Nikki Minaj endorses Romney and the lefties hope she dies..

Subconscious word association.

Tundra.. Taiga.. TYGA! Tyga is a member of Nicki Minaj's rap group!
WTF.. You people on the left say you are the tolerant ones. You are the ones who care. But as soon as someone doesnt agree with you this is what happens...

This page has twitter comments about her... It is sick.. I am going out to buy one of Nikki CDS to show my support to her..

Romney haters to Nicki Minaj: Die, Uncle Tom bitch! | Twitchy

Yes, the left puts their nose up in the air and declares themselves the tolerant ones because they tolerate abortion and sodomy. But Christianity, not so much. Mohammad (PBUH) YEAH, Christ, nay.

One thing to keep in mind with liberals, what they say and what they mean are way two different things. They have one standard, one for them and one for you and me.
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But not one thing about people hoping she DIES just because they do not agree with who she is voting for. I have NEVER in my life hoped someone would die for their voting . NEVER.. The people on the left say we are the tolerant ones. We understand peoples differences . Unless they are against their agenda I guess..:mad:

I want no one to you condemn people from the right saying hateful shit? If so, are those hateful things enough to make you switch sides? I don't understand what you are trying to prove here.

If one "liberal" says something dumb that is in an indication of what all liberals are like. Duh.

we get that from the libs all the time....ONE republican says something stupid, and he's "Your guy"...most of the time i don't even know who the person is!!!
I want no one to you condemn people from the right saying hateful shit? If so, are those hateful things enough to make you switch sides? I don't understand what you are trying to prove here.

If one "liberal" says something dumb that is in an indication of what all liberals are like. Duh.

we get that from the libs all the time....ONE republican says something stupid, and he's "Your guy"...most of the time i don't even know who the person is!!!

And republicans do the same thing. Your point?
How many times have liberals been attacked for something stupid Rosie has said?
Kinda messes with your Obamabot programming huh? Not computing right? May i suggest a reboot? :)

Aww, nice try.. :lol:

AS I said before, who cares if she is or isn't for Obama. I don't hate her for it.. :eusa_eh:

I was just offering an assessment of her verse. Rap is full of backwards, double on tundra, metaphorical weirdness these days.

She is for Obamacare, Twitter, blah blah.

WTF is a double on tundra?? Arctic baseball?
I want no one to you condemn people from the right saying hateful shit? If so, are those hateful things enough to make you switch sides? I don't understand what you are trying to prove here.

If one "liberal" says something dumb that is in an indication of what all liberals are like. Duh.

we get that from the libs all the time....ONE republican says something stupid, and he's "Your guy"...most of the time i don't even know who the person is!!!

Geez, all the democrats say the same thing so it is logical if one says something dumb then they all do.
WTF.. You people on the left say you are the tolerant ones. You are the ones who care. But as soon as someone doesnt agree with you this is what happens...

This page has twitter comments about her... It is sick.. I am going out to buy one of Nikki CDS to show my support to her..

Romney haters to Nicki Minaj: Die, Uncle Tom bitch! | Twitchy

Actually, Minaj was clearly being sarcastic, but people on the right and the left don't understand parody and sarcasm, apparently.
Successful Hip Hop artists are living the American Dream. They're what America is all about. More should seriously reconsider their support for the Socialists/Progressives in the other Party. They represent the exact opposite of what are Nation is about.
I've heard more and more lefties lately saying republicans need to DIE. What is this crap?
And they think we aren't tolererant?? They need to read my avatar~! Lol! They're so panicky over Romney they're really saying and doing some stupid things!

Follow the leader.....

* Obama: “They Bring a Knife…We Bring a Gun”
** Obama to His Followers: “Get in Their Faces!”
** Obama on ACORN Mobs: “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!”
** Obama to His Mercenary Army: “Hit Back Twice As Hard”
** Obama on the private sector: “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“
** Obama to voters: Republican victory would mean “hand to hand combat”
** Obama to lib supporters: “It’s time to Fight for it.”
** Obama to Latino supporters: “Punish your enemies.”
** Obama to democrats: “I’m itching for a fight.”
Who said that? - Atlas Shrugs
Go to any FOX News article, and read the comments. That is, if FOX hasn't cut them off, due to the raging racism and calls for violence.

Now, if I was a hysterical bleater, I could point to every single one of the racist and violent comments as evidence of how the right thinks. However, we on the left will leave that tactic for the right. There will always be dumb people on the internet, and only desperate people fixate on such comments.

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