Nikki Haley: Trump Accusers 'Should Be Heard'

I just haven't seen it. Perhaps it's posted in invisible pixels. Yeah that's the ticket.

Again, you pulled an ass-sumption out of your ass, and now you can't back it up, and you're too much of a wimp to admit it. Same as yesterday.

I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Whatever let's you justify your prevarication.
You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.

That entire thread is about a Rump statement. I made six posts in it. Not a single one makes any reference to O'bamacare at all. Zero.

Hold your breath, stomp your feet and slam doors all you want but there's not a damn thing you can do about that.
You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.

You quoted the "keep my plan quote" and then went after Trump with a list of his "lies"

Tu Quo Que
I did back it up.

You just want to ignore the post I found.

You went all Tu Quo Que when someone called Obama a liar for "if you like your plan you can keep your plan". That is still defending the Statement and the maker of the Statement.


I posted absolutey NOTHING about O'bamacare. Zero. Zilch. Bupkis. Nil. The empty set. The Void. Sweet Fanny Adams. Fuck-all. No amount of self-delusion is ever going to change that.

You got BUSTED, Elmer.

You responded to a post about it, and took a tu quo que position attacking Trump over it.

I linked it.

The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Whatever let's you justify your prevarication.

This isn't scrabble, you don't get points for bigger words.
The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.

That entire thread is about a Rump statement. I made six posts in it. Not a single one makes any reference to O'bamacare at all. Zero.

Hold your breath, stomp your feet and slam doors all you want but there's not a damn thing you can do about that.

it was part of the post you were responding to.
The entire post was about mendacity. Nothing about healthcare. Them's the facts Goober.
Your illiteracy is your own problem, not mine.

There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.

You quoted the "keep my plan quote" and then went after Trump with a list of his "lies"

Tu Quo Que

:lame2: :itsok:

You're still busted, Wimp.
There was a statement, THE statement, you defended it by listing a bunch of Trump "lies"

Tu Quo Que defense.

Which is exactly what I just said --- that the post was about mendacity.

You know what mendacity means right? You should --- as per the old commercial, you're soaking in it.

It's still a reference, and you still defended Obama's statement via tu quo que.

Actually I made no reference to O'bama, let alone O'bamacare. Go ahead, check me. I didn't even review the post and I already know.

You quoted the "keep my plan quote" and then went after Trump with a list of his "lies"

Tu Quo Que

:lame2: :itsok:

You're still busted, Wimp.

Haley's sharp as a tack. She knows where the swamp is and how not to step in it.
It appears she does have political savvy. The way I see it, trump is under attack both politically and socially and from all sides. While his antics are endeared by his political base, (especially religious right) he has made powerful enemies....throughout the world. The republican brand is being trashed. Already, there are republicans standing up to him, more out of party loyalty than ideology. They don't like what trump is doing to the gop. All things considered, I don't see him as president beyond 2018.

While I still see Nikki Haley as a trump loyalist, it is a prudent political move to at least seem to put some distance between yourself and trump.

`'re way off.
That is word for word what the Swamp wants you to think...but the fact in the matter is the media is carrying out a coup attempt led by Hillary and a few isolated dickhead Republicans that are either in on it completely, or worried about some lineup of sluts surfacing in the media willing to say that this guy or that guy touched their cooties.

This is exactly what we expected the Swamp Creatures in Washington to try. The problem with it all is Trump is on better terms with foreign leaders than you're willing to admit. The Saudi Family loved him and his lovely wife literally blew their socks off,
and the only assholes who seem to want to trash Trump in public are Globalist frauds that want to keep the European Union together. They're fending off challengers like Trump in many of their countries and losing their asses.
China is on Trump's side, as is the South Koreans, the Japanese, and the P.I.
Sorry, but Trump is kicking ass......and the only reason you don't know it is because our corrupt media would rather make up lies about him or talk about how much Diet Soda he drinks....hoping they can convince everyone he's had a stroke or is going crazy. The only people going crazy are the motherfuckers that are trying to bring him down.

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