Nine Questions about Comey's Role in Fueling Russian Collusion Conspiracy


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
And let's see your responses to these:

1 – Why did Comey utilize the largely discredited anti-Trump dossier as purported evidence to sign FISA documents to conduct surveillance on Carter Page, who briefly served as a volunteer campaign foreign policy adviser?

2 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court that Steele’s dossier was reportedly funded by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee (DNC)?

3 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court the dossier he allegedly relied upon to request a warrant to monitor Page was a product of the controversial Fusion GPS firm?

4 – Why didn’t Comey tell the FISA court that Steele reportedly met with Yahoo News at the direction of Fusion GPS?

5 – How did Comey justify relying upon the dossier to monitor Page when he personally called the information contained in Steele’s dossier “salacious and unverified” months later?

6 – How did Comey justify relying upon the dossier to monitor Page when his own FBI determined the document was “only minimally corroborated”?

7 –Why did Comey push back against a request from President Donald Trump to possibly investigate the origins of claims made inside the dossier?

8 – Why didn’t Comey immediately inform Trump that the dossier was financed by Clinton and the DNC, and was compiled by the controversial Fusion GPS?

9 – Why did Comey brief Trump and then-President Barack Obama on the contents of the dossier if he knew the document’s political origins, his own FBI determined it to be “only minimally corroborated” and Comey himself later referred to the dossier as “unverified”?

Detailed responses @ Memo Fallout: Nine Questions About James Comey’s Role in Fueling Russia Collusion Conspiracy and again, let's see you refute all or any of them with valid, proven responses. If you can.

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