NJ criminalizes 10+ round high capacity magazines today

New Jersey citizens who possess firearm magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition will be violating state law starting Tuesday.

NJ criminalizes 10+ round 'high capacity' magazines today

Trendy loons would say " They aren't trying to take the guns" lmfao....... These idiots wouldn't know if their ass was being taken from them lol.

If you need more than 10 bullets to hit your target, you need to go to the shooting range to learn how to shoot that weapon.

No one is taking any weapons from anyone.

Cops hit their target less than 30% of the time under stressful situations.
I gotta feeling you dont shoot.
I figure he'd crap his drawers if he actually touched a gun.

I'd love to see him shoot the 458. Win Mag.
Maybe a .500 S&W?
And there is none. It doesn't stop criminals it doesn't stop mass shooters...
I live in NJ and would love to see it go to the Supreme Court

Let NJ point to mass killings at Sandy Hook, Parkland, Vegas and many other locations
Let NJ point to gang members using large capacity magazines to spray gunfire on a crowd

Let the NRA point out all the times a private citizen has needed more than a ten round magazine to defend themselves
Let the NRA explain why hunters need more than a ten round magazine

Let the Conservative court tell the state they are not allowed to limit the lethality of weapons available to private citizens

Interesting video

Now, let’s see a 17 year old do it with hundreds of screaming people around him

Practice, at some point it effects muscle memory and can be done without thought. and anyone who would kill innocents won't be bothered by screaming people they aren't running towards the shooter.

The fog of war
Being asked to do a task under extreme stress
Having to repeatedly reach for and load a new magazine increases the chance of screw up

I laughed at the video where the shooter had his magazines all lined up on that blue drum

Not very combat realistic

There are a fuck ton of videos that prove the same thing, with a little practice limiting mag capacity has almost no effect on reload times. There is no fucking fog of war in a mass shooting you moron no one is shooting back at these people and the victims are certainly not running towards the shooter .
The argument was:

Banning larger magazines will do nothing to reduce the number of deaths in these mass shooting because you can change them so quickly.

Now it is:

Banning larger magazines is bad because I need them to defend myself because they are a great advantage .
I believe I have consistently stuck with and proven the fact that limiting capacity will do fuck all.
New Jersey citizens who possess firearm magazines capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition will be violating state law starting Tuesday.

NJ criminalizes 10+ round 'high capacity' magazines today

Trendy loons would say " They aren't trying to take the guns" lmfao....... These idiots wouldn't know if their ass was being taken from them lol.

If you need more than 10 bullets to hit your target, you need to go to the shooting range to learn how to shoot that weapon.

No one is taking any weapons from anyone.

Cops hit their target less than 30% of the time under stressful situations.
I gotta feeling you dont shoot.
I figure he'd crap his drawers if he actually touched a gun.

I'd love to see him shoot the 458. Win Mag.
Maybe a .500 S&W?

Shit just disappears........
Sure, Jake. Sure.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
To which well regulated militia do you belong?
It's called the family militia.............break into my house and we will militia your ass............Stay the fuck away and you are safe...

Oh..........goodie.........the left can't ban guns so now they try and take away the ammo...............Bunch of Wankers..........

How many freely have given them up...........hmmm...........to hell with the left............Shall not be infringed...............keep pushing Mr. Mueller........
What a pity you can't post anything but stupid. No one's ammo is being taken away.
Many guns have 10 round mags...............so STFU...........we know your ultimate goal and you can shove it up your ass.........clear it up for you.
Poor, ignorant baby. No, you don't know my ultimate goal. Oh ... and no ones ammo is being taken away. Stop being such a drama queen.
Not directly but the Left will try other methods. Such as placing enough taxes on ammo and guns to a point that your everyday law abiding citizen can no longer afford them.
You are being redirected...
The argument was:

Banning larger magazines will do nothing to reduce the number of deaths in these mass shooting because you can change them so quickly.

Now it is:

Banning larger magazines is bad because I need them to defend myself because they are a great advantage .
I believe I have consistently stuck with and proven the fact that limiting capacity will do fuck all.

That moron doesn't understand the difference between the calm shooting of unarmed helpless people in a gun free zone, and a victim of a violent attack by one or more criminals....which means the difference between a standard magazine saving the life of the victim and dying...
The argument was:

Banning larger magazines will do nothing to reduce the number of deaths in these mass shooting because you can change them so quickly.

Now it is:

Banning larger magazines is bad because I need them to defend myself because they are a great advantage .
I believe I have consistently stuck with and proven the fact that limiting capacity will do fuck all.
nothing but "shotguns for the militia".
You Lie!!! I did not say police or military shootouts! I am talking about US citizen defending life!

You are wrong....

Georgia mom shoots home intruder in the face five times with a .38-caliber revolver - NY Daily News

The woman who lived in the house didn’t answer, and when the man began furiously pressing the doorbell, she called her husband, who called 911. The woman, whose name authorities are withholding, then got a .38-caliber revolver she kept in the house and gathered her young twins and hid with them in a closet inside the house, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Seconds later, the man at the door, later identified by police as Paul Ali Slater, broke into the house with a crowbar and began ransacking the house.

Slater soon came upon the upstairs closet where the three were hiding and opened the doors, only to immediately be shot five times in the face and neck by the woman.

“He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver,” Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“The guy’s face down, crying,” Chapman added. “The woman told him to stay down or she’d shoot again.”

The wounded intruder stumbled out of the house, attempting to flee in his car, but crashed into a nearby wooded area and collapsed in a neighbor’s driveway as he attempted to exit the car.
Not sure if it took all 5 shots to defend life but finally after decades a citizen fired 5 rounds into a robber. So 1 time someone might have needed 5 rounds but you claim banning 11 or more is bad & everyone should have unlimited so when someone has a bad day they can fire 1,500+ rounds into a crowd wounding or killing 600 before committing suicide long before police attempted anything.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,
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You are wrong....

Georgia mom shoots home intruder in the face five times with a .38-caliber revolver - NY Daily News

The woman who lived in the house didn’t answer, and when the man began furiously pressing the doorbell, she called her husband, who called 911. The woman, whose name authorities are withholding, then got a .38-caliber revolver she kept in the house and gathered her young twins and hid with them in a closet inside the house, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported.
Seconds later, the man at the door, later identified by police as Paul Ali Slater, broke into the house with a crowbar and began ransacking the house.

Slater soon came upon the upstairs closet where the three were hiding and opened the doors, only to immediately be shot five times in the face and neck by the woman.

“He opens the closet door and finds himself staring down the barrel of a .38 revolver,” Walton County Sheriff Joe Chapman told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“The guy’s face down, crying,” Chapman added. “The woman told him to stay down or she’d shoot again.”

The wounded intruder stumbled out of the house, attempting to flee in his car, but crashed into a nearby wooded area and collapsed in a neighbor’s driveway as he attempted to exit the car.
Not sure if it took all 5 shots to defend life but finally after decades a citizen fired 5 rounds into a robber. So 1 time someone might have needed 5 rounds but you claim banning 11 or more is bad & everyone should have unlimited so when someone has a bad day they can fire 1,500+ rounds into a crowd wounding or killing 600 before committing suicide long before police attempted anything.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,

Which shooter killed 600 people? The guy in Vegas, only managed to kill 58 with that AR-15 rifle, and the bump stock likely saved lives because it forced his barrel up, sending more bullets into the empty field over the crowd......

So....from an actual, real world experience you are wrong......we had a guy with over 20 rifles, AR-15 rifles, with all the ammo he wanted, with those same magazines you are so afraid of.........iring into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, from a concealed, and fortified position with several minutes before anyone realized they were under attack.....and he only managed to murder 58 people......with those very rifles and magazines that scare you....

Meanwhile...in France, a muslim terrorist in a rental truck murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving...

Had the Vegas shooter taken his pilots license, rented a plane and filled the interior with with gas and other incindieries, and simply flown into the crowd, he would have killed far more people....than he did with the rifles.....

You don't know what you are talking about..

The 7 muslim terrorists, all with fully automatic military rifles, and those same scary magazines you are afraid of, firing into another tightly packed crowd at the Paris Rock Concert still managed to only murder 130..........so again, where is this 600 number you keep throwing out.....and it too was a gun free zone....allowing them to kill without anyone being able to stop them......

7 terrorists, with fully automatic rifles and 30 round magazines....still couldn't get even close to what you claim, because the people ran and scattered...had they had guns, more lives would have been saved...but you would rather they be unarmed, helpless, and easily killed.....
Not sure if it took all 5 shots to defend life but finally after decades a citizen fired 5 rounds into a robber. So 1 time someone might have needed 5 rounds but you claim banning 11 or more is bad & everyone should have unlimited so when someone has a bad day they can fire 1,500+ rounds into a crowd wounding or killing 600 before committing suicide long before police attempted anything.

Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,

Which shooter killed 600 people? The guy in Vegas, only managed to kill 58 with that AR-15 rifle, and the bump stock likely saved lives because it forced his barrel up, sending more bullets into the empty field over the crowd......

So....from an actual, real world experience you are wrong......we had a guy with over 20 rifles, AR-15 rifles, with all the ammo he wanted, with those same magazines you are so afraid of.........iring into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, from a concealed, and fortified position with several minutes before anyone realized they were under attack.....and he only managed to murder 58 people......with those very rifles and magazines that scare you....

Meanwhile...in France, a muslim terrorist in a rental truck murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving...

Had the Vegas shooter taken his pilots license, rented a plane and filled the interior with with gas and other incindieries, and simply flown into the crowd, he would have killed far more people....than he did with the rifles.....

You don't know what you are talking about..
1 Vegas Shooter wounded & killed over 600 combined. Wiki states " killing self + 58 people and leaving 851 injured, over 400 of them by gunfire and hundreds more in the ensuing panic" Trump Banned the Bump Stock that you claim saved lives!
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Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,

Which shooter killed 600 people? The guy in Vegas, only managed to kill 58 with that AR-15 rifle, and the bump stock likely saved lives because it forced his barrel up, sending more bullets into the empty field over the crowd......

So....from an actual, real world experience you are wrong......we had a guy with over 20 rifles, AR-15 rifles, with all the ammo he wanted, with those same magazines you are so afraid of.........iring into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, from a concealed, and fortified position with several minutes before anyone realized they were under attack.....and he only managed to murder 58 people......with those very rifles and magazines that scare you....

Meanwhile...in France, a muslim terrorist in a rental truck murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving...

Had the Vegas shooter taken his pilots license, rented a plane and filled the interior with with gas and other incindieries, and simply flown into the crowd, he would have killed far more people....than he did with the rifles.....

You don't know what you are talking about..
1 Vegas Shooter wounded & killed 600 combined. Trump Banned the Bump Stock that you claim saved lives!

No...you said killed.....again....Vegas shooter firing into a crowd of 22,000 people, from a concealed and fortified position with 22, AR-15 rifles....58.

Muslim terrorist with rental truck, 5 minutes of driving....86 dead, 435 injured.

You have no point.

Yes....Trump banned the bump stock...so? He is wrong.....what is your point?
Sorry, you don't know what you are talking about......most self defense shootings? They don't count the bullets and report them in the press.....so you can't claim anything.....

Next, the worst mass killing took place in France, where a muslim terrorist used a rental truck to murder 86 people and injure 435..... Las Vegas, the shooter fired from a concealed and fortified position, into a tightly packed crowed of over 22,000 people....and killed 58......

So, according to your logic, we need to ban rental Trucks, not guns.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,

Which shooter killed 600 people? The guy in Vegas, only managed to kill 58 with that AR-15 rifle, and the bump stock likely saved lives because it forced his barrel up, sending more bullets into the empty field over the crowd......

So....from an actual, real world experience you are wrong......we had a guy with over 20 rifles, AR-15 rifles, with all the ammo he wanted, with those same magazines you are so afraid of.........iring into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, from a concealed, and fortified position with several minutes before anyone realized they were under attack.....and he only managed to murder 58 people......with those very rifles and magazines that scare you....

Meanwhile...in France, a muslim terrorist in a rental truck murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving...

Had the Vegas shooter taken his pilots license, rented a plane and filled the interior with with gas and other incindieries, and simply flown into the crowd, he would have killed far more people....than he did with the rifles.....

You don't know what you are talking about..
1 Vegas Shooter wounded & killed 600 combined. Trump Banned the Bump Stock that you claim saved lives!

So....looked it up...Vegas shooter, with 22, AR-15 rifles and 30 round magazines....58 dead, 422 injured by gun fire.

Muslim with rental Truck, 5 minutes of driving.....86 dead, 435 injured..

According to your nonsense, rental trucks need to be banned......see how that works?
Fact: 1 Vegas Shooter Injured 851 + killed 58 people + himself = 911 people dead or injured because of 1 asshole with a legal gun. Anyone who thinks they need a weapon to defend themselves against 911 people really only needs 1 bullet to their own useless head.
Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks, but not quick change magazines or those over 10 rounds, so children in schools & people at concerts are no safer.

Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....

You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot! Fixed magazines keep schools & groups safer.

Your Guy Trump Banned Bump Stocks,

Which shooter killed 600 people? The guy in Vegas, only managed to kill 58 with that AR-15 rifle, and the bump stock likely saved lives because it forced his barrel up, sending more bullets into the empty field over the crowd......

So....from an actual, real world experience you are wrong......we had a guy with over 20 rifles, AR-15 rifles, with all the ammo he wanted, with those same magazines you are so afraid of.........iring into a tightly packed crowd of over 22,000 people, from a concealed, and fortified position with several minutes before anyone realized they were under attack.....and he only managed to murder 58 people......with those very rifles and magazines that scare you....

Meanwhile...in France, a muslim terrorist in a rental truck murdered 86 people and injured 435 in 5 minutes of driving...

Had the Vegas shooter taken his pilots license, rented a plane and filled the interior with with gas and other incindieries, and simply flown into the crowd, he would have killed far more people....than he did with the rifles.....

You don't know what you are talking about..
1 Vegas Shooter wounded & killed 600 combined. Trump Banned the Bump Stock that you claim saved lives!

No...you said killed.....again....Vegas shooter firing into a crowd of 22,000 people, from a concealed and fortified position with 22, AR-15 rifles....58.

Muslim terrorist with rental truck, 5 minutes of driving....86 dead, 435 injured.

You have no point.

Yes....Trump banned the bump stock...so? He is wrong.....what is your point?
”No...you said killed.....”


He said...

”You cant fire 1,500+ unanswered rounds into a crowd wounding & killing 600 people with a 5 shot, pump action shotgun you Idiot!”
To which well regulated militia do you belong?
It's called the family militia.............break into my house and we will militia your ass............Stay the fuck away and you are safe...

Oh..........goodie.........the left can't ban guns so now they try and take away the ammo...............Bunch of Wankers..........

How many freely have given them up...........hmmm...........to hell with the left............Shall not be infringed...............keep pushing Mr. Mueller........
What a pity you can't post anything but stupid. No one's ammo is being taken away.
Many guns have 10 round mags...............so STFU...........we know your ultimate goal and you can shove it up your ass.........clear it up for you.
Poor, ignorant baby. No, you don't know my ultimate goal. Oh ... and no ones ammo is being taken away. Stop being such a drama queen.
Not directly but the Left will try other methods. Such as placing enough taxes on ammo and guns to a point that your everyday law abiding citizen can no longer afford them.
You are being redirected...
California Dems flex new supermajority, with plans to pursue gun tax and more
It's called the family militia.............break into my house and we will militia your ass............Stay the fuck away and you are safe...

Oh..........goodie.........the left can't ban guns so now they try and take away the ammo...............Bunch of Wankers..........

How many freely have given them up...........hmmm...........to hell with the left............Shall not be infringed...............keep pushing Mr. Mueller........
What a pity you can't post anything but stupid. No one's ammo is being taken away.
Many guns have 10 round mags...............so STFU...........we know your ultimate goal and you can shove it up your ass.........clear it up for you.
Poor, ignorant baby. No, you don't know my ultimate goal. Oh ... and no ones ammo is being taken away. Stop being such a drama queen.
Not directly but the Left will try other methods. Such as placing enough taxes on ammo and guns to a point that your everyday law abiding citizen can no longer afford them.
You are being redirected...
California Dems flex new supermajority, with plans to pursue gun tax and more
Excellent. A good model and experiment for the entire country.
Magazines have nothing to do with stopping mass shooters you dope......a shooter in Crimea used a 5 shot, pump action shotgun to murder 20 college students....the Parkland shooter with an AR-15 murdered 18....magazine capacity is simply another way gun grabbers ban guns without having to vote on a gun ban. That is all it is....
On the other hand, the guy who shot Gabby Giffords was tackled when he fumbled a reload. And the Parkland shooter could only carry ten-round magazines, which is why he had to change more often, possibly leading to the weapon malfunctioning. On the other hand, the guy at the Batman movie had a 100-round drum that jammed at some point, and the shooter in Pittsburgh went through *fifteen* thirty-round magazines. And, of course, some simply use shotguns.

Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't, but in my opinion even giving more opportunities for someone to stop a mass shooting under way would be worth it.
The question is

Why should we make the job of a mass shooter easier?
I agree get rid of gun free zones.
What a pity you can't post anything but stupid. No one's ammo is being taken away.
Many guns have 10 round mags...............so STFU...........we know your ultimate goal and you can shove it up your ass.........clear it up for you.
Poor, ignorant baby. No, you don't know my ultimate goal. Oh ... and no ones ammo is being taken away. Stop being such a drama queen.
Not directly but the Left will try other methods. Such as placing enough taxes on ammo and guns to a point that your everyday law abiding citizen can no longer afford them.
You are being redirected...
California Dems flex new supermajority, with plans to pursue gun tax and more
Excellent. A good model and experiment for the entire country.
Most of the people across the country, that are free to exercise their constitutional right, aren't as fucking stupid as the people in California who continuously vote to erode their rights.
Many guns have 10 round mags...............so STFU...........we know your ultimate goal and you can shove it up your ass.........clear it up for you.
Poor, ignorant baby. No, you don't know my ultimate goal. Oh ... and no ones ammo is being taken away. Stop being such a drama queen.
Not directly but the Left will try other methods. Such as placing enough taxes on ammo and guns to a point that your everyday law abiding citizen can no longer afford them.
You are being redirected...
California Dems flex new supermajority, with plans to pursue gun tax and more
Excellent. A good model and experiment for the entire country.
Most of the people across the country, that are free to exercise their constitutional right, aren't as fucking stupid as the people in California who continuously vote to erode their rights.
Is that the conclusion of your expert research team? :rolleyes:

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