Nikki will bring order to the USA and the world

Because she knows the way of the Great Reagan!

She certainly knows more about America than you do.

Oh, and Nikki Haley has said she will close the border and send the illegal immigrants who are already here back to Mexico. How does that square with your "America belongs to the Mexicans" ideology?
Because she knows the way of the Great Reagan!
Nobody will bring order to the USA or the world in the next 4 years. It is a pipe dream. It is a pipe dream of wishful thinkers, not of the real world.
Because she knows the way of the Great Reagan!
Nikki is a hawk and will do what she's told by the Pentagon. She's smart enough to understand that presidents don't make important decisions concerning life or death for America.

At least there's a bright note in all of it. The Pentagon and America's military know that they've run up against a brick wall when the decision was made to take down Russia.

Russia will likely bend to the breaking point before taking it's stand, but inevitable end game is always going to be the same.

There's no need or no point in trying to determine which side will win a nuclear war.
Nobody will bring order to the USA or the world in the next 4 years. It is a pipe dream. It is a pipe dream of wishful thinkers, not of the real world.
Nikki is a hawk and so her show of strength can't be worse than any of the others.

I think the opportunity has never been greater on at least beginning to restore order to the world. The Zionist regime has itself in some serious trouble.

Think in terms of the world avoiding nuclear war at all costs!

And then turn around and think in terms of the alternative.

Which works out best in your mind?

Supposing that the military mindset can tolerate such thinking?
Nikki is a hawk and so her show of strength can't be worse than any of the others.

I think the opportunity has never been greater on at least beginning to restore order to the world. The Zionist regime has itself in some serious trouble.

Think in terms of the world avoiding nuclear war at all costs!

And then turn around and think in terms of the alternative.

Which works out best in your mind?

Supposing that the military mindset can tolerate such thinking?
I have given it a lot of thought, especially in NBC school, back in the day. Heck, I gave it thought, as a little kid, doing drills to hide under desks of move to the school basement, packed in like sardines in the hall.

He would suit the situation better than any of the others.

A president on which there is no doubt in the least that he could be found out in some cow pasture picking buttercups for Nancy.

Or Biden?

In the real world, only America's brightest and best military minds are going to have to take over to match the wits of China and Russia's leaders who are calling the shots.
I have given it a lot of thought, especially in NBC school, back in the day. Heck, I gave it thought, as a little kid, doing drills to hide under desks of move to the school basement, packed in like sardines in the hall.
Sure, I've been to NBCD school and NBCW school too after they changed the name. (which came first, lol?)

But that's just you avoiding the subject again.

Now get back to considering that the world will avoid nuclear war at all costs.

After all, you hid in the basement and under your desk for no good reason!

Throw off the blanket of military mindset just for a while. It doesn't have to be permanent.

For a time in Canada about 1 in 10 new houses were built with a bomb shelter in the basement! That didn't mean they coulldn't later be used for storing home canned fruits or vegs.
Because she knows the way of the Great Reagan!
Reagan's idea of an enlightened woman on pollitics was not NIKKI by a mile , it was Jeane Kirkpatrick.

Some of my fave JK quotes that show she could not stand Nikki Haley

There is an absolutely fundamental hostility on the part of totalitarian regimes toward religion.

Jeane Kirkpatrick

The speed with which armies collapse, bureaucracies abdicate, and social structures dissolve once the autocrat is removed frequently surprises American Policy makers. Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits [for democracy].

For all their faults, right-wing authoritarian regimes more easily accept democratic reforms than left-wing totalitarian states.

Jeane Kirkpatrick

I conclude that it is a fundamental mistake to think that salvation, justice, or virtue come through merely human institutions.

Jeane Kirkpatrick


A doctrine of class war seemed to provide a solution to the problem of poverty to people who know nothing about how wealth is created

Jeane Kirkpatrick

Decades, if not centuries are normally required for people to acquire the necessary disciplines and habits. In Britain, the road [to democratic government] took seven centuries to traverse.

Heh heh heh. I'm just messing with you, WB.

But seriously, though, she just says whatever she thinks people wanna hear in a given moment. Observably.

Most recently she contends that Americans need to work longer, beyond the standard retirement age, but also be put on the hook for funding the pensions of Ukranian bureaucrats so that Ukranians can afford to buy weapons. Those purchases also historically funded off the backs of Americans who have been reduced as a matter of political strategy to having to struggle to decide whether to put fuel in their cars to get to work or to put food on the tables to feed their families.

I imagine she was likely echoing the position of her doner class constituency in that regard.

A lot of Americans disagree with the pathetic state of affairs, but she says that she wants paperz pleez at the barrel of a government gun now, since they're more frequently getting on the Internet and using this modern means of exercising speech to express non-consent.
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Sure, I've been to NBCD school and NBCW school too after they changed the name. (which came first, lol?)

But that's just you avoiding the subject again.

Now get back to considering that the world will avoid nuclear war at all costs.

After all, you hid in the basement and under your desk for no good reason!

Throw off the blanket of military mindset just for a while. It doesn't have to be permanent.

For a time in Canada about 1 in 10 new houses were built with a bomb shelter in the basement! That didn't mean they coulldn't later be used for storing home canned fruits or vegs.
I would not count on the world avoiding nuclear war at all cost.

When you are in the first and second grade, back then. Parents backed up teachers. It is not like that now, so we have generations that do not know how it was or how it should be.

Understanding what is involved, being able to formulate a Nuclear Downwind Message, the effects, etc does not mean you have a military blanket. BTW if all you have is a blanket to keep fallout off your skin, by all means use it, get inside and stay inside, if possible. It is not likely your electronic computer controlled car will start, to get you out of the area. If it does, leave.
I would not count on the world avoiding nuclear war at all cost.

When you are in the first and second grade, back then. Parents backed up teachers. It is not like that now, so we have generations that do not know how it was or how it should be.
The way I remember it is that parents stayed mostly out of the school's and the teachers' business, and it worked well. Bearing in mind a different country. But still quite similar back then.

We didn't have any drills as precautions against nuclear war. We only had fire drills.

Maybe the first time I went to the US, (14 or 15) I couldn't understand why there were 3 or 4 searchlights sweeping the skies over Seattle, all night? I think they were looking for Soviet aircraft?

Heh heh heh. I'm just messing with you, WB.

But seriously, though, she just says whatever she thinks people wanna hear in a given moment. Observably.

Most recently she contends that Americans need to work longer, beyond the standard retirement age, but also be put on the hook for funding the pensions of Ukranian bureaucrats so that Ukranians can afford to buy weapons. Those purchases also historically funded off the backs of Americans who have been reduced as a matter of political strategy to having to struggle to decide whether to put fuel in their cars to get to work or to put food on the tables to feed their families.

I magine she was likely echoing the position of her doner class constituency in that regard.

Oh, you mean like a politician. Go figure.
The way I remember it is that parents stayed mostly out of the school's and the teachers' business, and it worked well. Bearing in mind a different country. But still quite similar back then.

We didn't have any drills as precautions against nuclear war. We only had fire drills.

Maybe the first time I went to the US, (14 or 15) I couldn't understand why there were 3 or 4 searchlights sweeping the skies over Seattle, all night? I think they were looking for Soviet aircraft?
Hate you missed the fun, just because nobody tried to park nuclear missiles 90 miles from your border.

My experience with searchlights in cities, more often meant there was a new car lot in town.
Hate you missed the fun, just because nobody tried to park nuclear missiles 90 miles from your border.
That never actually happened close to your borders.

America parked them close to Russia's borders and Russia was going to park some of theirs in Cuba. America backed down and pulled their missiles out of Turkey.

It's not like you don't know, it's like it doesn't do any harm to remind Americans of the facts, my friend.

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