Nikki now in 2nd place! At 15% now. This is huge

Eh, she’d be a better sideshow if she was better looking.. Americans best bet all around is still Trump .. and just admit it .. Biden is a sack of shit at best .. 😘
Did Haley have her jaw wired shut to get skinnier? WTH I don't trust somebody that talks through clenched teeth.
There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President.

There's a lot of things that one could really pound Trump on, in terms of policy. Though few ever really do.

But even I have to agree with this.

That's why the Cheneys and their types hate him so much.

Once he was out, the bullets, bombs and banks got right back to business as usual.

And business seems to be literally booming once again now that he's gone.
The solid majority of America wants neither Joe or Donald as President.

I do think Americans would support Haley or Cheney or perhaps Whitmer.

If only they were smart enough to see that Proportional Representation would get them more choice, and better candidates.
BS Filter said: There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President. bsfltr.23.12.08 #18

Putin had the greatest Russian asset he ever could’ve dreamed of having in the WH between 2015 and 2021 and was playing a global long game to destroy the same European western liberal democracies that stood with Russia in Hitler’s way seven decades earlier.

it is certain that Putin knew the benefit to his push for global domination and the dissolution of NATO was in the hands of American voters in November of 2020 as a worse case scenario for Russia.

We may never know however, how much Putin understood that his greatest asset and leader of the MAGA movement would attempt a coup of western liberal democracy in the nation that invented it and the most powerful member nation of NATO, by never accepting the reality that he lost.

Putin must be astounded at what a great asset the Republican Party has become and remains after J6, The MAGA Christ-Centered GOP remains under the control of irrational white Christian superstition along with it’s MAGA unchurched voters. And this political upheaval is all still under the second Son of God who was born to return America to her original white Christian roots.

You are kidding yourself if you think Putin would mess up his seventy million MAGA Russian agents while their authoritarian strongman leader was an occupant of the White House.

BS Filter said: I'm asking when do you believe a fetus becomes human? bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767

That has to be Putin’s favorite frequently asked question until Dobbs messed its value to MAGA’s affinity with authoritarianism all up.

And . . . . Putin’s Roman Catholic Russian Asset was removed from US soil much to the dismay of Catholics who are MAGA.

MESSAGE of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR) Moscow, March 14, 2023

Read an excerpt here:

Recent events have shown us that the materialist atheism that devastated the Russian Empire and the world since 1917 — as the Most Blessed Virgin Mary announced at Fatima — has today joined liberalism in the globalist ideology which underlies the delirious project of the New World Order.

An infernal project, as President Vladimir Vladimirovič Putin rightly pointed out in a recent speech, in which hatred for Christian civilization wants to create a society of slaves subservient to the Davos elite.

A dystopian society, without past and without future, without faith and without ideals, without culture and without art, without fathers and mothers, without family and spirituality, without teachers and spiritual guides, without either respect for the elderly or hopes for our children.

We cannot be surprised that, after de-Christianizing the Western world, this elite considers Russia an enemy to be overthrown.

The Russian Federation undeniably stands as the last bastion of civilization against barbarism, and gathers around it all those nations that do not intend to submit to the colonization of NATO, the United Nations, the World Health Organization, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and that heap of foundations that have as their purpose the indoctrination of the masses, the manipulation of information, the creation of “colored springs” to destabilize governments legitimately elected and sow chaos, wars and misery as instrumentum regni.
nf.23.12.08 #48
to bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767
to bsfltr.23.12.08 #18
Last edited:
BS Filter said: There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President. bsfltr.23.12.08 #18

Putin had the greatest Russian asset he ever could’ve dreamed of having in the WH between 2015 and 2021 and was playing a global long game to destroy the same European western liberal democracies that stood with Russia in Hitler’s way seven decades earlier.

it is certain that Putin knew the benefit to his push for global domination and the dissolution of NATO was in the hands of American voters in November of 2020 as a worse case scenario for Russia.

We may never know however, how much Putin understood that his greatest asset and leader of the MAGA movement would attempt a coup of western liberal democracy in the nation that invented it and the most powerful member nation of NATO, by never accepting the reality that he lost.

Putin must be astounded at what a great asset the Republican Party has become and remains after J6, The MAGA Christ-Centered GOP remains under the control of irrational white Christian superstition along with it’s MAGA unchurched voters. And this political upheaval is all still under the second Son of God who was born to return America to her original white Christian roots.

You are kidding yourself if you think Putin would mess up his seventy million MAGA Russian agents while their authoritarian strongman leader was an occupant of the White House.

BS Filter said: I'm asking when do you believe a fetus becomes human? bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767

That has to be Putin’s favorite frequently asked question until Dobbs messed its value to MAGA’s affinity with authoritarianism all up.

And . . . . Putin’s Roman Catholic Russian Asset was removed from US soil much to the dismay of Catholics who are MAGA.

MESSAGE of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR) Moscow, March 14, 2023

Read an excerpt here:

nf.23.12.08 #48
to bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767
to bsfltr.23.12.08 #18
^ Very Fake News

Putin invades when Bush, Obama or Biden are in the WH, not Trump
Here comes Nikki Haley!
She is ahead of Rhonda Santen everyone else now according to a new Wall Street journal poll.
No wonder they were attacking her yesterday.
Watch out Trump, you could be next

Fake conservative supporting the warmonger!

You progressives crack me up!
BS Filter said: There sure was a lot more peace when Trump was President. bsfltr.23.12.08 #18

Putin had the greatest Russian asset he ever could’ve dreamed of having in the WH between 2015 and 2021 and was playing a global long game to destroy the same European western liberal democracies that stood with Russia in Hitler’s way seven decades earlier.

it is certain that Putin knew the benefit to his push for global domination and the dissolution of NATO was in the hands of American voters in November of 2020 as a worse case scenario for Russia.

We may never know however, how much Putin understood that his greatest asset and leader of the MAGA movement would attempt a coup of western liberal democracy in the nation that invented it and the most powerful member nation of NATO, by never accepting the reality that he lost.

Putin must be astounded at what a great asset the Republican Party has become and remains after J6, The MAGA Christ-Centered GOP remains under the control of irrational white Christian superstition along with it’s MAGA unchurched voters. And this political upheaval is all still under the second Son of God who was born to return America to her original white Christian roots.

You are kidding yourself if you think Putin would mess up his seventy million MAGA Russian agents while their authoritarian strongman leader was an occupant of the White House.

BS Filter said: I'm asking when do you believe a fetus becomes human? bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767

That has to be Putin’s favorite frequently asked question until Dobbs messed its value to MAGA’s affinity with authoritarianism all up.

And . . . . Putin’s Roman Catholic Russian Asset was removed from US soil much to the dismay of Catholics who are MAGA.

MESSAGE of Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò Former Apostolic Nuncio to the United States of America to the Founding Congress of the International Movement of Russophiles (MIR) Moscow, March 14, 2023

Read an excerpt here:

nf.23.12.08 #48
to bsfltr.22.07.21 #3,767
to bsfltr.23.12.08 #18
These 'white Christian roots' rely on authoritarian deceptions for the IQ-compromised voter, the same group who placed the current absurdity in the White House. Donald (P.T. Barnum) Trump is the xian's favorite poster-child, similar to Tater Biden knowing nothing about EVs except what his handlers tell him, though after enough media redundancy, now symbolizes a Green POTUS.
Hey, you two should get along great, the fake conservative is a ham-ass lover, just like you!
You are the poster geezer for believing the state. You believed the incubator story, anthrax story, WMD story, Iraqi general story, and Russia was unprovoked.

Can’t fix stupid even for geezers.
You are the poster geezer for believing the state. You believed the incubator story, anthrax story, WMD story, Iraqi general story, and Russia was unprovoked.

Can’t fix stupid even for geezers.

You are the poster child for sucking your fascist masters cock.

Bend over boy...

Nikki is your typical WEF stooge. ALL of the political class are.
You are the poster child for sucking your fascist masters cock.

Bend over boy...

Nikki is your typical WEF stooge. ALL of the political class are.
Wow. I thought an old dupe like you would love the fascist warmongering Haley.

Maybe there is hope for you after all.
Here comes Nikki Haley!
She is ahead of Rhonda Santen everyone else now according to a new Wall Street journal poll.
No wonder they were attacking her yesterday.
Watch out Trump, you could be next

Nikki is now still a very distant 2d place to Trump now!

Why do we repeat the word now? I do it to mock the intelligence level of our fraudulent OP. He does it because he’s a retard.

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