Nikki Haley Won't be Trump's Running Mate in 2024

I'd rather see her at the top of the ticket.

(And Trump nowhere on it)

She will get schlonged royally in the general election without the support of the 74 million Little Trumpsters you know.

Unless her goal is to finish in 2nd Place, it would be pointless for her to make the effort to run.
More unverified anti-Trump book quotes disguised as political discussions. Are we going to see this stuff for the next 4 years?
She will get schlonged royally in the general election without the support of the 74 million Little Trumpsters you know.

Unless her goal is to finish in 2nd Place, it would be pointless for her to make the effort to run.
And she would be a hundred times more popular then Kamala. Which makes the 2020 election a head scratcher.
She is a politician. One fact about politicians is that they rely on handlers and advisers. These handlers and advisers rely on pollsters, media image indicators etc. They tell her, "you know, this Jan. 6th issue is a career destroyer for Trump. Best to go hard against him and reap the reward".

They don't understand the average citizen. They aren't rubbing elbows with them on the street and asking them to their face, while sitting quietly away from anyone, "hey, what do you think about _____, or, what issue is most important to you"?

Thus, most mainstream politicians are manipulated. They know what brought them to where they are so they rely on it, like a broken record.

Trump defied these pundits and defied the odds specifically because he DOES NOT listen to these types. At least not on every issue.

What other politician called out illegal immigration, trade abuses and China in the year 2016, or the prior 25 years? No one. They were guided by "polls" that suggested that it wasn't an important or winning issue. How wrong were they?

Trump never trusted polls. He's been around too long to know how the game works, hell, he's played it himself both in business and in politics. So, he would rather ask some guy on his staff "what do you think about ____?" He would rather shoot the breeze with the construction worker or waitress to get an idea about what would drive them to vote. To get the real scoop from the horses mouth.

Just look at his in-roads into minority communities and many former Dems. The Establishment, especially the China-First crew don't get this. I thought Nikki would learn this and understand it. Apparently she doesn't.

If she is simply taking orders I would suggest that the West can do without such politicians.
It's my hope that Trump will be history after next year's midterms. Notion that I have is that the gloves will come off within both parties as folks battle for their party's nomination.

But let's go with assumption that Trump gains nomination.
Downside: Who would want to be his lap dog?
Plus side: Win or lose, Trump won't be nominated in 2028.

I'd picture somebody like Ohio's Jim Jordan.
It's my hope that Trump will be history after next year's midterms. Notion that I have is that the gloves will come off within both parties as folks battle for their party's nomination.

But let's go with assumption that Trump gains nomination.
Downside: Who would want to be his lap dog?
Plus side: Win or lose, Trump won't be nominated in 2028.

I'd picture somebody like Ohio's Jim Jordan.

I personally would like to see him get a seat in the House so he can be a perpetual reminder of "America First".

He could then endorse a solid pick for President and have influence without all the headache and interference.
I'd vote for Haley if she ran. She'd be a strong candidate for president and she can bring back suburban support that Trump alienated.
I'd vote for Haley if she ran. She'd be a strong candidate for president and she can bring back suburban support that Trump alienated.

Unfortunately for her, anyone looking to lead the GOP is going to have to have Trumps support. Not only would a lack of Trumps support ensure she lost votes, it probably ends up giving some to the Dems.

Trump should probably not consider running in 2024. He should however, find a true America First candidate. If one doesn't exist, he's probably going to run.
Oops, she did it again. She seems to find ways to screw things up.

---Trump calls out ex-ally Nikki Haley in new book....The two have reportedly had a falling out after, though not in the minority, Haley denounced Trump’s actions leading up to the Jan. 6 Capitol riot---

I never expect her to be his running mate...

with that said, I wouldn't put much credit in this book by this repeatedly discredited author
She is a politician. One fact about politicians is that they rely on handlers and advisers. These handlers and advisers rely on pollsters, media image indicators etc. They tell her, "you know, this Jan. 6th issue is a career destroyer for Trump. Best to go hard against him and reap the reward".

They don't understand the average citizen. They aren't rubbing elbows with them on the street and asking them to their face, while sitting quietly away from anyone, "hey, what do you think about _____, or, what issue is most important to you"?

Thus, most mainstream politicians are manipulated. They know what brought them to where they are so they rely on it, like a broken record.

Trump defied these pundits and defied the odds specifically because he DOES NOT listen to these types. At least not on every issue.

What other politician called out illegal immigration, trade abuses and China in the year 2016, or the prior 25 years? No one. They were guided by "polls" that suggested that it wasn't an important or winning issue. How wrong were they?

Trump never trusted polls. He's been around too long to know how the game works, hell, he's played it himself both in business and in politics. So, he would rather ask some guy on his staff "what do you think about ____?" He would rather shoot the breeze with the construction worker or waitress to get an idea about what would drive them to vote. To get the real scoop from the horses mouth.

Just look at his in-roads into minority communities and many former Dems. The Establishment, especially the China-First crew don't get this. I thought Nikki would learn this and understand it. Apparently she doesn't.

If she is simply taking orders I would suggest that the West can do without such politicians.

What convoluted nonsense.
Unfortunately for her, anyone looking to lead the GOP is going to have to have Trumps support. Not only would a lack of Trumps support ensure she lost votes, it probably ends up giving some to the Dems.

Trump should probably not consider running in 2024. He should however, find a true America First candidate. If one doesn't exist, he's probably going to run.

Trump will only hurt anyone he supports. He betrays everyone who comes in contact with him.. Even his wives.

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