Nikole Flax was just named to lead IRS "Centralized Office" for new 87,000 agents

Too be clear, the IRS is hiring 300 armed special agents, over the next 5 years or so. These are the people who investigate money laundering, drug dealing profites, human trafficking profits, and so on, so they need to be armed.

On top of that, they're hiring 86,700 other employees of all types. Customer service people, IT people, auditors, the whole spectrum. That's all quite normal and necessary, especially for an agency that has been deliberately decimated by Republican administrations.

And why did Republicans try to destroy the IRS? So they could cheat on their taxes.

I note that none of the Republicans are denying that they've been tax cheating. That's good. It's not like anyone would believe them. Like I said, cheating on taxes is part of the Republican religion. They think they're entitled to freeload and have liberals pay taxes for them.

The good news? Audits on the middle class won't increase, so the Trump lackeys here can probably keep cheating and get away with it. It's the rich cheaters that have to be worried.
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