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.

You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard?

What a slimy useless human being you are.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.
#MeToo spotlight increasingly pointed at past Trump conduct
“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said in a CBS interview. “And I think we heard from them before the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

Haley’s comments infuriated the president, according to two people who are familiar with his views but who spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. Trump has grown increasingly angry in recent days that the accusations against him have resurfaced, telling associates that the charges are false and drawing parallels to the accusations facing Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Sixteen women have come forward with a range of accusations against Trump, many after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape last October in which Trump was caught on an open microphone bragging about groping women. One woman, Summer Zevos, a contestant on Trump’s reality show, “The Apprentice,” sued, contending that Trump’s denials of her accusations amount to false and defamatory statements.


Trump thought he was off the hook just because the election is over?

I think he thought the casinos would take care of themselves too.

And the airline.
And the steaks.
And the water, and the magazine, and the travel site, and the send-in-your-pee vitamins, and the USFL, etc etc etc. --- and last but not least, the Fraud University.

What a great choice to run a fucking country huh?
You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.
I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.
Hillary Clinton, again, also declared every woman who steps up and reports sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, etc...except when the victims are talking about her husband. Hillary insulted, verbally attacked, threatened, intimidated, and silenced Slick Willy's victims.

Now a Hillary-worshipping snowflake wants to attack Haley for repeating what Hillary already said...

And here a day later you STILL can't man up. :gay:

I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.
I gave you a reply you just don't like it.

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.
I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.
I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.
We throw Bill and Hillary in the left's face...and they fold like a cheap lawn chair. :laugh:

Bill and Hillary? Wow, you are obviously a deep thinker. You're right up there with Forrest Gump.

Smashed in the face with Bill and Hillary personal insults is ALL you have libwit.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.

As predicted you can't explain why Bill and Hillary got a pass. You people lost all credibility after Bill and Hillary hence your faux rage over Trump is laughable, that is your punishment. :eusa_hand:
Haley's sharp as a tack. She knows where the swamp is and how not to step in it.
It appears she does have political savvy. The way I see it, trump is under attack both politically and socially and from all sides. While his antics are endeared by his political base, (especially religious right) he has made powerful enemies....throughout the world. The republican brand is being trashed. Already, there are republicans standing up to him, more out of party loyalty than ideology. They don't like what trump is doing to the gop. All things considered, I don't see him as president beyond 2018.

While I still see Nikki Haley as a trump loyalist, it is a prudent political move to at least seem to put some distance between yourself and trump.

Last edited:
Bill and Hillary? Wow, you are obviously a deep thinker. You're right up there with Forrest Gump.

Smashed in the face with Bill and Hillary personal insults is ALL you have libwit.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.

As predicted you can't explain why Bill and Hillary got a pass. You people lost all credibility after Bill and Hillary hence your faux rage over Trump is laughable, that is your punishment. :eusa_hand:

I don't need to "explain" it, Snuggles. All I need to do is observe that once again you're trying to derail yet another thread to "b-but... but... Hillary" which is all you ever do. All I need to do is account for yet another nickel I make in royalty every time Pogo's Law strikes. And you just made me another five cents.

I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.
Smashed in the face with Bill and Hillary personal insults is ALL you have libwit.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.

As predicted you can't explain why Bill and Hillary got a pass. You people lost all credibility after Bill and Hillary hence your faux rage over Trump is laughable, that is your punishment. :eusa_hand:

I don't need to "explain" it, Snuggles. All I need to do is observe that once again you're trying to derail yet another thread to "b-but... but... Hillary" which is all you ever do. All I need to do is account for yet another nickel I make in royalty every time Pogo's Law strikes. And you just made me another five cents.

Pointing out the left's hypocrisy and double standards, something the Democratic party and their pals in the liberal media practice daily destroys the thread it does not derail it.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.

As predicted you can't explain why Bill and Hillary got a pass. You people lost all credibility after Bill and Hillary hence your faux rage over Trump is laughable, that is your punishment. :eusa_hand:

I don't need to "explain" it, Snuggles. All I need to do is observe that once again you're trying to derail yet another thread to "b-but... but... Hillary" which is all you ever do. All I need to do is account for yet another nickel I make in royalty every time Pogo's Law strikes. And you just made me another five cents.

Pointing out the left's hypocrisy and double standards, something the Democratic party and their pals in the liberal media practice daily destroys the thread it does not derail it.

You should just petition the Mod Squad to change your name to "B-but.. But. Hillary Legend" and be done with it. And for your avatar find a one-trick pony. :eusa_hand:
Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.

As predicted you can't explain why Bill and Hillary got a pass. You people lost all credibility after Bill and Hillary hence your faux rage over Trump is laughable, that is your punishment. :eusa_hand:

I don't need to "explain" it, Snuggles. All I need to do is observe that once again you're trying to derail yet another thread to "b-but... but... Hillary" which is all you ever do. All I need to do is account for yet another nickel I make in royalty every time Pogo's Law strikes. And you just made me another five cents.

Pointing out the left's hypocrisy and double standards, something the Democratic party and their pals in the liberal media practice daily destroys the thread it does not derail it.

You should just petition the Mod Squad to change your name to "B-but.. But. Hillary Legend" and be done with it. And for your avatar find a one-trick pony. :eusa_hand:

If you don't like your hypocrisy thrown back in your face, don't be a hypocrite in the first place.

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