Ninety Per Cent Of Giraffes Are Gay


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
At some point…perhaps the 60s, an insanity entered Western Civilization, and has metastasize to the extent that it nearly dictates the direction society takes.

You’ve heard the aphorism about the inmates running the institution? Couldn’t be more evident. But there are some indications of rationality making a come-back.

1.“…Dawn Butler, Labour's Shadow Secretary for Women and Equalities, gave a rambling after-dinner speech defending the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in schools, in which she told the audience that an overwhelming majority of giraffes are sexually attracted to their own gender. ‘Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay. Let's just accept people for who they are and live as our true, authentic selves. Being who you are is not a disease.' Gay giraffe row splits upper ranks of Labour party after MP Dawn Butler is ridiculed by senior advisers for suggesting 99% of the animals are sexually attracted to their own gender

Consistent with the media’s alliance with the insanity, the article does have a ‘well, maybe…’ tone to it.

2. “The bulldozing of relational mores and traditional values gave birth to gay rights in 1969. Yet even these have been changing into what some in Britain refer to as LGBTQQIAAP+2S rights (even LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights in Canada).

On the surface, LGBTQ+ indoctrinators seem as unstoppable as their pride marches celebrating nudity and crudity in the hearts of major cities….trying to remove centuries-old religious texts which have served humanity well by offering societies strong and healthy scaffolding.

There are signs that the movement is imploding.”
Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

3. Jumping on the insanity bandwagon, those laughingly called ‘educators’ will not be left behind….pardon the reference. “There is the vision of Elly Barnes, CEO of the British LGBTQ+ organisation Educate and Celebrate. Barnes speaks openly of her tireless work to “completely smash heteronormativity” by implementing “an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum” in nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, organisations and communities.”

4. The disease, it appears, is quite contagious:

“…Premier of the Australian state of Victoria? Andrews is proposing a ban on “gay conversion therapy”…. American mezzosoprano Jamie Barton raised a rainbow Pride flag during a rendition of “Rule Britannia” in place of the customary Union Jack at the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms. Paradoxically she was singing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” whilst visually forcing LGBTQ+ ideology upon viewers.

5. In Taiwan, in 2018 two-thirds of the population rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. Six months later politicians legalised it. Last month LGBTQ students violently attacked a man hoisting the Taiwanese flag at an open-air public event. They tore down their national flag and replaced it with the rainbow Pride flag.” Ibid.

Is there any hope for society???
LGBT are the most intolerant people and giraffes are not gay.

Darn glad to see someone speaking up for, we all know, they are perpetually silent.

The absolute absurdity today has me withdrawing from society more every day.

I certainly can see your point.....I see no way back unless we can wrest the schools from control by the fools.....and I don't see any way to do that.
At some point…perhaps the 60s, an insanity entered Western Civilization, and has metastasize to the extent that it nearly dictates the direction society takes.

You’ve heard the aphorism about the inmates running the institution? Couldn’t be more evident. But there are some indications of rationality making a come-back.

1.“…Dawn Butler, Labour's Shadow Secretary for Women and Equalities, gave a rambling after-dinner speech defending the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in schools, in which she told the audience that an overwhelming majority of giraffes are sexually attracted to their own gender. ‘Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay. Let's just accept people for who they are and live as our true, authentic selves. Being who you are is not a disease.' Gay giraffe row splits upper ranks of Labour party after MP Dawn Butler is ridiculed by senior advisers for suggesting 99% of the animals are sexually attracted to their own gender

Consistent with the media’s alliance with the insanity, the article does have a ‘well, maybe…’ tone to it.

2. “The bulldozing of relational mores and traditional values gave birth to gay rights in 1969. Yet even these have been changing into what some in Britain refer to as LGBTQQIAAP+2S rights (even LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights in Canada).

On the surface, LGBTQ+ indoctrinators seem as unstoppable as their pride marches celebrating nudity and crudity in the hearts of major cities….trying to remove centuries-old religious texts which have served humanity well by offering societies strong and healthy scaffolding.

There are signs that the movement is imploding.”
Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

3. Jumping on the insanity bandwagon, those laughingly called ‘educators’ will not be left behind….pardon the reference. “There is the vision of Elly Barnes, CEO of the British LGBTQ+ organisation Educate and Celebrate. Barnes speaks openly of her tireless work to “completely smash heteronormativity” by implementing “an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum” in nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, organisations and communities.”

4. The disease, it appears, is quite contagious:

“…Premier of the Australian state of Victoria? Andrews is proposing a ban on “gay conversion therapy”…. American mezzosoprano Jamie Barton raised a rainbow Pride flag during a rendition of “Rule Britannia” in place of the customary Union Jack at the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms. Paradoxically she was singing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” whilst visually forcing LGBTQ+ ideology upon viewers.

5. In Taiwan, in 2018 two-thirds of the population rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. Six months later politicians legalised it. Last month LGBTQ students violently attacked a man hoisting the Taiwanese flag at an open-air public event. They tore down their national flag and replaced it with the rainbow Pride flag.” Ibid.

Is there any hope for society???
LOL remember the gay lion fiasco? That was priceless, "we found a GAY lion!!!!"

Then National Geographic shoots them down with "no that's a maned female lion" LMAO
Giraffes are absolutely not gay. That's actually the leftists projecting again.
6. Born gay??? Is it genetic and beyond the individual’s control or choice?

“…there is change on the horizon and it is moving fast.

This past month, a unique summit took place in Taipei, around the corner from Asia’s largest gay pride parade. The Global Rainbow Crosser Alliance (GRCA) gathered national leaders from 23 nations to share experiences about people who are rejecting LGBTQ+ identities and who testify that not only is homosexuality not innate – as science has recently confirmed – but that change really is possible.

GRCA attendees reported on political and legal oppression and the increasing threat to human rights that formerly gay people face from LGBTQ+ activists. They called for support from human rights defenders to protect their right to cross the rainbow and to seek change.” Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

The gay activists will fight it tooth and nail.
7. “The media outdid themselves recently when reporting on a genetic study that blows apart the much-repeated myth of an elusive "gay gene" that supposedly causes homosexuality.

It didn't fit their ongoing narrative that people are born gay, cannot change, and therefore it's just like race or ethnicity. Anyone who says otherwise is a "hater."

But it's always been an invalid comparison. Unlike biologically immutable and morally neutral traits such as race, sex or ethnicity, sexual behavior is volitional and has moral, social and health implications.

The article in the Aug. 30, 2019, edition of Science ….suggests that various genetic factors together may correlate with perhaps a third of the variation in same-sex sexual behavior, whose incidence is as little as 2 percent of the population, and which could be a single encounter for many people.

This means the vast majority of instances of same-sex behavior correlate with social, cultural and environmental factors – not genetics.” Media puts positive spin on latest 'gay gene' study

Rule #1
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
At some point…perhaps the 60s, an insanity entered Western Civilization, and has metastasize to the extent that it nearly dictates the direction society takes.

You’ve heard the aphorism about the inmates running the institution? Couldn’t be more evident. But there are some indications of rationality making a come-back.

1.“…Dawn Butler, Labour's Shadow Secretary for Women and Equalities, gave a rambling after-dinner speech defending the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in schools, in which she told the audience that an overwhelming majority of giraffes are sexually attracted to their own gender. ‘Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay. Let's just accept people for who they are and live as our true, authentic selves. Being who you are is not a disease.' Gay giraffe row splits upper ranks of Labour party after MP Dawn Butler is ridiculed by senior advisers for suggesting 99% of the animals are sexually attracted to their own gender

Consistent with the media’s alliance with the insanity, the article does have a ‘well, maybe…’ tone to it.

2. “The bulldozing of relational mores and traditional values gave birth to gay rights in 1969. Yet even these have been changing into what some in Britain refer to as LGBTQQIAAP+2S rights (even LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights in Canada).

On the surface, LGBTQ+ indoctrinators seem as unstoppable as their pride marches celebrating nudity and crudity in the hearts of major cities….trying to remove centuries-old religious texts which have served humanity well by offering societies strong and healthy scaffolding.

There are signs that the movement is imploding.”
Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

3. Jumping on the insanity bandwagon, those laughingly called ‘educators’ will not be left behind….pardon the reference. “There is the vision of Elly Barnes, CEO of the British LGBTQ+ organisation Educate and Celebrate. Barnes speaks openly of her tireless work to “completely smash heteronormativity” by implementing “an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum” in nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, organisations and communities.”

4. The disease, it appears, is quite contagious:

“…Premier of the Australian state of Victoria? Andrews is proposing a ban on “gay conversion therapy”…. American mezzosoprano Jamie Barton raised a rainbow Pride flag during a rendition of “Rule Britannia” in place of the customary Union Jack at the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms. Paradoxically she was singing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” whilst visually forcing LGBTQ+ ideology upon viewers.

5. In Taiwan, in 2018 two-thirds of the population rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. Six months later politicians legalised it. Last month LGBTQ students violently attacked a man hoisting the Taiwanese flag at an open-air public event. They tore down their national flag and replaced it with the rainbow Pride flag.” Ibid.

Is there any hope for society???

90% of Giraffes are gay? No wonder Giraffes are going extinct.
At some point…perhaps the 60s, an insanity entered Western Civilization, and has metastasize to the extent that it nearly dictates the direction society takes.

You’ve heard the aphorism about the inmates running the institution? Couldn’t be more evident. But there are some indications of rationality making a come-back.

1.“…Dawn Butler, Labour's Shadow Secretary for Women and Equalities, gave a rambling after-dinner speech defending the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in schools, in which she told the audience that an overwhelming majority of giraffes are sexually attracted to their own gender. ‘Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay. Let's just accept people for who they are and live as our true, authentic selves. Being who you are is not a disease.' Gay giraffe row splits upper ranks of Labour party after MP Dawn Butler is ridiculed by senior advisers for suggesting 99% of the animals are sexually attracted to their own gender

Consistent with the media’s alliance with the insanity, the article does have a ‘well, maybe…’ tone to it.

2. “The bulldozing of relational mores and traditional values gave birth to gay rights in 1969. Yet even these have been changing into what some in Britain refer to as LGBTQQIAAP+2S rights (even LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights in Canada).

On the surface, LGBTQ+ indoctrinators seem as unstoppable as their pride marches celebrating nudity and crudity in the hearts of major cities….trying to remove centuries-old religious texts which have served humanity well by offering societies strong and healthy scaffolding.

There are signs that the movement is imploding.”
Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

3. Jumping on the insanity bandwagon, those laughingly called ‘educators’ will not be left behind….pardon the reference. “There is the vision of Elly Barnes, CEO of the British LGBTQ+ organisation Educate and Celebrate. Barnes speaks openly of her tireless work to “completely smash heteronormativity” by implementing “an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum” in nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, organisations and communities.”

4. The disease, it appears, is quite contagious:

“…Premier of the Australian state of Victoria? Andrews is proposing a ban on “gay conversion therapy”…. American mezzosoprano Jamie Barton raised a rainbow Pride flag during a rendition of “Rule Britannia” in place of the customary Union Jack at the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms. Paradoxically she was singing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” whilst visually forcing LGBTQ+ ideology upon viewers.

5. In Taiwan, in 2018 two-thirds of the population rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. Six months later politicians legalised it. Last month LGBTQ students violently attacked a man hoisting the Taiwanese flag at an open-air public event. They tore down their national flag and replaced it with the rainbow Pride flag.” Ibid.

Is there any hope for society???

90% of Giraffes are gay? No wonder Giraffes are going extinct.

What the heck makes you think gay men/males can't procreate????

Democrat presidential candidate provided for abortions for they can get pregnant!!!!!

Ha ha to you!!!!!

And…if you had the slightest doubt, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion
At some point…perhaps the 60s, an insanity entered Western Civilization, and has metastasize to the extent that it nearly dictates the direction society takes.

You’ve heard the aphorism about the inmates running the institution? Couldn’t be more evident. But there are some indications of rationality making a come-back.

1.“…Dawn Butler, Labour's Shadow Secretary for Women and Equalities, gave a rambling after-dinner speech defending the teaching of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender issues in schools, in which she told the audience that an overwhelming majority of giraffes are sexually attracted to their own gender. ‘Ninety per cent of giraffes are gay. Let's just accept people for who they are and live as our true, authentic selves. Being who you are is not a disease.' Gay giraffe row splits upper ranks of Labour party after MP Dawn Butler is ridiculed by senior advisers for suggesting 99% of the animals are sexually attracted to their own gender

Consistent with the media’s alliance with the insanity, the article does have a ‘well, maybe…’ tone to it.

2. “The bulldozing of relational mores and traditional values gave birth to gay rights in 1969. Yet even these have been changing into what some in Britain refer to as LGBTQQIAAP+2S rights (even LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights in Canada).

On the surface, LGBTQ+ indoctrinators seem as unstoppable as their pride marches celebrating nudity and crudity in the hearts of major cities….trying to remove centuries-old religious texts which have served humanity well by offering societies strong and healthy scaffolding.

There are signs that the movement is imploding.”
Have LGGBDTTTIQQAAPP rights had their day?

3. Jumping on the insanity bandwagon, those laughingly called ‘educators’ will not be left behind….pardon the reference. “There is the vision of Elly Barnes, CEO of the British LGBTQ+ organisation Educate and Celebrate. Barnes speaks openly of her tireless work to “completely smash heteronormativity” by implementing “an LGBT+ Inclusive curriculum” in nursery, primary and secondary schools, colleges, universities, organisations and communities.”

4. The disease, it appears, is quite contagious:

“…Premier of the Australian state of Victoria? Andrews is proposing a ban on “gay conversion therapy”…. American mezzosoprano Jamie Barton raised a rainbow Pride flag during a rendition of “Rule Britannia” in place of the customary Union Jack at the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms. Paradoxically she was singing “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves” whilst visually forcing LGBTQ+ ideology upon viewers.

5. In Taiwan, in 2018 two-thirds of the population rejected same-sex marriage in a referendum. Six months later politicians legalised it. Last month LGBTQ students violently attacked a man hoisting the Taiwanese flag at an open-air public event. They tore down their national flag and replaced it with the rainbow Pride flag.” Ibid.

Is there any hope for society???

90% of Giraffes are gay? No wonder Giraffes are going extinct.

What the heck makes you think gay men/males can't procreate????

Democrat presidential candidate provided for abortions for they can get pregnant!!!!!

Ha ha to you!!!!!

And…if you had the slightest doubt, Democrat candidate for President, Julian Castro, definitively stated “he wants “trans women” to have access to “women’s reproductive rights,”abortion, as well.

Trans women or, as some would call them, men, cannot actually have an abortion as their bodies cannot be pregnant.” According To Julián Castro, 'Trans Women' (Also Called Men) Have The Right To Abortion

Maybe Giraffes are Hermaphrodites...

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