Nikki Haley: Trump Accusers 'Should Be Heard'

“I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

WASHINGTON, Dec 10 (Reuters) - U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said on Sunday she believes any woman who has felt violated or mistreated by a man has every right to speak up, even if it is President Donald Trump they are accusing.

Asked how people should assess the accusers of the president, Haley said, it was “the same thing.”

“Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with, and I think we heard them prior to the election,” she said. “I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

Whether Trump’s election settled the matter was “for the people to decide,” Haley said.

“I know that he was elected but women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them.”

More: Nikki Haley: Women Accusers Should Be Heard, Even If Trump Is The Target

I agree! Trump accusers have every right to be heard.

I think all accusers have a right to be heard. That includes Trump’s, Clinton’s, Franken’s, Moore’s and any others. I’m good with that but the Democrats tend to not want to talk about their faults.
Bullshit. Dems admit their mistakes and resign. Republicans stonewall and keep their jobs.

BS when did Clinton resign because I missed it. His accuser had a right to be heard and were never heard so cut the partisan BS. Packwood resigned, for 20 year old allegations, Clinton stood defiantly. If fact Franken denies what some accusers thought however the Democratic Party made sure that Franken resigning didn’t hurt their seat in the Senate before he resigned. Again, it is politics and power that govern the right and the left. Not right or wrong.
This is a new era in case you haven’t noticed.
You WANT trump to get away with sexual assault. Why can’t you admit it?

First off you have no clue what I want, if I had what I wanted Trump wouldn’t be in office, so on that note you are stupid. Secondly, my morality hasn’t changed, your has, so on that note you are ignorant. I stated all voices should be heard regardless of party, on that note you are just dumb. So spare me your justifications, your spin and your self righteous attitude. You are another lefty hack, you are no better than a righty hack.
“I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

WASHINGTON, Dec 10 (Reuters) - U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said on Sunday she believes any woman who has felt violated or mistreated by a man has every right to speak up, even if it is President Donald Trump they are accusing.

Asked how people should assess the accusers of the president, Haley said, it was “the same thing.”

“Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with, and I think we heard them prior to the election,” she said. “I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

Whether Trump’s election settled the matter was “for the people to decide,” Haley said.

“I know that he was elected but women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them.”

More: Nikki Haley: Women Accusers Should Be Heard, Even If Trump Is The Target

I agree! Trump accusers have every right to be heard.
I do believe they were heard. Where are they now though? It seems that we hear a lot more from Al Franken's accusers.
Here’s where they are.

Trump Sexual Harassment Accusers Set To Unite For First Time - Make Stunning Demand
Maybe we'll hear more from them. Give us a chance to weigh their credibility and stuff. You can't just expect to make an accusation and simply be believed. If that were the case, Bubba Clinton would have spent years in prison for rape and never gotten close to the White House. His wife saw to the destruction of those women.
You can’t even mention the word trump.
But Bill? Check
His wife? Check.
You’re such an enabler of this serial sexual offending president.
And Trump’s victims have been speaking out ALL day.
Hasn’t Fox told you that?

Yeah, Trump's a real horn dog. So are a lot of politicians. That's the point. Only now does everyone care about harassment when Ted Kennedy and Bubba Clinton get a wink and a nod. You're all late to the party.
“I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

WASHINGTON, Dec 10 (Reuters) - U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said on Sunday she believes any woman who has felt violated or mistreated by a man has every right to speak up, even if it is President Donald Trump they are accusing.

Asked how people should assess the accusers of the president, Haley said, it was “the same thing.”

“Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with, and I think we heard them prior to the election,” she said. “I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

Whether Trump’s election settled the matter was “for the people to decide,” Haley said.

“I know that he was elected but women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them.”

More: Nikki Haley: Women Accusers Should Be Heard, Even If Trump Is The Target

I agree! Trump accusers have every right to be heard.
I do believe they were heard. Where are they now though? It seems that we hear a lot more from Al Franken's accusers.
They were on Meghan Kelly’s show today and their testimony has been replayed all day. Of course not on Fox. They know their job is to keep you stupid.

Since I don't watch Fox, I wouldn't know that. Apparently you do, or you wouldn't know what they don't broadcast.
We should gather up all the women who accused Bill Clinton of rape and other disgusting acts and put them on national TV? And document Hillary's attempts to discredit Bill's victims? Be careful what you wish for lib clowns.
In the words of the Chicago Cubs' immortal hero, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"

Translation: Let's play a double-header... let's nail both Trump AND Clinton... a Two-Fer in the law-courts.

That way, it's fair to BOTH political parties.

And the women finally receive a little justice for what those bastards put them through.
We throw Bill and Hillary in the left's face...and they fold like a cheap lawn chair. :laugh:

Bill and Hillary? Wow, you are obviously a deep thinker. You're right up there with Forrest Gump.

Smashed in the face with Bill and Hillary personal insults is ALL you have libwit.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:
We should gather up all the women who accused Bill Clinton of rape and other disgusting acts and put them on national TV? And document Hillary's attempts to discredit Bill's victims? Be careful what you wish for lib clowns.
In the words of the Chicago Cubs' immortal hero, Ernie Banks... "Let's play TWO!"

Translation: Let's play a double-header... let's nail both Trump AND Clinton... a Two-Fer in the law-courts.

That way, it's fair to BOTH political parties.

And the women finally receive a little justice for what those bastards put them through.

Meh, we already beat the Clintons, we'll just control the White House for 4 years while you process that.
We throw Bill and Hillary in the left's face...and they fold like a cheap lawn chair. :laugh:

Bill and Hillary? Wow, you are obviously a deep thinker. You're right up there with Forrest Gump.

Smashed in the face with Bill and Hillary personal insults is ALL you have libwit.
Like a truly programmed trumpzoid you point to Clinton’s instead of discussing the new guy’s victims restating their stories.

Bill and Hillary, nothing to say? We thought so. :itsok:

Here he is again with yet another derailment. It's like clockwork.

"How 'bout them Vikings eh?" "But... but.... Hillary!"

"I'm bleeding from the mouth, I need to go to the ER" "But... but ... Hillary!"

"Greetings Earthling. We are here to take over. Get in the ship." "But... but... Hillary!"

Same shit, different day.
Women are now emboldened to speak up.
I happen to be watching MSNBC news yesterday and they showed a panel of three women who just about said the same thing. It's also possible that Nikki Haley is positioning herself in the GOP for a future in post-trump America.
...Meh, we already beat the Clintons, we'll just control the White House for 4 years while you process that.
We are talking about justice for women who have been sexually assaulted, and you're talking about control of government as a means to block that justice.

Your (collective) arrogance and holding of yourelves above the Constitution and the Law will be your undoing, but that's in the future, on a day when you're not looking.
“I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

WASHINGTON, Dec 10 (Reuters) - U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley said on Sunday she believes any woman who has felt violated or mistreated by a man has every right to speak up, even if it is President Donald Trump they are accusing.

Asked how people should assess the accusers of the president, Haley said, it was “the same thing.”

“Women who accuse anyone should be heard. They should be heard and they should be dealt with, and I think we heard them prior to the election,” she said. “I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way - they have every right to speak up.”

Whether Trump’s election settled the matter was “for the people to decide,” Haley said.

“I know that he was elected but women should always feel comfortable coming forward and we should all be willing to listen to them.”

More: Nikki Haley: Women Accusers Should Be Heard, Even If Trump Is The Target

I agree! Trump accusers have every right to be heard. they haven't been heard yet???

I think they're making God damned fools of let them be heard.

The only people making a fool of themselves is perverts like you. If Moore wins he will bury the Republican party in 2018.
That's weird. I'm a pervert because I'm skeptical about the usual Democrat tactics.
They have nothing to offer us but destructive economic policies, suicidal immigration policies with the promise for more terrorism down the road, and massive corruption, but for some strange reason I'm a pervert to not want it. You must be a very sick individual.
BTW, I think it is up to the accusers to prove their case.
The primary reason they don't have any credibility is they used Gloria Alhred to shove this fraud down our throats weeks before an election.
We've seen it way too many times before and it literally stinks to high-heaven.
Democrats use these tactics because they know that Republican voters have principles.
They also know that Democrat voters for the most part don't have any, you being the primary example.
...BTW, I think it is up to the accusers to prove their case...
Multiple accusers, disconnected from each other and unsolicited and unpaid, finding their courage, after the first speaks out, is sufficient for the Court of Public Opinion.

Having been accused of Child Sexual Molestation by multiple victims, in an uncoordinated series of announcements, renders Roy Moore unfit for high public office.

In the Court of Public Opinion.

Politics is all about Perception.

As to tactics...

Democrats can be every bit as sleazy as Republicans - worse, even, sometimes.

This is not one of those times.
...BTW, I think it is up to the accusers to prove their case...
Multiple accusers, disconnected from each other and unsolicited and unpaid, finding their courage, after the first speaks out, is sufficient for the Court of Public Opinion.

Having been accused of Child Sexual Molestation by multiple victims, in an uncoordinated series of announcements, renders Roy Moore unfit for high public office.

Democrats can be every bit as sleazy as Republicans - worse, even, sometimes.

This is not one of those times.
Disconnected from each other?
Are you blind????

3 of them sitting together yesterday accusing Trump of making them feel bad.

And anyone with half a brain can see that this is being coordinated by the media.

OH, don't worry.....just because the media has been caught several times this last week lying about Trump.....THIS TIME it's the truth!!!!
...BTW, I think it is up to the accusers to prove their case...
Multiple accusers, disconnected from each other and unsolicited and unpaid, finding their courage, after the first speaks out, is sufficient for the Court of Public Opinion.

Having been accused of Child Sexual Molestation by multiple victims, in an uncoordinated series of announcements, renders Roy Moore unfit for high public office.

Democrats can be every bit as sleazy as Republicans - worse, even, sometimes.

This is not one of those times.
Disconnected from each other?
Are you blind????

3 of them sitting together yesterday accusing Trump of making them feel bad.

And anyone with half a brain can see that this is being coordinated by the media.
The Roy Moore accusers came out separately.

Many Donald Trump accusers came out separately.

You just happened to be looking at three more of them, in a long, long list, who banded together to hold a press conference.

They represent - what? - ten percent of the total?

They're just the latest in a series.

Oh, and, by the way, when the President of the United States is being accused of Sexual Assault by multiple women...

It's "newsworthy", eh?
...BTW, I think it is up to the accusers to prove their case...
Multiple accusers, disconnected from each other and unsolicited and unpaid, finding their courage, after the first speaks out, is sufficient for the Court of Public Opinion.

Having been accused of Child Sexual Molestation by multiple victims, in an uncoordinated series of announcements, renders Roy Moore unfit for high public office.

Democrats can be every bit as sleazy as Republicans - worse, even, sometimes.

This is not one of those times.
Disconnected from each other?
Are you blind????

3 of them sitting together yesterday accusing Trump of making them feel bad.

And anyone with half a brain can see that this is being coordinated by the media.
The Roy Moore accusers came out separately.

Many Donald Trump accusers came out separately.

You just happened to be looking at three more of them, in a long, long list, who banded together to hold a press conference.

They represent - what? - ten percent of the total?

They're just the latest in a series.

Oh, and, by the way, when the President of the United States is being accused of Sexual Assault by multiple women...

It's "newsworthy", eh?
They paraded out the Roy Moore accusers one at a time.
One of them even produced a yearbook annual that they claim had Roy Moore's signature on it which proved to be a forgery after handwriting experts looked at photos of the book. They refuse to allow investigators to actually see the yearbook in person.
Every one of them reads from a prepared script.
The only one I find believable was the one that accused Al Franken of sexual-assault because she did it purely from memory.

It is well known that the Washington Compost was paying $1000 to anyone who would swear that Roy Moore molested them.
BTW, one of Trump's accusers was photographed getting drunk with knock off the self-righteous indignation.
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The OP included the whole "if you like your plan you can keep your plan"

You retorted with a bunch of Tu Quo Que accusations a few posts down in what I can only attribute to your defense of Obamacare, and vis a vis Obama's Statements about it.

Once AGAIN I opined nothing about O'bamacare in that thread, though I denounced it in others.

You see son, I was living in New England when Mitt Romney first came up with this shit, so I already knew how it worked. Fortunately I left there before it kicked in. The national law, I simply ignored it. Because you can't require people to buy shit.

But you go ahead and try to prove me wrong, Sparkles. I'll be waitin'. :popcorn:

You commented, you tried equivalence, so I got you on defending it by extension.

Oh fucking bullshit.

You pulled an ass-umption out of your ass based on whatever blanket labeling goes on in your head, didn't bother to cite an actual history, and got caught with your pants down. Now you can't man up to it.

As I said --- go PROVE ME WRONG. Find a post of mine that confirms your point.
You can't do it. It doesn't exist.


I found something in the ballpark.

And its interesting you harp on that one statement, in a pathetic "gotcha' attempt to diffuse attention from the rest of the things being discussed.

You "found" jack shit. Came waddling in here with a post that makes no mention whatsoever of O'bamacare, because you're a fraud. And this is YOUR tangent; I simply challenged you to back it up, which you can't do. That makes you a liar. So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard? What a slimy useless human being you are.

Wait -- why does that sound familiar?

Oh right -- they're your own words.

So basically just enough to smear a person without being able to actually back it up, as long as it helps you politically, is your standard?

What a slimy useless human being you are.

Hypocritical too.

I found what you asked me to, even if not direct. Stop being a whiny bitch about it.


Pogo's a bitch he's a big fat bitch, he's the biggest bitch in the whole wide world, He's a stupid bitch if there ever was a bitch he's a bitch to all the boys and girls!
There is nothing wrong with listening to accusations, the issue is acting on them carte blanche, without any hard evidence of wrongdoing.

With all the people gunning for Trump, if ANY of those accusations had any teeth they would have been front page news for weeks.

That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves.
That none of them have moved forward is more telling than the accusations themselves
I don't agree with that. There is never going to be "hard evidence of wrongdoing" for the majority of sexual harassment cases, which is why they are so easy to dismiss. You evaluate the veracity of the individuals involved and make a judgment. When there are multiple allegations of the same types of behavior from different women over a period of time, it strengthens the case that they are telling the truth.
Now, based on what Trump bragged about on the Access Hollywood tape, why would you believe him over all those women?

There was enough proof for Franken and Conyers to ditch before investigations could start. There was enough proof for Weinstein to get canned and go through fake rehabilitation.

The fact the Trump accusations never went stage 1 means there are probably hard issues with them, timing, common location, witnesses otherwise, etc.

And when it comes to bragging and bravado, THAT'S WHAT SOME GUYS DO. Every guy has a friend who's tales of his "conquests" 90% outweigh his actual results.

And it isn't just with sex, guys exaggerate to each other on freaking everything. We have a saying "True or NAME" for a friend who's stories have 5% truth and 95% embellishment.
Plenty of tired excuses; I've heard them all. Everyone knows Trump is a groper and if he were a dem in the Senate, he'd be sitting home looking through the Classifieds right now.

Facts not in evidence. He's only joked about groping, there is no hard evidence of anything actually happening.

The Dems are only playing the virtue game because it benefits them politically, just like they swept it under the rug for decades for multiple guys because it benefitted them politically.
No hard evidence? The testimony of 17 women is the evidence. What are you looking for? It all caught on videotape?

So why hasn't the media corroborated the testimony yet?

Tom Robinson was accused as well, should Mr Finch had let the lynch mob just get em?
#MeToo spotlight increasingly pointed at past Trump conduct
“They should be heard, and they should be dealt with,” Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, said in a CBS interview. “And I think we heard from them before the election. And I think any woman who has felt violated or felt mistreated in any way, they have every right to speak up.”

Haley’s comments infuriated the president, according to two people who are familiar with his views but who spoke on condition of anonymity because they aren’t authorized to speak publicly about private conversations. Trump has grown increasingly angry in recent days that the accusations against him have resurfaced, telling associates that the charges are false and drawing parallels to the accusations facing Republican Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore.

Sixteen women have come forward with a range of accusations against Trump, many after the release of the “Access Hollywood” tape last October in which Trump was caught on an open microphone bragging about groping women. One woman, Summer Zevos, a contestant on Trump’s reality show, “The Apprentice,” sued, contending that Trump’s denials of her accusations amount to false and defamatory statements.
Women are now emboldened to speak up.
I happen to be watching MSNBC news yesterday and they showed a panel of three women who just about said the same thing. It's also possible that Nikki Haley is positioning herself in the GOP for a future in post-trump America.

Haley's sharp as a tack. She knows where the swamp is and how not to step in it.

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