NJ criminalizes 10+ round high capacity magazines today

That's NOT true at all. Many criminals have been shot many more than three times and still posed a threat to their victim, or police. Many survive multiple gunshot wounds, but even if they do eventually die, the can still hurt or kill you after multiple hits.

What about multiple attackers where several men attempt a car jacking, or home invasion? It happens.
You Lie!!! I did not say police or military shootouts! I am talking about US citizen defending life!

You are wrong....

Georgia mom shoots home intruder in the face five times with a .38-caliber revolver - NY Daily News

The woman who lived in the house didn’t answer, and when the man began furiously pressing the doorbell, she called her husband, who called 911. The woman, whose name authorities are withholding, then got a .38-caliber revolver she kept in the house and gathered her young twins and hid with them in a closet inside the house, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Seconds later, the man at the door, later identified by police as Paul Ali Slater, broke into the house with a crowbar and began ransacking the house.

Slater soon came upon the upstairs closet where the three were hiding and opened the doors, only to immediately be shot five times in the face and neck by the woman.

“He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver,” Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“The guy’s face down, crying,” Chapman added. “The woman told him to stay down or she’d shoot again.”

The wounded intruder stumbled out of the house, attempting to flee in his car, but crashed into a nearby wooded area and collapsed in a neighbor’s driveway as he attempted to exit the car.
Not sure if it took all 5 shots to defend life but finally after decades a citizen fired 5 rounds into a robber. So 1 time someone might have needed 5 rounds but you claim banning 11 or more is bad & everyone should have unlimited so when someone has a bad day they can fire 1,500+ rounds into a crowd wounding or killing 600 before committing suicide long before police attempted anything.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....
Wrong....the law is unConstitutional, therefore the law is illegal.

Afraid not
The court upheld the law

If you choose to break it, you are a criminal

Afraid not, D.C. v Heller is superior to that court....the lower court broke the law.
Even Heller did not dare to tell a State they were not allowed to legislate the lethality of weapons allowed in private hands

And then you have the follow up to Heller in Caetano v Massachusetts where the Supreme Court dismantled the "dangerous" argument...


First, the relative dangerousness of a weapon is irrelevant when the weapon belongs to a class of arms commonly used for lawful purposes. See Heller, supra, at 627 (contrasting “‘dangerous and unusual weapons’” that may be banned with protected “weapons . . . ‘in common use at the time’”).

Second, even in cases where dangerousness might be relevant, the Supreme Judicial Court’s test sweeps far too broadly.

Heller defined the “Arms” covered by the Second Amendment to include “‘any thing that a man wears for his defence, or takes into his hands, or useth in wrath to cast at or strike another.’” 554 U. S., at 581.
Again you avoid the elephant in the room

The state can regulate the lethality of weapons you can buy

No...it can't....Heller doesn't say that....neither does Caetano. In fact, Caetano v Massachusetts states that dangerousness cannot be used as a reason to ban guns...you dope....
What does that have to do with carrying illegal weapons bro?

My bad....I thought, you being a black man and all....you could put 2 and 2 together. I keep giving you too much credit. You hear that a lot don't ya?

Keep supporting the wrong side (Marxicrats) and you know what else you're eventually gonna start hearing a lot?

"Hey BOY"
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Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

But the most important things is that no one really cares. I mean too few.
I do, you do....

But the Marxist left will be allowed to incrementally disarm us all and no one is raising hell over it. (except on a few forums, but that's of no help)

THAT is the real sin. We EXPECT tyrants to try to enslave us......but I didn't expect it to be so GDFEasy for them to do it.
But the Marxist left will be allowed to incrementally disarm us all and no one is raising hell over it. (except on a few forums, but that's of no help)

THAT is the real sin. We EXPECT tyrants to try to enslave us......but I didn't expect it to be so GDFEasy for them to do it.

If it is so easy for them to do it, and so blatantly now, just think what will happen AFTER we are effectively disarmed.

The problem is the Media, Education, Government, and most of Corporate America are all promoting the disarmament of Law Abiding Citizens. The Elite that run all these entities want us more easily controlled.
What does that have to do with carrying illegal weapons bro?

My bad....I thought, you being a black man and all....you could put 2 and 2 together. I keep giving you too much credit. You hear that a lot don't ya?

Keep supporting the wrong side (Marxicrats) and you know what else you're eventually gonna start hearing a lot?

"Hey BOY"
Listen Brother...

You got to keep up with the thread. It is about restrictions on magazine sizes
How are you being punished?

Depending on the state, LAW ABIDING CITIZENS:

Can't own certain, common firearms. They are banned.
Can't own magazines that hold more than 7 (NY) or ten rounds.
Have to get background checks to buy ammunition
Have to endure waiting periods even after they pass a background check.
Can NOT get a concealed carry permit to legally carry a gun.

This is just off the top of my head. There are many more restrictions on the LAW ABIDING.
Such a Snowflake.....

Mad because you can’t get the firepower to shoot up a school or movie theater ??
Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

But the most important things is that no one really cares. I mean too few.
I do, you do....

But the Marxist left will be allowed to incrementally disarm us all and no one is raising hell over it. (except on a few forums, but that's of no help)

THAT is the real sin. We EXPECT tyrants to try to enslave us......but I didn't expect it to be so GDFEasy for them to do it.
Its all so unfair. :itsok:
Such a Snowflake.....
Mad because you can’t get the firepower to shoot up a school or movie theater ??

You really are not an intelligent person obviously.
People Just Like YOU in Venezuela who posted this same line of horseshit on forums in Venezuela while Chavez was setting the stage for a dictator......

Are today DYING and SUFFERING because they were DEAD WRONG.
I have friends from Venezuela who have loved ones there and I know EXACTLY what's going on there and it's Genocide.

YOU STUPID MUTHERFUCKERS joyfully trample on the only barriers to preventing the same atrocities here and giggle like giddly little girls.

What THE FUCK is the matter with you imbeciles that you know where your stupidity leads and yet you press on ?

And YES...it makes ANYONE who values freedom angry that people like you are willfully ignorant in your fight to destroy it.

Venezuelan LeftWingers regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population' They were wrong.

All that said, I'm a peaceful person and while I may be angry about it, I'm also aware that peaceful protest and action through legislative and judicial processes is the civil means to change it and I fully intend to do so.

So no...shooting up people is not in my cards...no matter how frustrated I may be.
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Its all so unfair. :itsok:

I would say it's more so "ignorant"

You've been indoctrinated to believe the Constitution (which is all about personal FREEDOM) is your enemy.

But you're not alone. Millions of easily swayed, low information people have been manipulated to believe the same horseshit that you eat with a voracious appetite.

meanwhile leftist are dying and suffering the most both here in the USA and in Venezuela so congrats on that.

Venezuelan LeftWingers regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population' They were wrong.

Your willful ignorance may have you thinking you have the "last laugh", or that what's happening won't affect you Leftists in a negative way....but you are clueless and dead wrong.
Of that I'm certain. That or you're just some Communist / Marxist troll not even living in the USA

Or, you're just an evil, angry little nobody that wants everyone to be as miserable as you are.
Maybe ALL of the above. But what you certainly are not is a rational, thinking person. THAT is clear.
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Its all so unfair. :itsok:

I would say it's more so "ignorant"

You've been indoctrinated to believe the Constitution (which is all about personal FREEDOM) is your enemy.

But you're not alone. Millions of easily swayed, low information people have been manipulated to believe the same horseshit that you eat with a voracious appetite.

meanwhile leftist are dying and suffering the most both here in the USA and in Venezuela so congrats on that.

Your willful ignorance may have you thinking you have the "last laugh", but you are clueless.
Of that I'm certain. That or you're just some Communist / Marxist troll not even living in the USA
The constitution hasnt been my enemy recently. It still needs some work but for the most part its served me well.
Ban guns?
Are you shitting me?

We can’t even ban some stinking high capacity magazines without you guys hitting the roof

And why would anyone want to?
Tell us again....how did you get CRIMINALS to obey the law again?

If you can't even keep illicit drugs or illegal immigrants out of the country , what makes you think you can keep high cap magazines out of the country? Can you spell d-u-h ?

THINK McFly........think
Just another thing to trip them up on

Routine traffic stop. What are these high capacity magazines in your trunk?

On parole....back to jail

Moron, you don't have to be on parole now, you just have to be a law abiding gun owner. 10s of thousands of normal, law abiding gun owners are now felons.....for nothing more than owning a legal magazine, something they would never use for a crime.....

But fascists like you love laws like this...
Wrong again

If you have illegal weapons or accessories you are not a law abiding gun owner

Wrong....the law is unConstitutional, therefore the law is illegal.

The law is constitutional. You’re a nobody, in no position to render laws unconstitutional.
Such a Snowflake.....
Mad because you can’t get the firepower to shoot up a school or movie theater ??

You really are not an intelligent person obviously.
People Just Like YOU in Venezuela who posted this same line of horseshit on forums in Venezuela while Chavez was setting the stage for a dictator......

Are today DYING and SUFFERING because they were DEAD WRONG.
I have friends from Venezuela who have loved ones there and I know EXACTLY what's going on there and it's Genocide.

YOU STUPID MUTHERFUCKERS joyfully trample on the only barriers to preventing the same atrocities here and giggle like giddly little girls.

What THE FUCK is the matter with you imbeciles that you know where your stupidity leads and yet you press on ?

And YES...it makes ANYONE who values freedom angry that people like you are willfully ignorant in your fight to destroy it.

Venezuelan LeftWingers regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population' They were wrong.

All that said, I'm a peaceful person and while I may be angry about it, I'm also aware that peaceful protest and action through legislative and judicial processes is the civil means to change it and I fully intend to do so.

So no...shooting up people is not in my cards...no matter how frustrated I may be.
We are not fucking Venezuela
Such a Snowflake.....
Mad because you can’t get the firepower to shoot up a school or movie theater ??

You really are not an intelligent person obviously.
People Just Like YOU in Venezuela who posted this same line of horseshit on forums in Venezuela while Chavez was setting the stage for a dictator......

Are today DYING and SUFFERING because they were DEAD WRONG.
I have friends from Venezuela who have loved ones there and I know EXACTLY what's going on there and it's Genocide.

YOU STUPID MUTHERFUCKERS joyfully trample on the only barriers to preventing the same atrocities here and giggle like giddly little girls.

What THE FUCK is the matter with you imbeciles that you know where your stupidity leads and yet you press on ?

And YES...it makes ANYONE who values freedom angry that people like you are willfully ignorant in your fight to destroy it.

Venezuelan LeftWingers regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population' They were wrong.

All that said, I'm a peaceful person and while I may be angry about it, I'm also aware that peaceful protest and action through legislative and judicial processes is the civil means to change it and I fully intend to do so.

So no...shooting up people is not in my cards...no matter how frustrated I may be.
We are not fucking Venezuela
Well trump will. He’ll fuck anything even though he’s married to Melanie.
Such a Snowflake.....
Mad because you can’t get the firepower to shoot up a school or movie theater ??

You really are not an intelligent person obviously.
People Just Like YOU in Venezuela who posted this same line of horseshit on forums in Venezuela while Chavez was setting the stage for a dictator......

Are today DYING and SUFFERING because they were DEAD WRONG.
I have friends from Venezuela who have loved ones there and I know EXACTLY what's going on there and it's Genocide.

YOU STUPID MUTHERFUCKERS joyfully trample on the only barriers to preventing the same atrocities here and giggle like giddly little girls.

What THE FUCK is the matter with you imbeciles that you know where your stupidity leads and yet you press on ?

And YES...it makes ANYONE who values freedom angry that people like you are willfully ignorant in your fight to destroy it.

Venezuelan LeftWingers regret gun ban, 'a declaration of war against an unarmed population' They were wrong.

All that said, I'm a peaceful person and while I may be angry about it, I'm also aware that peaceful protest and action through legislative and judicial processes is the civil means to change it and I fully intend to do so.

So no...shooting up people is not in my cards...no matter how frustrated I may be.
We are not fucking Venezuela

But you guys are trying really, really hard to make us into Venezuela...
We are not fucking Venezuela

Not yet. You morons may not even realize it, but your actions are the exact same as those of the fools who ushered in the demise of Venezuela.

What do you think will be the result of perpetually open borders and the millions more poor, uneducated people flooding the nation demanding and needed taxpayer funded services? If you were a logical person, you wouldn't get joy from perversion of the Justice system REGARDLESS of who it is currently biased against.

And if you had ANY sense of Human history beyond the BS indoctrination propaganda taught in public schools for 50 years now, you'd know that an armed population tends to remain a free population.

When you start pushing to limit the rights of The People to be armed, every incremental step you take makes it that much easier for the consolidation and concentration of power in fewer and fewer hands. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It all leads to the EXACT SAME PATH Venezuela took. If you think it's impossible that the USA could ever fall like that, look up "The Roman Empire".

Other than the Elitist and NWO evil, this country could be fantastic.
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We are not fucking Venezuela

Not yet. You morons may not even realize it, but your actions are the exact same as those of the fools who ushered in the demise of Venezuela.

What do you think will be the result of perpetually open borders and the millions more poor, uneducated people flooding the nation demanding and needed taxpayer funded services? If you were a logical person, you wouldn't get joy from perversion of the Justice system REGARDLESS of who it is currently biased against.

And if you had ANY sense of Human history beyond the BS indoctrination propaganda taught in public schools for 50 years now, you'd know that an armed population tends to remain a free population.

When you start pushing to limit the rights of The People to be armed, every incremental step you take makes it that much easier for the consolidation and concentration of power in fewer and fewer hands. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It all leads to the EXACT SAME PATH Venezuela took. If you think it's impossible that the USA could ever fall like that, look up "The Roman Empire".

Other than the Elitist and NWO evil, this country could be fantastic.

They don't care. As my signature states.....these left wingers would rather rule in Hell than live in Heaven. They are blind to the destruction their policies cause, blame others for that destruction, then call for more of the same policies that caused the destruction. As long as the elite can live like the elite in Mexico, and Venezuela...in armed compounds......with guns protecting them......they will let the rest of the country slide into misery and destruction...it is an amazing thing to see and watch....sad as sad can be......
And why would anyone want to?
Tell us again....how did you get CRIMINALS to obey the law again?

If you can't even keep illicit drugs or illegal immigrants out of the country , what makes you think you can keep high cap magazines out of the country? Can you spell d-u-h ?

THINK McFly........think
Just another thing to trip them up on

Routine traffic stop. What are these high capacity magazines in your trunk?

On parole....back to jail

Moron, you don't have to be on parole now, you just have to be a law abiding gun owner. 10s of thousands of normal, law abiding gun owners are now felons.....for nothing more than owning a legal magazine, something they would never use for a crime.....

But fascists like you love laws like this...
Wrong again

If you have illegal weapons or accessories you are not a law abiding gun owner

Wrong....the law is unConstitutional, therefore the law is illegal.

The law is constitutional. You’re a nobody, in no position to render laws unconstitutional.
Many states have similar laws on the books
We are not fucking Venezuela

Not yet. You morons may not even realize it, but your actions are the exact same as those of the fools who ushered in the demise of Venezuela.

What do you think will be the result of perpetually open borders and the millions more poor, uneducated people flooding the nation demanding and needed taxpayer funded services? If you were a logical person, you wouldn't get joy from perversion of the Justice system REGARDLESS of who it is currently biased against.

And if you had ANY sense of Human history beyond the BS indoctrination propaganda taught in public schools for 50 years now, you'd know that an armed population tends to remain a free population.

When you start pushing to limit the rights of The People to be armed, every incremental step you take makes it that much easier for the consolidation and concentration of power in fewer and fewer hands. And absolute power corrupts absolutely.

It all leads to the EXACT SAME PATH Venezuela took. If you think it's impossible that the USA could ever fall like that, look up "The Roman Empire".

Other than the Elitist and NWO evil, this country could be fantastic.
Not ever

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